29 research outputs found

    Aplicações e limitações da termobarometria em migmatitos e granulitos usando como exemplo as rochas do Orógeno Araçuaí no Sul da Bahia, incluindo discussão do significado tectônico dos resultados

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    No sul da Bahia ocorrem migmatitos e granulitos do Complexo Jequitinhonha, porção norte do Orógeno Araçuaí. Os migmatitos (granada-cordierita diatexitos) dominam as rochas metamórficas e incluem lentes e camadas de granada granulito félsico. As condições de temperatura e pressão do metamorfismo foram calculadas com termobarometria convencional e THERMOCALC. Valores em torno de 850 °C e 7 kbar foram obtidos com THERMOCALC, sendo que para o diatexito os cálculos foram feitos considerando aH2O igual a 1, mas os melhores resultados de cálculos para o granulito são feitos com valores de aH2O igual a 0,3. Os cálculos de pressão obtidos com GAPES resultam em valores concordantes com o THERMOCALC, mas o par granada-ortopiroxênio sempre produz valores baixos para temperatura e elevados para pressão. Os resultados são condizentes com a presença do par granada e cordierita no diatexito e ortopiroxênio no granulito félsico. Do ponto de vista tectônico o ambiente em que o metamorfismo dessas rochas ocorreu necessita de alto fluxo de calor com anomalia térmica em regiões médias da crosta, considerando os valores de 7 kbar. Trabalhos recentes têm favorecido o fechamento de bacia back-arc para esse ambiente, mas isso não resolve o problema de que entre a época do pico metamórfico e a granitogênese final, envolvendo grandes corpos de charnockito, existe intervalo de mais de 80 milhões de anos. O modelo de comutação tectônica (tectonic switching) é sugerido para explicar a manutenção de temperaturas elevadas durante intervalo de tempo tão prolongado.In southern Bahia, there are outcrops of migmatites and granulites in the Jequitinhonha Complex, which is part of the northern portion of the Araçuaí Orogen. Migmatites (garnet-cordierite diatexite) dominate the metamorphic rocks and host lenses and layers of felsic garnet granulite. The conditions of temperature and pressure of metamorphism were calculated using conventional thermobarometry and the software THERMOCALC. Values around 850 °C and 7 kbar were obtained with THERMOCALC. The calculations for the garnet-cordierite diatexite were made considering aH2O equal to 1, but the best results of calculations for the granulites are obtained with aH2O values of 0.3. Pressure values obtained with GAPES resulted in consistent values with THERMOCALC, but the pair garnet-orthopyroxene always produces low values for temperature and high ones for pressure. The results are consistent with the presence of the pair garnet and cordierite in diatexite and orthopyroxene in felsic granulite. From the tectonic point of view, the setting in which metamorphism of these rocks occurred requires high heat flow with a thermal anomaly in mid continental crust, as indicated by values of 7 kbar. Recent studies have favored the closure of a back-arc basin for this tectonic setting, but it does not solve the problem that the time span between metamorphic peak and the end of granite intrusions, involving large bodies of charnockite, is more than 80 million years. The model of tectonic switching is suggested here as it can explain the maintenance of high temperatures for a more extended interval of time


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    Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo comparar os modos de acesso aos diferentes serviços de saúde mental de um município de médio porte do interior do Ceará. Esse estudo emerge como parte de uma pesquisa com maior abrangência e apoiada tanto pelo Grupo de Pesquisa em Itinerários Terapêuticos de Saúde Mental quanto pelo Programa de Iniciação Científica do Centro Universitário Católica de Quixadá (Unicatólica). A relevância deste trabalho se destaca pelo fato de investigar como os fluxos de pessoas se distribuem nas redes de saúde, e não só isso, mas, também, como os usuários, de forma singular, vivenciam todo o percurso até a chegada ao serviço de saúde mental. Além disso, no Brasil, as pesquisas sobre ITs são bastante escassas, principalmente no campo da saúde mental, o que demonstra, assim, a importância deste trabalho para melhor compreensão do percurso dos sujeitos, podendo colaborar futuramente na melhoria do acesso aos serviços. Como metodologia, utilizou-se a abordagem quantitativa. Foi realizada uma análise documental dos prontuários dos diferentes pacientes de dois serviços de Saúde Mental do município de Quixadá no Sertão Central: Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS Geral) e o Serviço de Psicologia Aplicada (SPA) da Unicatólica. Foram analisados 60 prontuários de adultos atendidos no CAPS de Quixadá e 113 prontuários também de adultos que receberam atendimento no Serviço de Psicologia Aplicada da Unicatólica durante o ano de 2018. Como resultados preliminares, foi constatado que o SPA tem desempenhado um papel significativo no acolhimento às demandas de Saúde Mental da população de Quixadá

    High anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroconversion rates before the second wave in Manaus, Brazil, and the protective effect of social behaviour measures: results from the prospective DETECTCoV-19 cohort

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    Background: The city of Manaus, Brazil, has seen two collapses of the health system due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We report anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibody seroconversion rates and associated risk factors in Manaus residents before the second wave of the epidemic in Brazil. Methods: A convenience sample of adult (aged ≥18 years) residents of Manaus was recruited through online and university website advertising into the DETECTCoV-19 study cohort. The current analysis of seroconversion included a subgroup of DETECTCoV-19 participants who had at least two serum sample collections separated by at least 4 weeks between Aug 19 and Oct 2, 2020 (visit 1), and Oct 19 and Nov 27, 2020 (visit 2). Those who reported (or had no data on) having a COVID-19 diagnosis before visit 1, and who were positive for anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibodies at visit 1 were excluded. Using an in-house ELISA, the reactivity index (RI; calculated as the optical density ratio of the sample to the negative control) for serum anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibodies was measured at both visits. We calculated the incidence of seroconversion (defined as RI values ≤1·5 at visit 1 and ≥1·5 at visit 2, and a ratio >2 between the visit 2 and visit 1 RI values) during the study period, as well as incidence rate ratios (IRRs) through cluster-corrected and adjusted Poisson regression models to analyse associations between seroconversion and variables related to sociodemographic characteristics, health access, comorbidities, COVID-19 exposure, protective behaviours, and symptoms. Findings: 2496 DETECTCoV-19 cohort participants returned for a follow-up visit between Oct 19 and Nov 27, 2020, of whom 204 reported having COVID-19 before the first visit and 24 had no data regarding previous disease status. 559 participants were seropositive for anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibodies at baseline. Of the remaining 1709 participants who were seronegative at baseline, 71 did not meet the criteria for seroconversion and were excluded from the analyses. Among the remaining 1638 participants who were seronegative at baseline, 214 showed seroconversion at visit 2. The seroconversion incidence was 13·06% (95% CI 11·52–14·79) overall and 6·78% (5·61–8·10) for symptomatic seroconversion, over a median follow-up period of 57 days (IQR 54–61). 48·1% of seroconversion events were estimated to be asymptomatic. The sample had higher proportions of affluent and higher-educated people than those reported for the Manaus city population. In the fully adjusted and corrected model, risk factors for seroconversion before visit 2 were having a COVID-19 case in the household (IRR 1·49 [95% CI 1·21–1·83]), not wearing a mask during contact with a person with COVID-19 (1·25 [1·09–1·45]), relaxation of physical distancing (1·31 [1·05–1·64]), and having flu-like symptoms (1·79 [1·23–2·59]) or a COVID-19 diagnosis (3·57 [2·27–5·63]) between the first and second visits, whereas working remotely was associated with lower incidence (0·74 [0·56–0·97]). Interpretation: An intense infection transmission period preceded the second wave of COVID-19 in Manaus. Several modifiable behaviours increased the risk of seroconversion, including non-compliance with non-pharmaceutical interventions measures such as not wearing a mask during contact, relaxation of protective measures, and non-remote working. Increased testing in high-transmission areas is needed to provide timely information about ongoing transmission and aid appropriate implementation of transmission mitigation measures. Funding: Ministry of Education, Brazil; Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas; Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/WHO.World Health OrganizationRevisión por pare

    Associação entre a ooforectomia bilateral precoce e o desenvolvimento do parkinsonismo e Doença de Parkinson em mulheres na pré-menopausa

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    O parkinsonismo é um distúrbio do sistema nervoso de maior incidência masculina do que feminina, visto que, por mecanismos fisiológicos, o estrogênio possui efeitos neuroprotetores, com funções como aumento da dopamina, um neurotransmissor essencial para o controle das funções motoras. Além disso, previne a formação dos corpúsculos de Lewy e da agregação da α-sinucleína, responsáveis pela progressão da Doença de Parkinson. Por isso, a doença se apresenta diferentemente nas mulheres. A remoção cirúrgica de ambos os ovários em mulheres na pré-menopausa para a prevenção do câncer de ovário parece favorecer o surgimento da doença, tendo em vista a perda da produção do hormônio protetor. Assim, o objetivo do estudo é analisar a associação entre a ooforectomia bilateral precoce e o desenvolvimento de parkinsonismo e Doença de Parkinson em mulheres na pré-menopausa. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica sistemática, do tipo quantitativa, que utilizou as plataformas do PubMed, SciELO e Cochrane Library como bases de dados para seleção dos artigos, todos na língua inglesa. Foram utilizadas literaturas publicadas com recorte temporal de 2017 a 2022. De acordo com as literaturas analisadas, a ooforectomia bilateral precoce em mulheres na pré-menopausa aumenta o risco do desenvolvimento de parkinsonismo. Desse modo, a diminuição dos procedimentos cirúrgicos profiláticos para câncer de ovário nas pacientes com risco médio de malignidade reduziria o risco dessa condição

    Um Barquinho para navegar: devoção e habitus religioso na constituição da Capelinha de São Francisco

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    Applications and limitations of thermobarometry in migmatites and granulites using as an example rocks of the Araçuaí Orogen in southern Bahia, including a discussion on the tectonic meaning of the current results

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    In southern Bahia, there are outcrops of migmatites and granulites in the Jequitinhonha Complex, which is part of the northern portion of the Araçuaí Orogen. Migmatites (garnet-cordierite diatexite) dominate the metamorphic rocks and host lenses and layers of felsic garnet granulite. The conditions of temperature and pressure of metamorphism were calculated using conventional thermobarometry and the software THERMOCALC. Values around 850 °C and 7 kbar were obtained with THERMOCALC. The calculations for the garnet-cordierite diatexite were made considering aH2O equal to 1, but the best results of calculations for the granulites are obtained with aH2O values of 0.3. Pressure values obtained with GAPES resulted in consistent values with THERMOCALC, but the pair garnet-orthopyroxene always produces low values for temperature and high ones for pressure. The results are consistent with the presence of the pair garnet and cordierite in diatexite and orthopyroxene in felsic granulite. From the tectonic point of view, the setting in which metamorphism of these rocks occurred requires high heat flow with a thermal anomaly in mid continental crust, as indicated by values of 7 kbar. Recent studies have favored the closure of a back-arc basin for this tectonic setting, but it does not solve the problem that the time span between metamorphic peak and the end of granite intrusions, involving large bodies of charnockite, is more than 80 million years. The model of tectonic switching is suggested here as it can explain the maintenance of high temperatures for a more extended interval of time

    AMAZONIA CAMTRAP: A data set of mammal, bird, and reptile species recorded with camera traps in the Amazon forest

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    The Amazon forest has the highest biodiversity on Earth. However, information on Amazonian vertebrate diversity is still deficient and scattered across the published, peer-reviewed, and gray literature and in unpublished raw data. Camera traps are an effective non-invasive method of surveying vertebrates, applicable to different scales of time and space. In this study, we organized and standardized camera trap records from different Amazon regions to compile the most extensive data set of inventories of mammal, bird, and reptile species ever assembled for the area. The complete data set comprises 154,123 records of 317 species (185 birds, 119 mammals, and 13 reptiles) gathered from surveys from the Amazonian portion of eight countries (Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela). The most frequently recorded species per taxa were: mammals: Cuniculus paca (11,907 records); birds: Pauxi tuberosa (3713 records); and reptiles: Tupinambis teguixin (716 records). The information detailed in this data paper opens up opportunities for new ecological studies at different spatial and temporal scales, allowing for a more accurate evaluation of the effects of habitat loss, fragmentation, climate change, and other human-mediated defaunation processes in one of the most important and threatened tropical environments in the world. The data set is not copyright restricted; please cite this data paper when using its data in publications and we also request that researchers and educators inform us of how they are using these data