83 research outputs found

    Science, Technology and Innovation Management: Contributions to a Methodological Framework

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    The article discusses the specificities of science and technology development and innovation processes in organizational arena and their implications for planning and management. It proposes that ST&I processes must be planned and managed as evolutionary processes defined by targeted attitudes to search routines and an understanding of the selective instances in which organizations are embedded, taking into consideration the distinct institutional elements that mediate such relations. To deal with this framework, the article proposes a methodological framework comprising a set of building blocks to help managers deal with the challenge of innovation. The building blocks are: (1) indeterminacy; (2) the profile of the professionals involved and the organizational culture; (3) the collective logic associated with the complexity of non-linear, dynamic and adaptive systems; and (4) the logic of the scope economies associated with knowledge production. The methodology is applied in a case study of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Embrapa

    Governança e prioridades da ciência brasileira

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    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar e discutir a governança da ciência, o que ela engloba e quais os desafios que hoje são mais importantes em âmbitos nacional e global. O tema é abordado sob duas dimensões: governança estrita, que examina os cânones internos do funcionamento da ciência; e governança ampliada, que olha para as interfaces e interações da ciência com a sociedade. Sobretudo, discute-se o que está mudando nessas dimensões e quais os impactos e iniciativas sobre as “instituições da ciência”. Temas como ciência aberta, vieses de priorização e seleção, indicadores de qualidade, engajamento social, pesquisa orientada a missão, dentre outros, são discutidos como “espírito do tempo” e seus efeitos – de mão dupla – sobre a governança estrita e ampliada da ciência. Essa discussão é estendida para o Brasil em seus 200 anos de Independência, colocando alguns dos desafios que teremos que enfrentar.The purpose of this article is to present and discuss science governance, what it encompasses and what challenges are most important today at national and global levels. The topic is approached from two dimensions: strict governance, which examines the internal canons of how science works; and expanded governance, which looks at the interfaces and interactions of science with society. Above all, it discusses what is changing in these dimensions and what impacts and initiatives have on “science institutions”. Topics such as open science, prioritization and selection biases, quality indicators, social engagement, mission-oriented research, among others, are discussed as the “spirit of the time” and its two-way effects on the strict and expanded governance of science. This discussion is extended to Brazil in its 200 years of Independence, posing some of the challenges that we will have to face

    Technological and Productive Density in Sectoral Innovation Systems: The Case of the Brazilian Aeronautics Industry

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    This article discusses whether a globally competitive high-tech firm is sustainable without being associated with a sufficiently dense sectoral innovation system. It focuses on Embraer and hence on the Brazilian aeronautics industry. Despite not benefiting from a highly subsidized process for technological and financial modernization, Embraer has become the world’s third-ranking producer of commercial jets thanks to institutional innovations, especially in producing and managing contracts with suppliers and risk-sharing partners. The conclusion drawn is that the competitiveness of the Brazilian aircraft industry depends on the continuing supply of technology in international markets. Technological restrictions imposed for geopolitical reasons, or even for market constraints, could fatally undermine the strategy adopted by the company

    R&D and Innovation Management in the Brazilian Electricity Sector: the Regulatory Constraint

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    In 2000 it became mandatory to the Brazilian electricity companies to invest in research, development and innovation (RDI). These investments are performed by firms and regulated by the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL). Since then companies have sought ways to cope with this obligation creating internal structures and managerial processes. This article presents the evolution of RDI management routines and organizational models based on a multiple-case study conducted between 2011 and 2012 with seven companies that represent about 27% of the total RDI investment performed in the period of 2008 to 2013. The research showed that firms created minimalist management and organizational structures to handle with the RDI enforcement. Companies have been much more concerned with the regulatory risk (the risk of non-accomplishment with the obligations) than to any strategic use of RDI effort since the legal framework is based on punishment rather than in stimulus

    Institutional trajectory of a public research institute: the case of Ital after 1995

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    This article analyzes the organizational development of a public research institute, the Food Technology Institute (Ital), during a period of 10 years. It applies the case study methodology and, for the first time, the concepts of institutional and managerial models. The first concept emphasizes the evolution of the formal characteristics which allow any institution to carry out its social functions. On the other hand, the managerial model consists of two components, the mandatory one, which results from the institutional model, and the strategic one, which results from the methods developed to organize and to conduct the institutuion's strategic decisions. The conclusion is that Ital's main characteristic is to be a hybrid institution, because, although being a legal public institute of research, it has been managed as a highly innovative private enterprise in many aspects. In its institutional trajectory Ital has adopted a decentralized organization which has allowed it to deepen relations with the private sector and to increase the participation of non-government resources in its budget. The strategic component of its managerial model has greatly influenced Ital's organizational development. However, its organizational model is beginning to show signs of fatigue, challengingr its continuity as a reference institution.Este artigo analisa a evolução organizacional de um instituto público de pesquisa tecnológica, o Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos (Ital) por meio de um estudo de caso, num período de 10 anos. Aplica pela primeira vez os conceitos de modelos institucional e gerencial. Por modelo institucional entende-se a evolução das características jurídicas que permitem a uma instituição o cumprimento de suas funções sociais. O modelo gerencial compreende dois componentes: o compulsório e o estratégico. O primeiro trata da gestão dos processos decorrentes do modelo institucional, e o segundo, daqueles que são frutos de suas decisões estratégicas. A principal característica do Ital é ser uma instituição híbrida, pois juridicamente é um instituto público de pesquisa, mas gerenciado, em alguns aspectos, como uma empresa privada altamente inovadora. Na sua trajetória institucional, o Ital adotou uma organização descentralizada, o que lhe permitiu aprofundar os laços com o setor produtivo e aumentar a participação das fontes extraorçamentárias no seu orçamento total. O componente estratégico de seu modelo gerencial teve um peso muito grande nesse desenvolvimento. No entanto, seu modelo organizacional começa a apresentar sinais de esgotamento, colocando desafios para a sua continuidade como instituição de referência433661693This article analyzes the organizational development of a public research institute, the Food Technology Institute (Ital), during a period of 10 years. It applies the case study methodology and, for the first time, the concepts of institutional and managerial models. The first concept emphasizes the evolution of the formal characteristics which allow any institution to carry out its social functions. On the other hand, the managerial model consists of two components, the mandatory one, which results from the institutional model, and the strategic one, which results from the methods developed to organize and to conduct the institutuion's strategic decisions. The conclusion is that Ital's main characteristic is to be a hybrid institution, because, although being a legal public institute of research, it has been managed as a highly innovative private enterprise in many aspects. In its institutional trajectory Ital has adopted a decentralized organization which has allowed it to deepen relations with the private sector and to increase the participation of non-government resources in its budget. The strategic component of its managerial model has greatly influenced Ital's organizational development. However, its organizational model is beginning to show signs of fatigue, challengingr its continuity as a reference institutio

    'Catching-up' no setor agrícola brasileiro: o papel das novas instituições

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    O presente artigo contempla uma discussão sobre o processo de catching-up do sistema brasileiro de pesquisa agrícola, com destaque para a nova institucionalidade que vem sendo criada na pesquisa e na transferência das novas tecnologias geradas no processo de melhoramento vegetal. Atenção especial é dada à articulação entre os atores públicos e privados participantes desse processo, sobretudo considerando-se as novas formas de apropriabilidade decorrentes do fortalecimento dos direitos de propriedade intelectual

    Propriedade intelectual e organização da P&D vegetal: evidências preliminares da implantação da Lei de Proteção de Cultivares

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    This article discusses the recent Brazilian strategy in the field of intellectual property rights applied to new varieties and seeds. Intellectual property is here understood as an economic tool to articulate and to coordinate the economic and technical agents involved in the process of development and diffusing of new varieties and seeds. The article deals with data from the National Service on Variety Protection and also with data from the Brazilian seed market. Among the main findings it shows that the recent strategy of EMBRAPA (the national public research institution) along with the recent emergence of foundations of seed production and commercialization (formed by small seed producers in different regions of the country), has caused important changes in the seed market structure. Of course, this movement has not been equal among all species and all market branches, but it is actually impressive among some of them (like corn and soybean seed markets). In this process, public research institutions can play an important role, especially if they are capable to build strong capabilities in dealing not only with genetics and seed production, but also with the national and the international regulatory frameworks.O artigo discute como o processo de reconhecimento de direitos de melhoristas, na forma de proteção de cultivares, no Brasil se fez a partir de uma estratégia nacional de articular propriedade intelectual e desenvolvimento tecnológico nacional. A proteção intelectual é entendida como mecanismo de articulação e coordenação entre os agentes envolvidos no processo de inovação. A metodologia de coleta de dados consistiu na análise dos titulares de cultivares protegidas no Brasil disponibilizados pelo Serviço Nacional de Proteção de Cultivares, cruzando esses dados com os constantes do relatório de acompanhamento da produção de sementes no Brasil, elaborado pela Embrapa em parceria com o Ministério da Agricultura e a Abrasem. Entre as principais conclusões está a de que o processo de reorganização da pesquisa pública, por meio de parcerias estruturadas em torno do desenvolvimento de novos cultivares contribuiu fortemente para a manutenção da presença pública no mercado de sementes, todavia, varia entre as espécies pesquisadas.92

    Concepts, policy elements, and regional strategies for the development of institutional innovation.

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    El objetivo general de esta prioridad es apoyar los esfuerzos de los países miembros para modernizar la agricultura y potenciar su contribución al desarrollo económico, social y ambiental, mediante la promoción de políticas y procesos de innovación tecnológica e institucional que promuevan y faciliten la incorporación de nuevos conocimientos y tecnologías en las cadenas agroproductivas. El trabajo establece bases para proponer un marco conceptual sobre innovaciones institucionales con recomendaciones para una agenda de cooperación para la reforma de la institucionalidad de la investigación agrícola nacional y regional. Con este propósito, se sintetiza un marco conceptual que hace una propuesta de las innovaciones institucionales necesarias para fortalecer los sistemas nacionales y regionales de ciencia, tecnología e innovación agropecuaria en la región.The general objective of this priority is to support the efforts of the member countries to modernze agriculture and enhance its contribution to economic, social and environmental development by promoting technological and institutional innovation policies and processes that will promote and facilitate the incorporation of new knowledge and technologies into agricultural production chains. The study provides the bases for developing a conceptual framework for institutional innovations, with recommendations for a cooperation agenda aimed at revamping the institutional architecture of national and regional agricultural research. To that end, the study outlines the institutional innovations needed to strengthen the national and regional systems of agricutural science, technology and innovation in the region

    Profile of academic entrepreneurship in Brazil: Evidence from the evaluation of former holders of undergraduate research, master and PhD scholarships

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    Purpose – This paper aims to understand, in the state of São Paulo academic environment, the differences between the profiles of academic entrepreneurs, nonacademic entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs. Design/methodology/approach – The authors collected data from a more comprehensive research, whose objective was to evaluate the scholarship programmes of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). For data collection, the authors used an online questionnaire, pre-filled with information from the Lattes Curriculum of the sample individuals, as well as information obtained from FAPESP and from coordination for the improvement of higher education personnel. The response rate of the questionnaires was 21 per cent. The authors sought to explore the variables regarding entrepreneurial activities carried out by former scholarship holders, by relating them to other key variables identified in the literature review and explained in the hypotheses. Findings – The results indicate that entrepreneurship rates decrease with the higher academic level of the researcher; in general, academic entrepreneurs come from families with a good financial situation, and applied sciences are the areas of knowledge with more entrepreneurs. Originality/value – Despite the great number of theoretical and empirical studies found in the literature on entrepreneurship and academic entrepreneurship, there is still a shortage of practical studies on this latter topic in Brazil. This gap is even more evident when the authors consider the significant growth of entrepreneurial activity in the country in the past years. This paper contributes to fill this gap, and it aims to understand, in the state of São Paulo academic environment, the differences between the profiles of academic entrepreneurs, nonacademic entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs