299 research outputs found

    Investigating the effect of work stress, general health quality, organizational intelligence and job satisfaction on employee performance

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    During the past few years, there have been tremendous efforts on measuring the effects of different factors such as work stress, general heath quality, etc. on performance of employees. In this paper, we present an empirical investigation to study the effects of work stress, general health, organizational intelligence and job satisfaction on employee performance. The proposed study of this paper uses two questionnaires where one is associated with general heath quality (GHQ) with 20 questions and the other one consists of 12 questions, which is associated with work stress. The study chooses a sample of 144 employees from 222 people who worked for one of Islamic Azad University in Iran. Cronbach alphas for work stress, general health, organizational intelligence, job satisfaction and organizational performance are 0.911, 0.895, 0.795, 0.863 and, 0.864, respectively. The results indicate that job satisfaction has the highest influence on organizational performance followed by other factors


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    At the Neft Dashlari deposit, in order to study the lithologic-petrographic and reservoir properties of deep-seated formations, as well as the regularity of their changes with depth, carbonate content, porosity, permeability, density, grain size distribution and speeds of propagation of longitudinal seismic waves from samples taken from exploration and prospecting wells. The minimum, average and maximum limits of the physical properties of the rocks were established. The dependence of reservoir properties and other physical factors on the depth of occurrence of the latter is considered. Our analysis of the influence of physical parameters of rocks on their permeability allows us to conclude that the main influence on permeability is exerted by the lithofacial composition, degree of sorting, carbonate content and type of porosity. However, the increased carbonate content of rocks can stimulate the appearance of fracturing in them, as well as cavernous leaching voids in the case of circulation of water in the formed cracks. These processes have a positive effect on reservoir properties, mainly on the permeability of high-carbonate rocks. Analyzing the results of these researches, it is possible to predict the oil and gas potential of deep-lying layers along with those already exploited

    Independent coalition in graphs

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    An independent coalition in a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) consists of two disjoint sets of vertices V1V_1 and V2V_2, neither of which is an independent dominating set but whose union V1V2V_1 \cup V_2 is an independent dominating set. An independent coalition partition in a graph GG is a vertex partition π={V1,V2,,Vk}\pi= \lbrace V_1,V_2,\dots ,V_k \rbrace such that each set ViV_i of π\pi either is an independent dominating set consisting of a single vertex of degree n1n-1, or is not an independent dominating set but forms an independent coalition with another set VjπV_j \in \pi which is not an independent dominating set. In this paper we study the concept of independent coalition partition (ic-partition). We introduce a family of graphs that have no ic-partition. We also determine the independent coalition number of some custom graphs and investigate graphs GG with IC(G){1,2,3,4,n}IC(G)\in\{1,2,3,4,n\} and the trees TT with IC(T)=n1IC(T)=n-1, where nn denotes the order of the graph.Comment: 17 page

    Liquefaction resistance of fibre-reinforced silty sands under cyclic loading

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    Whether the so-called double porosity in soils with a loose and natural packing state is a concept with real-world implications is a fundamental yet controversial question in the study of cyclic undrained shear behaviour of fibre-reinforced silty sands. An attempt is made here to clarify the question by means of particle-level modelling combined with 41 undrained cyclic triaxial shear tests. The study shows that the initial Random Loose Packing changes to Random Close Packing and then Close Packing with silt content increments. The transition from random to close packing occurs at a threshold silt content which is relatively lower in coarser sands. For sands with 40% silt content. Irrespective of fine content, fibres tend to sit deep into the silt pellets and encrust the macro-pore spaces. Generally, increasing fibre content leads to an increase in the average number of contacts per particle, dilation and easier dissipation of excess pore water pressure, a decrease in contact forces and improved liquefaction resistance. For sands with >40% silt content, effectiveness of fibre reinforcement diminishes with increasing sand median size

    The Communication Patterns & Satisfaction in Married Students

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    AbstractThis study evaluates the relationship between satisfaction and Communication Patterns (i.e., mutual constructive, demand- withdraw, mutual avoidance, and withholding). Participants included 229 married students, who completed communication patterns questionnaire (Christensen & Sullaway, 1984) and satisfaction (Hudson, 1992). Result of Pearson correlation showed that there was a negative relationship between dissatisfaction and mutual constructive. Furthermore there was a positive relationship between dissatisfaction and demander-withdraw communication. This study represents an important step in recognizing that marital research benefits from an examination of communication as a factor to consider in studies of marital functioning

    Zero Flow Global Ischemia-Induced Injuries in Rat Heart Are Attenuated by Natural Honey

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    Purpose: In the present study, effects of preischemic administration of natural honey on cardiac arrhythmias and myocardial infarction size during zero flow global ischemia were investigated in isolated rat heart. Methods:The isolated hearts were subjected to 30 min zero flow global ischemia followed by 120 min reperfusion then perfused by a modified drug free Krebs-Henseleit solution throughout the experiment (control) or the solution containing 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2% of natural honey for 15 min before induction of global ischemia (treated groups), respectively. Cardiac arrhythmias were determined based on the Lambeth conventions and the infarct size was measured by computerized planimetry. Results: Myocardial infarction size was 55.8±7.8% in the control group, while preischemic perfusion of honey (0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2%) reduced it to 39.3±11, 30.6±5.5 (P<0.01), 17.9±5.6 (P<0.001) and 8.7±1.1% (P<0.001), respectively. A direct linear correlation between honey concentrations and infarction size reduction was observed (R2=0.9948). In addition, total number of ventricular ectopic beats were significantly decreased by all used concentrations of honey (P<0.05) during reperfusion time. Honey (0.25, 0.5 and 1 %) also lowered incidence of irreversible ventricular fibrillation (P<0.05). Moreover, number and duration of ventricular tachycardia were reduced in all honey treated groups. Conclusion: Preischemic administration of natural honey before zero flow global ischemia can protect isolated rat heart against ischemia/reperfusion injuries as reduction of infarction size and arrhythmias. Maybe, antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities of honey, reduction of necrotized tissue and providing energy sources may involve in these cardioprotective effects of honey

    A Novel Buried-Emitter Photovoltaic Cell for High Efficiency Energy Conversion

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    To address the commonly poor short wavelength response of the conventional solar cell structure which consists of a highly doped thin emitter layer on top of a thicker and less doped base, the novel concept of the Buried-Windowed-Emitter is introduced. This new solar cell structure makes use of a high quality semiconductor layer on top of the traditionally made highly doped emitter and greatly enhances the spectral response of the solar cell by giving the superficially generated carriers a higher chance of collection at the junction. In the proposed BWE structure the emitter is windowed in order to electrically connect the top layer to the base for current collection. The efficacy of the proposed novel device is proven by computer aided device simulations using the available device simulation tools such as MEDICI. The results of simulation show that the proposed novel Buried-Windowed-Emitter solar cell will not only improve the short wavelength spectral response of the overall cell as expected, but also will boost the spectral efficiency for all the wavelengths. Another exciting conclusion from the results of the computer simulation of the BWE solar cell is that the minority carrier lifetime in the top layer does not need to be very high for a superb performance and values as low as 1µs can still boost the short circuit current of the cell to values close to the theoretical limit of the photo-current collectable by a silicon solar cell. This is indeed a good news for manufacturability of this device as it should be practically feasible to achieve epitaxial films with minority carrier lifetime in this range. In order to increase the understanding about the rather complex structure of the proposed Buried-Windowed-Emitter solar cell, an analytical circuit level model, similar to the case of the standard solar cell, is developed for the proposed device. The developed analytical model helps to understand the importance of the main design parameters such as the dimensions of the pattern of the windowed emitter. On the path to fabricate the proposed BWE solar cell, great deal of work is done on the development of a low temperature (<300°C) epitaxial silicon technology using the benefits of Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD). Highly doped epitaxial silicon layers of up to around 1µm thickness are achieved with sheet resistivity as low as 7Ω/sq which is much lower than what is reposted in the literature in similar deposition conditions. Intrinsic, phosphorous doped n-type and boron doped p-type epitaxial films have been developed on silicon substrates. Measurement of reflection spectra of the deposited epitaxial films is proposed as a fast, non destructive and process-integrate-able method to assess the crystalline quality of the epitaxial films. Effects of higher temperature post deposition annealing have been studied on the develop epitaxial films A full technology is developed for the fabrication of the proposed novel solar cells. Photo-masks are designed to create 10 different architectures for the design of the windowed emitter in the BWE cell. All the steps taken in the successful fabrication of the novel BWE cells are presented in detail and the relevant findings are discussed and proposed as future research topics. Three kinds of cells are fabricated using the developed technology to separately study the effects of partial coverage of the windowed emitter, the optical performance of the developed epitaxial silicon films and the performance and manufacturability of the novel BWE solar cell The results show that the concept of windowed-emitter by itself (even without the top layer) is capable of enhancing the performance of the solar cell when compared to a standard design. It also promises high conversion efficiency for the BWE solar cell in case a high quality top layer can be deposited on top of the windowed emitter. The results further reveal the lower than expected quality of the low temperature epitaxial films despite the indication of their full crystallinity through other analyses. Use of the epitaxial films as the emitter of the solar cell is proposed as a direct and effective method of studying the photovoltaic performance of the low temperature epitaxial films. Further development of the epitaxial technology will lead to feasibility of a BWE solar cell with very high photovoltaic performance

    Clinical Symptoms of Minor Head Trauma and Abnormal Computed Tomography Scan

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    Bakgrunden till studien bygger på nuvarande finansieringssvårigheter svenska tillväxtföretag möter i tidiga skeden, något som påverkar Sverige negativt eftersom dessa företag kan vara en länk till svensk tillväxt och fler arbetstillfällen. Därför studeras i studien det nyligen framvuxna finansieringsalternativet “Crowdfunding” som en eventuell lösning på problemet. Vidare existerar ett akademiskt gap inom förståelsen av vad som motiverar en individ att engagera sig i crowdfunding vilket är intressant att studera givet kontexten.Background: The background of this study is based on current funding difficulties Swedish growth companies face in early stages, something that affects Sweden negatively as these companies is a link to Swedish growth, welfare and more jobs. Therefore, the relatively recently developed funding option "Crowdfunding" is being studied, as a possible solution of the problem. Furthermore, there exists a gap within the academic understanding of what motivates an individual to engage in crowdfunding, which is interesting to study the given the context of this study. The crowdfunding platform Framtidslyftet is used as a case company. Aim: This study aims to clarify motivational factors behind Swedish individuals' willingness to financially assist growth companies through crowdfunding. Method: The study combines both the qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative work among other things as a pilot study in which interviews were conducted with the purpose of strengthening the main quantitative survey. The methods are furthermore combined in order to triangulate the phenomenon. Using the theoretical frame of reference motivation is studied based on intrinsic an extrinsic motivational factors. Results: The results show that the respondents of this study's survey are primarily motivated by extrinsic motivational factors such as monetary incentives and that material and nonmaterial incentives depend on the situation. They see crowdfunding of growth companies as an investment where the internal factors are important but of secondary importance, plus they want to be engaged passively in growth companies