67 research outputs found

    Legal Education: Extent to Which “Know-How” in Practice Should Be Taught in Law Schools

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    In order to attract pedestrians to travel with public transport instead of private cars, the layout of interchange stations is important and should be designed in an effective way. Microscopic simulation of pedestrians can be used to evaluate different layout scenarios or a future increase in flow. The simulation software Viswalk was investigated, where the movements of pedestrians are based on a social force model,. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate simulated walking speeds for different flow levels and to investigate the effects of dividing pedestrians into types with different desired speeds. The aim was to find a desired speed distribution that can be used for different flow levels. Field studies have been performed to collect pedestrian traffic data with a video camera at Stockholm Central Station. Two disjoint flow levels were identified and used to investigate if the same desired speed distribution could be used for different flow levels. The average observed walking speed was 1.33 metres per second at the low flow level and 1.25 metres per second at the high flow level. The error was 4.5 percent between the average observed walking speed and the average simulated walking speed when the optimal desired speed distribution at the low flow level was used at the high flow level. Effects of using different desired speed distributions for different pedestrian types have also been investigated. The error between the average of the observed and the simulated walking speeds varies between 2.3 and 4.1 percent when dividing pedestrians into different types when the optimal desired speed distributions at the low flow level are used at the high flow level. A sensitivity analysis of some parameters of the social force model in Viswalk has also been performed. Several adjustments of the parameters show that some parameters had great impact of the simulated walking speeds. The final conclusion is that the parameter configuration and how the pedestrians are divided into different types affect the average simulated walking speed

    Green Lean

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    Swedish agricultural firms are today facing high competitiveness from foreign producers and a decreasing profitability. Simultaneously, the agricultural sector are facing challenges regarding the impact generated from the production systems on the natural environment and especially emissions of greenhouse gases. Previous studies show that the implementation of Lean has led to both increased competitiveness and a reduced environmental impact due to a reduction of waste. In 2010 Lean Lantbruk was introduced within Swedish agriculture, where firms implement Lean during an 18 month period with the purpose of increasing the competitiveness of the firm through increased efficiency and profitability. The aim in this study is to examine whether Lean may contribute to a sustainable Swedish agriculture with long-term competitive agricultural firms. In order to achieve this aim, the following research question is asked: How does Lean affect strategies concerning climate efficiency within Swedish agricultural firms? Green Strategies in SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) is used as the main theory. Empirical data has been gathered through semi-structured in-depth interviews with the manager at 16 agricultural firms in Västra Götaland, Sweden. The sample consist of 8 firms that have implemented Lean and 8 reference firms. The result show that the farms that have implemented Lean have more well-developed routines in the production system compared to the reference farms, implicating that the companies that uses Lean also has been observed to use an Eco-efficiency strategy to a greater extent i.e. reducing environmental impact through increased efficiency. The reduced impact on the environment should however be viewed as a spill-over effect of Lean rather than a purpose within itself, which is in line with previous research. Finally, some suggestions of future research are made for regarding for example the perspective of employees.Allt fler lantbruksföretag står inför en lönsamhetskris med hård konkurrens från utländska aktörer och en utveckling som går mot allt färre men större lantbruk. Samtidigt möter branschen utmaningar gällande dess miljö- och klimatpåverkan, i synnerhet med fokus på produktionens höga utsläpp av växthusgaser. Tidigare forskning visar att implementering av ledningssystemet Lean kan bidra till både ökad konkurrenskraft och reducerad negativ miljöpåverkan av företagets processer genom minskat resursslöseri. År 2010 introducerades Lean Lantbruk i det svenska lantbruket där företag under 18 månader implementerar Lean i verksamheten för att öka dess konkurrenskraft genom ökad effektivitet och lönsamhet. Syftet med denna studie är att från ett företagsledningsperspektiv undersöka huruvida Lean Lantbruk bidrar till hållbar utveckling inom svenskt lantbruk för långsiktigt konkurrenskraftiga lantbruksföretag. För att uppnå detta syfte har följande forskningsfråga besvarats: På vilket sätt påverkar Lean strategier gällande klimateffektivisering i svenska lantbruksföretag? Som huvudsaklig teori används Green Strategies in SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises). Empiriskt material har samlats in genom semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med företagsledaren vid 16 lantbruksföretag i Västra Götaland, Sverige. Urvalsgruppen består av 8 företag som har implementerat Lean och 8 referensföretag som inte deltagit i Lean Lantbruk. Resultatet visar att de företag som implementerat Lean i större utsträckning använder rutiner i företagets arbetsprocesser jämfört med referensföretagen vilket landar i slutsatsen att företag som implementerat Lean i större utsträckning tillämpar miljöstrategin Eco-Efficiency, dvs. genom effektiviseringar minskar både kostnader och klimatpåverkan. Den minskade klimatpåverkan bör dock snarare ses som en sidoeffekt av Lean och inte ett mål i sig, vilket går i linje med tidigare forskning. Avslutningsvis ges förslag på vidare forskning där det vore av intresse att exempelvis undersöka de anställdas upplevelser av Lean inom lantbruksföretag

    The CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) δ is differently regulated by fibrillar and oligomeric forms of the Alzheimer amyloid-β peptide

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The transcription factors CCAAT/enhancer binding proteins (C/EBP) α, β and δ have been shown to be expressed in brain and to be involved in regulation of inflammatory genes in concert with nuclear factor κB (NF-κB). In general, C/EBPα is down-regulated, whereas both C/EBPβ and δ are up-regulated in response to inflammatory stimuli. In Alzheimer's disease (AD) one of the hallmarks is chronic neuroinflammation mediated by astrocytes and microglial cells, most likely induced by the formation of amyloid-β (Aβ) deposits. The inflammatory response in AD has been ascribed both beneficial and detrimental roles. It is therefore important to delineate the inflammatory mediators and signaling pathways affected by Aβ deposits with the aim of defining new therapeutic targets.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Here we have investigated the effects of Aβ on expression of C/EBP family members with a focus on C/EBPδ in rat primary astro-microglial cultures and in a transgenic mouse model with high levels of fibrillar Aβ deposits (tg-ArcSwe) by western blot analysis. Effects on DNA binding activity were analyzed by electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Cross-talk between C/EBPδ and NF-κB was investigated by analyzing binding to a κB site using a biotin streptavidin-agarose pull-down assay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that exposure to fibril-enriched, but not oligomer-enriched, preparations of Aβ inhibit up-regulation of C/EBPδ expression in interleukin-1β-activated glial cultures. Furthermore, we observed that, in aged transgenic mice, C/EBPα was significantly down-regulated and C/EBPβ was significantly up-regulated. C/EBPδ, on the other hand, was selectively down-regulated in the forebrain, a part of the brain showing high levels of fibrillar Aβ deposits. In contrast, no difference in expression levels of C/EBPδ between wild type and transgenic mice was detected in the relatively spared hindbrain. Finally, we show that interleukin-1β-induced C/EBPδ DNA binding activity to both C/EBP and κB sites is abolished after exposure to Aβ.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data suggest that both expression and function of C/EBPδ are dysregulated in Alzheimer's disease. C/EBPδ seems to be differently regulated in response to different conformations of Aβ. We propose that Aβ induces an imbalance between NF-κB and C/EBP transcription factors that may result in abnormal responses to inflammatory stimuli.</p

    Anchored FRET sensors detect local caspase activation prior to neuronal degeneration

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recent studies indicate local caspase activation in dendrites or axons during development and in neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). Emerging evidences point to soluble oligomeric amyloid-β peptide as a causative agent in AD.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we describe the design of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based caspase sensors, fused to the microtubule associated protein tau. Specific caspase sensors preferentially cleaved by caspase-3, -6 or -9 were expressed in differentiated human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. The anchoring of the sensors resulted in high FRET signals both in extended neurites and soma and made analysis of spatiotemporal signal propagation possible. Caspase activation was detected as loss of FRET after exposure to different stimuli. Interestingly, after staurosporine treatment caspase-6 activation was significantly delayed in neurites compared to cell bodies. In addition, we show that exposure to oligomer-enriched amyloid-β peptide resulted in loss of FRET in cells expressing sensors for caspase-3 and -6, but not -9, in both soma and neurites before neurite degeneration was observed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Taken together, the results show that by using anchored FRET sensors it is possible to detect stimuli-dependent differential activation of caspases and to distinguish local from global caspase activation in live neuronal cells. Furthermore, in these cells oligomer-enriched amyloid-β peptide induces a global, rather than local activation of caspase-3 and -6, which subsequently leads to neuronal cell death.</p

    Asthmatics Exhibit Altered Oxylipin Profiles Compared to Healthy Individuals after Subway Air Exposure

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    Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Air pollutants such as particulate matter (PM) and oxidants are important factors in causing exacerbations in asthmatics, and the source and composition of pollutants greatly affects pathological implications.This randomized crossover study investigated responses of the respiratory system to Stockholm subway air in asthmatics and healthy individuals. Eicosanoids and other oxylipins were quantified in the distal lung to provide a measure of shifts in lipid mediators in association with exposure to subway air relative to ambient air.Sixty-four oxylipins representing the cyclooxygenase (COX), lipoxygenase (LOX) and cytochrome P450 (CYP) metabolic pathways were screened using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)-fluid. Validations through immunocytochemistry staining of BAL-cells were performed for 15-LOX-1, COX-1, COX-2 and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ). Multivariate statistics were employed to interrogate acquired oxylipin and immunocytochemistry data in combination with patient clinical information.Asthmatics and healthy individuals exhibited divergent oxylipin profiles following exposure to ambient and subway air. Significant changes were observed in 8 metabolites of linoleic- and α-linolenic acid synthesized via the 15-LOX pathway, and of the COX product prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)). Oxylipin levels were increased in healthy individuals following exposure to subway air, whereas asthmatics evidenced decreases or no change.Several of the altered oxylipins have known or suspected bronchoprotective or anti-inflammatory effects, suggesting a possible reduced anti-inflammatory response in asthmatics following exposure to subway air. These observations may have ramifications for sensitive subpopulations in urban areas

    Life after prostate cancer

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    Antalet män som drabbas av prostatacancer i Sverige och i världen ökar, och kommer fortsätta öka markant även i framtiden. Män som erhåller någon form av behandling för sin prostatacancer löper stor risk för att drabbas av biverkningar så som inkontinens, erektil dysfunktion och förlorad manlig självbild, detta kan påverka deras dagliga liv, livskvalitet och välbefinnande. Syftet med denna studie är därför att studera faktorer som påverkar livskvaliteten och välbefinnandet hos patienter som behandlas mot prostatacancer. Syftet är vidare att ta reda på hur männen hanterar livssituationen efter behandlingen. Litteraturstudien innefattar 13 kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar samt en avhandling. Alla är publicerade mellan 2002 och 2012. Det framgick i resultatet att impotens var ett mycket stort problem som bidrog till förlorad manlig självbild och osäkerhet hos männen. Inkontinensen blev ett hinder i deras vardag och ledde till social isolering. Författarna har dragit slutsatsen att biverkningar efter prostatcancer kommer att påverka livskvaliteten och välbefinnandet för många män samt att sexualiteten är ett stort bekymmer. Därför bör ämnet diskuteras tidigt i vårdförloppet och på vis förbereda männen fysiskt, psykiskt och emotionellt

    True and Fair View - A study of the implications of this concept within IAS and Swedish GAAP

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    Background and problem: The accounting is becoming more harmonised. In June 2002 was it decided that all listed companies, insurance companies and banks have to implement a common accounting system throughout the European Union (EU). This will ease the comparison of the financial statements between companies in different countries and branches. Consequently will the investor’s decision-making be facilitated. Even though, all concerned parties have known about the implementation for some time, some problems concerning the timeframe will appear. Another problem is that the actual date for the implantation is 1st January 2004 as a one-year comparison statement is needed. As IASB still is reviewing and changing existing standards will the users have problems knowing what standards to apply. There are also some standards that still not have been put into force. Aim of study: To elucidate what accounting system, IAS or Swedish GAAP, that gives the most true and fair view of the companies financial statements. The accounting systems view on the concept true and fair will also be investigated. Delimitations: The study is only focusing on the Swedish market and is not concentrating on any specific branches. Methodology: Interviews with four IAS-experts at the four major auditing firms in Sweden have been carried out. These interviews have been a support and complementary information for the literature, journals and Internet sites that have been covered in the literature review. The empirical findings have then been analysed in relation to the literature review. Results and conclusion: We have reached a conclusion that the interpretation of true and fair view is very individual. Hence, is it rather difficult to say which system that gives the most true and fair view. As Sweden accepts IAS as a new accounting system it could be argued that it is not poorer that Swedish GAAP. It will also become easier to compare Swedish companies with other companies within the EU. This is seen to contribute that more investors will look at the financial market in EU. In a couple of years would we probably have reached another result as IAS then already would have been implemented. Further studies: A study could also be carried out after the implementation has taken place. At this time interviews could be made with both auditors’ and companies’ in order to reach an understanding of what system that has the most true and fair. It would also be interesting to elucidate whether IAS would be suitable for small and medium size enterprises (SME’s) as well

    Strategi för formellt skydd av skog i Jönköpings län

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    Detta dokument redovisar en länsstrategi för genomförande av formellt skydd enligt delmål 1 i Levande skogar. Med formellt skydd avses här naturreservat, biotopskyddsområde och naturvårdsavtal. Dokumentet är en slutredovisning av Länsstyrelsens och Skogsvårdsstyrelsens medverkan i regeringsuppdraget Fördjupad strategi för långsiktigt skydd av värdefulla naturområden på skogsmark. Den nationella strategin som fastställdes i maj 2005 utgör grunden för länsstrategin. Arbetet har bedrivits gemensamt av Länsstyrelsen och Skogsvårdsstyrelsen under medverkan av en referensgrupp. Länsstrategin har beslutats gemensamt av Länsstyrelsen och Skogsvårdsstyrelsen. Strategin riktar sig till Länsstyrelsens och Skogsstyrelsens personal, kommuner, markägarorganisationer, skogsbrukets aktörer, ideella organisationer samt andra berörda.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import från MDP 2015-05</p

    Sitt ner! Var tyst! Räck upp handen! : en intervjustudie om hur fem lärare i grundskolans tidigare år tänker och arbetar kring ordning och disciplin i klassrummet

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    Under en längre tid har en debatt angående ordningen i skolan, eller bristen därav, pågått i både media och det politiska fältet. Bland annat har Utbildningsminister Jan Björklund hävdat att internationella undersökningar visar att den svenska skolan har de stökigaste klassrummen, högst andel skolk, sena ankomster, skadegörelse och grovt språk än några andra länder. Detta har mötts av motstånd från bland annat personer som granskat rapporterna och hävdar att resultaten inte alls stämmer. Den tidigare forskningen har påvisat både skillnaderna mellan ordningen i klassrummen idag och ordningen för 100 år sedan. Den har även redovisat studier om regelarbete, tillrättavisningar och beröm, lärares bemötande mot elever samt vikten av en god föräldrakontakt. Dessutom har även förändringar som gjorts i skollagen, för att förbättra arbetsklimatet för både lärare och elever, tagits upp. Syftet för denna studie var att undersöka och belysa fem tidigarelärares tankar och erfarenheter om att arbeta med ordning och disciplin i klassrummet. Det empiriska underlaget baserades på semistrukturerade intervjuer. Detta för att nå den djupare förståelse som krävdes för att uppnå arbetets syfte. Av de fem informanterna var fyra yrkesverksamma och en läste sin sista termin på lärarutbildningen. En av ”lärarna” saknade utbildning men hävdade att dennes arbete inte förbättrades av en lärarexamen, utan att den personliga tillämpningen var avgörande för att nå framgångar i arbetet. Dessutom hävdade tre av de fyra utbildade lärarna att de inte fått det stöd, från respektive utbildning, som de önskat gällande att hantera och hålla ordning i en klass med ca 20 elever. I enlighet med den tidigare forskningen visar resultatet från denna studie att ordningsarbetet anses vara en viktig del av undervisningen, även om majoriteten av informanterna associerar begreppet disciplin med något föråldrat och autoritärt. De hävdar att ordning måste finnas i klassrummen för att inlärnings- och arbetssituationen ska vara acceptabel för både elever och lärare. Detta inkluderar både förebyggande regelarbete, konkret arbete tillsammans med eleverna samt en god och nära relation till arbetskamrater och elevernas föräldrar och vårdnadshavare

    Dynamics of LFA-1 in T lymphocytes

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