11 research outputs found

    Indirect costs associated with glioblastoma: Experience at one hospital

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    Introduction: Glioblastoma is the most common primary brain tumour. Despite advances in treatment, its prognosis remains dismal, with a mean survival time of about 14 months. Many articles have addressed direct costs, those associated with the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Indirect costs, those associated with loss of productivity due to the disease, have seldom been described. Material and method: We conducted a retrospective study in patients diagnosed with glioblastoma at Hospital Universitario Donostia between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2013. We collected demographics, data regarding the treatment received, and survival times. We calculated the indirect costs with the human capital approach, adjusting the mean salaries of comparable individuals by sex and age and obtaining mortality data for the general population from the Spanish National Statistics Institute. Past salaries were updated to 2015 euros according to the annual inflation rate and we applied a discount of 3.5% compounded yearly to future salaries. Results: We reviewed the records of 99 patients: 46 women (mean age 63.53) and 53 men (mean age 59.94); 29 patients underwent a biopsy and the remaining 70 underwent excisional surgery. Mean survival was 18.092 months for the whole series. The total indirect cost for the series was €11 080 762 (2015). Mean indirect cost per patient was €111 926 (2015). Discussion: Although glioblastoma is a relatively uncommon type of tumour, accounting for only 4% of all cancers, its poor prognosis and potential sequelae generate disproportionately large morbidity and mortality rates which translate to high indirect costs. Clinicians should be aware of the societal impact of glioblastoma and indirect costs should be taken into account when cost effectiveness studies are performed to better illustrate the overall consequences of this disease. Resumen: Introducción: El glioblastoma es el tumor cerebral más frecuente. A pesar de los avances en su tratamiento, el pronóstico sigue siendo pobre, con una supervivencia media en torno a los 14 meses. Los costes directos, aquellos asociados al diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la enfermedad, han sido descritos ampliamente. Los costes indirectos, aquellos derivados de la pérdida de productividad debido a la enfermedad, han sido descritos en escasas ocasiones. Material y método: Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo, incluyendo a los pacientes diagnosticados entre el 1 de enero del 2010 y el 31 de diciembre del 2013 de glioblastoma en el Hospital Universitario Donostia. Recogimos datos demográficos, relativos al tratamiento ofertado y la supervivencia. Calculamos los costes indirectos a través del método del capital humano, obteniendo datos de sujetos comparables según sexo y edad, y de mortalidad de la población general a través del Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Los salarios pasados fueron actualizados a euros de 2015 según la tasa de inflación interanual y los salarios futuros fueron descontados en un 3,5% anual en forma de interés compuesto. Resultados: Revisamos a 99 pacientes, 46 mujeres (edad media 63,53 años) y 53 hombres (edad media 59,94 años). En 29 pacientes se realizó una biopsia y en los 70 restantes se realizó una cirugía resectiva. La supervivencia global media fue de 18,092 meses. Los costes indirectos totales fueron de 11.080.762 € (2015). El coste indirecto medio por paciente fue de 111.926 € (2015). Discusión: A pesar de que el glioblastoma es un tipo relativamente poco frecuente de tumor, que supone el 4% de todos los tipos de cáncer, su mal pronóstico y sus posibles secuelas generan una mortalidad y morbilidad desproporcionadamente altas. Esto se traduce en unos costes indirectos muy elevados. El clínico debe ser consciente del impacto del glioblastoma en la sociedad y los costes indirectos deben ser tenidos en cuenta en los estudios de coste-efectividad para conocer las consecuencias globales de esta enfermedad. Keywords: Costs, Glioblastoma, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Prognosis, Survival, Palabras clave: Costes, Glioblastoma, Radioterapia, Quimioterapia, Pronóstico, Supervivenci

    Costes indirectos asociados al glioblastoma. Experiencia en un centro

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    Resumen: Introducción: El glioblastoma es el tumor cerebral más frecuente. A pesar de los avances en su tratamiento, el pronóstico sigue siendo pobre, con una supervivencia media en torno a los 14 meses. Los costes directos, aquellos asociados al diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la enfermedad, han sido descritos ampliamente. Los costes indirectos, aquellos derivados de la pérdida de productividad debido a la enfermedad, han sido descritos en escasas ocasiones. Material y método: Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo, incluyendo a los pacientes diagnosticados entre el 1 de enero del 2010 y el 31 de diciembre del 2013 de glioblastoma en el Hospital Universitario Donostia. Recogimos datos demográficos, relativos al tratamiento ofertado y la supervivencia. Calculamos los costes indirectos a través del método del capital humano, obteniendo datos de sujetos comparables según sexo y edad, y de mortalidad de la población general a través del Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Los salarios pasados fueron actualizados a euros de 2015 según la tasa de inflación interanual y los salarios futuros fueron descontados en un 3,5% anual en forma de interés compuesto. Resultados: Revisamos a 99 pacientes, 46 mujeres (edad media 63,53 años) y 53 hombres (edad media 59,94 años). En 29 pacientes se realizó una biopsia y en los 70 restantes se realizó una cirugía resectiva. La supervivencia global media fue de 18,092 meses. Los costes indirectos totales fueron de 11.080.762 € (2015). El coste indirecto medio por paciente fue de 111.926 € (2015). Discusión: A pesar de que el glioblastoma es un tipo relativamente poco frecuente de tumor, que supone el 4% de todos los tipos de cáncer, su mal pronóstico y sus posibles secuelas generan una mortalidad y morbilidad desproporcionadamente altas. Esto se traduce en unos costes indirectos muy elevados. El clínico debe ser consciente del impacto del glioblastoma en la sociedad y los costes indirectos deben ser tenidos en cuenta en los estudios de coste-efectividad para conocer las consecuencias globales de esta enfermedad. Abstract: Introduction: Glioblastoma is the most common primary brain tumour. Despite advances in treatment, its prognosis remains dismal, with a mean survival time of about 14 months. Many articles have addressed direct costs, those associated with the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Indirect costs, those associated with loss of productivity due to the disease, have seldom been described. Material and method: We conducted a retrospective study in patients diagnosed with glioblastoma at Hospital Universitario Donostia between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2013. We collected demographics, data regarding the treatment received, and survival times. We calculated the indirect costs with the human capital approach, adjusting the mean salaries of comparable individuals by sex and age and obtaining mortality data for the general population from the Spanish National Statistics Institute. Past salaries were updated to 2015 euros according to the annual inflation rate and we applied a discount of 3.5% compounded yearly to future salaries. Results: We reviewed the records of 99 patients: 46 women (mean age 63.53) and 53 men (mean age 59.94); 29 patients underwent a biopsy and the remaining 70 underwent excisional surgery. Mean survival was 18.092 months for the whole series. The total indirect cost for the series was €11 080 762 (2015). Mean indirect cost per patient was €111 926 (2015). Discussion: Although glioblastoma is a relatively uncommon type of tumour, accounting for only 4% of all cancers, its poor prognosis and potential sequelae generate disproportionately large morbidity and mortality rates which translate to high indirect costs. Clinicians should be aware of the societal impact of glioblastoma and indirect costs should be taken into account when cost effectiveness studies are performed to better illustrate the overall consequences of this disease. Palabras clave: Costes, Glioblastoma, Radioterapia, Quimioterapia, Pronóstico, Supervivencia, Keywords: Costs, Glioblastoma, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Prognosis, Surviva

    A snapshot of European neurosurgery December 2019 vs. March 2020: just before and during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19), which began as an epidemic in China and spread globally as a pandemic, has necessitated resource management to meet emergency needs of Covid-19 patients and other emergent cases. We have conducted a survey to analyze caseload and measures to adapt indications for a perception of crisis. Methods: We constructed a questionnaire to survey a snapshot of neurosurgical activity, resources, and indications during 1 week with usual activity in December 2019 and 1 week during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in March 2020. The questionnaire was sent to 34 neurosurgical departments in Europe; 25 departments returned responses within 5 days. Results: We found unexpectedly large differences in resources and indications already before the pandemic. Differences were also large in how much practice and resources changed during the pandemic. Neurosurgical beds and neuro-intensive care beds were significantly decreased from December 2019 to March 2020. The utilization of resources decreased via less demand for care of brain injuries and subarachnoid hemorrhage, postponing surgery and changed surgical indications as a method of rationing resources. Twenty departments (80%) reduced activity extensively, and the same proportion stated that they were no longer able to provide care according to legitimate medical needs. Conclusion: Neurosurgical centers responded swiftly and effectively to a sudden decrease of neurosurgical capacity due to relocation of resources to pandemic care. The pandemic led to rationing of neurosurgical care in 80% of responding centers. We saw a relation between resources before the pandemic and ability to uphold neurosurgical services. The observation of extensive differences of available beds provided an opportunity to show how resources that had been restricted already under normal conditions translated to rationing of care that may not be acceptable to the public of seemingly affluent European countries