99 research outputs found

    Cloud Affected Solar UV Predictions with Three-Phase Wavelet Hybrid Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Network Multi-Step Forecast System

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    Harmful exposure to erythemally-effective ultraviolet radiation (UVR) poses high health risks such as malignant keratinocyte cancers and eye-related diseases. Delivering short-term forecasts of the solar ultraviolet index (UVI) is an effective way to advise UVR exposure information to the public at risk. This research reports on a novel framework built to forecast UVI, integrating antecedent lagged memory of cloud statistical properties and the solar zenith angle (SZA). To produce the forecasts at multi-step horizon we design a 3-phase hybrid convolutional long short-term memory network (W-O-convLSTM) model, validated with Queensland-based datasets. Our approach in optimizing the performance entails a robust selective filtering method using the BorutaShap algorithm, data decomposition with stationary wavelet transformation and hyperparameter optimization using the Optuna algorithm. We assess the performance of the proposed W-O-convLSTM model alongside the baseline and benchmark models. The captured results, through statistical metrics and visual infographics, elucidate the superior performance of the objective model in short-term UVI forecasting. For instance, at a 10-minute forecast horizon, our objective model yields a relatively high correlation coefficient of 0.961 in the autumn, 0.909 in the summer, 0.926 in the spring and 0.936 in the winter season. Overall, the proposed O-convLSTM model outperforms its competing counterpart models for all forecast horizons with the lowest absolute forecast error. The robustness of our newly proposed model avers its practical utility in delivering accurate sun-protection behavior recommendations to mitigate UV-exposure-related public health risk. In accordance with our findings, we recommend that future integration of aerosol and ozone effects with cloud cover data may further enhance our UVI forecasting framework

    Cognitive dysfunction in naturally occurring canine idiopathic epilepsy

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    Globally, epilepsy is a common serious brain disorder. In addition to seizure activity, epilepsy is associated with cognitive impairments including static cognitive impairments present at onset, progressive seizure-induced impairments and co-morbid dementia. Epilepsy occurs naturally in domestic dogs but its impact on canine cognition has yet to be studied, despite canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) recognised as a spontaneous model of dementia. Here we use data from a psychometrically validated tool, the canine cognitive dysfunction rating (CCDR) scale, to compare cognitive dysfunction in dogs diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy (IE) with controls while accounting for age. An online cross-sectional study resulted in a sample of 4051 dogs, of which n = 286 had been diagnosed with IE. Four factors were significantly associated with a diagnosis of CCD (above the diagnostic cut-off of CCDR ≥50): (i) epilepsy diagnosis: dogs with epilepsy were at higher risk; (ii) age: older dogs were at higher risk; (iii) weight: lighter dogs (kg) were at higher risk; (iv) training history: dogs with more exposure to training activities were at lower risk. Impairments in memory were most common in dogs with IE, but progression of impairments was not observed compared to controls. A significant interaction between epilepsy and age was identified, with IE dogs exhibiting a higher risk of CCD at a young age, while control dogs followed the expected pattern of low-risk throughout middle age, with risk increasing exponentially in geriatric years. Within the IE sub-population, dogs with a history of cluster seizures and high seizure frequency had higher CCDR scores. The age of onset, nature and progression of cognitive impairment in the current IE dogs appear divergent from those classically seen in CCD. Longitudinal monitoring of cognitive function from seizure onset is required to further characterise these impairments

    [Fibronectin gene polymorphisms and clinical manifestations of mixed cryoglobulinemic syndrome: increased risk of lymphoma associated to MspI DD and HaeIII AA genotypes]

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyse FN gene polymorphisms in type II mixed cryoglobulinemic syndrome (MCsn), an immune-complex mediated systemic vasculitis linked to hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and characterized by rheumatoid factor (RF) positive B-cell proliferation at high risk for the progression into non Hogkin's lymphoma (NHL).METHODS: Samples from eighty-one patients, with MCsn (type II serum cryoglobulins and clinical signs of vasculitis were studied. Sixty-five (65/81, 80.3%) patients were HCV-positive. Twenty-one (25.9%) patients had developed a B-cell NHL during the course of MCsn. Seventy-two patients with HCV-negative and MC-unrelated NHL and 110 healthy blood donors (HBDs) were taken as controls. HaeIIIb and MspI FN gene polymorphisms were analysed by ELISA, whenever possible.RESULTS: HaeIIIb and MspI allele and genotypic frequencies did not differ between MCsn patients and HBDs. Of note, the DD-MspI allele and genotype frequencies did not differ between MCsn patients and HBDs. Of note, the DD-MspI (OR = 5.56; DI = 1.67-18.51, p = 0.0046) and the AA-HaeIIIb (OR = 5.54, CI = 1.64- 18.76, p = 0.0066) homozygosis appeared significantly and independently associated with the development of B-cell NHL in MCsn patients, with the HaeIIIbA allele possibly conferring an increased risk of NHL in the general population (OR = 1.72, CI = 1.128-2.635, p = 0.0133). In contrast, the major vasculitic manifestations, such as peripheral neuropathy, skin ulcers and glomerulonephritis tended to be associated with the counterpart MspI C allele. No association between FN plasma levels and FN genotypes was found.CONCLUSION: Genotyping for MspI and HaeIIIb FN gene polymorphisms may be clinically relevant to define the predisposition to the major clinical manifestations in MCs

    [pain]Byte VR Storytelling & Classical Ballet

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    This initial stage paper focuses on the Virtual Reality (VR) experience of the [pain]Byte ballet. The live and VR experience debut October 1st 2017, as part of the Brighton digital festival. Specifically, the development of the VR environment to compliment live performance by using the same choreography to create an option capture element of the VR story telling experience. Reviewing Virtual & Alternative reality gaming & storytelling works and the use of VR for chronic pain management (Chen, Win). Does the VR experience compare to that of the live theatre for the audience? The data visualisations and VR environment will be continuations of the Network Simulator, [data]Storm 2015. We are visualising and comparing the pain pathway system to that of a social network. Linking pain signals to viral/negative messaging for some of the visuals. The main purpose of the pieces links to how “we" present ourselves online, these better or veiled versions of ourselves. For chronic pain sufferers, this can be daily activity in the real world. The paper concludes by identifying some future directions for the research project. The Ballet: [pain]Byte is a data driven dance classical ballet performance and VR (virtual reality) experience. [pain]Byte, is about chronic pain and biomedical engineering, in particular the use of implanted technology - neuromodulation (Al-Kaisey et al). Using data as a medium for storytelling, what it means to be in chronic pain. The live augmented theatre and VR experience research focuses on how an audience’s exposure and understanding are impacted by the difference mediums used for [pain]byte

    Miocene waterfowl and other birds from central Otago, New Zealand

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    Copyright © The Natural History Museum 2007Abundant fossil bird bones from the lower Bannockburn Formation, Manuherikia Group, an Early-Middle Miocene lacustrine deposit, 16–19 Ma, from Otago in New Zealand, reveal the “St Bathans Fauna” (new name), a first Tertiary avifauna of land and freshwater birds from New Zealand. At least 23 species of birds are represented by bones, and probable moa, Aves: Dinornithiformes, by eggshell. Anatids dominate the fauna with four genera and five species described as new: a sixth and largest anatid species is represented by just one bone. This is the most diverse Early-Middle Miocene duck fauna known worldwide. Among ducks, two species of dendrochenines are most numerous in the fauna, but a tadornine is common as well. A diving petrel (Pelecanoididae: Pelecanoides) is described, so extending the geological range of this genus worldwide from the Pliocene to the Middle Miocene, at least. The remaining 16 taxa are left undescribed but include: a large species of gull (Laridae); two small waders (Charadriiformes, genus indet.), the size of Charadrius bicinctus and Calidris ruficollis, respectively; a gruiform represented by one specimen similar to Aptornis; abundant rail (Rallidae) bones, including a common flightless rail and a rarer slightly larger taxon, about the size of Gallirallus philippensis; an ?eagle (Accipitridae); a pigeon (Columbidae); three parrots (Psittacidae); an owlet nightjar (Aegothelidae: Aegotheles sp.); a swiftlet (Apodidae: Collocalia sp.); and three passerine taxa, of which the largest is a member of the Cracticidae. The absence of some waterbirds, such as anserines (including swans), grebes (Podicipedidae) and shags (Phalacrocoracidae), among the abundant bones, indicates their probable absence from New Zealand in the Early-Middle Miocene.T. H. Worthy, A. J. D. Tennyson, C. Jones, J. A. McNamara and B. J. Dougla

    Social Inequality as Global Challenge

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    Доступ до книги на сайті видавництва (copyright) https://www.riverpublishers.com/book_details.php?book_id=922У цій книзі обговорюються чинники нерівності, закладеної в наші соціальні, економічні та політичні системи. Соціальна нерівність особливо проявляється в секторах послуг у відмінності в доступі до охорони здоров’я, освіти, соціального захисту, системи житла, догляду за дітьми, догляду за літніми тощо. соціальним статусом певної групи, мовою, релігією, звичаями та нормами є ще одна поширена проблема. Ця книга намагається представити точну картину цих проблем на прикладах з різних країн. Здебільшого, коли ми говоримо про нерівність, акцент робиться на економічній нерівності; однак зберігається значна нерівність, особливо дискримінація за статтю, віком, походженням, етнічною приналежністю, інвалідністю, сексуальною орієнтацією, класом та релігією. Щоб покласти край цій ситуації, необхідно провести соціальні, економічні та політичні реформи. Поки маргіналізовані групи не отримають повноваження, проблему нерівності неможливо вирішити чи навіть мінімізувати. На основі різних тематичних досліджень ця книга заохочує нас переосмислити розвиток суспільства через призму зростаючої нерівності та диспропорції. У книзі представлені нові ідеї для оцінки прогресу соціального розвитку. Книга висвітлює сучасні проблеми соціальної нерівності. У сукупності ця збірка відредагованих статей дає комплексне розуміння питання «чому суспільство нерівне»? Ця книга націлена на тих зацікавлених сторін, які хочуть змінити та побудувати нерозділене, соціально інклюзивне суспільство або внести свій внесок у них, а також для тих, хто хоче зробити свій внесок у розширення прав і можливостей суспільства у ХХІ столітті.В этой книге обсуждаются факторы, лежащие в основе неравенства, присущего нашим социальным, экономическим и политическим системам. Социальное неравенство особенно заметно в секторах услуг - в различиях в доступе к здравоохранению, образованию, социальной защите, жилищным системам, уходу за детьми, уходу за престарелыми и т. д. Другой широко распространенной проблемой является социальный статус конкретных групп, их язык, религия, обычаи и нормы. В этой книге делается попытка представить точную картину этих проблем на примерах из разных стран. На основе различных тематических исследований эта книга побуждает нас переосмыслить социальное развитие через призму растущего неравенства и неравенства. В книге представлены новые идеи для оценки прогресса в социальном развитии. В книге освещаются современные проблемы социального неравенства. В совокупности этот сборник отредактированных статей дает комплексное понимание вопроса «почему общество неравно»? Эта книга адресована тем заинтересованным сторонам, которые хотят внести свой вклад в изменения и построить неразделенное, социально инклюзивное общество, а также тем, кто хочет внести свой вклад в расширение прав и возможностей общества в XXI веке.This book discusses the factors behind the inequalities embedded within our social, economic and political systems. Social inequalities are especially seen in the service sectors â  in the differences of access to healthcare, education, social protection, housing systems, childcare, elderly care etc. Cultural inequality, which segregates people from the mainstream based on recognition problems with a specific groups' social status, language, religion, customs and norms, is another widespread issue. This book tries to present an accurate picture of these issues with cases studies from various countries. Mostly, when we talk about inequality, the focus is on economic inequality; however, much inequality persists, especially discrimination due to gender, age, origin, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, class, and religion. To end this situation there is a need for social, economic, and political reform. Until or unless the marginalized groups are empowered, the inequality issue cannot be solved or even minimized. On the basis of various case studies, this book encourages us to rethink societal development through the lens of growing inequalities and disparities. The book presents new insights for evaluating the progress on social development. The book highlights the current challenges of social inequality. In combination this collection of edited papers gives an integrated understanding of the question of “why is society unequal”? This book is aimed at those stakeholders, who want to make or contribute to change and build an undivided, socially inclusive society, and to those who want to contribute to empowering society in the Twenty-First century

    Fibronectin gene polymorphisms are associated with the development of B-cell lymphoma in type II mixed cryoglobulinemia.

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyse fibronectin (FN) gene polymorphisms in type II mixed cryoglobulinemic syndrome (MCsn), an immune-complex mediated systemic vasculitis linked to hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and characterised by rheumatoid factor (RF) positive B-cell proliferation at high risk for the progression into non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). METHODS: Samples from 74 patients with MCsn (type II serum cryoglobulins and clinical signs of vasculitis) were studied. In all, 58 (78.4%) patients were HCV-positive. In total, 21 (28.4%) patients developed a B-cell NHL during the course of MCsn. A total of 72 patients with HCV-negative and MC-unrelated NHL and 110 healthy blood donors (HBDs) were taken as controls. HaeIIIb and MspI FN gene polymorphisms were analysed by PCR and specific restriction enzyme digestions, following reported procedures. Plasma FN levels were analysed by ELISA, whenever possible. RESULTS: HaeIIIb and MspI allele and genotype frequencies did not differ between MCsn patients and HBDs. Of note, the DD-MspI (OR = 5.99; CI 1.77-20.261, p = 0.0039) and the AA-HaeIIIb (OR = 4.82, CI 1.42-16.39, p = 0.0176) homozygosis appeared significantly associated with the development of B-cell NHL in MCsn patients, with the HaeIIIb A allele possibly conferring an increased risk of NHL in the general population (OR = 1.72, CI 1.128-2.635, p = 0.0133). None of the other MCsn-related clinical manifestations were significantly associated with a particular genetic pattern. No association between FN plasma levels and FN genotypes was found. CONCLUSION: Genotyping for MspI and HaeIIIb FN gene polymorphisms may be clinically relevant to define the risk of lymphoma development in MCsn