131 research outputs found


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    Avaliou-se o teor de macronutrientes e de colesterol em ovos vermelhos de galinhas de granja e caipiras, ovos brancos de galinhas de granja, ovos brancos enriquecidos com PUFA ômega-3, ovos brancos com teor reduzido de colesterol e ovos de codorna. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença estatística significativa entre o conteúdo de proteínas e de colesterol dos ovos analisados. Os ovos de codorna apresentaram o maior teor de lipídios entre as amostras ensaiadas. MACRONUTRIENTS AND CHOLESTEROL CONTENT IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF EGGS Abstract The macronutrients and cholesterol content were evaluated in red and white eggs, eggs enriched with PUFA s-3; white eggs with low cholesterol content and quails eggs. The results showed that there wasn´t any significant statistical difference between protein and cholesterol content of the analysed eggs. The quails eggs demonstred higher lipid content of the evaluated samples

    Liderazgo transformacional y cultura organizacional en la Municipalidad Distrital de San Jerónimo de Tunán – 2020

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    La siguiente investigación, titulada “Liderazgo transformacional y cultura Organizacional en la municipalidad distrital de San Jerónimo de Tunán - 2020” tuvo como problema general de estudio: ¿Qué relación existe entre el liderazgo transformacional y la cultura organizacional en la municipalidad distrital de San Jerónimo de Tunán - 2020?, consecuentemente, el objetivo general: Determinar la relación que existe entre el liderazgo transformacional y la cultura organizacional en la municipalidad distrital de San Jerónimo de Tunán - 2020., en respuesta al problema, la hipótesis general: Existe una relación significativa entre el liderazgo transformacional y la cultura organizacional en la municipalidad distrital de San Jerónimo de Tunán – 2020. Para el cumplimiento de nuestros objetivos, y la prueba de hipótesis, utilizamos el enfoque cuantitativo, como método general el científico, de tipo aplicada, nivel correlacional, diseño no experimental, la población se encontró conformada por 122 trabajadores municipales, la muestra fue de tipo no probabilístico. Para la medición de las variables se utilizó el cuestionario, en escala ordinal de tipo Likerth, los cuales fueron validados por el juico de expertos, y la confiabilidad sometido al estadístico Alfa de Cronbach, cuyo resultado fue de 0,934 para variable liderazgo transformacional y de 0,951 para la variable cultura organizacional. Nuestra conclusión principal fue: Existe relación directa entre el liderazgo transformacional y la cultura organizacional en la municipalidad distrital de San Jerónimo de Tunán - 2020. Consiguientemente se observa una correlación positiva alta con un “r” = 0,990, lo cual nos afirma que, si se aplica un liderazgo transformacional adecuado, entonces la cultura organizacional mejorara en gran manera

    Efecto del método de extracción de antocianinas de la flor de Jamaica (Hibiscus sabdariffa) en la eficiencia de celdas solares sensibilizadas

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    Los pigmentos naturales se cree son una opción viable como materiales fotosensibles en celdas solares electroquímicas. El presente trabajo evalúa el efecto del método de extracción y purificación de los pigmentos de la flor de jamaica (Hibiscus sabdariffa) en la eficiencia energética de celdas solares electroquímicas. Para el efecto los pigmentos fueron extraídos con metanol acidificado utilizando tres diferentes ácidos, el ácido clorhídrico, ácido cítrico y ácido trifluoroacético. La evaluación del contenido de antocianinas totales reveló que el ácido clorhídrico es el más eficiente en el proceso de extracción. Mediante técnicas de cromatografía se identificaron dos antocianinas en los extractos de la flor de Jamaica, la cianidina 3-sambubiósido y la delfinidina 3-sambubiósido. La evaluación de la eficiencia de conversión energética de celdas solares sensibilizadas con estos pigmentos reveló que el la extracción con ácido clorhídrico produce celdas con mayor eficiencia. Mediante un proceso de purificación con hexano se determinó que los residuos no polares existentes en los extractos no influyen en el desempeño de la celda, sin embargo residuos del solvente aparentemente la afectan. Finalmente se determinó que las celdas solares no tienen gran estabilidad en el tiempo, teniendo una tendencia creciente en las primeras 72 horas y un posterior decrecimiento

    La regulación de las nuevas modalidades del delito informátivo en la ley N° 30096 y su modificatoria, periodo 2020-2021

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    La presente investigación se titula “La regulación de las nuevas modalidades del delito informático en la Ley Nro. 30096 y su modificatoria Ley Nro. 30171 en el periodo 2020-2021”, tiene como objetivo fundamentar la regulación de las nuevas modalidades del delito informático en la Ley Nro. 30096 y su modificatoria Ley Nro. 30171. Asimismo, la investigación realizada fue de enfoque cualitativo, tipo aplicada, nivel descriptivo y diseño de teoría fundamentada; donde el escenario de estudio fue el ordenamiento jurídico peruano siendo esta la Ley Nro. 30096, Ley de Delitos Informática y su modificatoria Ley Nro. 30171, con la participación de 5 fiscales de las Fiscalías Provinciales Penales Corporativas de la ciudad de Huaraz. Obteniendo como resultado que la falta de una regulación específica de las nuevas modalidades del delito informático, generan el incremento de este tipo de conductas delictivas e impunidad. Concluyendo que las nuevas modalidades del delito informático (Phishing, Smishing y Vishing), deben ser incorporadas dentro de la Ley de Delitos Informáticos a fin de ser sancionadas

    Grape juice increases the BDNF levels but not alter the S100B levels in hippocampus and frontal cortex from male Wistar rats

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    Several studies have shown that a high consumption of vegetables and fruits is consistently associated with a low risk of oxidative stress-induced diseases, which includes some degenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer and Parkinson. Therefore, the objective of this study is to verify the effects of conventional and organic grape juice in the modulation of the neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and astrocytic markers protein (S100B) in hippocampus and frontal cortex of Wistar rats. In this study, 24 male Wistar rats were divided into three groups. To the first one, it was given organic purple grape juice; to the second, conventional grape juice, while the last one received only saline. After 30 days, all rats were sacrificed and hippocampus and frontal cortex were dissected. The animals that received organic and conventional grape juice showed, in frontal cortex, an elevated BNDF levels in relation to saline group. However, S100B levels did not change. These results showed that grape juices are able to modulate important marker in brain tissue, and could be an important factor to prevent brain diseases


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    Avaliou-se a qualidade microbiológica de 30 amostras de queijo prato e parmesão ralado, coletadas em diferentes supermercados da cidade de Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil). Os resultados mostraram índices de contaminação acima do permitido pela legislação em 11 amostras de queijo prato e em 4 de queijo parmesão. Em uma amostra de queijo prato fatiado foi detectada a presença de Salmonella arizonae. Abstract The microbiological quality of 30 samples of Soft and grated parmesan cheeses were evaluated, samples were collected in different supermarkets of the city Caxias do Sul in Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil). The results showed contamination indexes above of the allowed by the legislation in 11 samples of soft cheese and 4 of grated parmesan. In one sample of sliced soft cheese was detected the presence of Salmonella arizonae

    Targeting inflammatory-mitochondrial response in major depression : current evidence and further challenges

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    The prevalence of psychiatric disorders has increased in recent years. Among existing mental disorders, major depressive disorder (MDD) has emerged as one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, affecting individuals throughout their lives. Currently, MDD affects 15% of adults in the Americas. Over the past 50 years, pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, and brain stimulation have been used to treat MDD. The most common approach is still pharmacotherapy; however, studies show that about 40% of patients are refractory to existing treatments. Although the monoamine hypothesis has been widely accepted as a molecular mechanism to explain the etiology of depression, its relationship with other biochemical phenomena remains only partially understood. This is the case of the link between MDD and inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and oxidative stress. Studies have found that depressive patients usually exhibit altered inflammatory markers, mitochondrial membrane depolarization, oxidized mitochondrial DNA, and thus high levels of both central and peripheral reactive oxygen species (ROS). The effect of antidepressants on these events remains unclear. Nevertheless, the effects of ROS on the brain are well known, including lipid peroxidation of neuronal membranes, accumulation of peroxidation products in neurons, protein and DNA damage, reduced antioxidant defenses, apoptosis induction, and neuroinflammation. Antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, tocopherols, and coenzyme Q have shown promise in some depressive patients, but without consensus on their efficacy. Hence, this paper provides a review of MDD and its association with inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and oxidative stress and is aimed at thoroughly discussing the putative links between these events, which may contribute to the design and development of new therapeutic approaches for patients

    Occupational risk assessment of oxidative stress and genotoxicity in workers exposed to paints during a working week

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    Objectives: Paints are complex mixtures of solvents and metals that can induce health damages in workers exposed to them. The aim of the present work was to evaluate possible oxidative and genotoxic effects in workers exposed to paints. Material and Methods: Peripheral blood and buccal cell samples were collected from 33 workers exposed to paints and 29 non-exposed workers (controls) during an ordinary working week (Monday morning and Friday evening). Oxidative markers were assessed using thiobarbituric acid assay, carbonylated proteins, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities. Hippuric acid and delta-aminolevulinic acid were determined as biomarkers of toluene and lead exposure, respectively. Genotoxicity was measured through comet assay and micronucleus (MN) frequencies. Results: The exposed group showed higher hippuric acid and delta-aminolevulinic acid levels (Friday samples) and lower superoxide dismutase activity (Monday samples) in relation to control group. DNA damage index (comet assay) was higher in the exposed group, both in Monday and Friday samples, compared to the control group. No differences were observed in frequency of micronuclei (MN) between the groups, either in lymphocytes or buccal cells. However, the exposed group presented an increase (Monday samples) in nuclear buds frequency in lymphocytes — a marker of gene amplification — as well as an increase in condensed chromatin in the buccal cells (Monday and Friday samples), suggesting induction of apoptosis. Furthermore, a decrease in the nuclear division index (Friday samples) was observed in the exposed group, indicating that paint exposure induces cytostatic effects in lymphocytes. Conclusion: The results suggest that individuals exposed to paints have increased levels of DNA damage