109 research outputs found

    Flora of the cangas of Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brazil: Blechnaceae

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    This study addressed the Blechnaceae species recorded in ferruginous formations of Serra dos Carajás, Pará state, presenting descriptions, illustrations, geographical distribution, and comments about the taxa. In the studied area, three genera and seven species were recorded: Blechnum areolatum, B. heringeri, B. longipilosum, B. occidentale, B. polypodioides, Neoblechnum brasiliense and Telmatoblechnum serrulatum.Este estudo trata as espécies de Blechnaceae encontradas nas formações ferríferas da Serra dos Carajás, estado do Pará, com descrições, ilustrações, distribuição geográfica e comentários sobre os táxons. Na área estudada foram registrados três gêneros e sete espécies: Blechnum areolatum, B. heringeri, B. longipilosum, B. occidentale, B. polypodioides, Neoblechnum brasiliense e Telmatoblechnum serrulatum

    Ferns and lycophytes of Serra Negra, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    This work presents an inventory of pteridophyte species that occur in the Serra Negra, of Minas Gerais. The area is part of the Mantiqueira Range, and is situated between the coordinates 21º58'11"S 43º53'21" W, 22º01'4.4" S, 43º52'31.5" W, 21º58'21.4" S, 43º50'06.5" W and 21º58'53" S, 43º56'08" W. The vegetation in the Serra Negra is characterized by a mosaic of different phytophysiognomies, divided into forests (evergreen and seasonal semideciduous forests) and open formations (rocky grasslands). The inventory was carried out from 2003 to 2008, during monthly excursions to collect botanical material and data in the study area. A total of 209 species, distributed in 24 families and 75 genera, were recorded. The families with the highest number of species were Polypodiaceae (40), Dryopteridaceae (33) and Pteridaceae (25). More than the half (110) of the inventoried species were recorded exclusively in the forests formations. Sixty-nine species were terrestrial, 37 were saxicolous or terrestrial and 32 were epiphytes. This work shows that this region is rich in ferns and reveals the importance of this kind of study for conservation and management of pteridophytes in the state of Minas Gerais.Este trabalho apresenta uma lista de espécies de pteridófitas que ocorrem na Serra Negra, Minas Gerais. A serra está inserida no complexo da Serra da Mantiqueira situada entre Rio Preto, Lima Duarte, Santa Bárbara do Monte Verde e Olaria, tendo seus limites nos pontos 21º58'11"S 43º53'21" W, 22º01'46,4" S 43º52'31,5" W, 21º58'21,4" S 43º50'06,5" W e 21º58'53" S 43º56'08" W. A vegetação da serra é formada por um mosaico de fitofisionomias, sendo encontradas formações florestais (florestas ombrófilas e semidecíduas) e campestres (campos rupestres). O inventário florístico foi realizado entre os anos de 2003 e 2008, em excursões mensais para coleta de amostras e registro de dados. Na serra foram registradas 209 táxons infragenéricos distribuídas em 24 famílias e 75 gêneros. As famílias com maior número de espécies foram Polypodiaceae (40), Dryopteridaceae (33) e Pteridaceae (25). A maioria das espécies (109) foi encontrada ocorrendo exclusivamente no interior de floresta. Em relação ao hábito, 69 espécies foram encontradas exclusivamente como terrestres, 37 como rupícolas ou terrestres e 32 exclusivamente epífitas. Este trabalho revela uma elevada riqueza de pteridófitas na região e indica a importância de estudos desta natureza na conservação e manejo das pteridófitas em Minas Gerais

    Macrófitas aquáticas do sistema lacustre do Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    This paper refers to aquatic flora species composition and distribution in protected and surrounding areas located in the Rio Doce valley lakes, Minas Gerais state, the third largest Brazilian lacustrine system. Data were collected from previous works, herbaria collections and field samplings done between 2007 and 2010 in aquatic environments located within and around the Parque Estadual do Rio Doce (PERD). We recorded 184 aquatic macrophyte species in different taxonomic groups, habits and life forms. In this study we propose the creation of a new life-form category, "embalsada", applied to plants established on floating meadows. This work contributed 152 new records for the Rio Doce valley in Minas Gerais, two of which were new to the state and one undescribed species. A floristic similarity characterization between protected and surrounding areas indicated that PERD protects 74% of all aquatic macrophyte species found. However, we found that 26% of all species are unsafe because they do not occur in this conservation unit

    Composition, diversity and geographical distribution of vascular plants of an Atlantic Rain Forest, Southeastern Brazil

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    In the Montane and Submontane Rain Forest of the Carlos Botelho State Park - PECB (ca. 37,000 ha) the composition, richness and geographical distribution of native, vascular forest species was evaluated. The analysis of 1143 species of 140 families supported the pattern found for other forests of Eastern Brazil, showing high species richness of Myrtaceae (85 species), Orchidaceae (81), Fabaceae (57), Asteraceae, Melastomataceae (54), Lauraceae (53), Rubiaceae (51), Bromeliaceae (43), Piperaceae (30) and Solanaceae (25), besides ferns (123). The most species-rich genera were Eugenia (34), Ocotea (26), Leandra, Myrcia, Vriesea (18), Piper, Solanum (16), Miconia (14), Mollinedia (13), and Peperomia (12). The richness and composition varied greatly among life forms, as well as the number of families represented in each one of them (only Rubiaceae had species in all life forms, except parasites). Trees had the largest contribution of total richness (39.1%), a value that represented more than 20% of the species listed for the whole Atlantic Forest of Southeastern Brazil. Trees were followed by epiphytes (22.4%), herbs (18.4%), shrubs (10.1%), lianas (9.1%), and parasites (0.9%). The overall richness and composition of life forms was quite close to other neotropical forests (e.g. high contribution of ferns among epiphytes), although some life forms remain undersampled in the PECB (mainly herbs, lianas and epiphytes). The occurrence of species endemic to the Atlantic Forest was pronounced (65%), with a predominance of species restricted to the Southern Atlantic Forest (43%). Pantropical species were rare (2%), being more common among ferns. Myrtaceae and Melastomataceae were the families with greater number and proportion of endemic species

    Pteridófitas da Serra Negra, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma lista de espécies de pteridófitas que ocorrem na Serra Negra, Minas Gerais. A serra está inserida no complexo da Serra da Mantiqueira situada entre Rio Preto, Lima Duarte, Santa Bárbara do Monte Verde e Olaria, tendo seus limites nos pontos 21º58'11"S 43º53'21" W, 22º01'46,4" S 43º52'31,5" W, 21º58'21,4" S 43º50'06,5" W e 21º58'53" S 43º56'08" W. A vegetação da serra é formada por um mosaico de fitofisionomias, sendo encontradas formações florestais (florestas ombrófilas e semidecíduas) e campestres (campos rupestres). O inventário florístico foi realizado entre os anos de 2003 e 2008, em excursões mensais para coleta de amostras e registro de dados. Na serra foram registradas 209 táxons infragenéricos distribuídas em 24 famílias e 75 gêneros. As famílias com maior número de espécies foram Polypodiaceae (40), Dryopteridaceae (33) e Pteridaceae (25). A maioria das espécies (109) foi encontrada ocorrendo exclusivamente no interior de floresta. Em relação ao hábito, 69 espécies foram encontradas exclusivamente como terrestres, 37 como rupícolas ou terrestres e 32 exclusivamente epífitas. Este trabalho revela uma elevada riqueza de pteridófitas na região e indica a importância de estudos desta natureza na conservação e manejo das pteridófitas em Minas Gerais.This work presents an inventory of pteridophyte species that occur in the Serra Negra, of Minas Gerais. The area is part of the Mantiqueira Range, and is situated between the coordinates 21º58'11"S 43º53'21" W, 22º01'4.4" S, 43º52'31.5" W, 21º58'21.4" S, 43º50'06.5" W and 21º58'53" S, 43º56'08" W. The vegetation in the Serra Negra is characterized by a mosaic of different phytophysiognomies, divided into forests (evergreen and seasonal semideciduous forests) and open formations (rocky grasslands). The inventory was carried out from 2003 to 2008, during monthly excursions to collect botanical material and data in the study area. A total of 209 species, distributed in 24 families and 75 genera, were recorded. The families with the highest number of species were Polypodiaceae (40), Dryopteridaceae (33) and Pteridaceae (25). More than the half (110) of the inventoried species were recorded exclusively in the forests formations. Sixty-nine species were terrestrial, 37 were saxicolous or terrestrial and 32 were epiphytes. This work shows that this region is rich in ferns and reveals the importance of this kind of study for conservation and management of pteridophytes in the state of Minas Gerais

    Diversity of ferns and lycophytes in Brazil

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    This compilation of ferns and lycophytes in Brazil is an update of the one published in 2010 in Catálogo de Plantas e Fungos do Brasil. The methodology consisted in collecting data from regional checklists, taxonomic revisions, and selected databases. Invited specialists improved the list accessing a website housed at the Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. The results show 1,253 species: 1,111 of ferns and 142 of lycophytes. This number is 6.5% higher than the previous one (1,176 spp.). The percentage of endemic species decreased from 38.2% to 36.7%. We recognized 36 families and 133 genera (vs. 33 families, 121 genera in 2010). The 10 most diverse families are Pteridaceae (196 spp.), Dryopteridaceae (179), Polypodiaceae (164), Hymenophyllaceae (90), Thelypteridaceae (86), Aspleniaceae (78), Lycopodiaceae (64), Selaginellaceae (55), Anemiaceae (51), and Cyatheaceae (45). The three most diverse genera are still Elaphoglossum (87 spp.), Thelypteris (85), and Asplenium (74). The richest phytogeographic domain continues to be in the Atlantic Rainforest with 883 species which also has the largest number of endemic and threatened species, followed by the Amazon Rainforest (503), Cerrado (269), Pantanal (30), Caatinga (26), and Pampa (eight). Minas Gerais remains as the richest state (657 spp. vs. 580 in 2010).Esta compilação de samambaias e licófitas do Brasil é uma atualização daquela de 2010, no Catálogo de Plantas e Fungos do Brasil. A metodologia consistiu na reunião de dados de listas regionais, revisões de grupos e bancos de dados selecionados. Especialistas convidados melhoraram a lista através do acesso a um sítio da web do Jardim Botânico do Rio Janeiro. Os resultados apontam uma diversidade de 1.253 espécies, sendo 1.111 samambaias e 142 licófitas. Este número é 6,5% maior que o anterior (1.176 espécies). As espécies endêmicas decresceram de 38,2% para 36,7%. Foram reconhecidas 36 famílias e 133 gêneros (vs. 33 famílias, 121 gêneros em 2010). As dez famílias mais diversas são: Pteridaceae (196 espécies), Dryopteridaceae (179), Polypodiaceae (164), Hymenophyllaceae (90), Thelypteridaceae (86), Aspleniaceae (78), Lycopodiaceae (64), Selaginellaceae (55), Anemiaceae (51) e Cyatheaceae (45). Os três gêneros mais diversos continuam sendo Elaphoglossum (87 espécies), Thelypteris (85) e Asplenium (74). O Domínio Fitogeográfico mais rico continua sendo a Mata Atlântica (883 espécies) e também com mais espécies endêmicas e ameaçadas, seguido pela Amazônia (503 espécies), Cerrado (269), Pantanal (30), Caatinga (26) e Pampa (oito). Minas Gerais permanece como o estado com maior riqueza (657 espécies vs. 580 em 2010)

    Vascular flora of the Legado das Águas, Reserva Votorantim, municipalities of Tapiraí, Miracatú and Juquiá, São Paulo, Brazil

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    We present  a list of vascular plants found in Legado das Águas, Reserva Votorantim, a private reserve having an area of approximately 35,000 ha that spans the municipalities of Tapiraí, Miracatú, and Juquiá, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The reserve is part of a complex of state-protected areas including Alto Ribeira Touristic State Park, Intervales State Park , Carlos Botelho State Park, Jurupará State Park, and Serra do Mar State Park. Together, these form an important and large area of continuous and well-preserved forest. Our study, which involved two main floristic surveys in March/April 2013 and April 2014, recorded 768 species, representing 131 families and 432 genera. The majority of species were angiosperms (619) representing 106 families and 370 genera. There were also two species of gymnosperms belonging to two genera in separate families; 147 species of ferns and lycophytes belonging to 23 families and 60 genera. In demonstrating the presence of almost 800 species of plants, of which 16 are threatened, our study highlights the importance of floristic surveys and the critical role of private protected areas in managing and preserving native flora

    A list of land plants of Parque Nacional do Caparaó, Brazil, highlights the presence of sampling gaps within this protected area

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    Brazilian protected areas are essential for plant conservation in the Atlantic Forest domain, one of the 36 global biodiversity hotspots. A major challenge for improving conservation actions is to know the plant richness, protected by these areas. Online databases offer an accessible way to build plant species lists and to provide relevant information about biodiversity. A list of land plants of “Parque Nacional do Caparaó” (PNC) was previously built using online databases and published on the website "Catálogo de Plantas das Unidades de Conservação do Brasil." Here, we provide and discuss additional information about plant species richness, endemism and conservation in the PNC that could not be included in the List. We documented 1,791 species of land plants as occurring in PNC, of which 63 are cited as threatened (CR, EN or VU) by the Brazilian National Red List, seven as data deficient (DD) and five as priorities for conservation. Fifity-one species were possible new ocurrences for ES and MG states