194 research outputs found

    A Scoping Review of Health Research with Racially/Ethnically Minoritized Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

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    Living with intersectional identities, having a disability, and being a member of a racial or ethnic minoritized group in the U.S., contributes to marginalization that may result in health disparities and health inequities. The purpose of this scoping review is to describe health research regarding adult racial/ethnic minoritized individuals in the U.S with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). Eight electronic databases were searched to identify literature on the topic published since 2000. Of the 5,229 records, 35 articles were included in the review. Eligible studies included research conducted in the U.S., published in English, and research focused on adults with I/DD with race and/or ethnicity information. The 35 articles included racial/ethnic minoritized individuals who were Black, Latinx/Hispanic, American Indian, and Asian. Twenty-nine of the 35 articles identified health disparities experienced by adults with I/DD from racial/ethnic minoritized groups. Many health disparities were demonstrated in the articles, where adult racial/ ethnic minoritized individuals with I/DD fared worse compared to White adults with I/DD. Additionally, four articles describe differences in health experiences by those from racial or ethnic minoritized backgrounds. Results of this scoping review highlight the need for research that incorporates intentional inclusion of racial/ethnic minoritized people with I/DD and include novel methodologies that allow for the contributions of historically marginalized voices. Future research with an intersectionality approach is recommended to promote equity

    Guns, germs, and trees determine density and distribution of gorillas and chimpanzees in Western Equatorial Africa

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    We present a range-wide assessment of sympatric western lowland gorillas Gorilla gorilla gorilla and central chimpanzees Pan troglodytes troglodytes using the largest survey data set ever assembled for these taxa: 59 sites in five countries surveyed between 2003 and 2013, totaling 61,000 person-days of fieldwork. We used spatial modeling to investigate major drivers of great ape distribution and population trends. We predicted density across each taxon’s geographic range, allowing us to estimate overall abundance: 361,900 gorillas and 128,700 chimpanzees in Western Equatorial Africa—substantially higher than previous estimates. These two subspecies represent close to 99% of all gorillas and one-third of all chimpanzees. Annual population decline of gorillas was estimated at 2.7%, maintaining them as Critically Endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List. We quantified the threats to each taxon, of which the three greatest were poaching, disease, and habitat degradation. Gorillas and chimpanzees are found at higher densities where forest is intact, wildlife laws are enforced, human influence is low, and disease impacts have been low. Strategic use of the results of these analyses could conserve the majority of gorillas and chimpanzees. With around 80% of both subspecies occurring outside protected areas, their conservation requires reinforcement of anti-poaching efforts both inside and outside protected areas (particularly where habitat quality is high and human impact is low), diligent disease control measures (including training, advocacy, and research into Ebola virus disease), and the preservation of high-quality habitat through integrated land-use planning and implementation of best practices by the extractive and agricultural industries.Additional co-authors: Nicolas Bout, Thomas Breuer, Genevieve Campbell, Pauwel De Wachter, Marc Ella Akou, Fidel Esono Mba, Anna T. C. Feistner, Bernard Fosso, Roger Fotso, David Greer, Clement Inkamba-Nkulu, Calixte F. Iyenguet, Max Kokangoye, Hjalmar S. Kühl, Stephanie Latour, Bola Madzoke, Calixte Makoumbou, Guy-Aimé F. Malanda, Richard Malonga, Victor Mbolo, David B. Morgan, Prosper Motsaba, Gabin Moukala, Brice S. Mowawa, Mizuki Murai, Christian Ndzai, Tomoaki Nishihara, Zacharie Nzooh, Lilian Pintea, Amy Pokempner, Hugo J. Rainey, Tim Rayden, Heidi Ruffler, Crickette M. Sanz, Angelique Todd, Hilde Vanleeuwe, Ashley Vosper, Ymke Warren, and David S. Wilki

    Comparative effects of sulphonylureas, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors added to metformin monotherapy: a propensity-score matched cohort study in UK primary care.

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    AIM: To assess the comparative effects of sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, sulphonylureas (SUs) and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors on cardiometabolic risk factors in routine care. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using primary care data on 10?631 new users of SUs, SGLT2 inhibitors or DPP-4 inhibitors added to metformin, obtained from the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink, we created propensity-score matched cohorts and used linear mixed models to describe changes in glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), systolic blood pressure (BP) and body mass index (BMI) over 96?weeks. RESULTS: HbA1c levels fell substantially after treatment intensification for all drugs: mean change at week 12: SGLT2 inhibitors: -15.2?mmol/mol (95% confidence interval [CI] -16.9, -13.5); SUs: -14.3?mmol/mol (95% CI -15.5, -13.2); and DPP-4 inhibitors: -11.9?mmol/mol (95% CI -13.1, -10.6). Systolic BP fell for SGLT2 inhibitor users throughout follow-up, but not for DPP-4 inhibitor or SU users: mean change at week 12: SGLT2 inhibitors: -2.3?mmHg (95% CI -3.8, -0.8); SUs: -0.8?mmHg (95% CI -1.9, +0.4); and DPP-4 inhibitors: -0.9?mmHg (95% CI -2.1,+0.2). BMI decreased for SGLT2 inhibitor and DPP-4 inhibitor users, but not SU users: mean change at week 12: SGLT2 inhibitors: -0.7?kg/m2 (95% CI -0.9, -0.5); SUs: 0.0?kg/m2 (95% CI -0.3, +0.2); and DPP-4 inhibitors: -0.3?kg/m2 (95% CI -0.5, -0.1). eGFR fell at 12?weeks for SGLT2 inhibitor and DPP-4 inhibitor users. At 60?weeks, the fall in eGFR from baseline was similar for each drug class. CONCLUSIONS: In routine care, SGLT2 inhibitors had greater effects on cardiometabolic risk factors than SUs. Routine care data closely replicated the effects of diabetes drugs on physiological variables measured in clinical trials

    Factors associated with choice of intensification treatment for type 2 diabetes after metformin monotherapy: a cohort study in UK primary care.

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    PURPOSE: To understand the patient characteristics associated with treatment choice at the first treatment intensification for type 2 diabetes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This is a noninterventional study, using UK electronic primary care records from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. We included adults treated with metformin monotherapy between January 2000 and July 2017. The outcome of interest was the drug prescribed at first intensification between 2014 and 2017. We used multinomial logistic regression to calculate the ORs for associations between the drugs and patient characteristics. RESULTS: In total, 14,146 people started treatment with an intensification drug. Younger people were substantially more likely to be prescribed sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2is), than sulfonylureas (SUs): OR for SGLT2i prescription for those aged <30 years was 2.47 (95% CI 1.39-4.39) compared with those aged 60-70 years. Both overweight and obesity were associated with greater odds of being prescribed dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor (DPP4i) or SGLT2i. People of non-white ethnicity were less likely to be prescribed SGLT2i or DPP4i: compared with white patients, the OR of being prescribed SGLT2i among South Asians is 0.60 (95% CI 0.42-0.85), and for black people, the OR is 0.54 (95% CI 0.30-0.97). Lower socioeconomic status was also independently associated with reduced odds of being prescribed SGLT2is. CONCLUSION: Both clinical and demographic factors are associated with prescribing at the first stage of treatment intensification, with older and non-white people less likely to receive new antidiabetic treatments. Our results suggest that the selection of treatment options used at the first stage of treatment intensification for type 2 diabetes is not driven by clinical need alone

    Comparison of Propensity Score Methods and Covariate Adjustment: Evaluation in 4 Cardiovascular Studies.

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    Propensity scores (PS) are an increasingly popular method to adjust for confounding in observational studies. Propensity score methods have theoretical advantages over conventional covariate adjustment, but their relative performance in real-word scenarios is poorly characterized. We used datasets from 4 large-scale cardiovascular observational studies (PROMETHEUS, ADAPT-DES [the Assessment of Dual AntiPlatelet Therapy with Drug-Eluting Stents], THIN [The Health Improvement Network], and CHARM [Candesartan in Heart Failure-Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity]) to compare the performance of conventional covariate adjustment with 4 common PS methods: matching, stratification, inverse probability weighting, and use of PS as a covariate. We found that stratification performed poorly with few outcome events, and inverse probability weighting gave imprecise estimates of treatment effect and undue influence to a small number of observations when substantial confounding was present. Covariate adjustment and matching performed well in all of our examples, although matching tended to give less precise estimates in some cases. PS methods are not necessarily superior to conventional covariate adjustment, and care should be taken to select the most suitable method

    Pyrethroids and Nectar Toxins Have Subtle Effects on the Motor Function, Grooming and Wing Fanning Behaviour of Honeybees (Apis mellifera)

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    Sodium channels, found ubiquitously in animal muscle cells and neurons, are one of the main target sites of many naturally-occurring, insecticidal plant compounds and agricultural pesticides. Pyrethroids, derived from compounds found only in the Asteraceae, are particularly toxic to insects and have been successfully used as pesticides including on flowering crops that are visited by pollinators. Pyrethrins, from which they were derived, occur naturally in the nectar of some flowering plant species. We know relatively little about how such compounds—i.e., compounds that target sodium channels—influence pollinators at low or sub-lethal doses. Here, we exposed individual adult forager honeybees to several compounds that bind to sodium channels to identify whether these compounds affect motor function. Using an assay previously developed to identify the effect of drugs and toxins on individual bees, we investigated how acute exposure to 10 ng doses (1 ppm) of the pyrethroid insecticides (cyfluthrin, tau-fluvalinate, allethrin and permethrin) and the nectar toxins (aconitine and grayanotoxin I) affected honeybee locomotion, grooming and wing fanning behaviour. Bees exposed to these compounds spent more time upside down and fanning their wings. They also had longer bouts of standing still. Bees exposed to the nectar toxin, aconitine, and the pyrethroid, allethrin, also spent less time grooming their antennae. We also found that the concentration of the nectar toxin, grayanotoxin I (GTX), fed to bees affected the time spent upside down (i.e., failure to perform the righting reflex). Our data show that low doses of pyrethroids and other nectar toxins that target sodium channels mainly influence motor function through their effect on the righting reflex of adult worker honeybees

    Committing curriculum time to science literacy: The benefits from science based media resources

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    Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is linked with the development of Kaposi sarcoma and the B lymphocyte disorders primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) and multi-centric Castleman disease. T cell immunity limits KSHV infection and disease, however the virus employs multiple mechanisms to inhibit efficient control by these effectors. Thus KSHV-specific CD4+ T cells poorly recognize most PEL cells and even where they can, they are unable to kill them. To make KSHV-infected cells more sensitive to T cell control we treated PEL cells with the thymidine analogue azidothymidine (AZT), which sensitizes PEL lines to Fas-ligand and TRAIL challenge; effector mechanisms which T cells use. PELs co-cultured with KSHV-specific CD4+ T cells in the absence of AZT showed no control of PEL outgrowth. However in the presence of AZT PEL outgrowth was controlled in an MHC-restricted manner. To investigate how AZT sensitizes PELs to immune control we first examined BJAB cells transduced with individual KSHV-latent genes for their ability to resist apoptosis mediated by stimuli delivered through Fas and TRAIL receptors. This showed that in addition to the previously described vFLIP protein, expression of vIRF3 also inhibited apoptosis delivered by these stimuli. Importantly vIRF3 mediated protection from these apoptotic stimuli was inhibited in the presence of AZT as was a second vIRF3 associated phenotype, the downregulation of surface MHC class II. Although both vFLIP and vIRF3 are expressed in PELs, we propose that inhibiting vIRF3 function with AZT may be sufficient to restore T cell control of these tumor cells

    Efficiency and safety of varying the frequency of whole blood donation (INTERVAL): a randomised trial of 45 000 donors

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    Background: Limits on the frequency of whole blood donation exist primarily to safeguard donor health. However, there is substantial variation across blood services in the maximum frequency of donations allowed. We compared standard practice in the UK with shorter inter-donation intervals used in other countries. Methods: In this parallel group, pragmatic, randomised trial, we recruited whole blood donors aged 18 years or older from 25 centres across England, UK. By use of a computer-based algorithm, men were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to 12-week (standard) versus 10-week versus 8-week inter-donation intervals, and women were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to 16-week (standard) versus 14-week versus 12-week intervals. Participants were not masked to their allocated intervention group. The primary outcome was the number of donations over 2 years. Secondary outcomes related to safety were quality of life, symptoms potentially related to donation, physical activity, cognitive function, haemoglobin and ferritin concentrations, and deferrals because of low haemoglobin. This trial is registered with ISRCTN, number ISRCTN24760606, and is ongoing but no longer recruiting participants. Findings: 45 263 whole blood donors (22 466 men, 22 797 women) were recruited between June 11, 2012, and June 15, 2014. Data were analysed for 45 042 (99·5%) participants. Men were randomly assigned to the 12-week (n=7452) versus 10-week (n=7449) versus 8-week (n=7456) groups; and women to the 16-week (n=7550) versus 14-week (n=7567) versus 12-week (n=7568) groups. In men, compared with the 12-week group, the mean amount of blood collected per donor over 2 years increased by 1·69 units (95% CI 1·59–1·80; approximately 795 mL) in the 8-week group and by 0·79 units (0·69–0·88; approximately 370 mL) in the 10-week group (p&lt;0·0001 for both). In women, compared with the 16-week group, it increased by 0·84 units (95% CI 0·76–0·91; approximately 395 mL) in the 12-week group and by 0·46 units (0·39–0·53; approximately 215 mL) in the 14-week group (p&lt;0·0001 for both). No significant differences were observed in quality of life, physical activity, or cognitive function across randomised groups. However, more frequent donation resulted in more donation-related symptoms (eg, tiredness, breathlessness, feeling faint, dizziness, and restless legs, especially among men [for all listed symptoms]), lower mean haemoglobin and ferritin concentrations, and more deferrals for low haemoglobin (p&lt;0·0001 for each) than those observed in the standard frequency groups. Interpretation: Over 2 years, more frequent donation than is standard practice in the UK collected substantially more blood without having a major effect on donors' quality of life, physical activity, or cognitive function, but resulted in more donation-related symptoms, deferrals, and iron deficiency. Funding: NHS Blood and Transplant, National Institute for Health Research, UK Medical Research Council, and British Heart Foundation

    Police Strategies and Suspect Responses in Real-Life Serious Crime Interviews

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    This research focuses exclusively on real-life taped interviews with serious crime suspects and examines the strategies used and types of questions asked by police, and suspects’ responses to these. The information source was audio-tape-recorded interviews with 56 suspects. These recordings were obtained from 11 police services across England and Wales and were analysed using a specially designed coding frame. It was found that interviewers employed a range of strategies with presentation of evidence and challenge the most frequently observed. Closed questions were by far the most frequently used, and open questions, although less frequent, were found to occur more during the opening phases of the interviews. The frequency of ineffective question types (e.g. negative, repetitive, multiple) was low. A number of significant associations were observed between interviewer strategies and suspect responses. Rapport/empathy and open-type questions were associated with an increased likelihood of suspects admitting the offence whilst describing trauma, and negative questions were associated with a decreased likelihood
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