90 research outputs found

    Generation Green – A holistic approach to implementation of green principles and practices in educational programmes in pharmaceutical and medical sciences at the University of Helsinki

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    Solving the environmental and sustainability challenges associated with drug development, manufacturing, distribution, use, and end -of -life requires comprehensive change in the mindset of healthcare professionals on all fronts. Besides current professionals, the faculty teachers and students have a critical role in facilitating the implementation of green principles and practices in educational programs, but no change occurs unless the need and the tools are properly established and their impact understood. This article describes the evolution of green pharmacy practice in the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Helsinki, following a previously published framework for change management. Furthermore, the article describes the dissemination of the principles and good practices into medical education.Peer reviewe

    Cancer Death Risk Related to Radiation Exposure from Computed Tomography Scanning Among Testicular Cancer Patients

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    Kivessyöpäpotilaiden tietokonekuvantamisen säteilyvaaraa voidaan vähentää tarkentamalla kuvantamiskäytäntöä ja uusimalla seurantasuosituksia. Tietokonekuvantamisen säteilyn aiheuttama syöpäkuoleman vaara oli suhteessa potilaan ikään: mitä nuorempi potilas sitä suurempi vaara oli. Nykyisellä kuvantamisella, mikä tarkoittaa 6-8 vatsan alueen tietokonekuvausta kuuden vuoden seuranta-aikana, vaara on kuitenkin kirjallisuuteen verrattaessa pienempi kuin aikaisempien seurantaohjelmien tiheämpään kuvantamiseen ja enemmän säteilyaltistusta aiheuttaneisiin laitteisiin nähden. Käytettäessä kansainvälisesti kehitettyä laskennallista UNSCEAR mallia arvioimme kuvantamissäteilyn lisäävän 2% säteilyn aiheuttaman syöpäkuoleman vaaraa. Nuorten kivessyöpäpotilaiden seurantaan hoitojen jälkeen on kuulunut paljon tietokonekuvauksia. Tietokonekuvantamiseen liittyvän säteilyaltistuksen tiedetään lisäävän syöpävaaraa etenkin lapsilla ja nuorilla. Tämän tietoisuuden myötä kivessyöpäpotilaiden tiheitä kuvantamisia on vähennetty. Selvitimme laskennallisesti minkälainen syöpäkuoleman vaara liittyy nykyisen käytännön mukaiseen kuvantamiseen. Tulokset osoittivat eri kuvantamislaitteisiin liittyvän eri suuruisen säteilyaltistuksen. Potilaat oli hoidettu ja kuvattu Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirissä

    Characteristics of clinically node negative breast cancer patients needing preoperative MRI

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    BACKROUND: International guidelines do not recommend magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for all breast cancer patients at primary diagnostics. This study aimed to understand which patient or tumor characteristics are associated with the use of MRI. The role of MRI among other preoperative imaging methods in clinically node negative breast cancer was studied.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Patient and tumor characteristics were analyzed in association with the use of MRI by multivariable logistic regression analysis in 461 patients. Primary tumor size was compared between MRI, mammography (MGR), ultrasound (US) and histopathology by Spearman correlation. The delays in surgery and diagnosis were analyzed among patients with or without MRI, and axillary reoperations were evaluated.RESULTS: Age (p CONCLUSION: Patient selection through prearranged characterization is important in deciding on optimal candidates for preoperative MRI among breast cancer patients. MRI causes moderate delays in primary breast cancer surgery. Preoperative MRI is useful in the evaluation of tumor size but might be insufficient in detecting lymph node metastases</div

    Phases of collaborative mathematical problem solving and joint attention : a case study utilizing mobile gaze tracking

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    Given the recent development of mobile gaze-tracking devices it has become possible to view and interpret what the student sees and unravel the associated problem-solving processes further. It has also become possible to pinpoint joint attention occurrences that are fundamental for learning. In this study, we examined joint attention in collaborative mathematical problem solving. We studied the thought processes of four 15-16-year-old students in their regular classroom, using mobile gaze tracking, video and audio recordings, and smartpens. The four students worked as a group to find the shortest path to connect the vertices of a square. Combining information on the student gaze targets with a qualitative interpretation of the context, we identified the occurrences of joint attention, out of which 49 were joint visual attention occurrences and 28 were attention to different representations of the same mathematical idea. We call this joint representational attention. We discovered that 'verifying' (43%) and 'watching and listening' (35%) were the most common phases during joint attention. The most frequently occurring problem solving phases right after joint attention were also 'verifying' (47%) and 'watching and listening' (34%). We detected phase cycles commonly found in individual problem-solving processes ('planning and exploring', 'implementing', and 'verifying') outside of joint attention. We also detected phase shifts between 'verifying', 'watching and listening', and 'understanding' a problem, often occurring during joint attention. Therefore, these phases can be seen as a signal of successful interaction and the promotion of collaboration.Peer reviewe

    Advancing video research methodology to capture the processes of social interaction and multimodality

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    In this reflective methodological paper we focus on affordances and challenges of video data. We compare and analyze two research settings that use the latest video technology to capture classroom interactions in mathematics education, namely, The Social Unit of Learning (SUL) project of the University of Melbourne and the MathTrack project of the University of Helsinki. While using these two settings as examples, we have structured our reflections around themes pertinent to video research in general, namely, research methods, data management, and research ethics. SUL and MathTrack share an understanding of mathematics learning as social multimodal practice, and provide possibilities for zooming into the situational micro interactions that construct collaborative problem-solving learning. Both settings provide rich data for in-depth analyses of peer interactions and learning processes. The settings share special needs for technical support and data management, as well as attention to ethical aspects from the perspective of the participants' security and discretion. SUL data are especially suitable for investigating interactions on a broad scope, addressing how multiple interactional processes intertwine. MathTrack, on the other hand, enables exploration of participants' visual attention in detail and its role in learning. Both settings could provide tools for teachers' professional development by showing them aspects of classroom interactions that would otherwise remain hidden.Peer reviewe