2,006 research outputs found

    Tourism and the new generations: emerging trends and social implications in Italy

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to outline the profile of Italian tourists belonging to the new generations: Millennials or Generation Y (approximately people born in the 1980-1995 period) and post-Millennials or Generation Z (approximately people born in the 1996-2010 period). Design/methodology/approach After reviewing some of the more interesting research on Millennials and post-Millennials, the paper will present the results of an unpublished online empirical survey conducted on a sample of 200 Italian web users who agreed to participate. The questionnaire, administered via computer-assisted web interviewing system, consists of structured questions concerning the practices, attitudes, emerging needs and use of new technologies that characterize Millennials and post-Millennials, with a special focus on tourism. Findings The research will consider the differences between the two groups, as well as possible differences within each group linked to other socio-demographic variables (such as gender and area of residence). Originality/value The paper addresses a series of innovative questions: what are the practices of Millennials and Post-Millennials as tourists? What are the needs of these generations that the tourist industry must respond to? How do new technologies support Millennials and post-Millennials in their tourism choices? What are the main differences between Millennials and post-Millennials

    Nonlinear discrete-time systems with delayed control: a reduction

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    In this work, the notion of reduction is introduced for discrete-time nonlinear input-delayed systems. The retarded dynamics is reduced to a new system which is free of delays and equivalent (in terms of stabilizability) to the original one. Different stabilizing strategies are proposed over the reduced model. Connections with existing predictor-based methods are discussed. The methodology is also worked out over particular classes of time-delay systems as sampled-data dynamics affected by an entire input delay

    Reduction of discrete-time two-channel delayed systems

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    In this letter, the reduction method is extended to time-delay systems affected by two mismatched input delays. To this end, the intrinsic feedback structure of the retarded dynamics is exploited to deduce a reduced dynamics which is free of delays. Moreover, among other possibilities, an Immersion and Invariance feedback over the reduced dynamics is designed for achieving stabilization of the original systems. A chained sampled-data dynamics is used to show the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy through simulations

    Lyapunov stabilization of discrete-time feedforward dynamics

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    The paper discusses stabilization of nonlinear discrete-time dynamics in feedforward form. First it is shown how to define a Lyapunov function for the uncontrolled dynamics via the construction of a suitable cross-term. Then, stabilization is achieved in terms of u-average passivity. Several constructive cases are analyzed

    Neuroimaging findings in chronic hepatitis C virus infection: correlation with neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric manifestations

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    Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is commonly associated with neurocognitive dysfunction, altered neuropsychological performance and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Quantifiable neuropsychological changes in sustained attention, working memory, executive function, verbal learning and recall are the hallmark of HCV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HCV-AND). This constellation is at variance with the neuropsychological complex that is seen in minimal hepatic encephalopathy, which is typified by an array of alterations in psychomotor speed, selective attention and visuo-constructive function. Noncognitive symptoms, including sleep disturbances, depression, anxiety and fatigue, which are less easily quantifiable, are frequently encountered and can dominate the clinical picture and the clinical course of patients with chronic HCV infection. More recently, an increased vulnerability to Parkinson's disease among HCV-infected patients has also been reported. The degree to which neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric changes are due to HCV replication within brain tissues or HCV-triggered peripheral immune activation remain to be determined. Without absolute evidence that clearly exonerates or indicts HCV, our understanding of the so-called "HCV brain syndrome", relies primarily on clinical and neuropsychological assessments, although other comorbidities and substance abuse may impact on neurocognitive function, thus confounding an appropriate recognition. In recent years, a number of functional and structural brain imaging studies have been of help in recognizing possible biological markers of HCV-AND, thus providing a rationale for guiding and justifying antiviral therapy in selected cases. Here, we review clinical, neuroradiological, and therapeutic responses to interferon-based and interferon-free regimens in HCV-related cognitive and neuropsychiatric disorder

    The right to a rainbow city: the Italian homosexual social movements

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    Nowadays, the legal status of homosexual people varies widely from one country to another (ILGA 2019). In many contexts, the homosexual social movement has played a central role in fighting heterosexism and homophobia (Weinberg 1983). Especially in the democratic world, the homosexual social movement has been capable of spreading solidarity and inclusion and also of leading changes in regulatory terms, with different results context by context (Adam, Duyvendak, Krouwel 1999). The paper aims to point out the Italian situation and the main characteristics of the gay social movement in Italy as key factors of the social change. More specifically, the paper is aimed at recounting the political process and the symbolic and cultural factors that led the Italian homosexual social movement to impose itself on the social scene as a reality with its own specific identity. The paper's last section analyses the so-called "Italian rainbow cities", urban contexts where the LGBT community is highly concentrated and in which it is so active as to stimulate, in cooperation with the local urban administrations, capacity-building processes oriented to the construction and consolidation of LGBT people’s rights and social inclusion

    Kinetics of photoinduced matter transport driven by intensity and polarization in thin films containing azobenzene

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    We investigate the kinetics of photoinduced deformation phenomena in azobenzene-containing thin solid films. We show that a light intensity pattern and a light polarization pattern produce two distinct material transport processes whose direction and kinetics can be independently controlled. The kinetics of the intensity-driven deformation scales with the incoming light power while the kinetics of the polarization-driven mass transport scales with the amplitude of the electromagnetic field pattern. We conclude that these two processes are fully independent one from the other and originate from two different microscopic mechanisms

    Distributed control in virtualized networks

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    The increasing number of the Internet connected devices requires novel solutions to control the next generation network resources. The cooperation between the Software Defined Network (SDN) and the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) seems to be a promising technology paradigm. The bottleneck of current SDN/NFV implementations is the use of a centralized controller. In this paper, different scenarios to identify the pro and cons of a distributed control-plane were investigated. We implemented a prototypal framework to benchmark different centralized and distributed approaches. The test results have been critically analyzed and related considerations and recommendations have been reported. The outcome of our research influenced the control plane design of the following European R&D projects: PLATINO, FI-WARE and T-NOVA

    Il futuro del turismo. Tra percorsi tradizionali e nuove mobilità

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    Il lavoro è il risultato di una ricerca su campo che intende collocare il turismo al centro del dibattito sociologico italiano ed approfondire, in particolar modo, il suo carattere polisemico, mirando ad intercettare cambiamenti del fenomeno che non si sono resi ancora visibili, ma che si concretizzeranno nei prossimi anni. Partendo dall’assunto che gli studi sul futuro siano di grande necessità al fine di comprendere e governare il mutamento sociale, dopo aver rintracciato nella storia del turismo le principali forme che questo ha assunto nel corso del tempo, la ricerca si propone l’obiettivo di indagare preferenze e scelte turistiche degli italiani appartenenti alla generazione dei Millennials – e le relative implicazioni empiriche – attraverso una indagine mixed-methods. La ricerca ha previsto l’utilizzo combinato di diverse tecniche: analisi della letteratura, analisi secondaria dei dati, focus group online, costruzione di un modello ad equazioni strutturali (PLS-PM), survey online

    IDA-PBC for LTI dynamics under input delays: a reduction approach

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    In this paper, the problem of stabilizing linear port-controlled Hamiltonian dynamics through interconnection and damping assignment in presence of input delays is considered. The contribution exploits the reduction approach allowing to reveal and shape the energy properties of the time-delay dynamics. Performances are illustrated on a simple mechanical system
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