201 research outputs found

    Social Media Natives' Invisible Online Spaces: Proposing the Concept of Digital Gemeinschaft 2.0

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    This study proposes the concept of “digital Gemeinschaft 2.0,” through examining Rich Ling’s employment of Ferdinand Tönnies’ Gesellschaft (market society) and Gemeinschaft (fellowship), when conceptualizing the “digital Gemeinschaft.” Drawing on 11 in-depth interviews with social media natives in Norway, it identifies three recurring themes, reflecting (1) a Gesellschaft attentiveness, (2) continued Gemeinschaft, with occasional public orientations, and (3) information gathering and learning without direct public partaking. This study emphasizes social media natives’ utilization of social media for maintaining social relationships through an active negotiation and construction of space. A continuous attentiveness to social space is connected to features of Gesellschaft in social media: the utilization of people’s data traces for economic purposes. The social media natives’ online activities are still tied to the market rationales of social media corporations, however, as platforms both facilitate and profit from their practices. The digital Gemeinschaft 2.0 concept hence highlights a continued tension between Gesellschaft and digital Gemeinschaft in social media as both medium and (social and public) space.publishedVersio

    Effect of dietary salt treatment and photoperiod on smoltification in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.)

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2022-06-01Masteroppgave i biologiBIO399KMAMN-BI

    Omnipresent Publicness : Social media natives and protective strategies on non-participation in online surveillance

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    People’s perceptions of and experiences within online spaces are central to understanding implications of current online surveillance mechanisms. The aim of this study was to gain insight into how people accustomed to online spaces as part of social life negotiated social media as private and public spaces. This study drew on in-depth interviews with “social media natives” in Norway for this purpose. The interview data especially pinpointed two analytically separable, but currently empirically interchangeable, factors that were pivotal to the interviewees' negotiations of private and public space: the Internet’s lack of temporal and spatial boundaries and social media’s distributive logic. While the interviewees took these features of the online for granted, they explained feeling potentially surveilled by anyone, at any time, and thus acting accordingly. As social media that utilise people’s data for economic profit are increasingly providing spaces for people’s interactions, these feelings of uncertainty and surveillance prompts questions about the future role of prominent social media.publishedVersio

    Overcoming the Grey Digital Divide in the Banking Sector

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    The thesis highlights the high degree of non-digital seniors in Norway and the different customer touchpoints they might be excluded from because the provider only distributes digital solutions. The research shows the necessity of being digital today and that seniors tend to be less likely to utilize digital solutions, e.g., those distributed by the bank. Non-digital seniors face exclusion and economic disadvantages from both the banking sector, but also various other services. The problem statement for this thesis is “How can the banking industry take measures to overcome the grey digital divide that is occurring due to digital transformation?”. The research questions which will be used to guide the thesis are: 1. Are seniors (65+ years of age) being excluded from banks digital transformation? 2. What are the variables influencing seniors’ adoption of the mobile banking application? 3. What measures can banks take to include older customers more and get them to adopt the mobile banking application? The data were collected in Norway. Inspired by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), it was discovered which variables influence behavioral intention and actual usage related to mobile banking applications. The scales were adapted, and social influence was divided into two, one from friends and one from family. Performance expectancy was also adapted and divided into two items, ‘useful’ and ‘efficient’. It was discovered that when age is used as a moderator, performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, and social influence from family have a significant positive effect on behavioral intention. The number of seniors over 70 in Norway is expected to double by 2060, further emphasizing the need to prioritize seniors. This means that even though the bank has a lot of younger customers, they should not disregard seniors' purchasing power and unique needs. To include seniors, the banks should offer various learning options tailored to seniors and their preferred way of learning. The recommendations include providing a step-by-step instruction sheet available for download, online how-to videos, and individual training sessions with a tutor. This ensures that seniors can access the necessary support and resources to understand and adopt the mobile banking application

    Overcoming the Grey Digial Divide in the Banking Sector

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    The thesis highlights the high degree of non-digital seniors in Norway and the different customer touchpoints they might be excluded from because the provider only distributes digital solutions. The research shows the necessity of being digital today and that seniors tend to be less likely to utilize digital solutions, e.g., those distributed by the bank. Non-digital seniors face exclusion and economic disadvantages from both the banking sector, but also various other services. The problem statement for this thesis is “How can the banking industry take measures to overcome the grey digital divide that is occurring due to digital transformation?”. The research questions which will be used to guide the thesis are: 1. Are seniors (65+ years of age) being excluded from banks digital transformation? 2. What are the variables influencing seniors’ adoption of the mobile banking application? 3. What measures can banks take to include older customers more and get them to adopt the mobile banking application? The data were collected in Norway. Inspired by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), it was discovered which variables influence behavioral intention and actual usage related to mobile banking applications. The scales were adapted, and social influence was divided into two, one from friends and one from family. Performance expectancy was also adapted and divided into two items, ‘useful’ and ‘efficient’. It was discovered that when age is used as a moderator, performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, and social influence from family have a significant positive effect on behavioral intention. The number of seniors over 70 in Norway is expected to double by 2060, further emphasizing the need to prioritize seniors. This means that even though the bank has a lot of younger customers, they should not disregard seniors' purchasing power and unique needs. To include seniors, the banks should offer various learning options tailored to seniors and their preferred way of learning. The recommendations include providing a step-by-step instruction sheet available for download, online how-to videos, and individual training sessions with a tutor. This ensures that seniors can access the necessary support and resources to understand and adopt the mobile banking application

    «  ikkje for breitt, men ikkje for pent heller»: Ei sosiolingvistisk gransking av yngre talemĂ„l pĂ„ Bryne

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    Denne masteroppgĂ„va er ei sosiolingvistisk gransking av yngre talemĂ„l pĂ„ Bryne. FormĂ„let med granskinga har vore Ă„ finna ut om Bryne-mĂ„let nĂŠrmar seg dei andre bymĂ„la i nĂŠrleiken, og dĂ„ spesielt Sandnes- og Stavanger-mĂ„la. Eg har intervjua fire ungdommar frĂ„ Bryne for Ă„ kartleggja talemĂ„let deira, samt haldningane deira til heimstaden og dialekta der. I tillegg har eg sett ein del pĂ„ Tor Time si avhandling JĂŠrmĂ„l: Bygde- og sentrumsmĂ„l hjĂ„ eldre og yngre i Time frĂ„ 1973 og funne ut at det sentrumsmĂ„let Time sĂ„g konturane av pĂ„ 1970-talet, er omtrent det same talemĂ„let som dagens Bryne-ungdommar snakkar. Med andre ord viser resultata frĂ„ denne granskinga at Bryne-dialekta har halde seg relativt stabil i 50 Ă„r, og at den urbaniseringa av dialekta som eg venta Ă„ finna i lĂžpet av denne granskinga, eigentleg har skjedd allereie. Det kan i alle fall verka som at det tradisjonelle jĂŠrmĂ„let pĂ„ Bryne ein gong i tida var meir mottakeleg for endringar enn det er no, og at dei endringane som vart gjennomfĂžrte med den yngste generasjonen i Time si avhandling, var urbane nok. SĂ„ spĂžrst det jo korleis talemĂ„lsutviklinga pĂ„ Bryne kjem til Ă„ vera dei neste 50 Ă„ra, men informantane i denne granskinga har i alle fall gitt klart uttrykk for at dei ikkje ynskjer Ă„ hĂžyrast ut som dei kjem frĂ„ Sandnes eller Stavanger. Dette viser at Bryne har ein sterk og tydeleg identitet som kan vera sprĂ„kbevarande. Informantane trekkjer ĂČg fram staden som ein plass midt imellom by og land, og dei seier eigentleg det same om talemĂ„let, noko som kjem tydeleg fram i tittelen pĂ„ denne oppgĂ„va. Det at staden i tillegg fekk bystatus for litt over 20 Ă„r sidan, meiner eg har vore med pĂ„ Ă„ styrka denne identiteten, og dermed ĂČg statusen til dialekta

    Rapid evaluation of options for the primary recovery of antibody fragments expressed in high cell density cultures.

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    This thesis investigates methods for the rapid determination of suitable operating conditions for the primary recovery of antibody fragments from high cell density fermentation broths by two alternative processes: centrifugation and expanded bed adsorption. The methodologies applied involve the use of predictive tools, such as scale-down techniques and simulations, in order to ensure rapid prediction of large-scale process performance. This is followed by the visualisation of suitable processing conditions for recovery of the high cell density cultures investigated using Windows of Operation. Challenges related to protein recovery from high cell density expression systems were identified and addressed. Existing USD clarification approaches lead to an over-prediction of separation performance when tested with high cell density cultures of E. coli whole cells and periplasmically lysed E. coli cells. This was attributed to aggregation effects occurring in the low shear environment of a laboratory centrifuge, which would not be apparent in the settling region of a continuous-flow industrial centrifuge. A modified USD clarification methodology was developed, which resulted in accurate predictions of large-scale performance. This novel USD clarification method was applied to E. coli homogenates and P. pastoris cultures of varying solids concentrations. For these feedstocks, a laboratory-based protocol for the determination of centrifugal dewatering was developed and applied. Windows of Operation were generated, visualising the available operating conditions for a number of industrial centrifuges, when the process was constrained by pre-defined performance and operating criteria. The main challenge identified upon processing of E. coli homogenate by expanded bed adsorption relate to cell-cell and/or cell-adsorbent interactions. These interactions were more prominent in the 1.9 mm ID scale-down column than in the 25 mm ID column, probably as a result of the high particle to column diameter ratio in the scale-down bed. As a consequence, the behaviour of the beds differed in terms of level of expansion, breakthrough profiles, binding capacity and yield. Industrial-scale EBA process performance was investigated using the general rate model to predict the output. This formed the basis for the generation of a series of Windows of Operation, displaying the most suitable combinations of load volume and flow rate for the processing of E. coli homogenates of a range of solids concentrations by EBA. A comparative study was performed based on the identification of suitable operating conditions from the Windows of Operation generated for E. coli homogenate, and suggested that EBA provides higher yields, shorter processing times and greater throughput relative to a more conventional processing route, comprising centrifugation, filtration and packed bed chromatography

    «Legg di hand i mi hand»: Hvordan kan relasjonen mellom sykepleier og selvmordstruede pasienter virke selvmordsforebyggende?

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    Bakgrunn: Et viktig helsepolitisk mÄl er Ä redusere antall selvmord i Norge, og det anses nÞdvendig Ä styrke selvmordsforebyggende arbeid. Hensikt: UndersÞke om relasjonen mellom sykepleier og selvmordstruede pasienter kan virke selvmordsforebyggende. Problemstilling: «Hvordan kan relasjonen mellom sykepleier og selvmordstruede pasienter virke selvmordsforebyggende?» Metode: Litteraturstudie, systematisk sÞking etter vitenskapelige artikler og litteratur. Resultater: Pasienter og helsepersonells opplevelser i settinger hvor selvmord er en reel trussel. Fokus pÄ relasjon, kommunikasjon, selvmordsrisiko og juridiske og etiske aspekter. DrÞfting: Hvordan selvmordstruede pasienter og sykepleiere opplever Ä vÊre i relasjon og hvordan denne relasjonen eventuelt kan virke selvmordsforebyggende. Hva pasientene og sykepleierne opplever er viktig i relasjonen. Konklusjon: Selvmordstruede pasienter uttrykker at en god relasjon har en viktig betydning. Kan bidra til at pasientene fÞler seg unike og verdifulle, og kan fremme hÄp hos pasientene

    Motivasjon ved autonomi pÄ arbeidsplassen

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    I denne oppgaven Þnsket jeg Ä undersÞke hva som er sammenhengen mellom autonomi og indre motivasjon hos den enkelte arbeidstaker. Etter Ä ha lest gjennom litteratur som kunne vÊre relevant, valgte jeg Ä ta for meg Deci og Ryans selvbestemmelsesteori. Dette er en moderne motivasjonsteori som dekker alle aspekter av livet, og jeg ville finne ut om den kan brukes i sammenheng med motivasjon i arbeidslivet. Jeg tolket teorien slik at det handler om hvordan en kan tilpasse behovene for tilhÞrighet, kompetanse og autonomi. Begrepet fleksibilitet tok jeg ogsÄ for meg, da dette inngÄr i autonomi og fleksibilitet legger til rette for selvbestemmelse og frihet pÄ arbeidsplassen. For Ä fÄ svar pÄ min problemstilling benyttet jeg meg av kvalitativ metode. Valget av informanter ble gjort pÄ grunnlag av at de hadde autonomi i jobben sin. Funnene belyste hva som var viktigst for informantene nÄr det gjaldt motivasjon ved autonomi. Informasjonen som kom frem, var at alle informantene verdsatte fÞlelsen av autonomi og at dette ga dem motivasjon og trivsel i jobben. Det viktigste for informantene for Ä opplevelsen av autonomi pÄ arbeidsplassen var gjensidig tillit mellom ansatt og leder
