71 research outputs found

    A Secure and Verifiable Computation for k-Nearest Neighbor Queries in Cloud

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    The popularity of cloud computing has increased significantly in the last few years due to scalability, cost efficiency, resiliency, and quality of service. Organizations are more interested in outsourcing the database and DBMS functionalities to the cloud owing to the tremendous growth of big data and on-demand access requirements. As the data is outsourced to untrusted parties, security has become a key consideration to achieve the confidentiality and integrity of data. Therefore, data owners must transform and encrypt the data before outsourcing. In this paper, we focus on a Secure and Verifiable Computation for k-Nearest Neighbor (SVC-kNN) problem. The existing verifiable computation approaches for the kNN problem delegate the verification task solely to a single semi-trusted party. We show that these approaches are unreliable in terms of security, as the verification server could be either dishonest or compromised. To address these issues, we propose a novel solution to the SVC-kNN problem that utilizes the random-splitting approach in conjunction with the homomorphic properties under a two-cloud model. Specifically, the clouds generate and send verification proofs to end-users, allowing them to verify the computation results efficiently. Our solution is highly efficient from the data owner and query issuers’ perspective as it significantly reduces the encryption cost and pre-processing time. Furthermore, we demonstrated the correctness of our solution using Proof by Induction methodology to prove the Euclidean Distance Verification

    Pengelolaan Perpustakaan dalam Mengembangkan Minat Baca Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Minat baca di indonesia khususnya di sekolah dasar masih terbilang sangat rendah, hal tersebut di pengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor baik dari internal maupun eksternal salah satunya adalah perpustakaan. Perpustakaan merupakan suatu pendukung sistem pendidikan oleh karena itu diperlukan pengelolaan perpustakaan sebagai pusat sumber belajar khususnya bagi siswa sekolah dasar. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis lebih dalam mengenai pengelolaan perpustakaan dalam mengembangkan minat baca siswa sekolah dasar.  Kajian penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif atau pendekatan secara deskriptif. Dimana teori serta dasar pembahasannya didapat dari hasil studi kepustakaan dari beberapa sumber seperti buku, jurnal, dan artikel. Untuk mengembangkan minat baca siswa sekolah dasar maka perlu memperhatikan pengelolaan perpustakaan yang mempunyai kriteria seperti jaringan keluar yang luas, memberikan akses maupun layanan yang nyaman dan mudah, mempunyai koleksi buku yang lengkap dan melakukan agenda rutin untuk membahas mengenai keberlanjutan perpustakaan ke depannya. Dari hasil pembahasan dapat diketahui bahwa minat baca khususnya bagi siswa sekolah dasar dapat kita upayakan dengan berbagai cara yaitu dengan dilatihkan, dibiasakan dan dikembangkan melalui pengelolaan perpustakaan yang menunjang

    Kamus Bahasa Indonesia-Kulawi

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    This review supplies the reader with a detailed overview on the utilization of intramolecular processes for a design and synthesis of prodrugs. It is well known that a respected number of drugs suffer from low bioavailability, toxicity, unpleasant taste and presystemic first-pass metabolism which result in drug inactivation. The classical prodrug approach in which the linkage attaching the parent drug to its non-toxic linker and cleaved by in vivo enzyme’s catalyzed reactions has proven its success in solving toxicity and bioavailability related issues. On the other hand, prodrugs based on chemical interconversion in which the prodrug releases the corresponding active parent drug via inter or intramolecular chemical process in the absence of an enzyme is considered as a better alternative approach since the prodrug cleavage is not dependent in the efficiency or quantity of the enzyme catalyzes the interconversion of the prodrug. Examples of successful prodrugs using the chemical approach via intramolecular processes such as cyclization reactions are illustrated as well. In addition, another part of this review is devoted to cover reported studies on enzyme models and their utilization for the design and synthesis of a variety of novel prodrugs. In this approach, computational calculations using DFT and MM methods were exploited and correlations between experimentally determined and computed values of the rate-limiting step in the studied intramolecular processes were utilized in the prodrugs design. Selected examples of the designed prodrugs include aza-nucleosides for the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes, the anti-Parkinson’s agent dopamine, the anti-viral acyclovir, the anti-malarial atovaquone, and statins for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, the antihypertensive atenolol, the antibacterial cefuroxime, the anti-bleeding tranexamic acid, the decongestant phenylephrine, and the pain killer paracetamol

    Intramolecular Processes and Their Applications in Prodrugs Approaches- Experimental and Computational Studies

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    This review supplies the reader with a detailed overview on the utilization of intramolecular processes for a design and synthesis of prodrugs. It is well known that a respected number of drugs suffer from low bioavailability, toxicity, unpleasant taste and presystemic first-pass metabolism which result in drug inactivation. The classical prodrug approach in which the linkage attaching the parent drug to its non-toxic linker and cleaved by in vivo enzyme’s catalyzed reactions has proven its success in solving toxicity and bioavailability related issues. On the other hand, prodrugs based on chemical interconversion in which the prodrug releases the corresponding active parent drug via inter or intramolecular chemical process in the absence of an enzyme is considered as a better alternative approach since the prodrug cleavage is not dependent in the efficiency or quantity of the enzyme catalyzes the interconversion of the prodrug. Examples of successful prodrugs using the chemical approach via intramolecular processes such as cyclization reactions are illustrated as well. In addition, another part of this review is devoted to cover reported studies on enzyme models and their utilization for the design and synthesis of a variety of novel prodrugs. In this approach, computational calculations using DFT and MM methods were exploited and correlations between experimentally determined and computed values of the rate-limiting step in the studied intramolecular processes were utilized in the prodrugs design. Selected examples of the designed prodrugs include aza-nucleosides for the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes, the anti-Parkinson’s agent dopamine, the anti-viral acyclovir, the anti-malarial atovaquone, and statins for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, the antihypertensive atenolol, the antibacterial cefuroxime, the anti-bleeding tranexamic acid, the decongestant phenylephrine, and the pain killer paracetamol

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Siswa Dan Pola Asuh Serta Pendapatan Orang Tua Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Klaten Utara

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    Accounting Education, Faculty of Teachery and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. October, 2020. The study aims to be detailed: 1) the effect of students' characteristics on the learning of the Muhammadiyah student (klaten) north klaten (klaten) the influence of a foster pattern on the study of the Muhammadiyah student (klaten) 2 klaten north) the influence of parental income on the study of the Muhammadiyah student (klaten) 2 north klaten (klaten) on the students' characteristics and parental upbringing and incomes to the study of the Muhammadiyah school (klaten). The Population a student of SMK Muhammadiyah north there are 73. Instrument of date collecting are questionare and documentaries. Data analysis methods use the analysis prerequisite test and regression result multiple. Research obtained y = 64.478 + 0.169x1 + 0.1707x2 + 0.644x3 regression equation can conclude that: 1) student characteristics have a positive effect on learning with a degree of 0.039 significance. 2) upbringing has a positive effect on learning with a degree of significance 0.027 3) the income of parents has a positive effect on study with a degree of 0,000. 4) students' characteristics and parents' upbringing and income together have positive effects on learning with a degree of 0,000 significance. This indicates that the results of learning are affected by the student characteristics and parents' upbringing and incomes. Coephesian determinations of 66.3% mean that there is an influence derived by student characteristics and parents' upbringing and income on learning by 66.3% while 33.7% is affected by other factors not analyzed by the author

    Pencegahan Stunting Dengan Edukasi Pentingnya 1000HPK dan Gizi Seimbang di Dusun Kabrokan Kulon, Desa Sendangsari, Pajangan, Bantul

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    Seribu hari pertama kehidupan (1000 HPK) merupakan periode emas atau yang dikenal sebagai  Golden Period seorang anak untuk tumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal. Periode ini disebut Golden Period karena dimana pertumbuhan otak sangat pesat yang dapat menentukan kualias hidup anak di masa depan. Dampak jika asupan gizi kurang selama 1000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK) diantaranya yaitu bayi lahir dengan Berat Badan Rendah (BBLR), kurus, imunitas yang kurang, mudah terserang penyakit kronis seperti sakit ginjal, jantung, diabetes type 2, stroke, hipertensi dan kanker, terhambatan pertumbuhan kognitif dan IQ yang rendah. Tujuan dari penyuluhan ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan sikap ibu hamil dan wanita usia subuh (WUS) terhadap 1000 hari pertama kehidupan (HPK) di Dusun Kabrokan Kulon, Sendangsari, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Metode yang kami gunakan pada program kerja ini ialah ceramah dan diskusi. Alur pelaksanaan dari program ini yaitu,  analisa masalah yang terjadi terutama masalah kesehatan terkait stunting dan kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai 1000 hari pertama kehidupan juga gizi seimbang, pemilihan program kerja yang tepat, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Hasil dari dilakukaanya penyuluhan ini mendapatkan hasil yang baik. Keberhasilan program tersebut dilihat dari hasil pemahaman peserta terhadap materi yang diberikan melalui pre-test dan post-test yang menunjukkan adanya perubahan kenaikan nilai

    Peran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dalam Mewujudkan Sekolah Damai di Tengah-Tengah Kehidupan Masyarakat Pluralis

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    Pendidikan kewarganegaraan dalam mewujudkan sekolah damai di tengah kehidupan masyarakat pluralis menjadikan suatu tantangan dan keberagaman dalam kehidupan yang diharapkan suatu bangsa dapatmewujudkan sikap saling menghargai dan memiliki keharmonisan hidup tanpa adanya konflik sosial dalam masyarakat yang pluralis. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membentuk karakter dan membangun kesadaran para generasi muda khususnya para siswa dan siswi dalam berbangsa dan bernegara di Sekolah.  Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif sebagai gambaran untuk memperoleh hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran pendidikan kewarganegaraan memiliki peranan yang penting dalam mewujudkan sekolah damai. Menurut Suyanto dalam Zulnuraini pendidikan kewarganegaraan merupakan pendidikan karakter  yang tinggi di dalam kelas budi pekerti yang melibatkan tiga aktivitas yaitu kognitif (cognitive), perasaan (feeling), dan tindakan (action) dalam membangun serta menumbuhkan karakter yang baik untuk menjalankan kehidupan dalam bermasyaraka

    Perkembangan Zaakwaarneming Di Indonesia Analisis Putusan No 350/Pdt.G/2014/Pn.Jkt.Pst.

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    Perwakilan sukarela adalah suatu perbuatan yang dikerjakan oleh seseorang, dengan pernyataan atau alasan yang mendasar dan patut, yang memiliki tujuan guna mengurus kepentingan yang menanggung tanggung jawab orang lain dengan tidak adanya wewenang untuk itu, baik itu berasal dari perbuatan hukum ataupun peradilan, dimana dengan sukarela bermaksud untuk mengurus kepentingan orang lain ataupun tanpa pengetahuan orang yang kepentingannya diatur. Penelitan ini penulis memiliki tujuan guna memahami, mengetahui, serta menganalisis permasalahan tentang perwakilan sukarela dan perkembangannya di Indonesia. Metode hukum normatif adalah cara peneltian dengan mencari dasar dari bahan pustaka yang didalamnya berasal dari data sekunder. Pada artikel ini pembahasan mengenai permasalahan tanah, baik itu kepemilikan tanah atau tinggal di tanah seseorang. Seperti pada kasus gestor yang melakukan suatu zaakwarneming guna menetap di tanah tersebut, tapi terkadang gestor pun melaksanakan suatu tindakan secara sepihak dan dari dominus tidak adanya suatu persetujuan. Hal tersebutlah dianggap perbuatan itu tidak menguntungkan bagi dominus itu sendiri. Contoh pada kasus Putusan Pengadilan No 350/Pdt.G/2014/PN.Jkt.Pst. kemudian bandingnya naik menjad No 02/Pdt/2016/Pt.DKI. Yang mana permasalahan itu menjelaskan orang yang melakukan pengurusan memakai tanah lahan orang yang kepentingannya diurus  tanpa izin terlebih dahulu. Oleh sebab itu, karena ada permasalahan yang timbul antara dominus dan gestor, maka orang yang melakukan pengurusan tersebut  memerlukan suatu hukum yang dapat melindungi dengan pasti dan sudah diatur di dalam suatu peraturan. Namun pada kenyataannya, aturan terkait itu pada saat ini masih abu-abu atau belum ada suatu kepastian yang merujuk kepada hal tersebut dan hanya merujuk kepada putusan hakim.  Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Hukum, Zaakwarneming, Gestor, Dominus, Putusan Haki

    Vocational Interests of Middle and High School Students in the UAE

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    This paper investigated the vocational interests of students in the UAE and determined its relationship to gender and grade level. The Emirates Scale for Vocational Interests- Revised (ESVI-R) was used to attain the goal of the investigation. The ESVE-R was administered to 1920 students in the different emirates who were in the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. Accordingly, the sample was comprised of 866 (45.1%) male and 1054 (54.9%) female students. The data were analyzed using the appropriate descriptive and inferential statistical protocols. The results showed that there are significant gender differences in most of the subscales of ESVI-R whereas there are significant differences in some of the subscales according to students' grade level. The study concluded that the vocational interests of the students demonstrated stability along grade levels and that there was a notable shift in the vocational interests of female students in the trajectory of seeking an equal opportunity with their male counterparts. Keywords: Vocational interests, gender differences, grade level, UAE school students

    Vocational Interests of Middle and High School Students in the UAE

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    This paper investigated the vocational interests of students in the UAE and determined its relationship to gender and grade level. The Emirates Scale for Vocational Interests- Revised (ESVI-R) was used to attain the goal of the investigation. The ESVE-R was administered to 1920 students in the different emirates who were in the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. Accordingly, the sample was comprised of 866 (45.1%) male and 1054 (54.9%) female students. The data were analyzed using the appropriate descriptive and inferential statistical protocols. The results showed that there are significant gender differences in most of the subscales of ESVI-R whereas there are significant differences in some of the subscales according to students' grade level. The study concluded that the vocational interests of the students demonstrated stability along grade levels and that there was a notable shift in the vocational interests of female students in the trajectory of seeking an equal opportunity with their male counterparts. Keywords: Vocational interests, gender differences, grade level, UAE school students