328 research outputs found

    Tailoring carbon nanotubes surface chemistry for the purification of antileukemic drugs

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    Biopharmaceuticals have been used to overcome fatal diseases related with aging. L-aspariginase (LA), in particular, has shown evidences of being efficient for leukemia therapy. The LA production and purification require several steps increasing the cost of the process. In this work, functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were studied as a cost-effective support to purify LA. It was shown that CNTs have strong affinity for the target biopharmaceutical, meaning that can be a promising alternative for the adsorption and purification of LA.publishe

    Registries in systemic sclerosis: a worldwide experience

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    SSc is a multisystem disease characterized by an unpredictable course, high mortality and resistance to therapy. The complexity and severity of SSc is a growing burden on the health-care systems. As a result, researchers are seeking new therapeutic strategies for effectively managing these patients. Disease registries are used to support care management efforts for groups of patients with chronic diseases and are meaningful to capture and track key patient information to assist the physicians in managing patients. For these reasons, SSc surveys, research associations and consortiums are pivotal to conduct ongoing research and data collection to enhance disease knowledge and support research projects. Currently, there are several national SSc registries in the UK, Germany, USA, Canada, Brazil and Australia. There is also an international registry established by the European League Against Rheumatism scleroderma trial and research (EUSTAR) called minimal essential data set (MEDS) Online, which collects data from over 8000 patients from 92 centres worldwide, including 21 European centres and 9 centres outside Europe. By collecting, analysing and disseminating data on disease progression and patient responses to long-term disease management strategies, registries help to improve understanding of the disease and keep medical professionals up to date on the latest advance

    Pegadas hídrica e de carbono de produtos agrícolas: estudo da água de coco in natura.

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    Este trabalho avalia as pegadas de carbono e hídrica da água de coco, um importante produto da região Nordeste. Foram coletados dados em fazendas do Ceará, localizadas nos municípios de Trairi, Paraipaba, Acaraú e Camocim, além de analisado sistema de produção publicado na literatura para coqueiro anão verde. As pegadas são calculadas com base nas normas ISO 14046/67, considerando a produção de 1L de água de coco. A pegada de carbono é avaliada pela categoria mudanças climáticas (IPCC), enquanto o perfil de pegada hídrica abrange as seguintes categorias e métodos de avaliação: escassez hídrica (AWARE), toxicidade humana, câncer, não-câncer e ecotoxicidade (USETox), eutrofização marinha e de águas doces (ReCiPe). Os resultados mostram que a água de coco produzida em Acaraú apresenta menor pegada de carbono e hídrica em relação à produzida na fazenda de referência. Já a água de coco de Trairi obteve a pior pegada de carbono, enquanto Camocim, a pior pegada hídrica. A maior redução da pegada de carbono ocorre quando o pomar de coco é instalado em área desmatada e/ou cultivada com cultura temporária, há mais de 20 anos. No caso da pegada hídrica, as maiores reduções de pegada ocorrem com menor uso de fertilizante nitrogenado e água na irrigação

    miR-155 in the progression of lung fibrosis in systemic sclerosis

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    Background: MicroRNA (miRNA) control key elements of mRNA stability and likely contribute to the dysregulated lung gene expression observed in systemic sclerosis associated interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD). We analyzed the miRNA gene expression of tissue and cells from patients with SSc-ILD. A chronic lung fibrotic murine model was used. Methods: RNA was isolated from lung tissue of 12 patients with SSc-ILD and 5 controls. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) was performed at baseline and 2-3 years after treatment. Lung fibroblasts and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated from healthy controls and patients with SSc-ILD. miRNA and mRNA were analyzed by microarray, quantitative polymerase chain reaction, and/or Nanostring; pathway analysis was performed by DNA Intelligent Analysis (DIANA)-miRPath v2.0 software. Wild-type and miR-155 deficient (miR-155ko) mice were exposed to bleomycin. Results: Lung miRNA microarray data distinguished patients with SSc-ILD from healthy controls with 185 miRNA differentially expressed (q < 0.25). DIANA-miRPath revealed 57 Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways related to the most dysregulated miRNA. miR-155 and miR-143 were strongly correlated with progression of the HRCT score. Lung fibroblasts only mildly expressed miR-155/miR-21 after several stimuli. miR-155 PBMC expression strongly correlated with lung function tests in SSc-ILD. miR-155ko mice developed milder lung fibrosis, survived longer, and weaker lung induction of several genes after bleomycin exposure compared to wild-type mice. Conclusions: miRNA are dysregulated in the lungs and PBMC of patients with SSc-ILD. Based on mRNA-miRNA interaction analysis and pathway tools, miRNA may play a role in the progression of the disease. Our findings suggest that targeting miR-155 might provide a novel therapeutic strategy for SSc-ILD

    Effect of a gel containing pilocarpine on vaginal atrophy in castrated rats

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of Carbopol gel formulations containing pilocarpine on the morphology and morphometry of the vaginal epithelium of castrated rats. METHODS: Thirty-one female Wistar-Hannover rats were randomly divided into four groups: the control Groups I (n=7, rats in persistent estrus; positive controls) and II (n=7, castrated rats, negative controls) and the experimental Groups, III (n=8) and IV (n=9). Persistent estrus (Group I) was achieved with a subcutaneous injection of testosterone propionate on the second postnatal day. At 90 days postnatal, rats in Groups II, III and IV were castrated and treated vaginally for 14 days with Carbopol gel (vehicle alone) or Carbopol gel containing 5% and 15% pilocarpine, respectively. Next, all of the animals were euthanized and their vaginas were removed for histological evaluation. A non-parametric test with a weighted linear regression model was used for data analysis (

    Development of ASAS quality standards to improve the quality of health and care services for patients with axial spondyloarthritis

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    Objectives The Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society (ASAS) aimed to develop a set of quality standards (QS) to help improve the quality of healthcare provided to adult patients affected by axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) worldwide. Methods An ASAS task force developed a set of QS using a stepwise approach. First, key areas for quality improvement were identified, discussed, rated and agreed on. Thereafter, areas were prioritised and statements for the most important key areas were phrased on consensus. Appropriate quality measures were defined to allow quantification of the QS at the community level. Results The ASAS task force, consisting of 20 rheumatologists, two physiotherapists and two patients, selected and proposed 34 potential key areas for quality improvement which were then commented by 140 ASAS members and patients. Within that process three new key areas came up, which led to a re-evaluation of all 37 key areas by 120 ASAS members and patients. Five key areas were identified as most important to determine quality of care: referral including rapid access, rheumatology assessment, treatment, education/self-management and comorbidities. Finally, nine QS were agreed on and endorsed by the whole ASAS membership. Conclusions ASAS successfully developed the first set of QS to help improving healthcare for adult patients with axSpA. Even though it may currently not be realistic to achieve the QS in all healthcare systems, they provide high-quality of care framework for patients with axSpA that should be aimed for

    Low prevalence of renal, cardiac, pulmonary, and neurological extra-articular clinical manifestations in spondyloarthritis: analysis of the Brazilian Registry of Spondyloarthritis

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the extra-articular manifestations (cardiac, renal, pulmonary, and neurological), usually not related to spondyloarthritis (SpA), in a large cohort of Brazilian patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study analyzed 1,472 patients diagnosed with SpA and cared for at 29 health care centers distributed in the five major geographic regions in the country, participating in the Brazilian Registry of Spondyloarthritis (BRS). All patients were assessed for the prevalence of major extra-articular manifestations (cardiac, renal, pulmonary, and neurological), classified according to the diagnosis [ankylosing spondylitis (AS), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), reactive arthritis (ReA), arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), undifferentiated spondyloarthritis (uSpA), and juvenile SpA], and according to the clinical presentation (axial, peripheral, mixed, and enthesitis). RESULTS: Of the patients with SpA assessed, 963 had AS, 271 PsA, 49 ReA, 48 arthritis associated with IBD, 98 uSpA, and 43 juvenile SpA. Cardiac involvement was reported in 44 patients (3.0%), pulmonary involvement in 19 (1.3%), renal involvement in 17 (1.2%), and neurological involvement in 13 patients (0.9%). Most patients with visceral involvement had AS or PsA, and the mixed (axial + peripheral) and/or predominantly axial clinical form. CONCLUSION: Cardiac, renal, pulmonary, and neurological extra-articular manifestations are quite infrequent in SpA, ranging from 0.9% to 3% in this large Brazilian cohort, and affected predominantly patients with AS and PsA.OBJETIVO: Descrever as manifestações extra-articulares (cardíacas, renais, pulmonares e neurológicas) geralmente não relacionadas às espondiloartrites (EpA) em uma grande coorte de pacientes brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Este estudo retrospectivo analisou 1.472 pacientes com o diagnóstico de EpA atendidos em 29 centros distribuídos pelas cinco principais regiões geográficas do Brasil, integrantes do Registro Brasileiro de Espondiloartrites. Todos os pacientes foram avaliados para a prevalência das principais manifestações extra-articulares (cardíacas, renais, pulmonares e neurológicas), divididas por diagnóstico [espondilite anquilosante (EA), artrite psoriásica (AP), artrite reativa (ARe), artrite associada a doença inflamatória intestinal (DII), EpA indiferenciada (EI) e EpA juvenil] e por forma clínica (axial, periférica, mista e entesítica). RESULTADOS: Dentre os pacientes avaliados com EpA, 963 apresentavam EA, 271 AP, 49 ARe, 48 artrite associada a DII, 98 EI e 43 EpA juvenil. Acometimento cardíaco foi observado em 44 pacientes (3,0%), seguido por acometimento pulmonar em 19 (1,3%), renal em 17 (1,2%) e neurológico em 13 pacientes (0,9%). A maioria dos casos de acometimento visceral ocorreu nos pacientes com EA ou AP e naqueles com forma clínica mista (axial e periférica) e/ou predominantemente axial. CONCLUSÃO: As manifestações extra-articulares cardíacas, renais, pulmonares e neurológicas são muito pouco frequentes nas EpA, variando de 0,9%-3% nesta grande coorte brasileira, estando mais associadas a EA e AP.37938

    Ornato e despojamento no mundo fabril

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    O artigo investiga algumas das tendências da arquitetura gerada por fábricas - galpões industriais, moradias, igrejas, escolas, clubes etc. -, erguida no Brasil entre as duas últimas décadas do século XIX e as primeiras do XX. Apoia-se em amplo inventário, como base para um esforço de análise que se propõe a identificar os temas e usos predominantes dos ornatos aplicados a construções geradas por fábricas, as referências historicistas mobilizadas e eventuais rupturas de signos arquitetônicos tipológicos, e, no limite, a abolição de ornatos e dos referidos signos. Assim, de um lado, trata da penetração da linguagem eclética nessas construções, investigando o repertório formal utilizado em diferentes tipologias. De outro, trata da simultânea difusão de uma estética tipicamente fabril, fundamentada em noções de economia, eficiência, utilidade e funcionalidade. Mostra como tais noções se expressam ora em uma simplificação ou ausência de ornatos, ora no uso de ornatos cujos temas remetem ao mundo das máquinas; às vezes, no distanciamento ou abandono de signos arquitetônicos tipológicos consagrados; ou, ainda, no emprego de materiais produzidos industrialmente e que se difundiram a partir, sobretudo, da arquitetura de fábricas.The article examines some aspects of the architecture created for factories - warehouses, houses, churches, schools, clubs etc. -, built in Brazil between the two last decades of the nineteenth century and early of the twentieth century. The research relies on extensive inventory, the basis on which an analysis effort is realized that aims to identify the themes and predominant use of ornament applied to constructions produced by factories, the historicist references mobilized and eventual disruption of typological architectural signs, and, ultimately, the elimination of ornament and of those signs. Therefore, on one side, it deals with the penetration of the eclectic language in these buildings, by examining the formal repertoire used in different typologies. On the other side, it deals with simultaneous diffusion of a typical manufacturing aesthetic, based on notions of economy, efficiency, utility and functionality. It shows how such notions are expressed in either a simplification or the lack of ornament, sometimes in the use of ornament whose themes relate to the world of machines, sometimes in the detachment or abandonment of embodied architectural typological signs, or even the use of industrially produced materials that have spread from mainly the architecture of factories