188 research outputs found

    Feed Markets in the Late Dry Season across Agro-Ecological Zones in Burkina Faso

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    Limited access to adequate quantities of high-quality feed is a major constraint to livestock productivity in smallholder systems in the West African Sahel. As a result of the increase in the livestock population and the associated growth in the demand for feeds, feed markets have sprung up in many cities and towns in the region. However, there is little available information on price variations for different feed types across agro-ecological zones in Burkina Faso. Information on feed price and quality is essential to developing strategies to match feed supply with demand. Surveys on the price and quality of feeds at nine feed markets in peri-urban areas across the four agro-ecological zones in Burkina Faso were conducted in the late dry season (March–May) in 2019. In each location, at least 10 feed sellers were interviewed. Samples of major feeds on sale at the markets were collected for laboratory analysis. Cowpea hay had the highest price of 394±53 FCFA per kg DM in Ouagadougou while the feed with the lowest price was sorghum straw, which was 30±2 FCFA per kg DM in Ouahigouya. For nearly all feeds, the prices were highest in Ouagadougou, which is presumably a reflection of higher demand. There was no correlation between price and quality (nitrogen concentration and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) in the Ouagadougou market. However, there was a significant (P \u3c 0.05) positive relationship between price and nitrogen concentration in Dori, and between price and IVOMD in Bobo-Dioulasso and Ouahigouya markets. The results suggest that increasing demand for feed tends to drive up price particularly in the urban areas regardless of the quality. The findings in Dori, Bobo-Dioulasso and Ouahigouya indicate that there is opportunity to develop feed pricing based on quality

    Matching response to need: What makes social networks fit for providing bereavement support?

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    © 2019 Aoun et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The objectives of this study were to explore the goodness of fit between the bereaved peoples’ needs and the support offered by their social networks; to ascertain whether this support was experienced as helpful or unhelpful by bereaved people; and to explore both the types of social networks that offer effective support and the characteristics of the communities that encourage and nurture such networks. This study was based on qualitative interviews from twenty bereaved people, in Western Australia, interviewed in 2013. A framework analysis of these interviews was undertaken using a deductive approach based on the goodness of fit framework. Much of this support is provided informally in community settings by a range of people already involved in the everyday lives of those recently bereaved; and that support can be helpful or unhelpful depending on its amount, timing, function and structure. Improving the fit between the bereaved person’s needs and the support offered may thus involve identifying and enhancing the caring capacity of existing networks. An important strategy for achieving this is to train community members in mapping and developing these naturally occurring networks. Some such networks will include relationships of long standing, others may be circles of care formed during a period of caring. Peer support bereavement networks develop from these existing networks and may also recruit new members who were not part of the caring circle. The findings endorse social models of bereavement care that fit within a public health approach rather than relying solely on professional care. As exemplified by Compassionate Communities policies and practices, establishing collaboration between community networks and professional services is vital for effective and sustainable bereavement care

    Pengaruh Media Pembibitan pada Pertumbuhan Setek Lada (Piper nigrum L.)

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    Growing medium influence plant growth and development. The purpose of this study was to determine the best growing medium used in the nursery of pepper (Piper nigrum L.). The experiment was conducted by using a randomized block design (RBD) with treatment: P0: subsoil, P1: subsoiland manure (2: 1), P2: subsoil and sand (2: 1), P3: subsoil, manure and sand (2: 1: 1), P4: topsoil, P5: topsoil and manure (2: 1), P6: top soil and sand (2: 1), P7: topsoil, manure and sand (2: 1:1). There are 8 treatment, 4 replicates of each treatment was repeated. Each experimental unit comprises 3 cuttings, cuttings planted each polybag, so there are 32 experimental units  with overall there are 96 polybags. Based on the results of the study there were significant differences among the medium on the growth observed variables: shoot height, number of leaves, shoot diameter, shoot dry weight and root dry weight. Subsoil + manure (2: 1), subsoil + manure + sand (2: 1: 1), topsoil, topsoil + manure (2: 1), topsoil + manure + sand (2: 1: 1) provide good growth on cuttings of pepper, so it can be used in the nursery cuttings pepper.Keywords :pepper cutting, planting medium, seedling growthPermalink: http://jurnal.polinela.ac.id/index.php/AIP/article/view/2

    Pengaruh Media Pembibitan pada Pertumbuhan Setek Lada (Piper nigrum L.)

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    Growing medium influence plant growth and development. The purpose of this study was to determine the best growing medium used in the nursery of pepper (Piper nigrum L.). The experiment was conducted by using a randomized block design (RBD) with treatment: P0: subsoil, P1: subsoiland manure (2: 1), P2: subsoil and sand (2: 1), P3: subsoil, manure and sand (2: 1: 1), P4: topsoil, P5: topsoil and manure (2: 1), P6: top soil and sand (2: 1), P7: topsoil, manure and sand (2: 1:1). There are 8 treatment, 4 replicates of each treatment was repeated. Each experimental unit comprises 3 cuttings, cuttings planted each polybag, so there are 32 experimental units  with overall there are 96 polybags. Based on the results of the study there were significant differences among the medium on the growth observed variables: shoot height, number of leaves, shoot diameter, shoot dry weight and root dry weight. Subsoil + manure (2: 1), subsoil + manure + sand (2: 1: 1), topsoil, topsoil + manure (2: 1), topsoil + manure + sand (2: 1: 1) provide good growth on cuttings of pepper, so it can be used in the nursery cuttings pepper.Keywords :pepper cutting, planting medium, seedling growthPermalink: http://jurnal.polinela.ac.id/index.php/AIP/article/view/2

    Produksi Jerami Arbila (Phaseolus Lunatus L) Pascapanen Akibat Penambahan Level Bokashi Feses Sapi dan Chromolaena yang Berbeda

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    ABSTRAKArbila merupakan legume pakan yang jeraminya merupakan pakan hijauan yang berkualitas bagi ruminansia, dan produksi jeraminya ditentukan oleh kualitas tanah. Level bokashi yang ditambahkan mempengaruhi kualitas tanah, yang tentu berdampak pada produksi jerami arbila. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi produksi jerami arbila pasca panen akibat pemberian level bokashi yang berbeda. Penelitian tersebut telah dilaksanakan selama 5 bulan di Desa Noelbaki. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan, terdiri atas P0 = tanpa bokashi (kontrol), P10 = penambahan bokashi 10 ton/ha, P20 = bokashi 20 ton/ha, P30 = bokashi 30 ton/ha, P40 = bokashi 40 ton/ha. Variabel yang diamati adalah  produksi bahan segar jerami (PBSJ) (ton/ha), produksi bahan kering jerami (PBKJ), produksi bahan organik jerami  (PBOJ) arbila. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis varians dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil analisis varians menunjukkan bahwa level pemberian pupuk bokashi berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap PBSJ arbila serta berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap PBKJ dan PBOJ arbila. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui rataan PBSJ arbila berkisar 0,46-2,52 ton/ha, PBKJ arbila berkisar 0,07-0,18 ton/ha, dan PBOJ arbila berkisar 0,04-0,16 ton/ha. Hasil uji Duncan menunjukkan bahwa nilai PBSJ, PBKJ dan PBOJ arbila tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan P40. Disimpulkan bahwa semakin meningkatnya level bokashi Chromolaena dan feses sapi, produksi jerami arbila semakin tinggi. Level bokashi feses sapi dan Chromolaena terbaik adalah 40 ton/ha.Kata kunci: arbila, bokashi, jerami, hijauan ABSTRACTArbila’s straw is a quality feed for ruminants. Production of these straw is determined by soil quality. The level of bokashi added influences the quality of the soil and therefore influences the straw production. This research aimed to evaluate arbila’s straw production post-harvest in different levels of bokashi. This research was carried out for 5 months at Noelbaki. The experimental design used was a randomized block design (RBD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications consisting of P0 = without bokashi (control), P10 = addition of 10 tons of bokashi / ha, P20 = 20 tons of bokashi / ha, P30 = 30 tons of bokashi / ha, P40 = bokashi 40 tons / ha. The observed variables were the straw fresh weight production (SFW) (tons/ha), straw dry matter production (SDM) (tons/ha), straw organik matter production (SOM) (tons/ha). Data were analyzed for variance and continued with Duncan test. Analysis of variance showed that the level of bokashi fertilizer had a very significant effect (P <0.01) on SFW and significantly affected (P <0.05) SDM and SOM. The average SFW in this study ranged from 0.46 to 2.52 tons/ha, HDM ranges from 0.07 to 0.18 tons/ha, and SOM ranges from 0.04 to 0.16 tons/ha. Duncan's test shows that the highest SFW, SDM and SOM are found in P40. It was concluded that arbila’s straw production increases with the level of Chromolaena and cattle manure bokashi added. Highest production was shown in group with 40 ton/ha bokashi.Keywords: bokashi, forage, Phaseolus lunatus L, stra

    Towards Noncommutative Fuzzy QED

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    We study in one-loop perturbation theory noncommutative fuzzy quenched QED_4. We write down the effective action on fuzzy S**2 x S**2 and show the existence of a gauge-invariant UV-IR mixing in the model in the large N planar limit. We also give a derivation of the beta function and comment on the limit of large mass of the normal scalar fields. We also discuss topology change in this 4 fuzzy dimensions arising from the interaction of fields (matrices) with spacetime through its noncommutativity.Comment: 33 page

    Giant Magnetostriction in Annealed Co\u3csub\u3e1-x\u3c/sub\u3eFe\u3csub\u3ex\u3c/sub\u3e Thin-Films

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    Chemical and structural heterogeneity and the resulting interaction of coexisting phases can lead to extraordinary behaviours in oxides, as observed in piezoelectric materials at morphotropic phase boundaries and relaxor ferroelectrics. However, such phenomena are rare in metallic alloys. Here we show that, by tuning the presence of structural heterogeneity in textured Co1−xFex thin films, effective magnetostriction λeff as large as 260 p.p.m. can be achieved at low-saturation field of ~10 mT. Assuming λ100 is the dominant component, this number translates to an upper limit of magnetostriction ofλ100≈5λeff \u3e1,000 p.p.m. Microstructural analyses of Co1−xFex films indicate that maximal magnetostriction occurs at compositions near the (fcc+bcc)/bcc phase boundary and originates from precipitation of an equilibrium Co-rich fcc phase embedded in a Fe-rich bcc matrix. The results indicate that the recently proposed heterogeneous magnetostriction mechanism can be used to guide exploration of compounds with unusual magnetoelastic properties

    Challenging cisgenderism through trans people's narratives of domestic violence and abuse

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    By drawing on empirical research that explored trans people’s experiences of domestic violence and abuse (DVA), this paper problematises the ‘gender asymmetry debate' in DVA discourse. It does so by highlighting cisgenderism and a heteronormative bias which have led to the invisibility of a trans perspective. Qualitative data was collected via narrative interviews and this was examined using a voice-centred relational technique. A total of twenty four interviews were undertaken with trans people (n = 15) and domestic abuse practitioners (n = 9). In relation to the presentation and impact of DVA, and in the context of trans and cisgender people's abuse experiences, the research findings report both similarities and differences. Four narratives are presented here to illuminate both. This paper adds new insight and challenges normative and dominant discourses by promoting the need for further theorising about the gendered nature of domestic violence and abuse
