11 research outputs found

    A 1.5 Ma Marine Record of Volcanic Activity and Associated Landslides Offshore Martinique (Lesser Antilles): Sites U1397 and U1399 of IODP 340 Expedition

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    The products of eruptive and mass-wasting processes that built island arc volcanoes are better preserved in marine deposits than on land. Holes U1397A and U1399A drilled during IODP Expedition 340 provide a 1.5 Ma record of the volcanic history of Martinique. 14C dating and ÎŽ18O patterns are used to reconstitute the chronostratigraphy of tephra, volcaniclastic turbidites, and mass-wasting events (traced by debris avalanches, debrites, and duplication and deformation of pre-existing sediments), leading to a new volcanic history of Montagne PelĂ©e and Pitons du Carbet volcanoes. The top 50 m of core U1397A provides a continuous high-resolution sedimentation record over the last ∌130 ka. The sedimentation record deeper than 50 m in core U1397A and in the whole core U1399A is discontinuous because of the numerous sliding and deformation events triggered by debris avalanches related to flank collapses. Three successive activity periods are identified since ∌190 ka: the “Old PelĂ©e” until 50 ka, the “Grand RiviĂšre” (50–20 ka), and the “Recent PelĂ©e” (20 ka—present day). The first two periods have the highest volcanic deposition rates offshore but very little outcrop on land. The whole magmatic activity of Mt PelĂ©e comprises silicic andesites, but mafic andesites were also emitted during the whole “Grand RiviĂšre.” At ∌115 ka, a major flank collapse (“Le PrĂȘcheur”) produced a debris avalanche and submarine landslide that affected sea floor sediments by erosion and deformation up to ∌70 km from the shore. The Pitons du Carbet volcano was active from 1.2 Ma to 260 ka with numerous large flank collapses at a mean rate of 1 event every 100 ka. The average deposition rate of tephra fall offshore is much less than that at Mt PelĂ©e. Our data show that correlations between the timing of large landslides or emission of mafic magmas and rapid sea level rise or lowstands suggested by previous studies are not systematic. The reconstituted chronostratigraphy of cores U1397A and U1399A provides the framework necessary for further studies of the magma petrology and production rates and timing of the mechanisms triggering flank collapses and related submarine landslides of Mt PelĂ©e and Pitons du Carbet

    Business Dynamics and Innovation in the Home Video Game Industry

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    The purpose of this thesis is to present and analyze the innovations in the home video game industry and their impact on the competitive strategies of the companies in the indus-try. The existing literature about business cycles and business dynamics is scarce from busi-ness administrative perspective. This thesis contributes to fill the gap in the academic literature. The choice of the home video game industry has been done, due to its fast growing economic nature and the rapid changes that can be noticed, especially for the last decade. A qualitative research method with secondary qualitative and quantitative data and primary qualitative data through interviews has been used for this thesis. The home video game industry is highly driven by technological product innovations. Incremental innovations do not affect in a significant way the dynamics within the industry. Radical innovations create a competitive advantage through differentiation and they increase market share for the company which followed this strategy. Disruptive innovations open new markets, change the business environment for every firm and generate a shift in consumer preferences. Hence, the company which implements a disruptive innovation gains extensive market share. Innovations are possible due to the strategic orientation a company aims to pursue. If a company pursues a high market orientation and a low inno-vation orientation it manufactures an upgraded product to keep customers satisfied. When the firm pursues a high market and innovation orientation, the final product includes cha-racteristics that the customers desire. While at the same time the product created offers services and features hard to be matched by the competition. Finally, if a firm pursues a high innovation orientation and a low market orientation strategy, it creates an easier and more convenient alternative on the existing products while being cheaper. At the same time this strategic orientation disregards the established customers' desires.The purpose of this thesis is to present and analyze the innovations in the home video game industry and their impact on the competitive strategies of the companies in the indus-try. The existing literature about business cycles and business dynamics is scarce from busi-ness administrative perspective. This thesis contributes to fill the gap in the academic litera-ture. The choice of the home video game industry has been done, due to its fast growing economic nature and the rapid changes that can be noticed, especially for the last decade. A qualitative research method with secondary qualitative and quantitative data and primary qualitative data through interviews has been used for this thesis.The home video game industry is highly driven by technological product innovations. Incremental innovations do not affect in a significant way the dynamics within the industry. Radical innovations create a competitive advantage through differentiation and they increase market share for the company which followed this strategy. Disruptive innovations open new markets, change the business environment for every firm and generate a shift in consumer preferences. Hence, the company which implements a disruptive innovation gains extensive market share. Innovations are possible due to the strategic orientation a company aims to pursue. If a company pursues a high market orientation and a low inno-vation orientation it manufactures an upgraded product to keep customers satisfied. When the firm pursues a high market and innovation orientation, the final product includes cha-racteristics that the customers desire. While at the same time the product created offers services and features hard to be matched by the competition. Finally, if a firm pursues a high innovation orientation and a low market orientation strategy, it creates an easier and more convenient alternative on the existing products while being cheaper. At the same time this strategic orientation disregards the established customers' desires

    Mantle xenolith-bearing phonolites and basanites feed the active

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    International audienceSince 2018, the submarine east flank of Mayotte Island (Comoros archipelago) is the site of a major eruption located at 3.5 km depth bsl on a WNW-ESE volcanic ridge. Samples brought by oceanographic cruises carried out to monitor this seismo-volcanic crisis indicate that this volcanic ridge is built by a bimodal sodic alkaline magmatic series that includes basanites and phonolites. A petrological study of dredged samples allowed us to image the magmatic system feeding the volcanic ridge and to determine the link between basanitic and phonolitic magmas. The magmatic system feeding the volcanic ridge comprises multiple levels of magma storage. Basanitic magmas generated at 80–100 km mantle depth are stored in two or more deep reservoirs (≄ 37 km) and then in shallower basanitic and phonolitic lenses located close to the Moho interface before rising the surface. This study identifies three possible scenarios: (1) the deep basanitic magma rises directly and quickly to the surface from the deep mantle reservoir (as is currently happening 60 km offshore), (2) the basanitic magma stalls in a shallower reservoir near the Moho before resuming its ascent toward the surface and erupting as porphyritic basanite, (3) the basanitic magma stops and evolves to phonolite in these sub-crustal reservoirs. The phonolitic lavas are produced by approximately 80% fractional crystallization (34% clinopyroxene, 30% anorthoclase feldspar, 15.5% magnetite, 12.5% olivine, 5% apatite and 4% ilmenite) of a hydrous basanitic magma at mantle depths (P > 0.6 GPa) under reduced oxygen fugacity (~ FMQ-1). In this third scenario, the phonolitic magma might be reactivated by the arrival of a new batch of deeper basanitic magma

    Évolution magmatique temporelle de l’éruption sous-marine de Fani MaorĂ©, situĂ©e Ă  50 km Ă  l’est de Mayotte, rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e par un Ă©chantillonnage in situ et un suivi pĂ©trologique

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    International audienceThe “Fani MaorĂ©â€ eruption off the coasts of Mayotte has been intensively monitored by applying methods similar to those used for subaerial eruptions. Repeated high-resolution bathymetric surveys and dredging, coupled with petrological analyses of time-constrained samples, allowed tracking the evolution of magma over the whole submarine eruptive sequence. Indeed, after one year of direct ascent (Phase 1), basanitic magma switched to a different pathway that sampled a tephri-phonolitic subcrustal reservoir (Phase 2). Later, the magma pathway shifted again in the crust resulting in a new eruption site located 6 km northwest of the main edifice (Phase 3). The petrological signature of lava flows reveals both an evolution by fractional crystallization and syn-eruptive mixing with a tephri-phonolitic magma.We demonstrate that high-flux eruption of large volumes of basanitic magma from a deep-seated reservoir can interact with shallower reservoirs and remobilize eruptible magma. This has significant hazards implications with respect to the capacity of such large eruptions to reactivate shallow-seated inactive reservoirs from a transcrustal magmatic system that could be located potentially at a distance from the high-flux eruptive site.L’éruption au large de Mayotte a Ă©tĂ© intensĂ©ment surveillĂ©e en appliquant des mĂ©thodes similaires aux Ă©ruptions sub-aĂ©riennes. Une Ă©tude pĂ©trologique et gĂ©ochimique des Ă©chantillons draguĂ©s couplĂ©e Ă  de nombreux relevĂ©s bathymĂ©triques, nous a permis de suivre l’évolution du magma au cours de l’éruption. Le trajet du magma change aprĂšs un an de remontĂ©e directe (Phase 1), un rĂ©servoir magmatique sous-crustal et plus diffĂ©renciĂ© est alors Ă©chantillonnĂ© (Phase 2). Un mois plus tard, le trajet change Ă  nouveau et engendre une migration du site Ă©ruptif Ă  6 km au nord-ouest de l’édifice principal (Phase 3). La signature pĂ©trologique des coulĂ©es de lave rĂ©vĂšle Ă  la fois une Ă©volution par cristallisation fractionnĂ©e et un mĂ©lange syn-eruptif avec un magma tĂ©phri-phonolitique. Nous dĂ©montrons qu’une Ă©ruption Ă  haut dĂ©bit impliquant de grands volumes de magma basanitique et provenant d’un rĂ©servoir profond peut interagir avec des rĂ©servoirs plus superficiels et remobiliser le magma Ă©ruptible. Ceci a des implications significatives en termes de risques quant Ă  la capacitĂ© de ces grandes Ă©ruptions Ă  rĂ©activer des rĂ©servoirs inactifs peu profonds provenant d’un systĂšme magmatique transcrustal et potentiellement situĂ© Ă  distance du site Ă©ruptif

    Évolution magmatique temporelle de l’éruption sous-marine de Fani MaorĂ©, situĂ©e Ă  50 km Ă  l’est de Mayotte, rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e par un Ă©chantillonnage in situ et un suivi pĂ©trologique

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    International audienceThe “Fani MaorĂ©â€ eruption off the coasts of Mayotte has been intensively monitored by applying methods similar to those used for subaerial eruptions. Repeated high-resolution bathymetric surveys and dredging, coupled with petrological analyses of time-constrained samples, allowed tracking the evolution of magma over the whole submarine eruptive sequence. Indeed, after one year of direct ascent (Phase 1), basanitic magma switched to a different pathway that sampled a tephri-phonolitic subcrustal reservoir (Phase 2). Later, the magma pathway shifted again in the crust resulting in a new eruption site located 6 km northwest of the main edifice (Phase 3). The petrological signature of lava flows reveals both an evolution by fractional crystallization and syn-eruptive mixing with a tephri-phonolitic magma.We demonstrate that high-flux eruption of large volumes of basanitic magma from a deep-seated reservoir can interact with shallower reservoirs and remobilize eruptible magma. This has significant hazards implications with respect to the capacity of such large eruptions to reactivate shallow-seated inactive reservoirs from a transcrustal magmatic system that could be located potentially at a distance from the high-flux eruptive site.L’éruption au large de Mayotte a Ă©tĂ© intensĂ©ment surveillĂ©e en appliquant des mĂ©thodes similaires aux Ă©ruptions sub-aĂ©riennes. Une Ă©tude pĂ©trologique et gĂ©ochimique des Ă©chantillons draguĂ©s couplĂ©e Ă  de nombreux relevĂ©s bathymĂ©triques, nous a permis de suivre l’évolution du magma au cours de l’éruption. Le trajet du magma change aprĂšs un an de remontĂ©e directe (Phase 1), un rĂ©servoir magmatique sous-crustal et plus diffĂ©renciĂ© est alors Ă©chantillonnĂ© (Phase 2). Un mois plus tard, le trajet change Ă  nouveau et engendre une migration du site Ă©ruptif Ă  6 km au nord-ouest de l’édifice principal (Phase 3). La signature pĂ©trologique des coulĂ©es de lave rĂ©vĂšle Ă  la fois une Ă©volution par cristallisation fractionnĂ©e et un mĂ©lange syn-eruptif avec un magma tĂ©phri-phonolitique. Nous dĂ©montrons qu’une Ă©ruption Ă  haut dĂ©bit impliquant de grands volumes de magma basanitique et provenant d’un rĂ©servoir profond peut interagir avec des rĂ©servoirs plus superficiels et remobiliser le magma Ă©ruptible. Ceci a des implications significatives en termes de risques quant Ă  la capacitĂ© de ces grandes Ă©ruptions Ă  rĂ©activer des rĂ©servoirs inactifs peu profonds provenant d’un systĂšme magmatique transcrustal et potentiellement situĂ© Ă  distance du site Ă©ruptif

    Évolution magmatique temporelle de l’éruption sous-marine de Fani MaorĂ©, situĂ©e Ă  50 km Ă  l’est de Mayotte, rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e par un Ă©chantillonnage in situ et un suivi pĂ©trologique

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    International audienceThe “Fani MaorĂ©â€ eruption off the coasts of Mayotte has been intensively monitored by applying methods similar to those used for subaerial eruptions. Repeated high-resolution bathymetric surveys and dredging, coupled with petrological analyses of time-constrained samples, allowed tracking the evolution of magma over the whole submarine eruptive sequence. Indeed, after one year of direct ascent (Phase 1), basanitic magma switched to a different pathway that sampled a tephri-phonolitic subcrustal reservoir (Phase 2). Later, the magma pathway shifted again in the crust resulting in a new eruption site located 6 km northwest of the main edifice (Phase 3). The petrological signature of lava flows reveals both an evolution by fractional crystallization and syn-eruptive mixing with a tephri-phonolitic magma.We demonstrate that high-flux eruption of large volumes of basanitic magma from a deep-seated reservoir can interact with shallower reservoirs and remobilize eruptible magma. This has significant hazards implications with respect to the capacity of such large eruptions to reactivate shallow-seated inactive reservoirs from a transcrustal magmatic system that could be located potentially at a distance from the high-flux eruptive site.L’éruption au large de Mayotte a Ă©tĂ© intensĂ©ment surveillĂ©e en appliquant des mĂ©thodes similaires aux Ă©ruptions sub-aĂ©riennes. Une Ă©tude pĂ©trologique et gĂ©ochimique des Ă©chantillons draguĂ©s couplĂ©e Ă  de nombreux relevĂ©s bathymĂ©triques, nous a permis de suivre l’évolution du magma au cours de l’éruption. Le trajet du magma change aprĂšs un an de remontĂ©e directe (Phase 1), un rĂ©servoir magmatique sous-crustal et plus diffĂ©renciĂ© est alors Ă©chantillonnĂ© (Phase 2). Un mois plus tard, le trajet change Ă  nouveau et engendre une migration du site Ă©ruptif Ă  6 km au nord-ouest de l’édifice principal (Phase 3). La signature pĂ©trologique des coulĂ©es de lave rĂ©vĂšle Ă  la fois une Ă©volution par cristallisation fractionnĂ©e et un mĂ©lange syn-eruptif avec un magma tĂ©phri-phonolitique. Nous dĂ©montrons qu’une Ă©ruption Ă  haut dĂ©bit impliquant de grands volumes de magma basanitique et provenant d’un rĂ©servoir profond peut interagir avec des rĂ©servoirs plus superficiels et remobiliser le magma Ă©ruptible. Ceci a des implications significatives en termes de risques quant Ă  la capacitĂ© de ces grandes Ă©ruptions Ă  rĂ©activer des rĂ©servoirs inactifs peu profonds provenant d’un systĂšme magmatique transcrustal et potentiellement situĂ© Ă  distance du site Ă©ruptif

    Temporal magmatic evolution of the Fani Maoré submarine eruption 50 km east of Mayotte revealed by in situ sampling and petrological monitoring

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    The “Fani MaorĂ©â€ eruption off the coasts of Mayotte has been intensively monitored by applying methods similar to those used for subaerial eruptions. Repeated high-resolution bathymetric surveys and dredging, coupled with petrological analyses of time-constrained samples, allowed tracking the evolution of magma over the whole submarine eruptive sequence. Indeed, after one year of direct ascent (Phase 1), basanitic magma switched to a different pathway that sampled a tephriphonolitic subcrustal reservoir (Phase 2). Later, the magma pathway shifted again in the crust resulting in a new eruption site located 6 km northwest of the main edifice (Phase 3). The petrological signature of lava flows reveals both an evolution by fractional crystallization and syn-eruptive mixing with a tephri-phonolitic magma. We demonstrate that high-flux eruption of large volumes of basanitic magma from a deep-seated reservoir can interact with shallower reservoirs and remobilize eruptible magma. This has significant hazards implications with respect to the capacity of such large eruptions to reactivate shallow-seated inactive reservoirs froma transcrustal magmatic system that could be located potentially at a distance from the high-flux eruptive site.L’éruption au large de Mayotte a Ă©tĂ© intensĂ©ment surveillĂ©e en appliquant des mĂ©thodes similaires aux Ă©ruptions sub-aĂ©riennes. Une Ă©tude pĂ©trologique et gĂ©ochimique des Ă©chantillons draguĂ©s couplĂ©e Ă  de nombreux relevĂ©s bathymĂ©triques, nous a permis de suivre l’évolution du magma au cours de l’éruption. Le trajet du magma change aprĂšs un an de remontĂ©e directe (Phase 1), un rĂ©servoir magmatique sous-crustal et plus diffĂ©renciĂ© est alors Ă©chantillonnĂ© (Phase 2). Un mois plus tard, le trajet change Ă  nouveau et engendre une migration du site Ă©ruptif Ă  6 km au nord-ouest de l’édifice principal (Phase 3). La signature pĂ©trologique des coulĂ©es de lave rĂ©vĂšle Ă  la fois une Ă©volution par cristallisation fractionnĂ©e et un mĂ©lange syn-eruptif avec un magma tĂ©phri-phonolitique. Nous dĂ©montrons qu’une Ă©ruption Ă  haut dĂ©bit impliquant de grands volumes de magma basanitique et provenant d’un rĂ©servoir profond peut interagir avec des rĂ©servoirs plus superficiels et remobiliser le magma Ă©ruptible. Ceci a des implications significatives en termes de risques quant Ă  la capacitĂ© de ces grandes Ă©ruptions Ă  rĂ©activer des rĂ©servoirs inactifs peu profonds provenant d’un systĂšme magmatique transcrustal et potentiellement situĂ© Ă  distance du site Ă©ruptif