116 research outputs found

    Soins Prénatals et Accouchement Assisté en Guinée

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    Des objectifs du millĂ©naire pour le dĂ©veloppement (OMD) aux objectifs de dĂ©veloppement durable (ODD), la santĂ© maternelle occupe une place importante. En GuinĂ©e, la situation sanitaire des femmes enceintes demeure une prĂ©occupation majeure. En effet, le taux de mortalitĂ© maternelle se situait Ă  576 dĂ©cĂšs maternels pour 100 000 naissances vivantes en 2017. Les principales causes de cette mortalitĂ© maternelle Ă©levĂ©e est la nonutilisation adĂ©quate des services de soins prĂ©natals ou l’absence d’assistance mĂ©dicale Ă  l’accouchement. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’identifier les dĂ©terminants de la demande de soins prĂ©natals, et de voir l’effet de ces soins sur l’accouchement assistĂ©. Pour ce faire, les donnĂ©es utilisĂ©es sont celles de l’enquĂȘte dĂ©mographique et de santĂ© (EDS V). Elle a Ă©tĂ© conduite par l’institut national de la statistique (INS) avec l’assistance technique de la sociĂ©tĂ© ICF international. Cette Ă©tude utilise un modĂšle nĂ©gatif binomial pour identifier les dĂ©terminants de la demande de soins prĂ©natals, et une rĂ©gression logistique pour voir l’effet de ces soins sur l’accouchement assistĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les dĂ©terminants de la demande de soins prĂ©natals sont : le niveau de vie du mĂ©nage, l’instruction de la femme et de son conjoint, le milieu de rĂ©sidence, l’exposition de la femme Ă  la tĂ©lĂ©vision et la souscription Ă  une assurance. Aussi, ils confirment l’effet positif des soins prĂ©natals sur le recours Ă  l’accouchement assistĂ©. L’étude recommande la sensibilisation sur les avantages de la consultation prĂ©natale et l’accouchement assistĂ© sur la rĂ©duction de la morbiditĂ© et la mortalitĂ© maternelle. Aussi, la gratuitĂ© des consultations prĂ©natales et la rĂ©duction des frais d’accouchement afin d’augmenter leurs utilisations. From the millennium development goals (MDGs) to the sustainable development goals (SDGs), maternal health occupies an important place. In Guinea, the health situation, particularly that of pregnant women, remains a major concern. The maternal mortality rate stood at 576 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in 2017. Most of the medical causes of maternal mortality are the lack of adequate use of prenatal healthcare services or the lack of medical assistance at delivery. This paper aims at identifying the driving factors of the demand for antenatal healthcare and medical assistance at delivery. The study looks at the effect of antenatal healthcare on assisted childbirth in Guinea. The study used data from the 2018 wave of the demographic and health survey (DHS V) in Guinea conducted by the national institute of statistics (INS) with technical support from macro international. The paper employs a negative binomial model for the prenatal healthcare and a logit regression to assess the relationship between prenatal healthcare and assisted childbirth. The findings of the study indicate that the standard of living, education, residential milieu, exposure to women's media and insurance coverage are the most important determinants of the demand for antenatal healthcare. The results also confirm the positive effect of prenatal healthcare on the use of assisted childbirth. The paper recommends raising women's awareness of the advantages and benefits of prenatal consultation and assisted childbirth. Also, antenatal consultations should be made free of charge and delivery fees should be reduced to increase their use

    La contribution des UniversitĂ©s dans la mise en Ɠuvre des ODD au SĂ©nĂ©gal : le cas de l’UniversitĂ© Alioune Diop de Bambey

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    Ce texte est une contribution Ă  la mise en Ɠuvre des ODD au SĂ©nĂ©gal de maniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©rale, dans la localitĂ© de Bambey en particulier. InspirĂ©s de l’approche intĂ©grĂ©e des ODD de l’Institut Hydro-QuĂ©bec en Environnement DĂ©veloppement et SociĂ©tĂ© de l’UniversitĂ© Laval, deux ateliers sont rĂ©alisĂ©s en juillet 2017 Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Alioune Diop de Bambey (UADB), d’abord avec les occupants de l’UniversitĂ© (Ă©tudiants, personnels d’administration technique et de services et enseignants) ensuite avec les acteurs de sociĂ©tĂ© civile de Bambey. Ces deux ateliers d’appropriation et de mise en situation des 17 ODD ont abouti Ă  des rĂ©sultats dont l’analyse sociale, Ă©conomique et environnementale a mis en exergue, pour chaque cadre d’analyse des problĂ©matiques agrĂ©gĂ©es Ă  des ODD. Des liens directs et indirects sont Ă©tablis entre l’ODD ciblĂ© et les autres en apportant des justifications Ă  toutes les liaisons positives ou nĂ©gatives. Le systĂšme de priorisation privilĂ©giĂ© est axĂ© sur un large consensus sur les ODD pour lesquels, l’UADB et la communautĂ© de Bambey doivent se mobiliser pour Ă©riger l’UniversitĂ© en campus durable et impulser le dĂ©veloppement local. Pour propulser la dynamique communautaire et universitaire vers de meilleures conditions de vies des habitants, les participants aux ateliers ont Ă©laborĂ© des solutions aux problĂšmes sociaux, environnementaux et Ă©conomiques soulevĂ©s. Ces solutions sont formulĂ©es sous forme de projets pouvant faire office de laboratoires vivants dans lesquels, des chercheurs, des Ă©lus locaux, des organismes communautaires et d’autres acteurs pourront interagir et panser les maux de la commune de Bambey, de l’UADB en renforçant la dynamique de la gouvernance participative, un des prĂ©requis de la mise en Ɠuvre des ODD dans des endroits comme le SĂ©nĂ©gal. Mots-clĂ©s: ODD, Bambey, dĂ©veloppement local, gouvernance participative, organisation communautaire This text is a contribution to the implementation of the SDGs in Senegal in general, in the locality of Bambey in particular. Inspired by the integrated approach of the SDGs of the Hydro-QuĂ©bec Institute for Environment Development and Society of Laval University, two workshops are conducted in July 2017 at the University Alioune Diop Bambey (UADB), first with the University occupants (students, technical administration and service staff, and teachers) and then with Bambey civil society actors. These two workshops for the appropriation and implementation of the 17 SDGs resulted in results whose social, economic and environmental analysis highlighted, for each framework of analysis of the issues aggregated to the SDGs. Direct and indirect links are established between the targeted SDG and others by providing rationale for all positive and negative linkages. The preferred prioritization system is based on a broad consensus on the SDGs for which the UADB and the Bambey community must mobilize to build the University into a sustainable campus and boost local development. To propel the community and university dynamics towards better living conditions of the inhabitants, the participants of the workshops elaborated solutions to the social, environmental and economic problems raised. These solutions are formulated in the form of projects that can act as living laboratories in which researchers, local elected representatives, community organizations and other actors can interact and heal the ills of the Bambey commune of the UADB by reinforcing the dynamics of participatory governance, one of the prerequisites for implementing the SDGs in places like Senegal. Key words  : SDGs, Bambey, local development, participatory governance, community organisation

    Evaluation de l’utilisation du protocole national de prise en charge du paludisme simple des enfants Ă  Matam, GuinĂ©e Conakry

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    L'objectif Ă©tait d'Ă©valuer l'usage du nouveau protocole national de prise en charge du paludisme simple. Il s'agit d'une Ă©tude transversale de type descriptif menĂ©e du 01 octobre au 31 DĂ©cembre 2013. L'enquĂȘte a Ă©tĂ© faite dans les six services de santĂ© de la commune de Matam et a intĂ©ressĂ© tous les patients de 0-15 ans venant en consultation dans ces centres de santĂ© d'une part et les prestataires de soins de ces dits centres d'autre part. Nous avons enregistrĂ© 545 patients dont 52,1% de sexe fĂ©minin, l'Ăąge moyen Ă©tait de 5,62±5. Plus de la moitiĂ© (60,2%) des prescriptions Ă©taient conformes au protocole mais aucun prestataire ne s'en servait parce qu'inaccessible. Seulement 72% savaient de l'existence de ce protocole. La disponibilitĂ© et l'utilisation du protocole national de prise en charge du paludisme simple restent faibles. La formation continue du personnel semble nĂ©cessaire.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Anemia among Apparently Healthy Senegalese Children Aged 9-15 Months

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    In Senegal, despite its high frequency, there is no real program to fight against anemia among infants. This work was carried out in the Dakar suburb from 1st September, 2009 to 27th January, 2010 among apparently healthy children aged 9-15 months at the time of their immunization against yellow fever and measles. They showed no known chronic condition or acute infection at the time of the survey. The objectives were to study the diet, prevalence, type and risk factors of anemia. The questionnaire was about whether the father and the mother were working and about the children’s diet during the first six months of their life. All the children underwent anthropometric measurements (weight and height) and a complete blood count. We considered children as anemic if the hemoglobin rate was below 11g/dl. Of the 245 children, 212 were anemic, which was a prevalence of 86.5%. This anemia, frequently of the microcytic hypochromic type (68. 86%) was significantly (p < 0.0003) observed among the children of housewives compared with those whose mothers were employed. Among anemic children, 60.8% were only taking breast milk with or without cereal porridge as a food supplement. The absence of consumption of protein, vegetables, fruits and dairy products was a risk factor for the occurrence of anemia (p <0.0001). In total, at the time immunization is stopped, almost all Senegalese children, while apparently healthy, still face nutritional anemia. The adverse consequences of anemia on child health require the implementation in developing countries of a specific program of struggle against anemia. The activity of vaccination might be the best opportunity to provide the nutritional education these mothers need

    Caractérisation De La Flore Et De La Végétation Ligneuse Des Terroirs Villageois De Keur Birame (Kaffrine) Et Saré Yorobana (Kolda) Au Sénégal

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    Vegetation in sub-Saharan countries is under heavy pressure from anthropogenic activities and climatic deterioration. This study was carried out at Keur Birame and SarĂ© Yorobana villages, which are two edaphoclimatically contrasting localities. The aim of this study is to characterize their flora and woody vegetation. In doing so, 178 vegetation survey of 2500mÂČ each were carried out on all two sites consisting of nine facies of vegetation. The results show a flora of the two soils of 93 species belonging to 80 genera and distributed to 33 botanical families. Among this richness, 78 species belong to SarĂ© Yorobana and 45 species to Keur Birame. Except for regeneration rates (37.30% and 94.04%), all structural parameters studied are higher at SarĂ© Yorobana and the similarity index (0.48) indicates that the two vegetal communities are floristically different. The ligneous stems are generally young with small diameter that hides facies imbalances due to human activities. It would require the various actors synergy to keep trees and biodiversity in the fields and terroirs

    Fréquence des néphropathies congénitales au Centre hospitalier universitaire de Donka à Conakry: Frequency of congenital nephropathies in the University Hospital of Donka in Conakry

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    Context and objective. The real extent of congenital nephropathies is little known in Africa and in particular in Guinea. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of congenital nephropathies in the University Hospital of Donka. Methods. This was a descriptive retrospective study enrolling patients admitted for congenital nephropathy at both pediatric and pediatric surgery departments of Donka, between January 1st, 2007 and June 30th, 2012. The parameters of the study were epidemiological, clinical and paraclinical data.  Results. Of 34,448 patients recorded during the period studied, 26 had congenital nephropathies. They encompassed nephroblastoma (n=17), SJPU (n=6), hydronephrosis on left multikystic kidney (n=1), multikystic kidney in ptosis (n=1) and renal ectopia (n=1). Male sex was preponderant (21/26) with a sex ratio of 4.2/1. The 29 day-old to 2 year-old children were more affected. Conclusion. Congenital nephropathies appear less frequently in this hospital probably due to the absence of optimal facilities. The early diagnosis of congenital nephropathies should be made during the antenatal time, which would be a key to a better management of these conditions in affected children. Contexte et objectif. L’ampleur rĂ©elle des nĂ©phropathies congĂ©nitales est peu connue en Afrique et notamment en GuinĂ©e. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer la frĂ©quence des nĂ©phropathies congĂ©nitales rencontrĂ©es. MĂ©thodes. Cette Ă©tude documentaire de type descriptif sur la nĂ©phropathie congĂ©nitale, a Ă©tĂ© conduite entre les 1er janvier 2007 et 30 juin 2012, dans les services de pĂ©diatrie et de chirurgie pĂ©diatrique de Donka. Les paramĂštres d’interet englobaient les donnĂ©es Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, cliniques et paracliniques.  RĂ©sultats. Parmi les 34.448 dossiers colligĂ©s, 26 prĂ©sentaient une nĂ©phropathie congĂ©nitale. Il s’agissait des nĂ©phroblastomes (n=17), des syndromes de jonction pyĂ©lo-urĂ©tĂ©rale (n=6), d’une hydronĂ©phrose sur rein multikystique gauche (n=1), d’un rein multikystique en ptose (n=1) et d’une ectopie rĂ©nale (n=1). Le sexe masculin Ă©tait prĂ©pondĂ©rant (21/26) avec un sexe ratio de 4,2/1. Les enfants de 29 jours Ă  2 ans Ă©taient les plus touchĂ©s. Conclusion. Les nĂ©phropathies congĂ©nitales sont paraissent moins frĂ©quentes dans cette institution hospitaliĂšre, Ă  cause du manque d’un plateau technique diagnostique optimal. Le diagnostic prĂ©coce des nĂ©phropathies congĂ©nitales devrait ĂȘtre fait dans la pĂ©riode prĂ©natale ce qui permettrait une meilleure prise en charge des enfants affectĂ©s

    In vitro vasorelaxation mechanisms of bioactive compounds extracted from Hibiscus sabdariffa on rat thoracic aorta

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In this study, we suggested characterizing the vasodilator effects and the phytochemical characteristics of a plant with food usage also used in traditional treatment of arterial high blood pressure in Senegal.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Vascular effects of crude extract of dried and powdered calyces of <it>Hibiscus sabdariffa </it>were evaluated on isolated thoracic aorta of male Wistar rats on organ chambers. The crude extract was also enriched by liquid-liquid extraction. The various cyclohexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, butanol extracts obtained as well as the residual marc were subjected to Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography. The different methanolic eluate fractions were then analyzed by Thin Layer (TLC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and their vascular effects also evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The H. Sabdariffa crude extract induced mainly endothelium-dependent relaxant effects. The endothelium-dependent relaxations result from NOS activation and those who not dependent to endothelium from activation of smooth muscle potassium channels. The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of phenolic acids in the ethyl acetate extract and anthocyans in the butanolic extract. The biological efficiency of the various studied extracts, in term of vasorelaxant capacity, showed that: Butanol extract > Crude extract > Residual marc > Ethyl acetate extract. These results suggest that the strong activity of the butanolic extract is essentially due to the presence of anthocyans found in its fractions 43-67.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results demonstrate the vasodilator potential of <it>hibiscus sabdariffa </it>and contribute to his valuation as therapeutic alternative.</p
