42 research outputs found


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    Vuokratyön käyttö on ollut kasvussa jo pitkään. Erityisesti rakennus- ja teollisuusaloilla vuokratyön käyttö on hyvin yleistä, vaikka edelleen toimialan maine on joiltain osin negatiivinen. Kilpailu on kuitenkin kovaa, ja erityisesti Etelä-Suomen alueella vuokratyöfirmoja on syntynyt viime vuosikymmenen aikana runsaasti. Opinnäytetyöni on sähköisen markkinointiviestinnän kehitystehtävä, jonka toimeksiantajana on oululaislähtöinen henkilöstövuokrausyritys Nordic JobCentre Oy. Kehitystehtävän kohteena oli erityisesti yrityksen näkyvyyden parantaminen mahdollisten työnhakijoiden keskuudessa. Yrityksen tavoitteena on työllistää mahdollisimman paljon ihmisiä, ja samalla kasvattaa liiketoimintaansa erityisesti Etelä-Suomen alueella. Työni tarkoitus oli selvittää, minkälaista potentiaalia yrityksen markkinointia ajatellen piilee sähköisen median, ja erityisesti sosiaalisen median käytössä. Työn tietoperusta koostuu henkilöstöstrategian, markkinointistrategian ja sähköisen markkinoinnin teoriasta. Työn tuloksena laadin yritykselle sähköisen markkinoinnin vuosikellon, ja keräsin tietoa erilaisista sosiaalisen ja sähköisen median kanavista, joissa yritys voi toimia. Lisäksi kuvasin yrityksen käyttöön haastatteluvideon, jossa yrityksen työntekijä kertoo kokemuksistaan. Videota yritys voi käyttää sosiaalisessa mediassa, kotisivuillaan ja tapahtumissa. Työn liitteenä löytyy yhteenvetona laatimani ohjeistus sosiaalisen median käyttöön ja hakukoneoptimointiin.The use of staffing services in Finland has increased in the past decade. It is very common especially in the building- and manufacturing industries, although the industry of staffing services still has a slightly negative reputation. The competition in the industry is hard, and many new companies have founded, especially in southern Finland. The target of my thesis is to develop the electronic marketing communications, especially the use of social media for Nordic JobCentre Ltd, a staffing service based in Oulu. The development task was particularly to improve the company's visibility among potential job seekers. The company's goal is to be a big employer, and at the same time grow their business, especially in southern Finland. The purpose of my work was to find out what kind of potential for the company's marketing lies in the electronic media, especially in social media use. The theoretical base of the work consist of human resources strategy, marketing strategy and electronic marketing. As a result, I made a year plan for electronic marketing, and researched different channels of social and electronic media. In addition, I produced a video interview with a company employee, where he tells his experiences while working for the company. The video can be used in social media and in different occasions, for example recruiting fairs. I also made a small guide how to use social media and how to do search engine optimization

    A Happy Introduction

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    Toden tarinat. Turun yliopiston kulttuurihistorian oppiaineen 40-vuotisjuhlakirja

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    Toden tarinat on kulttuurihistorian oppiaineen 40-vuotisjuhlakirja. Merkkipäivää juhlistaaksemme kirjoitimme, valokuvasimme ja maalasimme tarinoita, jotka johdattavat lukijan 1500-luvun kesäisiltä rantakallioilta majakoiden, varastojen ja kalastajamökkien salaperäisille oville. Yhteistä kirjan tarinoille on kaunokirjallisten vapauksien ottaminen, useissa faktan ja fiktion sekoittaminen. Kirja haluaa myös katsoa, kertoa ja ymmärtää toisin sitä todellisuutta, jossa menneisyyden ihmiset elivät omaa nykyhetkeään. Pohdiskelemme tutkijana olemista, hetkiä, jolloin tutkija kohtaa menneisyyden vieraan maailman ja löytää itsestään luovuuden.Siirretty Doriast

    Duplication and Diversification of Dipteran Argonaute Genes, and the Evolutionary Divergence of Piwi and Aubergine

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    Genetic studies of Drosophila melanogaster have provided a paradigm for RNA interference (RNAi) in arthropods, in which the microRNA and antiviral pathways are each mediated by a single Argonaute (Ago1 and Ago2) and germline suppression of transposable elements is mediated by a trio of Piwi-subfamily Argonaute proteins (Ago3, Aub, and Piwi). Without a suitable evolutionary context, deviations from this can be interpreted as derived or idiosyncratic. Here we analyze the evolution of Argonaute genes across the genomes and transcriptomes of 86 Dipteran species, showing that variation in copy number can occur rapidly, and that there is constant flux in some RNAi mechanisms. The lability of the RNAi pathways is illustrated by the divergence of Aub and Piwi (182-156Ma), independent origins of multiple Piwi-family genes in Aedes mosquitoes (less than 25Ma), and the recent duplications of Ago2 and Ago3 in the tsetse fly Glossina morsitans. In each case the tissue specificity of these genes has altered, suggesting functional divergence or innovation, and consistent with the action of dynamic selection pressures across the Argonaute gene family. We find there are large differences in evolutionary rates and gene turnover between pathways, and that paralogs of Ago2, Ago3, and Piwi/Aub show contrasting rates of evolution after duplication. This suggests that Argonautes undergo frequent evolutionary expansions that facilitate functional divergence.Peer reviewe

    Repeated duplication of Argonaute2 is associated with strong selection and testis specialization in Drosophila:Adaptive specialization of Drosophila Argonaute2 duplicates

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    Argonaute2 (Ago2) is a rapidly evolving nuclease in the Drosophila melanogaster RNA interference (RNAi) pathway that targets viruses and transposable elements in somatic tissues. Here we reconstruct the history of Ago2 duplications across the D. obscura group and use patterns of gene expression to infer new functional specialization. We show that some duplications are old, shared by the entire species group, and that losses may be common, including previously undetected losses in the lineage leading to D. pseudoobscura. We find that while the original (syntenic) gene copy has generally retained the ancestral ubiquitous expression pattern, most of the novel Ago2 paralogs have independently specialized to testis-specific expression. Using population genetic analyses, we show that most testis-specific paralogs have significantly lower genetic diversity than the genome-wide average. This suggests recent positive selection in three different species, and model-based analyses provide strong evidence of recent hard selective sweeps in or near four of the six D. pseudoobscura Ago2 paralogs. We speculate that the repeated evolution of testis specificity in obscura group Ago2 genes, combined with their dynamic turnover and strong signatures of adaptive evolution, may be associated with highly derived roles in the suppression of transposable elements or meiotic drive. Our study highlights the lability of RNAi pathways, even within well-studied groups such as Drosophila, and suggests that strong selection may act quickly after duplication in RNAi pathways, potentially giving rise to new and unknown RNAi functions in nonmodel species

    The longitudinal associations between mental health indicators and digital media use and physical activity during adolescence : A latent class approach

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    Introduction: Evidence for the relationship between movement behaviors and mental health among adolescents is inconclusive. We aimed to identify profiles of digital media use (including related bedtime delay) and leisuretime physical activity (LTPA) in adolescence, and to examine whether preadolescent mental health predicted later behavior profiles.Methods: This study included 1285 participants assessed at 11 years of age, and followed-up four years later. Participants completed the Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC), Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale for Children (CES-DC) and Screen for Child Anxiety-Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) at baseline, and reported digital media use (active and passive use, gaming, and related bedtime delays) and LTPA at follow-up. A latent class approach was employed to identify behavior profiles, membership of which was then predicted with mental health and covariates, including baseline digital media use and LTPA. Results: We identified four behavior profiles: 1) high digital media use/moderate LTPA (20% of adolescents; 78% boys), 2) moderate digital media use/high LTPA (31%; 28%), 3) high digital media use/high LTPA (26%; 15%), 4) high passive digital media use and gaming/low LTPA (23%; 89%). After adjusting for covariates, higher LTPA and better perception of athletic competence at baseline associated with higher odds of belonging to any other profile than to the unhealthiest profile (4) at follow-up. Symptoms of depression or anxiety did not associate with later behavior profiles.Conclusions: LTPA and related self-esteem seem to be stronger predictors of future digital media use and LTPA behavior during adolescence than mental health symptoms alone.Peer reviewe