350 research outputs found

    “Another immigrant comin’ up from the bottom” : reframing Alexander Hamilton’s life as an immigrant narrative through hip hop and historical fiction in Miranda’s Hamilton: an American musical

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    The thesis examines the libretto of Hamilton: An American Musical (2015) by Lin-Manuel Miranda and analyses how the play reframes the Founding Father Alexander Hamilton’s life as an immigrant narrative. Hamilton combines elements of hip hop and historical fiction; thus, the thesis examines how these elements affect the retelling of Alexander Hamilton’s life as an immigrant story. The thesis argues that through rap and historical fiction the play is able to examine the myth of the American Founding from a new and unique perspective. Furthermore, through the mixture of rap and historical fiction in the reframing of Hamilton’s life story as an immigrant narrative, Hamilton reinforces the idea of America as a nation of immigrant in positive regard. The thesis is divided into five main sections, first of which is the introduction to the thesis. The second section examines the idea of analyzing rap as a form of poetry. The third section discusses the common poetic devices used in rap poetry while considering how these devices appear in Hamilton. The fourth section of the thesis examines the main issues in analyzing historical fiction and discusses the issues of historical accuracy and questions of truth in Hamilton. Finally, the fifth section analyses Hamilton as an immigrant narrative. This section first focuses on the history of immigration in the United States. The section then considers how the play reframes Alexander Hamilton’s life story as an immigrant narrative. The thesis concludes with the discussion of the role of rap and historical fiction in the retelling of Hamilton’s story as an immigrant narrative

    ”Opiskelijalta opiskelijalle – käytännön kokemukset kiertoon” : Tarvekartoitus aikuisopiskelijoiden vertaistutoroinnista opiskelijakunta JAMKOlle

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    Vertaistutorointi on opiskelijoiden vertaistoimintaa, jossa aiemmin aloittanut opiskelija on mukana. Vertaistutorointi on osa ammattikorkeakoulujen opiskelijoiden ohjausta. Opinnäytetyön tilaajana toimi Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta JAMKO. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun tutkintoon johtavassa aikuiskoulutuksessa opiskelevien vertaistutoroinnin tarve, muoto ja aikaväli. Opinnäytetyössä on hyödynnetty aiheeseen liittyvää lähdemateriaalia ja opinnäytetyötä tehdyn kyselyn tuloksia. Tutkimus toteutettiin kyselynä ensimmäisen vuoden opiskelijoille. Siihen vastasi 54 opiskelijaa, joka on 55 % syksyllä 2013 tutkintoon johtavassa aikuiskoulutuksessa aloittaneista opiskelijoista. Kyselyyn vastasi opiskelijoita kolmesta eri koulutusohjelmasta: he opiskelivat kuntoutuksenohjausta ja -suunnittelua, liiketaloutta sekä palvelujen tuottamista ja johtamista. Aikuisopiskelijoilla on erilaisia tarpeita vertaistutoroinnille, mutta tuloksista ilmenee aikuisopiskelijoiden tarvitsevan vertaistutoroinnilta opiskeluun ja omaan alaan liittyviä toimintoja. Monet näistä toiminnoista ovat niin sanotun hiljaisen tiedon siirtämistä opiskelijalta toiselle. Työn tulokset antavat suuntaa sille, mitä myös muiden ammattikorkeakoulujen ja koulutusohjelmien tutkintoon johtavien aikuiskoulutusten opiskelijat haluavat vertaistutoroinnilta. Tuloksia hyödynnettäessä kannattaa ottaa huomioon opetuksen erilaisuus.Peer tutoring is peer support of students. Student who has started his studies earlier is involved in peer support. Peer tutoring is part of the study guidance. Subscriber of thesis was The Student Union of JAMK University of Applied Sciences – JAMKO. Aim of the thesis was find out need, form and period of peer tutoring for students studying bachelor's degrees in adult education. In the thesis source books and survey is taken advantage of. The survey was carried out for first year students. 54 students replied to survey that is 55 per cent of students who started studies in bachelor's degrees in adult education in Fall 2013. Students of three degree programme answered to survey. Adult students have different kind of need for peer tutoring but according to results adult students need activities which is conncted to studying and their own study field. Many of those activities are about transfering tacit knowledge. The results of this thesis show way to develop peer tutoring in adult education too in another universities of applied sciences or study fields. During to taking advantage of results is worth taking differeces of education into account

    Tuberculosis contact investigation results among paediatric contacts in low-incidence settings in Finland

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    Tuberculosis (TB) risk is highest immediately after primary infection, and young children are vulnerable to rapid and severe TB disease. Contact tracing should identify infected children rapidly and simultaneously target resources effectively. We conducted a retrospective review of the paediatric TB contact tracing results in the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa from 2012 to 2016 and identified risk factors for TB disease or infection. Altogether, 121 index cases had 526 paediatric contacts of whom 34 were diagnosed with TB disease or infection. The maximum delay until first contact investigation visit among the household contacts under 5 years of age with either TB disease or infection was 7 days. The yield for TB disease or infection was 4.6% and 12.8% for household contacts, 0.5% and 0% for contacts exposed in a congregate setting and 1.4% and 5.0% for other contacts, respectively. Contacts born in a TB endemic country (aOR 3.07, 95% CI 1.10-8.57), with household exposure (aOR 2.96, 95% CI 1.33-6.58) or a sputum smear positive index case (aOR 3.96, 95% CI 1.20-13.03) were more likely to have TB disease or infection. Conclusions: Prompt TB investigations and early diagnosis can be achieved with a well-organised contact tracing structure. The risk for TB infection or disease was higher among contacts with household exposure, a sputum smear positive index case or born in a TB endemic country. Large-scale investigations among children exposed in congregate settings can result in a very low yield and should be cautiously targeted. What is Known: Vulnerable young children are a high priority in contact tracing and should be evaluated as soon as possible after TB exposure What is New: Prompt investigations for paediatric TB contacts and early diagnosis of infected children can be achieved with a well-organised contact tracing structure Large-scale investigations among children exposed in congregate settings can result in a very low yield and should be cautiously targetedPeer reviewe


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan good governance melalui penerapan penjaminan mutu prosedur pelayanan. Selain itu juga akan menganalisis kepuasan pelanggan yang memiliki kontribusi dalam peningkatan pendapatan dari unit layanan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif. Jenis data digunakan adalah data kuantitatif berupa laporan sasaran mutu prosedur pelayanan pada PDAM Unit Bantur Kabupaten Malang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi berupa laporan per bulan pencapaian sasaran mutu prosedur pelayanan, indeks kepuasaan pelanggan berkala serta tingkat realisasi pendapatan setiap bulan di PDAM Unit Bantur Kabupaten Malang. Analisis data meliputi analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaduan pelanggan, penambahan SR baru, pendapatan, dan kepuasan pelanggan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan setelah penjaminan mutu, dimana peningkatannya adalah signifikan. Khusus untuk kecepatan pemasangan baru teruji tidak berbeda secara signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah implementasi penjaminan mutu. Temuan lain dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa kepuasan pelanggan yang dicapai ternyata belum mampu memberikan pengaruh yang signifkan terhadap peningkatan pendapatan. Walaupun kontribusi kepuasan pelanggan terhadap pendapatan relatif cukup besar yaitu 75,4% tetapi hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa kontribusi tidak signifikan artinya hasil penelitian ini tidak dapat digunakan untuk kesimpulan generalisasi bahwa kepuasan pelanggan akan menyebabkan peningkatan pendapatan, atau hanya berlaku untuk kasus penelitian ini saj

    Paediatric tuberculosis during universal and selective Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccination policy : a nationwide population-based retrospective study, Finland, 1995-2015

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    Introduction: In 2006, the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination policy in Finland changed from universal to selective. Aim: We assessed the impact of the policy change on tuberculosis (TB) morbidity in children under 5 years and epidemiological trends of paediatric TB in Finland. Methods: We conducted a nationwide, population-based, retrospective registry study of all newly diagnosed active TB cases younger than 15 years in Finland from 1995 to 2015 by linking data from the National Infectious Diseases Register, Finnish Care Register for Health Care, medical patient records and Finnish Population Information System. We compared the TB incidence rate ratio of under 5 year-olds with universal and selective BCG vaccinations with a Poisson log-linear model and analysed incidence trends among those younger than 15 years with a negative binomial model. Results: We identified 139 paediatric TB cases: 50 native (including 24 second-generation migrants) and 89 foreign-born children. The TB rate of under 5 year-olds remained stable after changing to selective BCG vaccination (incidence rate ratio (IRR): 1.3; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.72.3). TB rate in the native population under 15 years increased slightly (IRR = 1.06; 95% CI: 1.01-1.11). Discussion: Paediatric TB cases in Finland were concentrated in families with migrant background from high-TB incidence countries. The native TB morbidity in under 5-year-olds did not increase after the BCG policy revision, suggesting that selective vaccinations can prevent TB in the most vulnerable age group in low-incidence settings. Second-generation migrants under 15 years in Finland with high TB risk are probably increasing.Peer reviewe

    KierrÀtyslannoitevalmisteiden ilmastopÀÀstöt : tapaus Demotehdas

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    Orgaanisten sivuvirtamassojen jalostamisella kierrÀtyslannoitevalmisteiksi pyritÀÀn edistÀmÀÀn ravinteiden kierrÀtystÀ, muun muassa helpottaen jakeiden kuljetusta ja levitystÀ vÀhentÀmÀllÀ materiaalin vesipitoisuutta ja prosessoimalla tuote helposti kÀsiteltÀvÀÀn olomuotoon. Demotehdas-hankkeen tavoitteena oli rakentaa tuotantomittakaavan demonstraatiolaitos orgaanisten biomassojen kÀsittelyyn ja tuotteistamiseen. TÀssÀ raportissa tarkastellaan demonstraatiolaitoksen kokonaisvaltaista ympÀristökestÀvyyttÀ elinkaariotteella ilmastovaikutukseen keskittyen. HiilijalanjÀljen arviointi sisÀlsi Demotehdas-konseptilla jalostettavien kierrÀtyslannoitevalmisteiden valmistusketjujen kasvihuonekaasupÀÀstöt Suomessa. Arviointiin otettiin mukaan myös lopputuotteen lannoituskÀytön pÀÀstövaikutukset. Valmistusketjuvaihtoehdoiksi valittiin neljÀ erilaista skenaariota, joiden pohjana oli demonstraatiolaitoksella tehdyt prosessointikokeet eri raaka-aineilla. KÀsiteltÀvÀnÀ orgaanisena materiaalina oli joko biokaasulaitoksen lingottu mÀdÀte tai puhdistamoliete yhdyskunnan jÀtevedenpuhdistamolta. PÀÀstöt laskettiin lopputuotteille eli jalostetuille lannoitevalmisteille ennen kuin ne pÀÀtyvÀt myyntiin sekÀ lannoitevalmisteiden peltokÀytölle. PÀÀstöjÀ verrattiin mineraalilannoitteiden pÀÀstöihin. LÀhes kaikkien kierrÀtyslannoitevalmisteiden valmistuksen ja peltokÀytön pÀÀstöt olivat alhaisemmat kuin vastaavan mineraalilannoitteen pÀÀstöt. KierrÀtyslannoitteiden valmistuksen pÀÀstöjÀ laskee mm. se, ettÀ ravinteet ovat kierrÀtettyjÀ ja jÀteperÀisiÀ, ja siten niiden pÀÀstöt raaka-aineina kÀsitetÀÀn nollapÀÀstöisiksi. KierrÀtyslannoitteiden peltokÀytön pÀÀstöjÀ laskee orgaanisten lannoitteiden pienemmÀt dityppioksidin (N2O) pÀÀstöt pellolla verrattuna mineraalilannoitteen N2O-pÀÀstöihin. SekÀ kierrÀtys- ettÀ mineraalilannoitteen tapauksissa peltokÀytön pÀÀstöt olivat suuremmat kuin valmistusvaiheen pÀÀstöt, joten pellolle pÀÀtyvien ravinteiden mÀÀrÀllÀ on yleisestikin katsottuna suuri vaikutus pÀÀstöissÀ. MikÀli ilmastovaikutukseen ottaisi vielÀ huomioon kierrÀtyslannoitteen ansiosta maaperÀÀn palautuneen hiilen, joka kompensoi hiilen vapautumista maaperÀstÀ parantaen niiden hiilivarastoja, tilanne olisi vielÀ entistÀ parempi kierrÀtyslannoitteiden eduksi.202

    Security Enhancement of E-Voting System

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    The term E-Votingǁ is used in variety of different ways and it encompasses all voting techniques involving electronic voting equipments, voting over the internet, using electronic booths in polling stations and sometimes even counting of paper ballots. A voting system that can be proven correct has many concerns. The basic reasons for a government to use electronic systems are to increase election activities and to reduce the election expenses. Still there is some scope of work in electronic voting system in terms of checking the authenticity of voters and securing electronic voting machine from miscreants. Biometrics is automated tool for verifying the identity of a person based on a physiological or behavioral characteristic. It has the capability to reliably distinguish between an authorized person and an imposter. Since biometric characteristics are distinctive, can not be forgotten or lost and the person to be authenticated needs to be physically present at the point of identification, biometrics is inherently more reliable and more capable than traditional knowledgebased and token-based techniques. In this paper, we have proposed a model to enhance the security of electronic voting system by incorporating fast and accurate biometric technique to prevent an unauthorized person to vote

    Penekanan Klorosis dengan Pseudomonas fluorescens dan Belerang untuk Peningkatan Hasil Kacang Tanah di Tanah Alkalin

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    Klorosis pada tanaman kacang tanah di tanah alkalin dapat menurunkan hasil hingga 60%, karena tanaman mengalami kahat Fe dan S. Penekanan klorosis tersebut di antaranya dapat dilakukan dengan aplikasi belerang dan pupuk hayati berbahan baku Pseudomonasfluorescens. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menentukan keefektifan belerang dan P. fluorescens dalam menekan klorosis dan meningkatkan hasil kacang tanah di tanah alkalin. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Rumah Kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Aneka Kacang dan Umbi Malangpada bulan Januari–Mei 2015, menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan dua faktor perlakuan, tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah 3 konsentrasi P. fluorescens (cfu/mL), terdiri dari: 1) P0=0, 2) P1=107, 3) P2=109 cfu/mL. Faktor kedua adalah 4 dosispemberian serbuk belerang (g/kg tanah) terdiri dari: 1) S0=0, 2) S1=1, 3) S2=2, 4) S3=3. Penelitian menggunakan tanah Alfisol dari Lamongan Jawa Timur dengan pH 9,5. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat interaksi nyata antara pengaruh penggunaan P. fluorescens dengan belerang terhadap penekanan klorosis dan peningkatan hasil kacang tanah. P. fluorescens mampu meningkatkan kadar Fe tersedia dalam tanah hingga 35%tetapi tidak mampu menekan klorosis dan meningkatkan hasil kacang tanah. Pemberian belerang dapat meningkatkan kadar SO4 2– di tanah, menurunkan pH tanah, menekan klorosis dan meningkatkan hasil 81% pada dosis 3 g/kg tanah di tanah alkalin ber-pH 9,5. Penekanan klorosis, peningkatan hasil polong dan indeks panen kacang tanah berkorelasi positif dengan peningkatan kadar SO4 2– di tanah dan penurunan pH tanah
