1,296 research outputs found

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    Embracing the half: Aristotle's revision of platonic eros and philia

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    In this thesis, I am investigating the nature of e[rwV (eros) and filiva (philia) in Plato and Aristotle. I have confined this project to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (EN) and Metaphysics, with a background discussion of Plato's Symposium and Phaedrus. I will argue for the following claims. First, Plato's Symposium poses a dilemma with respect to the object and nature of e[rwV. The dilemma is that the objects of e[rwV must be either particular individuals or the Beautiful itself. Second, Plato's Phaedrus may be seen as Plato's attempt to solve the dilemma by giving a synthesis: e[rwV is a virtuous maniva and should be directed to particular individuals en route to the Beautiful. However, another problem arises; viz., given Platonic metaphysics, it is difficult to see how the lovers can genuinely love one another in and of themselves when the ultimate object of love is the Form of Beauty. Third, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics sees e[rwV as an excess of filiva. ErwV in human relationships must be avoided because it is seen as something bad and irrational, even though it is not a vice. The account of e[rwV and filiva in EN may be seen as Aristotle's attempt to propose another kind of solution to the dilemma by escaping the horns, i.e., by deprioritizing e[rwV in favor of filiva with respect to achieving the virtuous life. Fourth, this negative view of e[rwV does not appear in Metaphysics L. In 1072b3-4, Aristotle writes that the Unmoved Mover moves all things as being loved (wJV ejrwvmenon). The best interpretation of the phrase wJV ejrwvmenon is that the Unmoved Mover moves all things by letting them follow their nature. There is a shift of emphasis in Aristotle's philosophy from e[rwV to filiva, which brings another dilemma with respect to the objects of filiva, namely between filiva for particular individuals and filiva for the good. I will not try to solve the dilemma, but will try to circumscribe the issue


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang sistem informasi yang khusus menangani masalah penjualan, pembelian dan persediaan barang pada PT Surya Agung Abadi Palembang, sehingga kinerja pada perusahaan dapat ditingkatkan. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah metodologi FAST, yang terdiri dari metode analisis dan metode perancangan. Dimana metode analisis terdiri dari tahap mendefinisikan ruang lingkup, menganalisis masalah, menganalisis kebutuhan, menganalisis keputusan, mendesain sistem secara logis, tahap konstruksi, melakukan implementasi. Metode perancangan terdiri dari tahap pembuatan Data Flow Diagram, Use Case, Struktur Data, Entity Relantionship Diagram, perancangan masukan, dan perancangan keluaran serta rencana Implementasi Sistem yang diusulkan. Hasil analisis dan perancangan sistem ini diharapkan mampu membantu para karyawan di PT Surya Agung Abadi Palembang dalam melakukan kegiatan penjualan, pembelian dan pengolahan persediaan barang. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja para anggota sehingga tujuan perusahaan dapat tercapai yaitu meningkatkan keuntungan perusahaan. Dengan adanya sistem ini diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang terdapat pada sistem penjualan, pembelian dan persediaan barang pada PT Surya Agung Abadi Palembang

    Modeling Interest in Visiting Through Expected Values in Tourism at Solok Regency, Indonesia

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    Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of Digital Marketing, Local Wisdom and Facilities on Tourist Interests in Visiting Tourism in Solok Regency.   Theoretical framework: Competition for tourist destinations requires understanding, apart from tourism destinations or tourism-specific factors, the inclusion of factors that affect competition for companies and organizations involved in the production of tourism "products". In other words, a tourist destination is competitive if it can attract and satisfy potential tourists and this competition is determined by tourism-specific factors and broader factors that influence tourism service providers. (Trusov, 2016)   Design/methodology/approach: The sample size in this study was adjusted to the Structural Equation Model, which became Structural Equation (SEM). This means that a minimum of 200 samples must be included in the SEM study using the MLE estimation model.   Findings: The findings in this study prove that facilities have a significant impact on the interest of visiting tourists. This proves that interest in visiting will increase along with the good facilities offered at a tourist destination, which is because the expectations of tourists who come before visiting a tourist attraction are to get satisfaction or happiness after visiting the tourist attraction.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The implicative suggestion from this study is that tourism managers must also prioritize developments that occur in the tourism industry so that tourism objects are not left behind in the face of competition with other tourist objects.   Originality/value: The drastic decrease in tourist visits to Solok Regency makes this a gap in this study. So this research focuses on analyzing the factors that are considered relevant to influence the decision to visit, namely product, price and digital marketing. The novelty in this study lies in the object under study, namely all existing tourist destinations with the research subjects being visiting tourists using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the development of marketing science, especially in the tourism sector.RESUMO Propósito : Este estudo tem como objetivo determinar o efeito do Marketing Digital, da Sabedoria Local e das Instalações sobre os Interesses Turísticos no Turismo Visitante na Regência de Solok.   Estrutura teórica: A competição pelos destinos turísticos exige compreender, para além dos destinos turísticos ou dos fatores específicos do turismo, a inclusão dos fatores que afetam a concorrência das empresas e organizações envolvidas na produção de “produtos” turísticos. Em outras palavras, um destino turístico é competitivo se consegue atrair e satisfazer potenciais turistas e essa competição é determinada por fatores específicos do turismo e fatores mais amplos que influenciam os prestadores de serviços turísticos. (Trusov, 2016)   Design/metodologia/abordagem: O tamanho da amostra neste estudo foi ajustado ao Modelo de Equações Estruturais, que passou a ser Equação Estrutural (SEM). Isso significa que um mínimo de 200 amostras deve ser incluído no estudo SEM usando o modelo de estimativa MLE.   Descobertas: O nome do destino é o elemento que mais contribui para a formação da marca do destino West Java. Além disso, o nome do destino é acessível para que os visitantes se lembrem e influenciem sua decisão de visita. Entretanto, de acordo com os entrevistados, as tags e logotipos também são elementos essenciais nos destinos de marca em West Java.   Pesquisa, implicações práticas e sociais: A sugestão implicativa deste estudo é que os gestores de turismo também devem priorizar os desenvolvimentos que ocorrem na indústria do turismo para que os objetos turísticos não sejam deixados para trás em face da concorrência com outros objetos turísticos.   Originalidade/valor: A drástica diminuição de visitas turísticas à Regência de Solok torna isso uma lacuna neste estudo. Assim esta investigação centra-se na análise dos fatores que se consideram relevantes para influenciar a decisão de visita, nomeadamente produto, preço e marketing digital. A novidade neste estudo reside no objeto em estudo, ou seja, todos os destinos turísticos existentes, sendo os sujeitos da pesquisa turistas visitantes usando a abordagem Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Espera-se que os resultados deste estudo contribuam para o desenvolvimento da ciência do marketing, especialmente no setor do turismo.   Palavras-chave: Elemento da Marca, Identidade da Marca, Destination Branding, City Branding

    Creatio Continua and Quantum Randomness

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    Some thinkers in the Christian and Islamic traditions assert that God doesn’t only create the universe ex nihilo, but that he also continuously recreates the universe in order to preserve its existence. This chapter will discuss randomness vis-à-vis the doctrine of continuous creation as understood in both religious traditions. We argue that the doctrine of continuous creation in its version that is held by both Christians and Muslims would preclude ontic quantum randomness. The reason is that in the doctrine of continuous creation, God is ultimately and meticulously responsible for the existence of objects and properties at every single moment

    Consep of Implementing Diagnostic Assessment in Learning Planning and Implementation

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    Assessment or assessment is an activity that has principles and strategies that can guide teachers and educational units in planning, implementing and evaluating learning. The intended learning includes the activity of formulating learning outcomes into learning objectives and how to achieve these learning objectives. While assessment is an activity during the learning process to find evidence of the achievement of learning objectives. In this guide, learning and assessment is a cycle; where the assessment provides information about the learning that needs to be designed, then the assessment is used to check the effectiveness of the ongoing learning. Therefore, the preferred assessment is a formative assessment that is oriented towards the development of student competencies. The government has determined Learning Outcomes which are the main reference in developing learning designs, especially for intra-curricular learning activities. This research facilitates the process of thinking about the effectiveness of diagnostic assessments in planning and implementing learning, which starts from analyzing learning outcomes, learning objectives develop a flow of learning objectives

    Potensi Antimikroba dan Toksisitas Minyak Atsiri yang Diisolasi dari Biji Jintan (Carum carvi L.)

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    Caraway (Carum carvi L.) is one of the oldest medicinal plants found in various countries such as West Asia, North Africa, Pakistan, India, North America, Northern Europe, Iran, Russia, and Indonesia. This plant has been use for traditional medicines to treat digestive disorders, flatulence, colic in infants, headaches, coughs, hypertension, eczema, pneumonia, diabetes, scabies, mouthwash and as an antiseptic. This plant is reported to contain around 1-9% essential oil in the seeds with various components and potential as bioactive compounds. In this study, essential oils were isolated from caraway seeds and determined their chemical content as well as their antimicrobial and toxicity. Isolation of essential oils was carried out by hydrodistillation and analysis of the chemical components of the isolated essential oils was carried out using the Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) method. The results of the GC-MS analysis showed the presence of 35 compounds with four main compounds, namely carvone (62.54%), limonene (23.39%), and trans-dihydrocarvone (8.20%). The antimicrobial activity test was carried out using the disc diffusion method, which showed strong activity against Staphylococcus aureus at a concentration of  ≥75%, and against the fungus Candida albicans. The results of the toxicity test using the Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) method showed that caraway seed essential oil was low toxic against Artemia salina Leach shrimp larvae with an LC50 value 568.3292 mg/L

    Formulation and effectiveness test of Tekelan leaf ethanol extract nanogel preparations against Propionibacterium acnes

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    Background: Ethanol extract of Tekelan leaves can inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. The nanogel preparation can penetrate the deepest layer of the stratum corneum. Utilization of Tekelan leaves in the form of nanogels that have better absorption capabilities with minimal side effects due to the use of natural ingredients is essential to be carried out as an alternative to anti-acne drugs. Methods: This study was conducted experimentally, including the preparation of ethanol extract of Tekelan leaves and formulation in nanogel preparations, which were then tested for antibacterial activity. The concentration of ethanol extract of Tekelan leaves in nanogel preparations were 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5%. Results: The organoleptic of nanogel containing ethanol extract of Tekelan leaves showed that the color was brown and had a distinctive odor, the preparation was homogen, viscosity was still in the required range, pH was still in the required range, 4.5-6.5. The size was below 200 nm, and the cycling test showed that they were stable during storage for six cycles. The nanogel preparations with concentrations of 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5% had diameter inhibitions of 7.93 mm, 9.10 mm, and 10.23 mm, respectively. Conclusions: Based on the study's results, it can be concluded that the nanogel preparation of ethanol extract of tekelan leaves is stable during 12 weeks of storage and has a particle size below 200 nm. The antibacterial test results of nanogel preparations of ethanol extract of tekelan leaves at a concentration of 7.5% have the maximum activity


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    Abstrak: Masalah yang terjadi di lokasi PKM ini yaitu tidak adanya media untuk penyebarluasan informasi kepada masyarakat secara digital (online) atau daring dan tidak adanya satupun pelayanan kepada masyarakat yang dapat dilakukan secara online. Tujuan dilakukannya kegiatan PKM ini adalah agar perangkat pemerintahan (desa) dan masyarakat dapat dengan mudah melakukan penyebarluasan informasi dan pelayanan secara online melalui portal atau website pemerintahan. Dalam PKM ini metode pelatihan dan pendampingan teknis digunakan untuk mempermudah kegiatan. Mitra dalam pelaksanaan PKM ini adalah perangkat pemerintahan nagari sejumlah 30 orang. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi menggunakan quisioner atau angket mendapatkan hasil tingkat kepuasan peserta yang sebesar 80%, tingkat manfaat keberadaan website yaitu sebesar 85% dan untuk tingkat penguasaan penggunaan website sebesar 78%.Abstract: The problem that occurs at this PKM location is that there is no media for disseminating information to the public digitally (online) or online and there is no single service to the community that can be done online. The purpose of this PKM activity is so that government apparatus (village) and the community can easily disseminate information and services online through government portals or websites. In this PKM method of training and technical assistance is used to facilitate activities. Partners in the implementation of this PKM are the village government apparatus with a total of 30 people. Based on the results of the evaluation using a questionnaire or questionnaire, the results of the participant satisfaction level are 80%, the level of benefit of the existence of the website is 85% and the level of mastery of using the website is 78%


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kebutuhan akan adanya sistem informasi manajemen dan teknologi yang baik adalah kebutuhan yang sangat krusial bagi perusahaan. Penggunaan komputer di dalam otomatisasi kantor dan sistem yang terpadu adalah keharusan bagi perusahaan untuk eksis dalam dunia bisnis. Salah satu dasar sistem informasi manajemen yang krusial adalah penggunaan program akuntansi dalam melakukan transaksi bisnis yang di anggap mampu mempermudah dan mengefisienkan kebutuhan mendasar untuk menjalankan bisnis, seperti halnya pemasaran dan operasi juga laporan keuangan suatu perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur sejauh mana pengaruh penggunaan software akuntansi terhadap kinerja pelaporan keuangan pada perusahaan, salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan MYOB accounting software dalam membantu penyelesaian pelaporan keuangan pada suatu perusahaan