223 research outputs found

    The Green Skills of Secondary School Teachers : Overview of Issues and Pedagogical Approaches in Sustainability Education = Le competenze green delle insegnanti della scuola secondaria : ricognizione sulle tematiche e gli approcci pedagogici in materia di sostenibilitĂ 

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    The article explores some of the pedagogical approaches and themes that support teachers’ practices to promote sustainability education in secondary school. Based on the first results emerging from the literature review conducted within the three-year PON Green research project (2022–2025) entitled “The ecological challenge: innovative educational practices”, the authors will highlight the reference framework and some areas that currently guide the national and international debate on the professionalism of teachers in the field of sustainability education. This first phase of research has allowed us to start some reflections on the need to foster skills and practices in the field of sustainability that facilitate the intersection between multiple dimensions and capable of supporting a truly transformative change

    Positioning, temporality, and emancipation in social research in projects for (or with?) forced migrants : some ethical implications.

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    In this proposal, we will reflect on some ethical implication of research involved in the co-construction of pilot experiences to support vulnerable persons – in particular asylum seekers and refugees – in their emancipating inclusion in the new countries of arrival. As researchers we have been members of research teams and partners in different EU projects; here we propose to draw on the experience of two European projects, which invested in building pilot experiences to support the inclusion of asylum seekers and refugees at several levels. Both the two projects are still ongoing, and in their final temporal phase. When being part of a projecting process as researchers we deal with our ethical positioning: when constructing the proposal, when interacting with the different target groups, when giving back what has been experienced and analysed, when facing limits and constrains of potential successful pilots’ experiences. For this reason, in the design of multidisciplinary European research, a need to reflect upon and problematize several significant variables arises, and it involves both the resources, times, and vulnerabilities/criticalities of research, as well as the resources, times, and vulnerabilities/criticalities of the target subjects involved. Indeed, although these two planes should ideally align in terms of intentions and ethical considerations, sometimes they conflict. For instance, concerning the aspect of temporality, it is recognized that time represents a key issue in the experience of refugees. Simultaneously, it is acknowledged that time is a crucial factor for the success of the objectives that constitute the research project’s framework. Despite this, the timing of research projects is not always a guarantee for the formation of a new – and better – conception of the temporality of projects aimed at this target group. That being stated, we question how the research timeline is integrated with the migrants’ projects’ temporality and what ethical implications and questions arise from the convergence of these dimensions. Alongside the temporality notion, we also aim to reflect on how to foster the effective promotion of emancipatory change of migrants when research deals with the capitalization of project results. Overall, this contribution aims at investigating the deep interplay between the ethical principles of transformation, the social realities of refugees and migrants, and the actively involved subjectivities within the projects

    Caratterizzazione dei parametri operativi dello strumento NISP della missione Euclid

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    Nel presente lavoro di tesi si introducono gli elementi descrittivi della missione spaziale Euclid e la strumentazione di bordo, in particolare ci si sofferma sul ciclo di osservazione e sulla descrizione dello strumento NISP. Si procede con l'analisi di dati di un test effettuato il 9-10 febbraio 2020. Il test fa parte di una campagna di test svolta nei mesi di gennaio e febbraio per validare lo strumento NISP prima della sua integrazione sul satellite. L'obiettivo è verificare che lo strumento esegua la sequenza di operazioni nelle tempistiche definite, assicurando così la riuscita della survey ed una corretta funzionalità dello strumento.ope

    L’esperienza del Master in “Educatore nell'accoglienza e inclusione di migranti, richiedenti asilo e rifugiati” dell’Università di Bologna: tra ricerca, formazione e diritti umani.

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    The increase in migratory flows, from the North Africa Emergency (2011-2013) to the recent Ukraine Emergency, questions the host societies and requires a structured and far-sighted intervention response. In this context emerges the demand for training of professional figures able of operating, with competence and professionalism, to facilitate the process of inclusion and reception of adult migrants, minors, and those with specific vulnerabilities. With these aims, the Master in "Educator in the reception and inclusion of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees" of the University of Bologna was born in 2018, now in its second edition. The co-planning with the third sector, the University's networking with the territory and the interdisciplinary perspective with which the Master was built have allowed to support the practice and structure the professional epistemology of these figures.L’incremento dei flussi migratori, dall’Emergenza Nord Africa (2011-2013) fino alla recente Emergenza Ucraina, interroga le società di approdo e richiede una risposta di intervento strutturata e lungimirante. In questo contesto emerge la domanda di formazione di figure professionali capaci di operare, con competenza e professionalità, per facilitare il processo di inclusione e accoglienza di migranti adulti, minori e con specifiche vulnerabilità. Con questi intenti, nasce nel 2018 il Master in “Educatore nell'accoglienza e inclusione di migranti, richiedenti asilo e rifugiati” dell’Università di Bologna, oggi alla sua seconda edizione. La co-progettazione con il terzo settore, la messa in rete dell’Università con il territorio e la prospettiva interdisciplinare con cui il Master è stato costruito hanno consentito di sostenere la pratica e la strutturazione della epistemologia professionale di queste figure
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