336 research outputs found

    The Resources of Allama Iqbal Library: An Evaluative Study

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    Abstract The main purpose of the study was to evaluate resources of Allama Iqbal Library in terms of familiarity of library patrons regarding different sources of information, expectations and perceptions on different sources of information. Further to know about the usage of resources of library. In order to achieve the objectives of study survey method was opted as a approach to conduct the research. Moreover questionnaire was framed and used as a tool for data collection. Questionnaire was based on the set parameters related to the study. The study highlighted the various dimensions of library (detailed account mentioned on below sections). The point where library patrons fail to avail the benefits from these resources is lack of knowledge and interest which deserves institutional support

    Dietary vitamin D supplementation improves haematological status following consumption of an iron-fortified cereal: an 8-week randomised controlled trial

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    This article has been accepted for publication and will appear in a revised form, subsequent to peer review and/or editorial input by Cambridge University Press, in Proceedings of the Nutrition Society published by Cambridge University Press. Copyright The Authors 2020.Vitamin D, a secosteroid, has recently been implicated in the stimulation of erythroid precursors and ultimately the rate of erythropoiesis. However, there are a paucity of randomised controlled trials (RCT), investigating the effect of vitamin D supplementation iron status, especially in populations at risk of iron deficiency. An eight-week, double-blind RCT was carried out in 50 female (mean age (± SD): 27 ± 9 years), iron-deficient (plasma ferritin concentration < 20 μg/L) participants, randomised to consume an iron-fortified cereal containing 9 mg of iron, with either a vitamin D supplement (1,500 international units (IU)/day, 38 μg/day) or placebo. The effect of dietary vitamin D supplementation on haematological indicators was investigated. Blood samples were collected at baseline, 4-weeks and 8-week timepoints for measurement of iron and vitamin D status biomarkers. The effect of intervention was analysed with a mixed-model repeated measures ANOVA using IBM SPSS statistical software (Version 21, IBM Corporation, New York, USA). Significant increases were observed in two haematological parameters: haemoglobin concentration and haematocrit level from baseline to post-intervention in the vitamin D group, but not in the placebo group. The increase from baseline to post-intervention in haemoglobin concentration in the vitamin D group (135 ± 11 to 138 ± 10 g/L) was significantly higher than in the placebo group (131 ± 15 to 128 ± 13 g/L) (P ≤ 0.05). The increase in haematocrit level from baseline to post-intervention was also significantly higher in the vitamin D group (42.0 ± 3.0 to 43.8 49 ± 3.4%) compared to the placebo group (41.2 ± 4.3 to 40.7 ± 3.6%) (P ≤ 0.05). Despite non-significant changes in plasma ferritin concentration, this study demonstrates that dietary supplementation with 1,500IU vitamin D, consumed daily with an iron-fortified cereal led to improvement in haemoglobin concentration and haematocrit levels in women with low iron stores. Further long-term studies are required, however, these findings suggest a potential role for improvement of vitamin D status as an adjunct therapy for recovery of iron status in iron-deficient populations

    Strategi Pemasaran Terhadap Peningkatan Penjualan Motor Honda di Indonesia

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    Pada era globalisasi saat ini, persaingan dalam lingkungan bisnis semakin meningkat dan hanya perusahaan yang memiliki kinerja yang baik yang dapat bertahan. Hal ini dapat menuntut manajemen pemasaran perusahaan untuk dapat menemukan strategi yang tepat untuk terus dapat meningkatkan laba sebuah perusahaan. Selain strategi pemasaran, memiliki citra perusahaan yang baik juga harus dimiliki suatu perusahaan agar ke depannya konsumen dapat melakukan pembelian ulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi pemasaran perusahaan PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) Indonesia dalam meningkatkan penjualan sepeda motor di Indonesia, serta untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara untuk mengidentifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman strategi pemasaran dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif


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    Reinforcement and scaffolding are tested approaches to enhance learning achievements. Keeping a record of the learning process as well as the new learned words functions as scaffolding to help learners build a comprehensive vocabulary. Similarly, repetitive learning of new words reinforces permanent learning for long-term memory. Paper-based logbooks may prove to be good records of the learning process, but if learners use digital logbooks, the results may be even better. Digital logbooks with an extended page with hyperlinked information on word-knowledge may work both ways – as scaffolding to learning as well as reinforcement to the learning process. In the present paper the researcher has suggested for the development of a software called ‘Vocabulary log book,’ which combines the features of Microsoft Word, online dictionary and online grammar books, so that the information needed by learners of a foreign language to learn its lexicon is available on a single page. The researcher believes that such a page will help learners master the new words quickly and efficiently

    Gender, Entrepreneurship and Socioeconomic Reparation in Jammu & Kashmir

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    The entrepreneurship growth is being recognized as a serviceable means of tackling Jammu and Kashmir’s [J&amp;K] socioeconomic challenges of high unemployment, and unbalanced distribution of income. The unemployment rates revealed by National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) for the state presents a depressed image of the condition of women in the state. According to the NSSO employment position of females in urban areas are worse than that of men. The indicators were analyzed and found that the females in urban areas are unemployed and the rate is at 11.7 percent. And the same pointer for the unemployment rate for the male population is hovering at 6.7 percent and the figure at all-India for the woman (urban) joblessness rate is at 7.9 percent. It is observed that existing policies overlook the gender as a potential input for addressing the grave issue. Despite this females have proven their mettle using their peculiar gender nature effectively and efficiently in small and micro business which calls for an immediate attention by the government towards promotion of women in entrepreneurship.

    Educational Disruption in Arabic Language Learning (Psycholinguistic Perspective)

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    Technology that continues to develop causes disruption in various fields of life, including in the field of Arabic education and learning. Traditional learning, which is starting to be replaced with technology-based and online learning systems, must be adapted and maximized immediately in order to realize effective learning. This phenomenon also needs to be considered from a psycholinguistic perspective, which has an important role in language learning. This literature research aims to describe how learning Arabic is in the current era of educational disruption and how it is viewed from a psycholinguistic perspective. Some examples of learning Arabic in this era of educational disruption are as follows: 1) Online Learning. 2) Educational Applications. 3) Project Based Learning. 4) Game-Based Learning 5) VR-Based Learning (Virtual Reality). Among the theories related to learning Arabic in this era of educational disruption are as follows: Information Processing Theory, Language Skills Theory, Collaborative Learning Theory. Constructivism Theory and Theory of Multiple Intelligences. A psycholinguistic perspective can provide several views that must be considered in viewing educational disruption from face-to-face learning to digital learning. Several aspects that can be considered in this perspective are: 1) Language skills, 2) Social interaction, 3) Student involvement, 4) Information processing, 5) Assessment


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    Implant fracture is one of the rare complications in Implant Dentistry. Such fractures pose important problems to both the patient and the dental surgeon. According to most literature sources, the prevalence of dental implant fractures is very low (approximately 2 fractures per 1000 implants in the mouth). However, considering that implant placement is becoming increasingly popular, an increase in the number of failures due to late fractures is to be expected. Clearly, careful treatment can contribute to reducing the incidence of fracture. An early diagnosis of the signs alerting to implant fatigue, such as loosening, torsion or fracture of the post screws and prosthetic ceramic fracture, can help prevent an undesirable outcome. Also, it is important to know and apply the measures required to prevent implant fracture. Therefore, the present literature reported three cases with fractured implants. It also discusses the management options and the possible causal mechanisms underlying such failures. In addition, the factors believed to contribute to implant fracture with literatures review were also discussed

    Adaptasi antarabudaya pelajar Nigeria di Malaysia

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    Kebanjiran pelajar antarabangsa di Malaysia semakin meningkat dari tahun demi tahun selaras dengan pelan pendidikan nasional yang ingin menyerlahkan nama Malaysia sebagai hub pendidikan dunia. Terdapat beberapa cabaran dalam menjalani proses pengadaptasian yang perlu dihadapi oleh pelajar antarabangsa. Dengan menggunakan model Lekuk U, kajian ini melihat bagaimana proses pengadaptasian pelajar Nigeria di Malaysia yang berhadapan dengan cabaran berikutan berlakunya stereotaip dalam kalangan media dan masyarakat Malaysia. Enam orang pelajar Nigeria yang belajar di Universiti Awam telah ditemubual untuk kajian ini. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa pelajar Nigeria tidak mengalami tempoh bulan madu namun lebih kepada fasa persediaan. Pelajar Nigeria dilihat sangat peka dalam mempersiapkan diri sebelum datang ke Malaysia kerana ingin mengurangkan masalah dalam proses pengadaptasian. Pelajar Nigeria juga didapati sangat fokus terhadap tujuan mereka ke Malaysia iaitu untuk pendidikan dan tidak begitu terkesan dengan stereotaip masyarakat

    The effect of dietary components on non-haem iron absorption in healthy and iron-deficient women

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    Two clinical trials investigating the effect of modulating two dietary components, tea containing polyphenols and vitamin D aimed at improving non-haem iron absorption and iron status recovery, were carried out in a cohort of healthy and iron deficient UK women, respectively. Tea has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of non-haem iron absorption but it remains unclear whether the timing of tea consumption relative to a meal influences iron bioavailability, with limited published evidence, especially in human trials. The aim of the first study was to investigate the effect of tea consumption on non-haem iron absorption and to assess the effect of time interval of tea consumption on non-haem iron absorption relative to an iron-containing meal, in a cohort of healthy female participants using a stable iron isotope (57Fe)
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