2,446 research outputs found

    Hydrogen thermal conductivity at temperatures from 2000 to 4000 deg F Final report

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    Hydrogen thermal conductivity at temperatures from 2000 to 4600 deg

    Space and surface power for the space exploration initiative: Results from project outreach

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    The analysis and evaluations of the Space and Surface Power panel, one of eight panels created by RAND to screen and analyze submissions to the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) Outreach Program, is documented. In addition to managing and evaluating the responses, or submissions, to this public outreach program, RAND conducted its own analysis and evaluation relevent to SEI mission concepts, systems, and technologies. The Power panel screened and analyzed submissions for which a substantial portion of the concepts involved power generation sources, transmission, distribution, thermal management, and handling of power (including conditioning, conversion, packaging, and enhancements in system components). A background discussion of the areas the Power panel covered and the issues the reviewers considered pertinent to the analysis of power submissions are presented. An overview of each of the highest-ranked submissions and then a discussion of these submissions is presented. The results of the analysis is presented

    Compact Structure in FIRST Survey Sources

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    We present preliminary results from a statistical survey of compact structure in faint radio sources. Around 1000 sources from the VLA FIRST survey (flux densities larger than 1 mJy at 1.4 GHz) have been observed with the single-baseline interferometer Effelsberg-Arecibo. We observed each source, selected from a narrow strip of sky at declination 28 deg, for just one minute. The baseline sensitivity at 1.4 GHz, using 512 Mb/s recording, is such that any FIRST source, selected at random, would be detected if most of its flux density is in compact structure. We discuss the detection-rate statistics from one epoch of these observations.Comment: 4 pages. 12 figures. Proceedings of the 7th European VLBI Network Symposium held in Toledo, Spain on October 12-15, 2004. Editors: R. Bachiller, F. Colomer, J.-F. Desmurs, P. de Vicente (Observatorio Astronomico Nacional), p. 31-34. Needs evn2004.cl

    Fast and Slow Rotators in the Densest Environments: a SWIFT IFS study of the Coma Cluster

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    We present integral-field spectroscopy of 27 galaxies in the Coma cluster observed with the Oxford SWIFT spectrograph, exploring the kinematic morphology-density relationship in a cluster environment richer and denser than any in the ATLAS3D survey. Our new data enables comparison of the kinematic morphology relation in three very different clusters (Virgo, Coma and Abell 1689) as well as to the field/group environment. The Coma sample was selected to match the parent luminosity and ellipticity distributions of the early-type population within a radius 15' (0.43 Mpc) of the cluster centre, and is limited to r' = 16 mag (equivalent to M_K = -21.5 mag), sampling one third of that population. From analysis of the lambda-ellipticity diagram, we find 15+-6% of early-type galaxies are slow rotators; this is identical to the fraction found in the field and the average fraction in the Virgo cluster, based on the ATLAS3D data. It is also identical to the average fraction found recently in Abell 1689 by D'Eugenio et al.. Thus it appears that the average slow rotator fraction of early type galaxies remains remarkably constant across many different environments, spanning five orders of magnitude in galaxy number density. However, within each cluster the slow rotators are generally found in regions of higher projected density, possibly as a result of mass segregation by dynamical friction. These results provide firm constraints on the mechanisms that produce early-type galaxies: they must maintain a fixed ratio between the number of fast rotators and slow rotators while also allowing the total early-type fraction to increase in clusters relative to the field. A complete survey of Coma, sampling hundreds rather than tens of galaxies, could probe a more representative volume of Coma and provide significantly stronger constraints, particularly on how the slow rotator fraction varies at larger radii.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Mass transport from the envelope to the disk of V346 Nor: a case study for the luminosity problem in an FUor-type young eruptive star

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    A long-standing open issue of the paradigm of low-mass star formation is the luminosity problem: most protostars are less luminous than theoretically predicted. One possible solution is that the accretion process is episodic. FU Ori-type stars (FUors) are thought to be the visible examples for objects in the high accretion state. FUors are often surrounded by massive envelopes, which replenish the disk material and enable the disk to produce accretion outbursts. However, we have insufficient information on the envelope dynamics in FUors, about where and how mass transfer from the envelope to the disk happens. Here we present ALMA observations of the FUor-type star V346 Nor at 1.3 mm continuum and in different CO rotational lines. We mapped the density and velocity structure of its envelope and analyze the results using channel maps, position-velocity diagrams, and spectro-astrometric methods. We found that V346 Nor is surrounded by gaseous material on 10000 au scale in which a prominent outflow cavity is carved. Within the central \sim700 au, the circumstellar matter forms a flattened pseudo-disk where material is infalling with conserved angular momentum. Within \sim350 au, the velocity profile is more consistent with a disk in Keplerian rotation around a central star of 0.1 MM_{\odot}. We determined an infall rate from the envelope onto the disk of 6×\times106M^{-6}\,M_{\odot}yr1^{-1}, a factor of few higher than the quiescent accretion rate from the disk onto the star, hinting for a mismatch between the infall and accretion rates as the cause of the eruption.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, published in Ap

    A fibre-coupled UHV-compatible variable angle reflection-absorption UV/visible spectrometer

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    We present a novel UV/visible reflection-absorption spectrometer for determining the refractive index, n, and thicknesses, d, of ice films. Knowledge of the refractive index of these films is of particular relevance to the astrochemical community, where they can be used to model radiative transfer and spectra of various regions of space. In order to make these models more accurate, values of n need to be recorded under astronomically relevant conditions, that is, under ultra-high vacuum (UHV) and cryogenic cooling. Several design considerations were taken into account to allow UHV compatibility combined with ease of use. The key design feature is a stainless steel rhombus coupled to an external linear drive (z-shift) allowing a variable reflection geometry to be achieved, which is necessary for our analysis. Test data for amorphous benzene ice is presented as a proof of concept, the film thickness, d, was found to vary linearly with surface exposure and a value for n of 1.43 ± 0.07 was determined

    Extrapolation of survival curves using standard parametric models and flexible parametric spline models: comparisons in large registry cohorts with advanced cancer

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    Background: It is often important to extrapolate survival estimates beyond the limited follow-up times of clinical trials. Extrapolated survival estimates can be highly sensitive to model choice; thus, appropriate model selection is crucial. Flexible parametric spline models have been suggested as an alternative to standard parametric models; however, their ability to extrapolate is not well understood. Aim: To determine how well standard parametric and flexible parametric spline models predict survival when fitted to registry cohorts with artificially right-censored follow-up times. Methods: Adults with advanced breast, colorectal, small cell lung, non–small cell lung, or pancreatic cancer with a potential follow-up time of 10 y were selected from the SEER 1973–2015 registry data set. Patients were classified into 15 cohorts by cancer and age group at diagnosis (18–59, 60–69, 70+ y). Follow-up times for each cohort were right censored at 20%, 35%, and 50% survival. Standard parametric models (exponential, Weibull, Gompertz, log-logistic, log-normal, generalized gamma) and spline models (proportional hazards, proportional odds, normal/probit) were fitted to the 10-y data set and the 3 right-censored data sets. Predicted 10-y restricted mean survival time and percentage surviving at 10 y were compared with the observed values. Results: Across all data sets, the spline odds and spline normal models most frequently gave accurate predictions of 10-y survival outcomes. Visually, spline models tended to demonstrate better fit to the observed hazard functions than standard parametric models, both in the censored and 10-y data. Conclusions: In these cohorts, where there was little uncertainty in the observed data, the spline models performed well when extrapolating beyond the observed data. Spline models should be routinely included in the set of models that are fitted when extrapolating cancer survival data

    Engaging students with profound and multiple disabilities using humanoid robots

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    Engagement is the single best predictor of successful learning for children with intellectual disabilities yet achieving engagement with pupils who have profound or multiple disabilities (PMD) presents a challenge to educators. Robots have been used to engage children with autism but are they effective with pupils whose disabilities limit their ability to control other technology? Learning objectives were identified for eleven pupils with PMD and a humanoid robot was programmed to enable teachers to use it to help pupils achieve these objectives. These changes were evaluated with a series of eleven case studies where teacher-pupil dyads were observed during four planned video recorded sessions. Engagement was rated in a classroom setting and during the last session with the robot. Video recordings were analysed for duration of engagement and teacher assistance and number of goals achieved. Rated engagement was significantly higher with the robot than in the classroom. Observations of engagement, assistance and goal achievement remained at the same level throughout the sessions suggesting no reduction in the novelty factor

    The Arecibo Arp 220 Spectral Census I: Discovery of the Pre-Biotic Molecule Methanimine and New Cm-wavelength Transitions of Other Molecules

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    An on-going Arecibo line search between 1.1 and 10 GHz of the prototypical starburst/megamaser galaxy, Arp 220, has revealed a spectrum rich in molecular transitions. These include the ``pre-biotic'' molecules: methanimine (CH2_{2}NH) in emission, three v2=1v_{2}=1 direct l-type absorption lines of HCN, and an absorption feature likely to be from either 18^{18}OH or formic acid (HCOOH). In addition, we report the detection of two, possibly three, transitions of λ\lambda4-cm excited OH not previously detected in Arp~220 which are seen in absorption, and a possible absorption feature from the 6.668-GHz line of methanol. This marks the first distant extragalactic detection of methanimine, a pre-biotic molecule. Also, if confirmed, the possible methanol absorption line presented here would represent the first extragalactic detection of methanol at a distance further than 10 Mpc. In addition, the strong, previously undetected, cm-wave HCN v2=1v_{2}=1 direct l-type lines will aid the study of dense molecular gas and active star-forming regions in this starburst galaxy.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in A