51 research outputs found

    Brukermedvirkning i barnevernets beslutningsprosesser. Familiers opplevelse av brukermedvirkning i undersøkelsesfasen i en barnevernsak

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    Målsetningen er å studere fenomenet brukermedvirkning i barneverntjenesten, med særlig fokus på beslutningsprosesser, for å se hvilke kriterier som bør ligge til grunn for at brukerne selv skal kunne oppleve medvirkning. Jeg har valgt en kvalitativ tilnærming til studien. Datagrunnlaget er basert på intervju med seks foreldre som alle har erfaring med utprøving av en ny undersøkelsesmetode som kalles ”nettverksmodellen”. Disse seks foreldrene er intervjuet om deres opplevelse av brukermedvirkning i undersøkelsene som er gjennomført etter ”nettverksmodellen”. Intervjuene er transkribert og analysert opp mot teoretisk utvalg som er beslutningsteori og kommunikative beslutningsprosesser, med særlig vekt på ”prosedyreperspektivet”(Skivenes, 1997).Master i barnevernMABARN35

    Immunrespons hos atlantisk laks (Salmo salar) ved infestasjon av lakselus (Lepeophtheirus salmonis): Endringer i genuttrykk og histologiske forandringer i hud

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    Sammendrag Lakselus blir ansett som den største utfordringen knyttet til oppdrett i dag. Disse utfordningene kommer i form av redusert fiskehelse, økte produksjonskostnader samt tiltak og lovverk som begrenser vekst for næringen ved for høye lusetall. I tillegg er lakselus en stor trussel for overlevelsen til villaksen og dermed et miljøproblem. Det er derfor et høyt fokus på forskning som ser nærmere på interaksjonen mellom laks og lakselus i håp om å finne nye og mer effektive tiltak mot problemet. Oppgaven er skrevet i forbindelse med et slikt prosjekt (Infest), som ser på denne interaksjonen ved ulike parametere. Forsøket ble utført ved å infisere nysmoltifisert laks med ulike doser lakselus (L. salmonis) og sammenligne genuttrykket i disse og i uinfisert kontrollfisk. Forsøksfisken som ble benyttet var liten førstegenerasjon villaks, som hadde en snittvekt på 47 gram ved sampling da lusen befant seg i Chalimus II. Oppgaven har et fokus på Chalimus II stadiet for å begrense omfanget. Endringen i genuttrykket i huden ble observert ved hjelp av qPCR, hvor 9 immungener med ulik relevans i forbindelse med immunresponsen ble studert. Plasmakortisol nivå ved sampling og dødelighet i løpet av forsøket ble også sett på. Det ble i tillegg tatt hudprøver av fisk fra et annet forsøk for å se på histologiske forandringer i forbindelse med infeksjon av lakselus ved å farge og studere disse hudsnittene. Snittene ble farget med både HES farging og en spesiell immunhistokjemisk teknikk for å påvise proteinet for immungenet TNF-α. Immungenene som ble sett nærmere på i denne oppgaven ble valgt på bakgrunn av deres relevans i immunsystemet i tillegg til tidligere forskning som ser på immunrespons hos laks i forbindelse med infeksjon av lakselus. Immungenene som ble valgt var IL-8, IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-4/13A, IgM, IgT, MMP9, Cath 2 og INOS. EF1α og RLP1 ble benyttet som referansegen. Alle prøvene stammer fra hud, og på fisk infisert med lus ble prøvene tatt like over sidelinjen, og et tilsvarende sted hos kontrollfisken. Det ble ikke tatt negative kontroller av infisert fisk pga. størrelsen. Uttrykket ble så beregnet ut ifra all fisk infisert med lus sammenlignet mot kontroll. Det ble bestemt en grense på over 2,0 Mean Fold Change for oppregulering, og under 0,5 for nedregulering samt P<0,05 for statistisk signifkans. 7 immungener var oppregulert (men P>0,05), hvor Cath2 var eneste av de oppregulerte genene som ga resultater av statistisk signifikans, Inos var signifikant nedregulert. Det var ingen korrelasjon for noen av immungenene for intensitet av infeksjonen og uttrykket av genet. Betydning av infeksjonsintensitet for dødelighet og stress på fisken ble diskutert. For histologi var ingen av snittene positive for tilstedeværelsen av proteinet for TNF-α, og for de HES fargede snittene var det ikke mulig å observere tydelige forandringer i vevet som følge av infeksjon med lakselus.Masteroppgave i fiskehelseFISK399MAMN-FIS

    Narratives from parents in England and Norway

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    The framework for assessment in child protection, as well as the context of the welfare state, differs between England and Norway. Assessments in England are structured in terms of a set model (the triangle) and procedures to be followed, whereas in Norway there are few national guidelines and not a set model for assessments. This underpins professional judgement as the most important component in Norway. This is a study of parents` experiences from assessment in these two contexts, and patterns and themes of assessment experiences have been identified in the two countries through a narrative analysis of in-depth interviews with parents. When asked about their opinions of the current assessment framework, parents in both countries talk more about feelings than about framework and procedures, as their experiences of assessment are similar in both countries. First and foremost, they experience strong emotions in a stressful situation, including anxiety, frustration and powerlessness, but also relief. These cross-national emotions might provide information about how assessment is a stressful situation for the parents involved. However, we find some differences in the way social work is acted out according to the national assessment framework and policy context. In England, the framework and procedures seem to provide clarity with regard to process and power within the system. In Norway, the assessment is characterized by a professional judgement accompanied by more resources, which we find enables helpful decisions from a family perspective. However, this heavy reliance on relationships using professional judgement might also be viewed as a source of informal power. These findings are discussed in relation to theories of emotions and the concept of power. Regarding implications for practice, we would recommend a more explicit awareness of help and control in assessment among social workers involved, together with a clear communication on the topic of emotions and power in assessment

    Assessment in Child Protection

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    Good quality assessment in Child Protection is crucial to ensure adequate protection and provision. This article explores social workers` experiences with two different Child Protection assessment models: the “professional judgment model”, exemplified by Norway, and the “structured assessment model”, exemplified by England. The aim is to explore the experiences of social workers who carry out assessments in England and Norway, and compare and discuss these experiences in light of “accountability” theory

    Kampdroner - er fremtidens offiserer forberedt?

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    Denne studien har til hensikt å belyse den teknologiske utviklingen av kampdroner i Russland i dag, samt å vurdere om OPS2201 delemne 2: Militær teknologi og innovasjon på Krigsskolen utdanner kadettene tilstrekkelig innenfor dette feltet. Ved å gjøre rede for delemnet, den generelle historiske teknologiske utviklingen av kampdroner og Russlands bruk og utvikling av kampdroner, vil studien komme frem til om kadettene er forberedt på kampdroner både som trussel og ressurs i sitt fremtidige virke som offiserer. Bakgrunnen for studien er det sikkerhetspolitiske bildet i verden i dag, Norges geopolitiske posisjon i NATO, vår egen interesse for militærteknologi og innovasjon og dets påvirkning på oss i vårt fremtidige virke som offiserer. Studiens problemstilling er som følger: «Er den militærteknologiske utdanningen på Krigsskolen under OPS2201 delemne 2: militær teknologi og innovasjon nok til å forberede fremtidens offiserer på høyteknologiske kampdronetrussler fra Russland?» Resultatet av studien om hvorvidt utdanningen i MILTEK forbereder fremtidens offiserer på Russlands høyteknologiske kampdronetrussel gir ikke et entydig svar. På den ene siden utgjør Russland per i dag ikke en høyteknologisk kampdronetrussel. Da vil det heller ikke være relevant å utdanne kadettene i dette. På den andre siden viser studien at Russland aktivt utvikler kampdroner. Det kan derfor tenkes at utdanning innenfor dette vil være aktuelt i fremtiden. MILTEK vil ikke forbereder fremtidens offiserer på dette uten en endring i emnet, og studien kan derfor si at MILTEK per nå ikke forbereder fremtidens offiserer på Russlands høyteknologiske kampdronetrussel. I tillegg viser studien at kampdroner er en sentral teknologi ellers i verden og det er derfor et tema som passer godt inn i MILTEK for øvrig. Vår anbefaling er at MILTEK bør implementere utdanning om kampdroner for å høyne nivået på utdanningen

    Regiospecific Photochemical Synthesis of Methylchrysenes

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    Methylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are suspected to be some of the toxic compounds in crude oil towards marine life and are needed as single compounds for environmental studies. 1-, 3- and 6-methylchrysene (3a,b,c) were prepared as single isomers by photochemical cyclization of the corresponding stilbenoids in the Mallory reaction using stoichiometric amounts of iodine in 82-88% yield. 2-methylchrysene (3d) was prepared by photochemical cyclization where the regioselectivity was controlled by elimination of an ortho-methoxy group under acidic oxygen free conditions in 72% yield. These conditions failed to form 4-methylchrysene from the corresponding stilbenoid. All stilbenoids were made from a common naphthyl Wittig salt and suitably substituted benzaldehydes. We have also demonstrated that methylchrysenes can be oxidized to the corresponding chrysenecarboxylic acids by KMnO4 in modest yields.publishedVersio

    The impact of gender, puberty, and pregnancy in patients with POLG disease

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    OBJECTIVE: To study the impact of gender, puberty, and pregnancy on the expression of POLG disease, one of the most common mitochondrial diseases known. METHODS: Clinical, laboratory, and genetic data were collected retrospectively from 155 patients with genetically confirmed POLG disease recruited from seven European countries. We used the available data to study the impact of gender, puberty, and pregnancy on disease onset and deterioration. RESULTS: We found that disease onset early in life was common in both sexes but there was also a second peak in females around the time of puberty. Further, pregnancy had a negative impact with 10 of 14 women (71%) experiencing disease onset or deterioration during pregnancy. INTERPRETATION: Gender clearly influences the expression of POLG disease. While onset very early in life was common in both males and females, puberty in females appeared associated both with disease onset and increased disease activity. Further, both disease onset and deterioration, including seizure aggravation and status epilepticus, appeared to be associated with pregnancy. Thus, whereas disease activity appears maximal early in life with no subsequent peaks in males, both menarche and pregnancy appear associated with disease onset or worsening in females. This suggests that hormonal changes may be a modulating factor

    The impact of gender, puberty, and pregnancy in patients with POLG disease

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    Objective To study the impact of gender, puberty, and pregnancy on the expression of POLG disease, one of the most common mitochondrial diseases known. Methods Clinical, laboratory, and genetic data were collected retrospectively from 155 patients with genetically confirmed POLG disease recruited from seven European countries. We used the available data to study the impact of gender, puberty, and pregnancy on disease onset and deterioration. Results We found that disease onset early in life was common in both sexes but there was also a second peak in females around the time of puberty. Further, pregnancy had a negative impact with 10 of 14 women (71%) experiencing disease onset or deterioration during pregnancy. Interpretation Gender clearly influences the expression of POLG disease. While onset very early in life was common in both males and females, puberty in females appeared associated both with disease onset and increased disease activity. Further, both disease onset and deterioration, including seizure aggravation and status epilepticus, appeared to be associated with pregnancy. Thus, whereas disease activity appears maximal early in life with no subsequent peaks in males, both menarche and pregnancy appear associated with disease onset or worsening in females. This suggests that hormonal changes may be a modulating factor.Peer reviewe

    Assessment in child protection : A comparative study Norway - England

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    Doktorgradsavhandling i Sosialt arbeidAims: The overall aim of this thesis was to explore the phenomenon of assessment in child protection by comparing two different assessment practices, the Norwegian and the English. Additional aims have been to generate knowledge by interpreting findings from the perspectives of professionals and parents who have experienced assessment, and to contribute to identify central aspects of the use of professional judgement in child protection assessments. The guiding research questions throughout this thesis have been: what mechanisms are at play in assessments in the two contexts, and what seem to constrain and support fruitful assessment practices? Additionally, what can we learn from each other (Norway-England) in terms of such practices? A “Critical Realist” approach has been applied as an overarching perspective throughout this thesis. Methods: The data source for this study consists of interviews with social workers and parents from Norway (Bergen) and England (Bristol), together with assessment reports from both countries. This is an in-depth study with a qualitative approach, including interviews with 14 social workers regarding their perspectives on practice, analyzed by means of thematic content analysis. Additionally, 11 interviews with parents were undertaken, who had been assessed by social workers following child protection concerns, analyzed by means of thematic narrative approach. Furthermore, a total of 31 assessment reports (which were not linked to the family cases), were analyzed through textual content analysis. Results: When analyzing the professionals` experiences (Paper 1) three main themes emerged: 1.Assessment framework, 2. Professional judgements, and 3. Contextual factors. The main findings show that the social workers in Norway and England experienced their respective assessment framework quite differently. Specifically, social workers in Norway presented professional judgement as a core element of assessing in child protection, but looked for more structured ways to make good judgements. However, they were concerned about increases in bureaucracy in the assessment process, resulting in more paperwork and less time spent with families. The social workers in England were proud of their “triangle” model for assessment and the general thoroughness in the system, but they longed for more trust to use professional judgement in assessment, and more resources to meet the needs of families after assessment. Differences between the two groups were discussed in the light of contextual factors, with special focus on the concept of accountability: How does the government in each country restrict and/or support the professional judgement of social workers when assessing in child protection? Differences were found in national accountability approaches, with the English authorities turning to structural accountability strategies by controlling and reducing the space for professional judgement through structures and procedures, and the Norwegian authorities on the other hand using a more epistemic accountability approach by supporting, rather than restricting, the room for professional judgements through resources in terms of staff and education. The parents’ experiences (Paper 2) resulted in two overarching themes of “emotions” and “power” in assessment practice. When asked about their opinions of the current assessment framework, families in both countries talked more about feelings than about framework and procedures. The parents` experiences of assessment were similar in both countries. First and foremost they experienced strong emotions in a stressful situation: anxiety, frustration, powerlessness, but also relief. However some differences were identified in the way social work is acted out according to the national assessment framework and policy context. The English framework and procedures seemed to contribute to provide clarity with regard to process and power within the system. The Norwegian assessment practice was characterized by professional judgement accompanied by more resources, which seems to enable helpful decisions from the family’s point of view. However, this heavy reliance on professional judgement within relationships was also viewed by parents as social workers’ having informal power. Paper 3 is a theoretical analysis of the different characteristics illustrated by Norway and England regarding the role of professional judgement in child protection assessments. This paper explores and discusses the different ways in which professional judgement is understood and addressed in each system. Acknowledging child protection as a “Wicked problem”(in terms of complexity), a model of Grounded Professional Judgement is proposed, based on notions of epistemic responsibility and accountability to support the exercise of professional judgement in situations of uncertainty. Thismodel occupies a middle position between those currently reflected in the assessment systems in the English and Norwegian context. Retaining a commitment to the use of professional judgements, the model nonetheless provides a structure within which a judgement can be exercised more rigorously, transparently and in a way that can be called to account. In this way, Grounded Professional Judgement may provide a counterbalance to the potential idiosyncrasies of decision making, and avoids professional judgement being elevated to a point where it is beyond challenge or critique. At the same time, in systems where the space for professional judgement has been reduced at the expense of increased procedure and bureaucracy, it would provide a framework within which professional judgement can be “reclaimed” by social workers and built back in to practice. Conclusions: Assessment frameworks in child protection seem to be of importance for all those involved in assessment practice. Experiences from Norway and England can be used as illustrations of different stances on a continuum where different assessment frameworks and practices include diverse framing of the problems. Heavy reliance on assessment structuresmay restrict the room for professional judgements (as seen in England), whilst lack of mandatory assessment structures implies heavy reliance on professional judgement (as seen in Norway). The pitfalls on both ends of this continuum imply that a middle-position might be most fruitful in assessment; the main question is where to find the balance between the two. It also appears fruitful to support assessments by systemic factors, eg enough resources in terms of staff, education and interventions, together with constructive public debate. From the families` point of view, the “right” balance involves clarity of the assessment process and power issues, and provision of tailored services and interventions after assessment
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