250 research outputs found

    Macromolecular ab initio phasing enforcing secondary and tertiary structure.

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    Ab initio phasing of macromolecular structures, from the native intensities alone with no experimental phase information or previous particular structural knowledge, has been the object of a long quest, limited by two main barriers: structure size and resolution of the data. Current approaches to extend the scope of ab initio phasing include use of the Patterson function, density modification and data extrapolation. The authors' approach relies on the combination of locating model fragments such as polyalanine α-helices with the program PHASER and density modification with the program SHELXE. Given the difficulties in discriminating correct small substructures, many putative groups of fragments have to be tested in parallel; thus calculations are performed in a grid or supercomputer. The method has been named after the Italian painter Arcimboldo, who used to compose portraits out of fruit and vegetables. With ARCIMBOLDO, most collections of fragments remain a 'still-life', but some are correct enough for density modification and main-chain tracing to reveal the protein's true portrait. Beyond α-helices, other fragments can be exploited in an analogous way: libraries of helices with modelled side chains, β-strands, predictable fragments such as DNA-binding folds or fragments selected from distant homologues up to libraries of small local folds that are used to enforce nonspecific tertiary structure; thus restoring the ab initio nature of the method. Using these methods, a number of unknown macromolecules with a few thousand atoms and resolutions around 2 Å have been solved. In the 2014 release, use of the program has been simplified. The software mediates the use of massive computing to automate the grid access required in difficult cases but may also run on a single multicore workstation (http://chango.ibmb.csic.es/ARCIMBOLDO_LITE) to solve straightforward cases

    Grotta dell\u2019Acqua Mintina a peculiar geosite with the smell of sulfur

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    Riassunto La grotta dell\u2019Acqua Mintina (comune di Butera, Caltanissetta, Sicilia) si estende per una lunghezza totale di 140 m nel Calcare di Base di et\ue0 messiniana (Miocene superiore) ed \ue8 caratterizzata dalla spettacolare presenza di concrezioni e cristalli di zolfo nativo e gesso secondario. Lo zolfo si \ue8 formato sulle pareti e sul soffitto della grotto in cristalli fino a 1 cm di lunghezza e in concrezioni microcristalline di forma botroidale, a nuvola, a popcorn e a \u201cmensola\u201d. Il gesso \ue8 presente in aggregati cristallini aciculari, prismatici e fibrosi con cristalli fino a 3 cm di lunghezza. La grotta mostra morfologie non compatibili con i consueti fenomeni carsici ma legate ad attacco acido su calcare. L\u2019acido solforico \ue8 stato generato in corrispondenza della falda acquifera per miscelazione di acque ricche di H2S risalite dai sedimenti sottostanti con acque ricche in ossigeno infiltrate dalla superficie. Il gesso si \ue8 formato attraverso il fenomeno della condensazione-corrosione di acido solforico sulle pareti calcaree della grotta, mentre lo zolfo si \ue8 formato per degassamento di H2S e CO2 al di sotto della superficie dell\u2019acqua, con parziale ossidazione dell\u2019acido solfidrico. L\u2019acido solfidrico \ue8 stato a sua volta generato dalla degradazione dei sedimenti ricchi in materia organica del Tripoli che si trovano immediatamente al di sotto del Calcare di Base e/o per riduzione batterica del gesso primario della Formazione di Pasquasia affiorante al di sopra. La grotta, per la presenza di spettacolari concrezioni di zolfo e gesso, rappresenta un geosito di interesse nazionale da tutelare e conservare attivamente.The Acqua Mintina cave (Butera, Caltanissetta, Sicily) cuts for a total length of 140 m the Messinian Calcare di base unit and is characterized by the spectacular, and fortunately still poorly degraded, presence of native sulfur and secondary gypsum. The sulfur occurs on the walls and ceiling in crystals up to 1 cm in length and centimeter-thick microcrystalline botroydal, cloud, popcorn, and folia concretions. Gypsum is present in acicular, prismatic and fibrous crystal aggregates consisting of crystals of up to 3 cm in length. The cave shows karst morphologies due to acid attack on limestone and not the usual dissolution by water flow. The organic-rich Tripoli sediments below the Calcare di Base unit and/or the bacterial reduction of gypsum from the Upper Gypsum unit probably provided the original H2S. Sulfuric acid was generated when H2S-rich water encountered oxygen-rich water at or near the water table. Gypsum formed by condensation-corrosion of sulfuric acid on the cave walls, while the sulfur concretion probably formed where H2S and CO2 were outgassing below the water surface, with the H2S partially oxidizing to sulfur. The cave for its widespread presence of spectacular crusts of sulfur and gypsum crystals represents a rare and valuable geosite to be actively protected and preserved

    Castello dei Tre Cantoni in Scicli in the light of new excavations. First observations

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    In connection with a research programme concerning the role of the Normans in the formation of the cultural face of medieval Europe, the Research Centre for Late Antique and Early Medieval Studies of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences in WrocĹ‚aw began excavations in Scicli based on a scientific cooperation agreement with Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali ed Ambientali di Ragusa with the support of local volunteers. The project concerned the castle, known as Castello dei Tre Cantoni (also Castelluccio), occupying the top of the hill of S. Matteo above the town of Scicli (Fig. 1). The time of construction of both castles and their functioning period remains a subject of inquiry for archaeologists, historians, and architectural historians. The research carried out in 2018 produced the first information, documented by systematic  excavations, on the chronology of the fortification on the hill of San Matteo. Thanks to them, it was possible to discover a building workshop dating from the second half of the 14th to the first half of the 15th century and confirm the castle wall’s construction (reconstruction?) at the same time. Both the stratigraphy and the 14C dates were obtained to confirm the castle’s functioning from the 2nd half of the 14th century.In connection with a research programme concerning the role of the Normans in the formation of the cultural face of medieval Europe, the Research Centre for Late Antique and Early Medieval Studies of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences in WrocĹ‚aw began excavations in Scicli based on a scientific cooperation agreement with Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali ed Ambientali di Ragusa with the support of local volunteers. The project concerned the castle, known as Castello dei Tre Cantoni (also Castelluccio), occupying the top of the hill of S. Matteo above the town of Scicli (Fig. 1). The time of construction of both castles and their functioning period remains a subject of inquiry for archaeologists, historians, and architectural historians. The research carried out in 2018 produced the first information, documented by systematic  excavations, on the chronology of the fortification on the hill of San Matteo. Thanks to them, it was possible to discover a building workshop dating from the second half of the 14th to the first half of the 15th century and confirm the castle wall’s construction (reconstruction?) at the same time. Both the stratigraphy and the 14C dates were obtained to confirm the castle’s functioning from the 2nd half of the 14th century

    Implications of AlphaFold2 for crystallographic phasing by molecular replacement.

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    The AlphaFold2 results in the 14th edition of Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP14) showed that accurate (low root-mean-square deviation) in silico models of protein structure domains are on the horizon, whether or not the protein is related to known structures through high-coverage sequence similarity. As highly accurate models become available, generated by harnessing the power of correlated mutations and deep learning, one of the aspects of structural biology to be impacted will be methods of phasing in crystallography. Here, the data from CASP14 are used to explore the prospects for changes in phasing methods, and in particular to explore the prospects for molecular-replacement phasing using in silico models

    Pendidikan Karakter Untuk Menyelamatkan Peserta Didik Dalam Keterpurukan Globalisasi

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    Perkembangan jaman sekarang mengarah ke era globalisasi membuat pendidikan menjadi terombang-ambing dalam ketidak pastian. Pendidikan yang keras tertanam sejak jaman pendidikan era terdahulu menanamkan beberapa dampak buruk bagi peserta didik. Setiap masuk jenjang sekolah lebih tinggi, selalu ada perpeloncoan. Masa orientasi peserta didik yang bertujuan menjadikan peserta didik tau dan lebih mengenal lingkungan sekolah di salah gunakan menjadi kearogansian dari senioritas. Pendidikan moral perlu di tanamkan dalam Pendidikan karakter anak sejak usia dini. Pendidikan karakter dapat mencegah terjadinya kebobrokan moral yang terjadi saat ini. Banyak sekali contoh insiden yang terjadi di lingkup Pendidikan yang seharsukanya tidak pantas terjadi. Pendidikan karakter berdasar oleh Pendidikan agama yang di tanamkan sejak dini di keluarga juga. Anak yang sudah memiliki benteng Pendidikan karakter akan lebih mudah di arahkan dan anak akan tau dengan persis mana yang baik dan mana yang benar. Kasus demi kasus membongkar tentang rendahnya moral peserta didik jaman sekarang yang jauh dari Pendidikan karakter yang sesuai. Penggalakan peningakatan kurikulum dari KTSP menjadi k13 adalah salah satu cara untuk memasukan Pendidikan karakter ke dalam Pendidikan dan keseharian anak sejak dini. Langkah pembaharuan ini untuk mencegah generasi yang semakin tidak terkendali karena era globalisasi. Dampak positif dan negative selalu beriringan dalam langkah setiap manusia, karena itulah mengapa selalu di lakukan peningkatan dalam Pendidikan. Langkah demi langkah dilakukan untuk menyokong kehidupan yang lebih bermartabat dan meninggalkan cara hidup yang tanpa moral

    Fragon: rapid high-resolution structure determination from ideal protein fragments

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    Correctly positioning ideal protein fragments by molecular replacement presents an attractive method for obtaining preliminary phases when no template structure for molecular replacement is available. This has been exploited in several existing pipelines. This paper presents a new pipeline, named Fragon, in which fragments (ideal α-helices or β-strands) are placed using Phaser and the phases calculated from these coordinates are then improved by the density-modification methods provided by ACORN. The reliable scoring algorithm provided by ACORN identifies success. In these cases, the resulting phases are usually of sufficient quality to enable automated model building of the entire structure. Fragon was evaluated against two test sets comprising mixed α/β folds and all-β folds at resolutions between 1.0 and 1.7 Å. Success rates of 61% for the mixed α/β test set and 30% for the all-β test set were achieved. In almost 70% of successful runs, fragment placement and density modification took less than 30 min on relatively modest four-core desktop computers. In all successful runs the best set of phases enabled automated model building with ARP/wARP to complete the structure
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