149 research outputs found

    Phase locking and flux-flow resonances in Josephson oscillators driven by homogeneous microwave fields

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    We investigate both analytically and numerically phase locking and flux-flow resonances of long Josephson junctions in the presence of homogeneous microwave fields. We use a power balance analysis and a perturbation expansion around the uniform rotating solution to derive analytical expressions for IV curves. The dependence of the flux-flow step on the amplitude of the rf field and the appearance of satellite steps are explained. As a result we show that satellite steps around the main flux-flow resonance are spaced by both odd and even harmonics of the rf frequency. An analytical expression for the locking range in current of the phase-lock steps is also derived. These results are found to be in good agreement with numerical results

    The order parameter-entropy relation in some universal classes: experimental evidence

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    The asymptotic behaviour near phase transitions can be suitably characterized by the scaling of Δs/Q2\Delta s/Q^2 with Ï”=1−T/Tc\epsilon=1-T/T_c, where Δs\Delta s is the excess entropy and QQ is the order parameter. As Δs\Delta s is obtained by integration of the experimental excess specific heat of the transition Δc\Delta c, it displays little experimental noise so that the curve log⁥(Δs/Q2)\log(\Delta s/Q^2) versus logâĄÏ”\log\epsilon is better constrained than, say, log⁡Δc\log\Delta c versus logâĄÏ”\log\epsilon. The behaviour of Δs/Q2\Delta s/Q^2 for different universality classes is presented and compared. In all cases, it clearly deviates from being a constant. The determination of this function can then be an effective method to distinguish asymptotic critical behaviour. For comparison, experimental data for three very different systems, Rb2CoF4, Rb2ZnCl4 and SrTiO3, are analysed under this approach. In SrTiO3, the function Δs/Q2\Delta s/Q^2 does not deviate within experimental resolution from a straight line so that, although Q can be fitted with a non mean-field exponent, the data can be explained by a classical Landau mean-field behaviour. In contrast, the behaviour of Δs/Q2\Delta s/Q^2 for the antiferromagnetic transition in Rb2CoF4 and the normal-incommensurate phase transition in Rb2ZCl4 is fully consistent with the asymptotic critical behaviour of the universality class corresponding to each case. This analysis supports, therefore, the claim that incommensurate phase transitions in general, and the A2_2BX4_4 compounds in particular, in contrast with most structural phase transitions, have critical regions large enough to be observable.Comment: 13 pp. 9 ff. 2 tab. RevTeX. Submitted to J. Phys.: Cond. Matte

    Generalized calculation of magnetic coupling constants for Mott-Hubbard insulators: Application to ferromagnetic Cr compounds

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    Using a Rayleigh-Schr\"odinger perturbation expansion of multi-band Hubbard models, we present analytic expressions for the super-exchange coupling constants between magnetic transition metal ions of arbitrary separation in Mott-Hubbard insulators. The only restrictions are i) all ligand ions are closed shell anions and ii) all contributing interaction paths are of equal length. For short paths, our results essentially confirm the Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson rules, yet in general there does not exist any simple rule to predict the sign of the magnetic coupling constants. The most favorable situation for ferromagnetic coupling is found for ions with less than half filled d shells, the (relative) tendency to ferromagnetic coupling increases with increasing path length. As an application, the magnetic interactions of the Cr compounds Rb2_2CrCl4_4, CrCl3_3, CrBr3_3 and CrI3_3 are investigated, all of which except CrCl3_3 are ferromagnets.Comment: 13 pages, 6 eps figures, submitted to Phys Rev

    Crude incidence in two-phase designs in the presence of competing risks.

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    BackgroundIn many studies, some information might not be available for the whole cohort, some covariates, or even the outcome, might be ascertained in selected subsamples. These studies are part of a broad category termed two-phase studies. Common examples include the nested case-control and the case-cohort designs. For two-phase studies, appropriate weighted survival estimates have been derived; however, no estimator of cumulative incidence accounting for competing events has been proposed. This is relevant in the presence of multiple types of events, where estimation of event type specific quantities are needed for evaluating outcome.MethodsWe develop a non parametric estimator of the cumulative incidence function of events accounting for possible competing events. It handles a general sampling design by weights derived from the sampling probabilities. The variance is derived from the influence function of the subdistribution hazard.ResultsThe proposed method shows good performance in simulations. It is applied to estimate the crude incidence of relapse in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in groups defined by a genotype not available for everyone in a cohort of nearly 2000 patients, where death due to toxicity acted as a competing event. In a second example the aim was to estimate engagement in care of a cohort of HIV patients in resource limited setting, where for some patients the outcome itself was missing due to lost to follow-up. A sampling based approach was used to identify outcome in a subsample of lost patients and to obtain a valid estimate of connection to care.ConclusionsA valid estimator for cumulative incidence of events accounting for competing risks under a general sampling design from an infinite target population is derived

    Magnetic correlations and quantum criticality in the insulating antiferromagnetic, insulating spin liquid, renormalized Fermi liquid, and metallic antiferromagnetic phases of the Mott system V_2O_3

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    Magnetic correlations in all four phases of pure and doped vanadium sesquioxide V_2O_3 have been examined by magnetic thermal neutron scattering. While the antiferromagnetic insulator can be accounted for by a Heisenberg localized spin model, the long range order in the antiferromagnetic metal is an incommensurate spin-density-wave, resulting from a Fermi surface nesting instability. Spin dynamics in the strongly correlated metal are dominated by spin fluctuations in the Stoner electron-hole continuum. Furthermore, our results in metallic V_2O_3 represent an unprecedentedly complete characterization of the spin fluctuations near a metallic quantum critical point, and provide quantitative support for the SCR theory for itinerant antiferromagnets in the small moment limit. Dynamic magnetic correlations for energy smaller than k_BT in the paramagnetic insulator carry substantial magnetic spectral weight. However, the correlation length extends only to the nearest neighbor distance. The phase transition to the antiferromagnetic insulator introduces a sudden switching of magnetic correlations to a different spatial periodicity which indicates a sudden change in the underlying spin Hamiltonian. To describe this phase transition and also the unusual short range order in the paramagnetic state, it seems necessary to take into account the orbital degrees of freedom associated with the degenerate d-orbitals at the Fermi level in V_2O_3.Comment: Postscript file, 24 pages, 26 figures, 2 tables, accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Imbibition in Disordered Media

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    The physics of liquids in porous media gives rise to many interesting phenomena, including imbibition where a viscous fluid displaces a less viscous one. Here we discuss the theoretical and experimental progress made in recent years in this field. The emphasis is on an interfacial description, akin to the focus of a statistical physics approach. Coarse-grained equations of motion have been recently presented in the literature. These contain terms that take into account the pertinent features of imbibition: non-locality and the quenched noise that arises from the random environment, fluctuations of the fluid flow and capillary forces. The theoretical progress has highlighted the presence of intrinsic length-scales that invalidate scale invariance often assumed to be present in kinetic roughening processes such as that of a two-phase boundary in liquid penetration. Another important fact is that the macroscopic fluid flow, the kinetic roughening properties, and the effective noise in the problem are all coupled. Many possible deviations from simple scaling behaviour exist, and we outline the experimental evidence. Finally, prospects for further work, both theoretical and experimental, are discussed.Comment: Review article, to appear in Advances in Physics, 53 pages LaTe
