337 research outputs found

    An Analysis of the Main Drivers for ISO 9001 and other Isomorphic Metastandards

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    Research on the adoption of metastandards (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, SA 8000) has used a variety of theoretical perspectives to identify the main driving forces or motivations. While the majority of existing studies on this subject are of an empirical character with little development of a theoretical framework, there are nonetheless a certain number of noteworthy studies undertaken in the context of a clear and consistent conceptual and theoretical framework, on the basis of which various working hypotheses may be assessed and compared. In this article the main theoretical perspectives for the analysis of the motivations for the adoption of metastandards are reviewed. Furthermore, a short review of the empirical literature dealing with the drivers for ISO 9001, the most promiment metastandard, is carried out, in order to shed light on this issue for both the researchers and practitioners interested in this management tool.international standards; standardization; metastandards; ISO 9001; motivations.

    Life cycle assessment of concentrated solar power (CSP) and the influence of hybridising with natural gas

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    Purpose Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants based on parabolic troughs utilize auxiliary fuels (usually natural gas) to facilitate start-up operations, avoid freezing of HTF and increase power output. This practice has a significant effect on the environmental performance of the technology. The aim of this paper is to quantify the sustainability of CSP and to analyse how this is affected by hybridisation with different natural gas (NG) inputs. Methods A complete Life Cycle (LC) inventory was gathered for a commercial wet-cooled 50 MWe CSP plant based on parabolic troughs. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate the environmental performance of the plant operating with different NG inputs (between 0 and 35% of gross electricity generation). ReCiPe Europe (H) was used as LCA methodology. CML 2 baseline 2000 World and ReCiPe Europe E were used for comparative purposes. Cumulative Energy Demands (CED) and Energy Payback Times (EPT) were also determined for each scenario. Results and discussion Operation of CSP using solar energy only produced the following environmental profile: climate change 26.6 kg CO2 eq/KWh, human toxicity 13.1 kg 1,4-DB eq/KWh, marine ecotoxicity 276 g 1,4-DB eq/KWh, natural land transformation 0.005 m2/KWh, eutrophication 10.1 g P eq/KWh, acidification 166 g SO2 eq/KWh. Most of these impacts are associated with extraction of raw materials and manufacturing of plant components. The utilization NG transformed the environmental profile of the technology, placing increasing weight on impacts related to its operation and maintenance. Significantly higher impacts were observed on categories like climate change (311 kg CO2 eq/MWh when using 35 % NG), natural land transformation, terrestrial acidification and fossil depletion. Despite its fossil nature, the use of NG had a beneficial effect on other impact categories (human and marine toxicity, freshwater eutrophication and natural land transformation) due to the higher electricity output achieved. The overall environmental performance of CSP significantly deteriorated with the use of NG (single score 3.52 pt in solar only operation compared to 36.1 pt when using 35 % NG). Other sustainability parameters like EPT and CED also increased substantially as a result of higher NG inputs. Quasilinear second-degree polynomial relationships were calculated between various environmental performance parameters and NG contributions. Conclusions Energy input from auxiliary NG determines the environmental profile of the CSP plant. Aggregated analysis shows a deleterious effect on the overall environmental performance of the technology as a result of NG utilization. This is due primarily to higher impacts on environmental categories like climate change, natural land transformation, fossil fuel depletion and terrestrial acidification. NG may be used in a more sustainable and cost-effective manner in combined cycle power plants, which achieve higher energy conversion efficiencies

    Arsenic, antimony and selenium in urban soils: potential risks for human health in urban gardening

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    The benefits of urban agriculture are many and well documented, ranging from health improvement to community betterment, more sustainable urban development and environment protection. On the negative side, urban soils are commonly enriched in toxic trace elements that have accumulated over time through the deposition of atmospheric particles (generated by automotive traffic, heating systems, historical industrial activities and resuspended street dust), and the uncontrolled disposal of domestic, commercial and industrial wastes. This in turn has given rise to concerns about the level of exposure of urban farmers to these elements and the potential health hazards associated with this exposure. Research efforts in this field have started relatively recently and have almost systematically omitted the influence of Sb and Se, and to a lesser extent of As, although all three have proven toxic effects

    Función de la verdad en los discursos y efectos de su capitalización

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    La capitalización de la verdad tiene efectos nefastos sobre el lazo social. El paso de una verdad reprimida, que retorna en el síntoma y en la agencia misma de un discurso, a una verdad forcluída, que retorna en lo real, no parece facilitar en nada los procesos de paz y reconciliación porque abre las puertas al fortalecimiento de una verdad cínica en el grupo social. Se requiere que pueda discernirse algo de la verdad del discurso en juego, que es siempre el discurso imperante, para preparar la posibilidad de un giro en el discurso que en un grupo social dado haga las veces de lazo social. ¡Cómo, sin embargo, intervenir en un discurso que obtura el lugar de la verdad

    Espinoso – Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, 1758

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    Peces - Orden Gasterosteiformes - Familia Gasterosteidae en la Enciclopedia Virtual de Vertebrados Españoles, http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/. Versiones anteriores: 12-06-2006; 23-10-2009; 25-02-2015A comprehensive review of the natural history of the Western three-spine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus in Spain.Peer reviewe

    Probabilistic meta-analysis of risk from the exposure to Hg in artisanal gold mining communities in Colombia

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    Colombia is one of the largest per capita mercury polluters in the world as a consequence of its artisanal gold mining activities. The severity of this problem in terms of potential health effects was evaluated by means of a probabilistic risk assessment carried out in the twelve departments (or provinces) in Colombia with the largest gold production. The two exposure pathways included in the risk assessment were inhalation of elemental Hg vapors and ingestion of fish contaminated with methyl mercury. Exposure parameters for the adult population (especially rates of fish consumption) were obtained from nation-wide surveys and concentrations of Hg in air and of methyl-mercury in fish were gathered from previous scientific studies. Fish consumption varied between departments and ranged from 0 to 0.3 kg d?1. Average concentrations of total mercury in fish (70 data) ranged from 0.026 to 3.3 lg g?1. A total of 550 individual measurements of Hg in workshop air (ranging from menor queDL to 1 mg m?3) and 261 measurements of Hg in outdoor air (ranging from menor queDL to 0.652 mg m?3) were used to generate the probability distributions used as concentration terms in the calculation of risk. All but two of the distributions of Hazard Quotients (HQ) associated with ingestion of Hg-contaminated fish for the twelve regions evaluated presented median values higher than the threshold value of 1 and the 95th percentiles ranged from 4 to 90. In the case of exposure to Hg vapors, minimum values of HQ for the general population exceeded 1 in all the towns included in this study, and the HQs for miner-smelters burning the amalgam is two orders of magnitude higher, reaching values of 200 for the 95th percentile. Even acknowledging the conservative assumptions included in the risk assessment and the uncertainties associated with it, its results clearly reveal the exorbitant levels of risk endured not only by miner-smelters but also by the general population of artisanal gold mining communities in Colombia

    Morphological variation in a secondary contact between divergent lineages of brown trout (Salmo trutta) from the Iberian Peninsula

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the morphological variation of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in the Duero basin, an Atlantic river basin in the Iberian Peninsula, where a spatial segregation of two divergent lineages was previously reported, based on isozyme, microsatellite and mtDNA data. In these studies, two divergent pure regions (Pisuerga and Lower-course) and several hybrid populations between them were identified. Morphological variation was evaluated in 11 populations representative of the genetic differentiation previously observed in the Duero basin, using multivariate analysis on 12 morphometric and 4 meristic traits. A large differentiation between populations was observed (interpopulation component of variance: 41.8%), similar to that previously detected with allozymes and microsatellites. Morphometric differentiation was also reflected by the high classification success of pure and hybrid individuals to their respective populations, using multivariate discriminant functions (94.1% and 79.0%, respectively). All multivariate and clustering analyses performed demonstrated a strong differentiation between the pure regions. The hybrid populations, though showing large differentiation among them, evidenced an intermediate position between the pure samples. Head and body shape traits were the most discriminant among the morphometric characters, while pectoral rays and gillrakers were the most discriminant among the meristic traits. These results confirmed the high divergence of the brown trout from the Duero basin and suggest some traits on which selection could be acting to explain the spatial segregation observed.This study was supported by a Spanish Government grant (REN2001-3051) and by a contract with the Castilla-León Government (SC-132/02)S

    Marketing de los servicios sociales: el caso de los centros residenciales para personas mayores

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    En el ámbito de los Servicios Sociales, y más concretamente en el caso de los centros residenciales para personas mayores, se puede afirmar que,hasta hace poco tiempo, el marketing no ha tenido demasiada presencia. En este trabajo queremos señalar la conveniencia de utilizar diferentes herramientas de marketing, adaptándolas a las características de estas organizaciones, y destacar el papel que juega la opinión de los usuarios, sus percepciones y los juicios que realizan sobre los servicios recibidos a la hora de proponer acciones de mejora en la atención prestada. En este sentido, señalaremos la necesidad de que se implante en las residencias para personas mayores un procedimiento sencillo que permita la obtención de información relativa a la satisfacción de los usuarios y sus familiares con los servicios recibidos para, de esta manera, emprender acciones que posibiliten avanzar en una mejor calidad asistencial.KUTXA ; Vicerrectorado de Campus de Gipuzkoa de la UPV/EH

    Validación de un nuevo método de preconcentración y medición de mercurio en sedimentos utilizando materiales sol-gel dopados con extractantes sulfurados

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    El mercurio es un metal pesado altamente tóxico presente en el ambiente por causas naturales o antropogénicas. El mercurio contenido en los cuerpos receptores de agua tiende a precipitarse y acumularse en los sedimentos. Por lo tanto, las mediciones de mercurio en sedimentos representan un buen indicativo de la calidad del ecosistema. En este trabajo se presentan las diferentes etapas involucradas en el desarrollo de un nuevo método de separación, preconcentración y medición de mercurio en sedimentos con contenidos naturales de este elemento. La separación y preconcentración se realizó mediante el uso de nuevos materiales sorbentes preparados a través del proceso sol-gel utilizando CYANEX 471X (sulfuro de triisobutilfosfina) y CYANEX 301 (ácido bis (2,4,4-trimetilpentil) ditiofosfínico) como extractantes de mercurio. Se describe la optimización de la etapa de acoplamiento de los materiales empacados en columna, utilizando un sistema automatizado de inyección de flujo, para conectarla en línea con un espectrómetro de absorción atómica donde se realizó la medición de mercurio por generación de vapor frío. Como parte importante en el desarrollo de un nuevo método analítico, se encuentra su validación, la cual es materia de este trabajo. Por lo tanto, una vez optimizado, el método fue validado evaluando los siguientes parámetros: robustez, intervalo lineal y de trabajo, límite de detección y de cuantificación, selectividad, exactitud (repetibilidad y veracidad) e incertidumbre. El método fue aplicado para la medición de mercurio en un sedimento de presa con contenidos naturales de este analito. Los resultados se compararon con los obtenidos mediante espectrometría de masas con plasma inductivamente acoplado (ICP-MS) y espectrometría de fluorescencia atómica con generación de vapor frío (CV-AFS