110 research outputs found

    Program Evaluation Capacity for Nonprofit Human Services Organizations: An Analysis of Determining Factors

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)The increasing call for accountability combined with increasing competition for resources has given program evaluation more importance, prominence and attention within the United States nonprofit sector. It has become a major focus for nonprofit leaders, funders, accrediting organizations, board members, individual donors, the media and scholars. Within this focus however there is emerging attention and literature on the concept of evaluation capacity building to discover what organizations require to be able to effectively and efficiently evaluate their programs. This study examines this topic within the environment and stakeholder relationship dynamics of nonprofit human service organizations. A multi-stakeholder research approach using qualitative interviews of executive directors, board chairs, program staff, funders and evaluators, as well as two case studies, is employed to provide insight into the factors that determine an organization’s evaluation capacity. The overarching goal of this research is to impart this information to stakeholders interested in program evaluation, by analyzing elements for capacity beyond the more common, narrow scope of financial resources and evaluation skills. This purposeful approach intends to broaden our understanding of evaluation capacity building to encompass developing the necessary resources, culture, leadership and environments in which meaningful evaluations can be conducted for nonprofit human service programs. Results indicated that effective evaluation capacity building requires more than just funds, personnel and expertise. Some of the important factors that impacted this process included leadership; value orientations; congruence among stakeholders for their perceptions of evaluation terms and concepts; resource dependency; quality signaling; stakeholder involvement and understanding of their role in program evaluation; organizational culture; organizational learning; personal preferences; and the utilization of available evaluation tools. This study suggests that stakeholders interested in effectively building capacity to evaluate programs should be cognizant of these political, financial, social, intellectual, practical, structural, cultural and contextual implications

    Post-transcriptional knowledge in pathway analysis increases the accuracy of phenotypes classification

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    Motivation: Prediction of phenotypes from high-dimensional data is a crucial task in precision biology and medicine. Many technologies employ genomic biomarkers to characterize phenotypes. However, such elements are not sufficient to explain the underlying biology. To improve this, pathway analysis techniques have been proposed. Nevertheless, such methods have shown lack of accuracy in phenotypes classification. Results: Here we propose a novel methodology called MITHrIL (Mirna enrIched paTHway Impact anaLysis) for the analysis of signaling pathways, which has built on top of the work of Tarca et al., 2009. MITHrIL extends pathways by adding missing regulatory elements, such as microRNAs, and their interactions with genes. The method takes as input the expression values of genes and/or microRNAs and returns a list of pathways sorted according to their deregulation degree, together with the corresponding statistical significance (p-values). Our analysis shows that MITHrIL outperforms its competitors even in the worst case. In addition, our method is able to correctly classify sets of tumor samples drawn from TCGA. Availability: MITHrIL is freely available at the following URL: http://alpha.dmi.unict.it/mithril

    Easy come, easy go: Short-term land-use dynamics vis Ă  vis regional economic downturns

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    The present study postulates distinctive land-use dynamics along the economic cycle, and tests against diverging trends over time of urban and non-urban land-uses with characteristic economic potential. Short-term land-use changes over seven time windows encompassing the last three decades (1992–2020) were investigated in metropolitan Athens (Greece), a mono-centric region experiencing complex economic downturns. Based on diachronic land-use maps with homogeneous spatial resolution and nomenclature derived from ESA Climate Change Initiative (ESA-CCI), a change detection analysis was run considering mean patch size, distance from downtown, and specific entropy-based metrics of landscape diversification (Shannon-Wiener H’ diversity index and Pielou J evenness index). Results of a canonical correlation analysis document differential intensity and spatial direction of change during expansions and recessions associated with distinctive socio-demographic profiles. Metropolitan growth followed a radio-centric (land-saving) model during economic expansions with intense urbanization of fringe land. A more dispersed settlement model – reflecting urban sprawl – was associated with economic stagnations, involving land at progressively distant locations from downtown. Landscape diversification was higher under stagnations and lower during expansions

    Ten-month follow-up of patients with covid-19 temporally related multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children: the experience of the children hospital of Palermo

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    Background: In Sicily, the first wave of COVID-19 showed a low epidemic impact in paediatric population, while the second and the third waves had a higher impact on clinical presentation of COVID-19 in children and a significantly higher severe outcome in patients with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), with a frequent life-threatening progression. Methods: We describe a cohort of 22 Sicilian children (11 M; 11 F; age: 1.4-14 years), presenting with clinical features compatible with MIS-C. Patients with negative swab had a history of recent personal or parental infection. Results: The following diagnostic criteria were detected: fever (100%); cheilitis and/or pharyngeal hyperaemia (86%); latero-cervical lymphadenitis (82%); rash (73%); abdominal pain and/or vomiting and/or diarrhoea (64%); conjunctivitis (64%); hands and feet oedema (18%). 59% showed cardiac involvement (6 pericardial effusion; 8 mitral valve insufficiency; 4 insufficiency of two valves; 3 coronary artery lesions (CAL)). In all the patients, treatment was started within 72 h after the admission, with intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) (2 g/Kg/dose), methylprednisolone (2 mg/Kg/day in 73% of patients; 30 mg/Kg/day for 3 days, followed by 2 mg/Kg/day in 27% of patients). Two patients were treated with enoxaparin. Two patients with shock, were additionally treated with vasoactive drugs, albumin, diuretics. Cardiac involvement evolved into the complete resolution of lesions in most of the patients. All the patients were included in a follow-up, to investigate on clinical outcome and resolution of organ involvement. Cardiac valve insufficiency persisted only in 18% of children, CAL persisted only in 33% of children with coronary involvement, however without the evolution into aneurisms. Conclusions: The preferred treatment strategy was more aggressive at the diagnosis of MIS-C, to block the cytokine cascade. Most of our patients, in fact, received a first-line treatment with IVIG and steroids. This approach could explain the favourable prognosis, the rapid restoring of cardiac function also in patients with MAS or shock, and the good outcome during the 10 months follow-up in all the patients

    "Diagnosis on the Dock" project: A proactive screening program for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis in disembarking refugees and new SEI model.

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    Abstract Objective From 2011 to 2017, the total number of refugees arriving in Europe, particularly in Italy, climbed dramatically. Our aim was to diagnose pulmonary TB in migrants coming from the African coast using a clinical-based port of arrival (PoA) screening program. Methods From 2016 to 2018, migrants coming via the Mediterranean Route were screened for body temperature and the presence of cough directly on the dock: if they were feverish with productive cough, their sputum was examined with NAAT; with a dry cough, they underwent Chest-X-ray (CXR). Those migrants with positive NAAT or CXR suggestive for TB were admitted to our ward. In addition, we plotted an SEI simulation of our project to evaluate the epidemiological impact of our screening. Results Out of 33.676 disembarking migrants, 314 (0.9%) had fever and cough: 80 (25.47%) with productive cough underwent NAAT in sputum, and 16 were positive for TB; 234 (74.52%) with dry cough had a CXR examination, and 39 were suggestive of TB, later confirmed by mycobacterial culture. The SEI-new model analysis demonstrated that our screening program significantly reduced TB spreading all over the country. Conclusions For possible future high migrant flows, PoA screening for TB has to be considered feasible and effective in decreasing TB spreading

    Novel Mechanisms of Tumor Promotion by the Insulin Receptor Isoform A in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells

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    The insulin receptor isoform A (IR-A) plays an increasingly recognized role in fetal growth and tumor biology in response to circulating insulin and/or locally produced IGF2. This role seems not to be shared by the IR isoform B (IR-B). We aimed to dissect the specific impact of IR isoforms in modulating insulin signaling in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells. We generated murine 4T1 TNBC cells deleted from the endogenous insulin receptor (INSR) gene and expressing comparable levels of either human IR-A or IR-B. We then measured IR isoform-specific in vitro and in vivo biological effects and transcriptome in response to insulin. Overall, the IR-A was more potent than the IR-B in mediating cell migration, invasion, and in vivo tumor growth. Transcriptome analysis showed that approximately 89% of insulin-stimulated transcripts depended solely on the expression of the specific isoform. Notably, in cells overexpressing IR-A, insulin strongly induced genes involved in tumor progression and immune evasion including chemokines and genes related to innate immunity. Conversely, in IR-B overexpressing cells, insulin predominantly induced the expression of genes primarily involved in the regulation of metabolic pathways and, to a lesser extent, tumor growth and angiogenesis

    A Subset of Patients With Autism Spectrum Disorders Show a Distinctive Metabolic Profile by Dried Blood Spot Analyses

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is currently diagnosed according to behavioral criteria. Biomarkers that identify children with ASD could lead to more accurate and early diagnosis. ASD is a complex disorder with multifactorial and heterogeneous etiology supporting recognition of biomarkers that identify patient subsets. We investigated an easily testable blood metabolic profile associated with ASD diagnosis using high throughput analyses of samples extracted from dried blood spots (DBS). A targeted panel of 45 ASD analytes including acyl-carnitines and amino acids extracted from DBS was examined in 83 children with ASD (60 males; age 6.06 ± 3.58, range: 2–10 years) and 79 matched, neurotypical (NT) control children (57 males; age 6.8 ± 4.11 years, range 2.5–11 years). Based on their chronological ages, participants were divided in two groups: younger or older than 5 years. Two-sided T-tests were used to identify significant differences in measured metabolite levels between groups. NĂ€ive Bayes algorithm trained on the identified metabolites was used to profile children with ASD vs. NT controls. Of the 45 analyzed metabolites, nine (20%) were significantly increased in ASD patients including the amino acid citrulline and acyl-carnitines C2, C4DC/C5OH, C10, C12, C14:2, C16, C16:1, C18:1 (P: < 0.001). NĂ€ive Bayes algorithm using acyl-carnitine metabolites which were identified as significantly abnormal showed the highest performances for classifying ASD in children younger than 5 years (n: 42; mean age 3.26 ± 0.89) with 72.3% sensitivity (95% CI: 71.3;73.9), 72.1% specificity (95% CI: 71.2;72.9) and a diagnostic odds ratio 11.25 (95% CI: 9.47;17.7). Re-test analyses as a measure of validity showed an accuracy of 73% in children with ASD aged ≀ 5 years. This easily testable, non-invasive profile in DBS may support recognition of metabolic ASD individuals aged ≀ 5 years and represents a potential complementary tool to improve diagnosis at earlier stages of ASD development


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    di Calogero Piro. Convertire la realtĂ  che ci circonda in immagini, Ăš stata fin dai primordi dell’essere umano un’atavica necessitĂ . Ancora oggi nella nostra cultura visiva Ăš tutto basato sull’utilizzo dell’immagine per conoscere la realtĂ  che ci circonda. Con la scoperta della fotografia, la riflessione intorno alla natura si fa sempre piĂč interessante. Il ruolo della macchina fotografica in questo progetto per raccontare l’ambiente, la struttura, gli oggetti, i segni, i colori e le atmosfere che caratterizzano il centro del CNR di capo Granitola ha trovato prepotentemente in questi giovani allievi della cattedra di fotografia dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo, diretta dal Professore Sandro Scalia, momenti di grande professionalitĂ , realizzando un grande reportage con tutti gli aspetti essenziali della struttura e delle articolazioni primarie del linguaggio fotografico. Questa esperienza extradidattica difficile ed impegnativa non soltanto per la necessitĂ  del confronto col “nuovo” in termini organizzativi, ma anche per la necessitĂ  di descrivere attraverso la fotografia il tema della BiodiversitĂ , Ăš stato affrontato brillantemente. Mettendo in primo piano, siti naturali, siti storici come: Mozia e Selinunte, i laboratori del centro di ricerche, la Flora e la Fauna, sono riusciti a raggiungere con acuta osservazione ottimi risultati visibili in questo catalogo, e con la tangibile riprova di cosa possa e debba essere una educazione estetica assolutamente “libera” da condizionamenti, viatico ineludibile perchĂ© l’espressione artistica, sotto qualunque forma, sia artefice dei grandi processi di vera maturazione culturale, si avverte in questi giovani artisti la purezza e la consapevolezza dei propri messaggi ancora privi, e speriamo sempre, di qualunque tipo di inquinamento tendenzioso

    The Impact of the Demand for Evaluation on Professional Fundraisers

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    Nonprofit organizations continue to face increasing demands for accountability concerning the efficiency and effectiveness of their programs from external stakeholders. As a result, program evaluation has increasingly become a component in grant and other funding applications. This trend presents a challenge to fundraisers for determining what role program evaluation information has in their fundraising efforts, as they seek new strategies and methods to acquire the resources for their organizations. This mixed method study incorporates a structured, national, online survey supplemented by several regional focus groups that draw from the population of U.S. based members of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). It examines how fundraisers view program evaluation; attempt to meet this demand, and how they may play in helping build their organization\u27s capacity to evaluate their programs. Preliminary results reveal that professional fundraisers view program evaluation as important to their work, specifically their ability to raise funds; they have the potential to effectively help their organization build evaluation capacity through internal advocacy to the organization\u27s leadership; some have incorporated effective strategies to meet external stakeholders\u27 demands for evaluation; and they view their relationships with program staff as important for understanding how their programs are delivered and managed, and for acquiring program-related information they use for their fundraising efforts. These results have implications not only for professional fundraisers, but ultimately for the leaders and managers of nonprofits who compete for resources and desire to increase evaluation capacity to be sustainable and satisfy their missions
