141 research outputs found

    El perill dels neuroproductes

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    L'article alerta sobre el perill de l'us inadequat i l'abús de substàncies i preparats que afecten el nostre sistema nerviós

    The Iberian archaeological site of L’Hort de la Torre (Villalonga, Valencia)

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    En aquest article presentem els resultats de l’excavació d’un edifici del segle ii aC, així com l’estudi de la seua tipologia ceràmica. Aquest tipus d’assentament, en el qual l’equipament principal consisteix en un gran molí rotatori, té una clara vocació agrícola. Es tracta d’una cabana de caràcter estacional, que ens permet aprofundir en el poblament ibèric tardà a la comarca de la Safor. Paraules clau: Època ibèrica. Contestània. Ceràmica ibèrica. Producció agrícola.En este artículo presentamos los resultados de la excavación de un edificio del siglo II a.C., así como el estudio de su tipología cerámica. Este tipo de asentamiento, en el que el principal equipamiento consiste en un gran molino rotatorio, tiene una clara vocación agrícola. Se trata de una cabaña de carácter estacional, que nos permite profundizar en el poblamiento Ibérico Tardío en la comarca de la Safor. Palabras clave: Época ibérica. Contestania. Cerámica ibérica. Producción agrícola.In this paper we present the results of the excavation of a building dating back to the second century B.C., as well as the study of its pottery typology. This kind of settlement, in which the main equipment consists of a large revolving mill, has an evident agricultural vocation. It is a sort of seasonal shed which enables us to deepen into the study of the Late Iberian settlement in the area of La Safor (Valencia). Key words: Iberian period. Contestania. Iberian pottery. Agricultural production

    Análisis del estado de la depuración de aguas residuales urbanas en la Comunidad Valenciana

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    [ES] Actualmente, los sistemas de tratamiento implantados en la Comunidad Valenciana para la depuración de aguas residuales urbanas son variados, comprendiendo distintos caudales de diseño y depuración, distinta carga contaminante entrante, así como distintas fases de tratamiento o tipos de tratamiento o diferente capacidad de reutilización del efluente producido. Por todo ello, se pretende realizar un análisis de los datos disponibles de las estaciones depuradoras de la Comunidad Valenciana. Entre otros, el caudal y carga contaminante tratada, el consumo eléctrico necesario para el tratamiento, la calidad del agua influente y efluente del proceso, el rendimiento de la depuración,la cantidad y calidad de los lodos producidos, así como la disponibilidad de tratamientos orientados a la reutilización de las aguas. A partir de este análisis, se pretende establecer el estado de la depuración en la Comunidad Valenciana en función de distintas variables como, principalmente, el tipo de tratamiento, el tamaño de la instalación, el coste económico, el caudal de diseño y caudal depurado, la carga contaminante o la calidad del agua producida.[EN] Nowadays, the treatment systems implanted in the Valencian community for the depuration of urban wastewater are varied, understanding different design and depuration flow rates, different incoming pollutant charge, as well as dipherent phases of treatment or types of treatment or different capacity for reuse of the t producedeffluent. For all this, it is intented to perform an analysis of the available data of treatment plants of the Valencian community. Between these, the flow and pollutant load treated, the necessary electric consumption for the treatment, the quality of the influent and effluent water of the process, the performance of depuration, the quantity and quality of the sludge produced, as well as the availability of treatments oriented to the reuse of water. From this análisis, it is intended to establish the state of depuration in the Valencian community in function of different variables like the type of treatment, the size of the installation, the economic cost, the design flow and purified flow, the polluting load or the quality of the produced water.Benítez Roselló, S. (2019). Análisis del estado de la depuración de aguas residuales urbanas en la Comunidad Valenciana. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/129880TFG

    Temes 2, 3 i 4 de Neurobiologia, Grau de Biologia

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    Neurotrofines, sinaptogènesi, supervivència i mort neuronal. Paper en el desenvolupament, la degeneració i en la neurotoxicitat. El con de creixement axònic. Estructura i funció neuronal. Estructura de la neurona i la sinapsi. La glia: Paper en el desenvolupament del sistema nerviós, la funció neural i la neurodegeneració.La presentació forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València

    Catalytic dehydrocoupling of amine-boranes and amines into diaminoboranes: isolation of a Pt(II), Shimoi-type, η1-BH complex

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    The platinum complex [Pt(IBu′)(IBu)][BAr] is a very efficient catalyst in the synthesis of diaminoboranes through dehydrocoupling of amine-boranes and amines. Shimoi-type, η-BH complexes are key intermediates in the process.Financial support (FEDER contribution) from the MINECO (Projects CTQ2013-45011-P and CTQ2014-51912-REDC) and the Junta de Andalucía (Project FQM-2126) is gratefully acknowledged.We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Peer Reviewe

    High throughput FT-MIR analysis of sugars and acids in watermelon

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    Indirect measurements of taste-related compounds are required when a high number of samples has to be analyzed in a short period of time, with a minimum cost. For this purpose, FT-MIR partial least square (PLS) regression models for the prediction of total soluble solids, sugars and organic acids have been developed using three sample sets including breeding lines and commercial varieties of watermelon. Specific models with excellent performance were obtained only for sugars. Nevertheless, a general model supposed a compromise between the best and worse models and offered %RMSEP values of 11.3%, 11.1% and 11.7% for fructose, glucose and sucrose respectively. The model was applied to the selection of high content samples (selection pressure 20% and 30%) obtaining good sensitivity levels and mean percentile of selected samples close to the expected values (100% sensitivity). The robustness of FT-MIR models was assessed with predictions of external assays, obtaining reasonable performances

    Dissecting a vegetable landrace: Components of variation in Spanish ?Moruno? tomatoes as a case studio

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    The variability of landraces is dissected and related to farmers' practices through surveys. Spanish 'Moruno' tomatoes, recognised for their excellent flavour, were selected as a case study. For this purpose, 30 populations were characterised in a four-year program. Higher intra-population than inter-population variability was found. Variability is generally reduced in the traits used by farmers as selection criteria. Farmers rarely used flavour as a selection criterion, but it is one of the main characteristics used by them to define the landrace. Seed exchange and growing different landraces simultaneously are commonplace, and outcrossing might occur, thus justifying in part the seed degeneration problems experienced by some farmers. At the same time, farmers select seeds for the next year on a per-fruit basis rather than a per-plant basis, justifying the maintenance of a high level of variability. In such cases, high pressure would be applied to key morphological traits but not to flavour. Accordingly, the sugars, acids and volatiles profiles related to flavour in the landraces' populations are highly variable, though the environment also exercises a high effect. It is necessary to make population selections to offer farmers materials combining the best organoleptic perception and a high stable yield. This would reduce the gap between the price premium received by farmers and the expected fair price. It would also be necessary to develop consumer information campaigns to exploit their willingness to pay for the extra value offered by landraces. Only then long-term on-farm conservation would be economically feasible. Although achieving a trade-off between yield and flavour is difficult, it is possible to identify populations that reach a compromise between them. In germplasm banks, it is impossible to evaluate all the materials in the same year. The use of hybrid controls, with no genetic variation, is helpful in considering the environmental effects. Still, genotype x environment interactions are evident, and using selected control populations of landraces is necessary to evaluate possible performances closer to the type of materials being evaluated

    Punto Cero

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    Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021Punto Cero is an illustrated report related with one of the most undervalued sports in Spain: handball. We decided to work with this matter due to the reason that Spanish handball, women's and men's teams, are suffering a pandemic economic issue. This problem has been in Spain for many years, specifically, since 2008 with the real estate problem, known as the real estate bubble, causing a tremendous economic impact in this sport associated with the sponsorship, salaries and budgets of the clubs and underlining the disappearance of laureated clubs, such as, BM Ciudad Real or Atletico de Madrid, two of the most iconic teams in Spanish handball. Nowadays, Spain is one of the biggest powers as a national team in handball. We are two-time european champions (men) and runner-up in the World Cup (women). Even though, as the seasons go on, more and more players are deciding to go away from here, because of the huge economic problems. For that reason, Liga Sacyr ASOBAL and Liga Guerreras Iberdrola are becoming the biggest talent export leagues, reducing their own level of these leagues. So, the aim of this report is to make visible this dramatical situation and to propose or contribute possible solutions to solve the circumstance that national handball is going through. Firstly, writing about the main characters of our project are divided into 5 different scopes related to people who have an essential role in this sport : players, coaches, executives, economists and journalists. Furthermore, we concluded that we would have to make various trips in order to interview the best good name people of handball in Spain. Regarding the area of players, we decided to go to Granollers (Catalonia, Spain) to interview Antonio Garcia Robledo, BM Granoller’s player, because of his excellent career with the objective to find out the economic differences between Liga Sacyr ASOBAL and the major leagues of handball. In his career stands out honours like Liga Sacyr ASOBAL, Copa del Rey and a gold medal (World Cup, Spain, 2013), silver (Eurocup, Poland, 2016) and bronze (Eurocup, Denmark, 2014) with the Spanish national team. Moreover, it highlights the experiences with Barcelona (Spain), PSG (France), SC Pick Szeged (Hungary), KIF Copenhague (Denmark) and CSM București (Romania). Another important character 16 for us were Lysa Tchaptchet, CB Elche and Spanish national team player, in order to share her experience as a player of Liga Guerreras Iberdrola and the challenges that they have to overcome to earn a living with their passion: handball. So, we went to Elche (Comunitat Valenciana, Spain). In addition, writing about the coaches field, we marked two objectives: Jordi Ribera Romans, current coach of the Spanish national team (men) and with a long experience as a manager (37 years) of important teams in Spain (CD Bidasoa and Ademar Leon) and with reputed national teams, such as, Argentine and Brazil, and Joaquin Rocamora, today’s coach of CB Elche (women) and former coach of the U-17 Spanish national team (women) and of the Comunitat Valenciana team (women). We selected both people to explain the economic issues which they have to deal with day per day and to expound the differences between Spanish leagues and the best leagues (France and Germany). It is necessary to emphasize that CB Elche, with one of the lowest budgets of the entire women's first league, takes up the second place of the classification. Taking into account the executives area, we opted to interview the presidents of Sacyr, main sponsor of the Spanish Handball Federation and the company which has the naming rights of the Spanish men's leagues (Liga Sacyr ASOBAL and Copa del Rey) and Iberdrola, the same as Sacyr but with the women's leagues. Although it was not possible to interview the president of Sacyr (Manuel Manrique Cecilia), we got its director of communications, Pedro Alonso Ruiz. We made the interview by Zoom due to the coronavirus protocol of the company. From Iberdrola, we did not get any answer. With both interviews we tried to find out the reasons and advantages and disadvantages of sponsoring Spanish handball. Getting inside of the economists group, we chose distincts professionals, for example: Antonio Miguel Carmona Sancipriano and Jano Garcia. We only got an answer from Carmona. So, we went to Madrid to make the interview. Carmona is one of the most reputed economists of our country, he is a Doctor in Economic Sciences and he has participated in Bill Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns. He also took part in the general Assembly of Atletico de Madrid football club. He has been a fundamental source with the purpose of understanding the 17 present context of the sport economy, focused on the handball scene. In the report he talked about the capability of survival in this sport and suggested that it’s directly related with showing it on TV and popularice on schools. Carmona, as the other interviewees, claimed handball’s regression is associated with the lack of visibility. Finally, writing about journalists sources, we determined to interview Luis Miguel Lopez. He worked for 30 years at RTVE (national public Spanish channel) and he is the current narrator of Gol Television (national Spanish channel) for Liga Sacyr ASOBAL games. Additionally, he was the general manager of BM Ciudad Real and BM Atletico de Madrid. The interview was made by Zoom because of the Covid-19 recommendation of the interviewee. Lopez, told us that the structures during the boom years in the Spanish handball were old-fashioned and not well founded. As a result, at the beginning of the real estate bubble, many clubs, such as those mentioned above (BM Ciudad Real and BM Atletico de Madrid), disappeared or were at risk of doing so. Since then, Spanish handball has been going through its own particular exodus in which both players and coaches have had to emigrate in order to make a living from this sport. Secondly, writing about the specific strengths and weaknesses points of our project: On the one hand, the greatest strength of our report are the interviewees. We have been able to interview eminent figures from the economy, business and handball. We have also been able, thanks to these sources, to give, from our point of view, a good portrait of what is happening in the world of handball and how the economic situation affects it in particular. At the same time, another of the project's strong points is the synthesis capacity that we have had by creating the final product. The recorded material allowed us to present a report of more than 45 minutes, so we have put much effort synthesizing properly all the information. On the other hand, one of the most significant weaknesses has been the representation of women in the project. It has to be said that we have done our best to have more female players and coaches, but we could only include Lysa Tchapchet. We thought of Montse Puche, head coach of BM Morvedre, but it was not 18 possible to interview her because she was fired from the club 3 days before agreeing the time and place of the interview. Then, we did not have an answer from her to make the interview. It should be underlined that she was the only female coach, with Cristina Cabeza, Balonmano Alcobendas manager, in Liga Guerreras Iberdrola. Moreover, another source of information that we wanted to have was Francisco Blázquez, president of the Spanish Handball Federation, but he was not able to be interviewed because of his serious health condition related to Covid-19. In addition, another improvable matter is the location of some interviews, for example, in the conversation with Tchapchet and Rocamora, as well as with Garcia, we could not go to the court game due to the training of other teams of the club, so we made the interviews in the video room or in the press room. We also had problems with the Carmona´s interview, the camera was almost broken and the spotlight reflected behind him. But we could not change the room where we were because of the rules of CEU San Pablo University (Madrid). To sum up, Punto Cero is an illustrated sport report associated with handball which aims to show the difficulties that professional people have to deal with in order to enjoy and earn a living from their passion. Spanish handball needs the support of public institutions, players, coaches, executives, social media, citizens, etc to make it great again. This experience was fantastic, we have learnt many things about this sport and our future profession, we have met famous people, but above all, we had fun together, we have enjoyed a lot the trips that we made. We will never forget this excellent adventure. Finally, we would not like to finish the brief without thanking Rafael Mora Sesma and Amador Iranzo Montés because of their support and help to make this report possible

    Using a homogeneous equilibrium model for the study of the inner nozzle flow and cavitation pattern in convergent-divergent nozzles of diesel injectors

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    [EN] In this paper, the behaviour of the internal nozzle flow and cavitation phenomenon are numerically studied for non-conventional Diesel convergent-divergent nozzles in order to assess their potential in terms of flow characteristics. The used nozzles differs each other in the convergence-divergence level of the orifices but all of them keep the same diameter at the middle of the nozzle orifice. The calculations have been performed using a code previously validated and able to simulate cavitation phenomenon using a homogeneous equilibrium model for the biphasic fluid and using a RANS method (RNG k-ε) as a turbulence modelling approach. For the simulations, one injection pressure and different discharge pressures were used in order to assess the characteristics of nozzles for different Reynolds conditions involving cavitating and non-cavitating conditions. The comparison of the nozzles has been carried out in terms of flow characteristics such as mass flow, momentum flux, effective velocity and other important dimensionless parameters which help to describe the behaviour of the inner flow: discharge coefficient (Cd), area coefficient (Ca) and velocity coefficient (Cv). Additionally, the nozzles have been compared in terms of cavitation inception conditions and cavitation development. The study has shown a high influence on the results of the level of convergence-divergence used in the nozzles. In these nozzles, the vapour originated from cavitation phenomenon came from the throttle of the orifice at the midpoint, and it extended along the whole wall of the divergent nozzle part towards the outlet of the orifice. The main results of the investigation have shown how the different geometries modify the cavitation conditions as well as the discharge coefficient and effective velocity. In particular, the nozzle with highest convergence-divergence level showed cavitation for all the tested conditions while for the nozzle with lowest convergence-divergence level, the cavitation phenomenon could be avoided for high discharge pressures. Additionally, the nozzle with highest convergence-divergence level showed the lowest discharge coefficient values but similar effective injection velocity than the nozzle with lowest level of convergence-divergence level despite of its higher orifice outlet area.This work was partly sponsored by ‘‘Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad’’ of the Spanish Government, in the frame of the project ‘‘Estudio de la interacción chorro-pared em condiciones realistas de motor’’, Reference TRA2015-67679-c2-1- R. This support is gratefully acknowledged by the authors. Mr. Jaramillo’s thesis is supported by ‘‘Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura I Esports’’ of ‘‘Generalitat Valenciana’’ through the program ‘‘Programa VALI+D para investigadores en Formación’’, Reference ACIF/2015/040. The authors would like to express gratitude for the computer resources, technical expertise and assistance provided by the Universidad de Valencia relating to the use of the supercomputer ‘‘Tirant’’.Salvador, FJ.; Jaramillo-Císcar, D.; Romero, J.; Roselló, M. (2017). Using a homogeneous equilibrium model for the study of the inner nozzle flow and cavitation pattern in convergent-divergent nozzles of diesel injectors. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 309:630-641. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2016.04.010S63064130

    Fast simultaneous determination of prominent polyphenols in vegetables and fruits by reversed phase liquid chromatography using a fused-core column

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    A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography method with photodiode array detection has been developed enabling the joint determination of 17 prominent flavonoids and phenolic acids in vegetables and fruits. A multi-segmented gradient program using a fused-core column for the separation of several phenolic classes (phenolic acids and flavonoids) has been optimised. The influence of extraction conditions (sample freeze-drying, ultrasound extraction, solvent composition and extraction time) has been also optimised using response surface methodology with tomato samples as a model. Complete recoveries (76–108%) were obtained for the phenolic compounds present in tomato. The developed method provided satisfactory repeatability in terms of peak area (RSD < 2.9%) and retention time (RSD < 0.2%) both for standards and real samples. Detection limits ranged between 3 and 44 μg kg−1 for the detected polyphenols. This method is recommended for routine analysis of large number of samples typical of production quality systems or plant breeding programs