116 research outputs found

    El voto de los jóvenes

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    El artículo hace una descripción de las pautas de voto de los jóvenes en elecciones generales desde mediados de los años ochenta, en lo relativo tanto a su grado de participación como a sus orientaciones ideológicas básicas (izquierdismo, radicalismo, etc.), dentro del marco general de un comportamiento electoral caracterizado por la estabilidad y la aversión al riesgo. En la última parte, el artículo trata de desentrañar las razones del voto juvenil, con especial atención a los componentes ideológicos y/o racionales del mismo

    La enseñanza de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Electrónica mediante el laboratorio de robots autónomos

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    En este trabajo se presenta el empleo de sistemas físicos controlados por computador como un método muy adecuado para introducir a los alumnos de Informática en las áreas tecnológicas relacionadas con la Ingeniería de Sistemas y Electrónica. La idea principal es conseguir estimular la capacidad de aprendizaje de ciertas materias por parte del estudiante mediante la realización de prácticas en un laboratorio docente destinado a la construcción de robots autónomos. Este laboratorio debería permitir materializar las ideas del alumno a través de dispositivos capaces de resolver problemas en el ‘mundo real’, incluso con el estímulo de que una solución personal sea más eficiente compitiendo con la propuesta por un compañero. En los siguientes apartados se describirá las principales metas académicas del laboratorio propuesto, así como el material empleado y los prototipos desarrollados para ser empleados como modelos en la práctica

    Programación de prototipos físicos como herramienta formativa en Informática

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    En este trabajo se presenta una experiencia docente donde los autores emplean prototipos físicos controlados por computador, réplicas a escala de un sistema real, para motivar el estudio y aprendizaje de materias relacionadas con la Informática Industrial. Los autores plasman su experiencia, superior a diez años, empleando el sistema de construcción de prototipos fischertechnik™ en las prácticas de laboratorio de la asignatura de Automatización Industrial integrada en la titulación de Ingeniería en Informática. La exposición establece el contexto de trabajo, motivación y planteamiento de la experiencia docente adaptada al EEES (Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior), para finalizar con los resultados obtenidos, su discusión y las conclusiones.SUMMARY -- This paper presents an educational experience in an undergraduate course on Informatics where the authors use computer controlled physical prototypes, replicas of real systems, to motivate the study and learning of industrial automation topics. The authors describe an experience of over ten years using the fischertechnik™ prototyping system in the lab of Industrial Automation course within a Computer Science degree. The exposition sets the work context, motivation and implementation for the academic experience within the EHEA (European Higher Education Area).Peer Reviewe

    Context-dependent insect predation pressure on an avian ectoparasite

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    Funded by a predoctoral grant (BES-2015-075951) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and by the postdoctoral grant “Margarita-Salas” funded by Spanish Ministry of Universities and the European Union—NextGenerationEU. This paper is part of Project PGC2018-097426-B-C22 funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ and by “ERDF A way of making Europe".Context dependence arises when ecological relationships vary with the condi- tions under which they are observed. Context dependence of interactions involving par- asites is poorly known, even if it is key to understanding host–parasite relationships and food web dynamics. This paper investigates to which extent predation pressure on an avian ectoparasite (Carnus hemapterus) is context-dependent. Based on a predator-exclusion ex- periment, predation pressure on C. hemapterus pupae in the host’s nest for 3 years, and its variation between habitat types are quantified. Variation in precipitation and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is also explored as a likely cause of context depen- dency. We hypothesize that predation pressure should fluctuate with such surrogates of food availability, so that inter-annual and intra-annual differences may emerge. The num- ber of nests with significant reduction of pupae varied widely among years ranging from 24% to 75%. However, average pupae reduction in nests where a significant reduction occurred did not vary between years. No differences in predation rates between habitat types were detected. Precipitation and NDVI varied widely between years and NDVI was consistently lower around nests on cliffs than around nests on trees and farmhouses. Paral- lels were found between variation in predation pressure and precipitation/NDVI at a wide scale (highest predation the driest year, and much lower the 2 rainier ones), but not at the nest scale. This paper shows clear context-dependent insect predation pressure on an ectoparasite under natural conditions, and that such interaction changes in signs rather than magnitude between years. The causes for these variations require longer-term studies and/or well-designed, large-scale experiments.Spanish Government BES-2015-075951Postdoctoral grant "Margarita-Salas" - Spanish Ministry of UniversitiesPostdoctoral grant "Margarita-Salas" - European Union-NextGenerationEUMCIN/ AEI PGC2018-097426-B-C22ERDF A way of making Europe PGC2018-097426-B-C2

    Tests Management in CALIPSOneo: A MDE Solution

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    Testing in Software Engineering is one of the most important phases although, unfortunately, it cannot be always successfully fulfilled due to time constraints. In most cases, the development phase takes more time than it was estimated, entailing negative effects on the testing phase. The delay increases even more in Research and Development (R + D) projects, where the real time to execute tasks is more difficult to control. Model Driven Engineering (MDE) offers a solution to avoid testing costs without affecting the execution quality of the applied test. This paper presents a practical overview of a Model Driven Testing (MDT)-based methodology and its impact on CA LIPSOneo project, which was carried out in liaison with Airbus Defense and Space and, particularly, with the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) departmentMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RJunta de Andalucía TIC-578

    Algunos apuntes sobre la digitalización y la reconstrucción virtual del castro de San Chuis (Allande, Asturias, Spain)

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    [EN] With the firm conviction that current archaeology needs to use all the tools that computer science provides, we have developed a project for digitising and structuring all the information gathered from the different excavation campaigns carried out in San Chuis hillfort (Allande, Asturias, Spain). In order to do it, we have developed the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) of the hillfort, in order to proceed subsequently to its virtualization. To implement the SDI, we have reinstated the archaeological record in its original coordinates based on the information that we had. This restitution has allowed us to perform the spatial analysis of the elements of the record, to elaborate different plans of its distribution, not only campaigns but also types, and perform at the same time, a study of the densities. Likewise, we have developed a general database of the hillfort, in which, aside of including the detailed table of the elements of the record and their coordinates, also contains the descriptive table of the stratigraphic units (SU) and the descriptive table of the wall stratigraphic units (WSU). Finally, we have built an extensive planimetry and a web page in order to spread the information. With regard to the hillfort virtualization, we have developed two consistent models with two historical stages: the Iron Age and the Roman occupation. We have used Blender for its development.[ES] Con el firme convencimiento de que la arqueología actual necesita servirse de todas las herramientas que le proporciona la informática hemos desarrollado un proyecto de digitalizacióny estructuración de todos los datos recogidos en las diferentes campañas de excavación llevadas a cabo en el castro de San Chuis (Allande, Asturias, España). Para ello hemos desarrollado la Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales (IDE) del castro, para posteriormente, proceder a la virtualización del mismo. Para implementar la IDE, hemos reintegrado el registro arqueológico en sus coordenadas originales de acuerdo con los datos que poseíamos. Esta restitución nos ha permitido realizar el análisis espacial de los elementos del registro, elaborar distintos planos de su distribución, tanto por campañas como por tipos, y efectuar, al mismo tiempo, un estudio de las densidades. Asimismo, hemos desarrollado una base de datos general del castro, en la que además de incluirse la tabla pormenorizada de los elementos del registro y sus coordenadas, se incluye la tabla descriptiva de las unidades estratigráficas (UE) y la tabla descriptiva de las unidades estratigráficas murarias (UEM). Finalmente, hemos construido una extensa planimetría y una página web con el fin de divulgar la información. En cuanto a la virtualización del castro, hemos desarrollado dos modelos congruentes con dos etapas históricas: la Edad del Hierro y la ocupación romana. Hemos utilizado Blender para su desarrollo.Molina Salido, J.; Jordá Pardo, JF. (2016). Some notes on the digitalization and the virtual reconstruction of San Chuis Hillfort (Allande, Asturias, Spain). Virtual Archaeology Review. 7(15):98-111. doi:10.4995/var.2016.5866.9811171

    A low-cost automated digital microscopy platform for automatic identification of diatoms

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Advanced Intelligent Imaging Technology Ⅱ[EN] Currently, microalgae (i.e., diatoms) constitute a generally accepted bioindicator of water quality and therefore provide an index of the status of biological ecosystems. Diatom detection for specimen counting and sample classification are two difficult time-consuming tasks for the few existing expert diatomists. To mitigate this challenge, in this work, we propose a fully operative low-cost automated microscope, integrating algorithms for: (1) stage and focus control, (2) image acquisition (slide scanning, stitching, contrast enhancement), and (3) diatom detection and a prospective specimen classification (among 80 taxa). Deep learning algorithms have been applied to overcome the difficult selection of image descriptors imposed by classical machine learning strategies. With respect to the mentioned strategies, the best results were obtained by deep neural networks with a maximum precision of 86% (with the YOLO network) for detection and 99.51% for classification, among 80 different species (with the AlexNet network). All the developed operational modules are integrated and controlled by the user from the developed graphical user interface running in the main controller. With the developed operative platform, it is noteworthy that this work provides a quite useful toolbox for phycologists in their daily challenging tasks to identify and classify diatomsSIThis research was funded by the Spanish Government under the AQUALITAS-RETOS project with Ref. CTM2014-51907-C2-2-R-MINEC

    TMA Vessel Segmentation Based on Color and Morphological Features: Application to Angiogenesis Research

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    Given that angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis are strongly related to prognosis in neoplastic and other pathologies and that many methods exist that provide different results, we aim to construct a morphometric tool allowing us to measure different aspects of the shape and size of vascular vessels in a complete and accurate way. The developed tool presented is based on vessel closing which is an essential property to properly characterize the size and the shape of vascular and lymphatic vessels. The method is fast and accurate improving existing tools for angiogenesis analysis. The tool also improves the accuracy of vascular density measurements, since the set of endothelial cells forming a vessel is considered as a single object

    Severe beak deformity in Melopsittacus undulatus caused by Knemidocoptes pilae

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    Se describe un brote de sarna Knemidocoptic causada por Knemidocoptes pilae en periquitos australianos enjaulados (Melopsittacus undulatus), del parque público de L'Eliana (Valencia, España). Cinco individuos (5 de 70) muestran una malformación severa del pico, afectados por rhamphotheca, rhinotheca, y gnathotheca y una ligera desviación lateral de la mandíbula, que no impide, sin embargo, la alimentación o el aseo.An outbreak of knemidocoptic mange caused by Knemidocoptes pilae is described in caged Australian budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) in a public park in L´Eliana (Valencia, Spain). Five individuals (5 out of 70) displayed severe malformation of the beak, with the rhamphotheca, rhinotheca, and gnathotheca affected and a slight lateral deviation of the jawbone, which did not, however, impede feeding or grooming.peerReviewe

    Automated Diatom Classification (Part A): Handcrafted Feature Approaches

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Automated Analysis and Identification of Phytoplankton Images[EN] This paper deals with automatic taxa identification based on machine learning methods. The aim is therefore to automatically classify diatoms, in terms of pattern recognition terminology. Diatoms are a kind of algae microorganism with high biodiversity at the species level, which are useful for water quality assessment. The most relevant features for diatom description and classification have been selected using an extensive dataset of 80 taxa with a minimum of 100 samples/taxon augmented to 300 samples/taxon. In addition to published morphological, statistical and textural descriptors, a new textural descriptor, Local Binary Patterns (LBP), to characterize the diatom’s valves, and a log Gabor implementation not tested before for this purpose are introduced in this paper. Results show an overall accuracy of 98.11% using bagging decision trees and combinations of descriptors. Finally, some phycological features of diatoms that are still difficult to integrate in computer systems are discussed for future workSIThe authors acknowledge financial support of the Spanish Government under the Aqualitas-retos project (Ref. CTM2014-51907-C2-2-R-MINECO), http://aqualitas-retos.es/en