624 research outputs found

    Effects of floaters on the free surface profiles of river flows

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    The presence of floaters should be taken into account when dealing with hydraulic analyses, e.g. when boats are moored along the river banks or large wood is expected to be conveyed by the river flow during floods. Many approaches have been proposed so far in order to consider the effects of floaters upon the flow features. Usually, they rely on the numerical resolution of the governing equation for both the fluid and the solid phases. Hence, their computational cost can be inadequate at the early stage of hydraulic studies or when large scale analyses have to be performed. A simplified method to compute the value of the resistance coefficient able to reproduce the effects of floaters upon the flow levels is proposed herein. The method is intended to provide the hydraulic parameters to be used within standard hydraulic simulations for which the effects of floaters must be accounted for; this is obtained by means of a modified resistance coefficient

    Georeferenced cartography dataset of the La Fossa crater fumarolic field at Vulcano Island (Aeolian Archipelago, Italy): conversion and comparison of data from local to global positioning methods

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    The present study illustrates the procedures applied for the coordinate system conversion of the historical fumarole positions at La Fossa crater, to allow their comparison with newly acquired global positioning system (GPS) data. Due to the absence of ground control points in the field and on both the old Gauss Boaga and the new UTM WGS 1984 maps, we had to model the transformation errors between the two systems using differential GPS techniques. Once corrected, the maps show a residual Easting shifting, due to erroneous georeferencing of the original base maps; this is corrected by morphological comparative methods. The good correspondence between the corrected positions of the historical data and the results of the new GPS survey that was carried out in 2009 highlights the good quality of the old surveys, although they were carried out without the use of accurate topographical instruments

    Large-scale numerical modeling of hydro-acoustic waves generated by tsunamigenic earthquakes

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    Abstract. Tsunamigenic fast movements of the seabed generate pressure waves in weakly compressible seawater, namely hydro-acoustic waves, which travel at the sound celerity in water (about 1500 m s−1). These waves travel much faster than the counterpart long free-surface gravity waves and contain significant information on the source. Measurement of hydro-acoustic waves can therefore anticipate the tsunami arrival and significantly improve the capability of tsunami early warning systems. In this paper a novel numerical model for reproduction of hydro-acoustic waves is applied to analyze the generation and propagation in real bathymetry of these pressure perturbations for two historical catastrophic earthquake scenarios in Mediterranean Sea. The model is based on the solution of a depth-integrated equation, and therefore results are computationally efficient in reconstructing the hydro-acoustic waves propagation scenarios

    Identification of D179H, a novel missense GJB2 mutation in a Western Sicily family

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    The main purpose of this study was to describe a novel missense mutation (p.D179H) found in a Western Sicily family and to examine the genetic and audiologic profiles of all family members by performing a GJB2 and GJB6 mutations analysis and a complete audiologic assessment. The proband was a 3-month-old infant with a congenital profound sensorineural hearing loss; direct sequencing of the GJB2 revealed the presence of a c.35delG mutation in the heterozygous state and a heterozygous G[C transition at nucleotide 535 in trans; this novel mutation, called p.D179H, resulted in an aspartic acid to histidine change at codon 179. It was also evidenced in the heterozygous state in two members of this family, both with normal hearing. No GJB6 mutations were evidenced in all subjects studied. Considering the genotypic and phenotypic analysis of all family members, we suggest, differently from the p.D179 N mutation previously reported, a recessive mode of inheritance. Functional studies on p.D179H have to be performed to confirm our hypothesis

    Epiluminescence microscopy for the diagnosis of doubtful melanocytic skin lesions: Comparison of the ABCD rule of dermatoscopy and a new 7-point checklist based on pattern analysis

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    Objective: To compare the reliability of a new 7-point checklist based on simplified epiluminescence microscopy (ELM) pattern analysis with the ABCD rule of dermatoscopy and standard pattern analysis for the diagnosis of clinically doubtful melanocytic skin lesions. Design: In a blind study, ELM images of 342 histologically proven melanocytic skin lesions were evaluated for the presence of 7 standard criteria that we called the 'ELM 7-point checklist.' For each lesion, 'overall' and 'ABCD scored' diagnoses were recorded. From a training set of 57 melanomas and 139 atypical non-melanomas, odds ratios were calculated to create a simple diagnostic model based on identification of major and minor criteria for the '7-point scored' diagnosis. A test set of 60 melanomas and 86 atypical non-melanomas was used for model validation and was then presented to 2 less experienced ELM observers, who recorded the ABCD and 7-point scored diagnoses. Settings: University medical centers. Patients: A sample of patients with excised melanocytic lesions. Main Outcome Measures: Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the models for diagnosing melanoma. Results: From the total combined sets, the 7-point checklist gave a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 75% compared with 85% sensitivity and 66% specificity using the ABCD rule and 91% sensitivity and 90% specificity using standard pattern analysis (overall ELM diagnosis). Compared with the ABCD rule, the 7-point method allowed less experienced observers to obtain higher diagnostic accuracy values. Conclusions: The ELM 7-point checklist provides a simplification of standard pattern analysis because of the low number of features to identify and the scoring diagnostic system. As with the ABCD rule, it can be easily learned and easily applied and has proven to be reliable in diagnosing melanoma

    The optimal design of a flap gate array in front of a straight vertical wall: Resonance of the natural modes and enhancement of the exciting torque

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    We consider a wave energy converter made of an array of Q neighbouring floating flap gates with finite thickness in front of a straight vertical wall in constant depth. Solutions of the radiation and scattering problems are achieved by application of Green's theorem and Green's function yielding a system of hypersingular integral equations for the velocity potential expanded in terms of Legendre polynomials. We investigate how the distance between the array and the vertical wall affects the performance of the array under the action of monochromatic and random waves. We show that large values of the exciting torque on the gates can be obtained by tuning the wall distance with the resonance of the natural modes of the array; this in turn yields large power extraction for a wide range of frequencies

    Theory of the synchronous motion of an array of floating flap gates oscillating wave surge converter

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    We consider a finite array of floating flap gates oscillating wave surge converter (OWSC) in water of constant depth. The diffraction and radiation potentials are solved in terms of elliptical coordinates and Mathieu functions. Generated power and capture width ratio of a single gate excited by incoming waves are given in terms of the radiated wave amplitude in the far field. Similar to the case of axially symmetric absorbers, the maximum power extracted is shown to be directly proportional to the incident wave characteristics: energy flux, angle of incidence and wavelength. Accordingly, the capture width ratio is directly proportional to the wavelength, thus giving a design estimate of the maximum efficiency of the system. We then compare the array and the single gate in terms of energy production. For regular waves, we show that excitation of the out-of-phase natural modes of the array increases the power output, while in the case of random seas we show that the array and the single gate achieve the same efficiency

    Weakly nonlinear theory for a gate-type curved array in waves

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    We analyse the effect of gate surface curvature on the nonlinear behaviour of an array of gates in a semi-infinite channel. Using a perturbation-harmonic expansion, we show the occurrence of new detuning and damping terms in the Ginzburg-Landau evolution equation, which are not present in the case of flat gates. Unlike the case of linearised theories, synchronous excitation of trapped modes is now possible because of interactions between the wave field and the curved boundaries at higher orders. Finally, we apply the theory to the case of surging wave energy converters (WECs) with curved geometry and show that the effects of nonlinear synchronous resonance are substantial for design purposes. Conversely, in the case of subharmonic resonance we show that the effects of surface curvature are not always beneficial as previously thought

    Weakly nonlinear theory for oscillating wave surge converters in a channel

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    We present a weakly nonlinear theory on the natural modes' resonance of an array of oscillating wave surge converters (OWSCs) in a channel. We first derive the evolution equation of the Stuart-Landau type for the gate oscillations in uniform and modulated incident waves and then evaluate the nonlinear effects on the energy conversion performance of the array. We show that the gates are unstable to side-band perturbations so that a Benjamin-Feir instability similar to the case of Stokes' waves is possible. The non-autonomous dynamical system presents period doubling bifurcations and strange attractors. We also analyse the competition of two natural modes excited by one incident wave. For weak damping and power take-off coefficient, the dynamical effects on the generated power of the OWSCs are investigated. We show that the occurrence of subharmonic resonance significantly increases energy production

    Distribution and phenotype of GJB2 mutations in 102 Sicilian patients with congenital non syndromic sensorineural hearing loss

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    Objective: To evaluate the frequency of GJB2 mutations and their correlation with phenotype in Sicilian non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss (NSHL) patients. Design: Sequencing of the coding region, basal promoter, exon 1, and donor splice site of the GJB2 gene; screening for the presence of the two common GJB6 deletions. Study sample: A cohort of 102 Sicilian NSHL patients. Results: Fifteen different mutations in GJB2 and seventeen different genotypes were detected. No GJB6 mutations were found. The hearing impairment was profound in the 64.72% of probands (mean PTA 0.25 – 4 kHz of 88.82 26.52 dB HL). A total of 81.37% of patients harboured at least one c.35delG allele; c.167delT and c.-23 1G A were identifi ed in 10.78% and the 9.8% of patients respectively; c.35delG homozygotes presented more severe hearing impairment (75.59% of profound hearing loss) and a higher mean PTA 0.25 – 4 kHz (96.79 21.11 dB HL) with respect to c.35delG/non-c.35delG and c.35delG/Wt patients (P 0.05). Conclusions: This work underlines the role of c.35delG, c.167delT and c.-23 1G A as the most frequent causes of NSHL in Sicily. The c.35delG frequency found is similar to those reported in other populations of the Mediterranean area. The analysis of genetic and audiologic data confi rmed a variability in the phenotype associated to a single genotype
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