1,054 research outputs found

    Mass concentration and ion composition of coarse and fine particles in an urban area in Beirut: effect of calcium carbonate on the absorption of nitric and sulfuric acids and the depletion of chloride

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    International audienceLevels of coarse (PM10-2.5) and fine (PM2.5) particles were determined between February 2004 and January 2005 in the city of Beirut, Lebanon. While low PM mass concentrations were measured in the rainy season, elevated levels were detected during sand storms originating from Arabian desert and/or Africa. Using ATR-FTIR and IC, it was shown that nitrate, sulfate, carbonate and chloride were the main anionic constituents of the coarse particles, whereas sulfate was mostly predominant in the fine particles in the form of (NH4)2SO4. Ammonium nitrate was not expected to be important because the medium was defined as ammonium poor. In parallel, the cations Ca2+ and Na+ dominated in the coarse, and NH4+, Ca2+ and Na+ in the fine particles. Coarse nitrate and sulfate ions resulted from the respective reactions of nitric and sulfuric acid with a relatively high amount of calcium carbonate. Both CaCO3 and Ca(NO3)2 crystals identified by ATR-FTIR in the coarse particles were found to be resistant to soaking in water for 24 h but became water soluble when they were formed in the fine particles suggesting, thereby, different growth and adsorption phenomena. The seasonal variational study showed that nitrate and sulfate ion concentrations increased in the summer due to the enhancement of photochemical reactions which facilitated the conversion of NO2 and SO2 gases into NO3- and SO42-, respectively. While nitrate was mainly due to local heavy traffic, sulfates were due to local and long-range transport phenomena. Using the air mass trajectory HYSPLIT model, it was found that the increase in the sulfate concentration correlated with wind vectors coming from Eastern and Central Europe. Chloride levels, on the other hand, were high when wind originated from the sea and low during sand storms. In addition to sea salt, elevated levels of chloride were also attributed to waste mass burning in proximity to the site. In comparison to other neighboring Mediterranean countries, relatively higher concentrations of calcium in Beirut were good indication of calcitic crustal abundance. Considering the importance of the health and climate impacts of aerosols locally and regionally, this study constitutes a point of reference for eastern Mediterranean transport modeling studies and local regulatory and policy makers

    Determination of the scope of the experimental-calculation method for measuring the touch voltage

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    The work is devoted to the improvement of methods for determining the normalized parameters of the grounding system (GS) of operating power stations and substations. The aim of the work is determination of the scope of the experimental-calculated method for measuring the touch voltage, depending on short-circuit (SC) current value for the given dimensions of the GS and the type of soil. Methodology. The study analyzed the non-linear effect of the SC current value on the touch voltage, taking into account such factors as the GS size and the soil type. The calculation used statistical data on the GS size and the characteristics of the soil obtained by monitoring the GS state of 585 operating electrical substations with a voltage class of 110-750 kV using the induction method and the method of vertical soil sounding, respectively. For the calculation, a mathematical model of a non-equipotential GS located in a three-layer semiconductor space with plane-parallel boundaries was used, this model was developed using the method of integro-differential equations. Results. To determine the scope of the method, in this work it is proposed to use the linearity criterion, which is determined due to the ratio of the constant of reduced touch voltage to the current value. The example shows the method for determining the threshold minimum and maximum values of the measuring current of the soil, in the range between which the measurements by experimental-calculated methods are impossible. A table of threshold current values has been formed and recommendations have been developed on the possibility of using experimental-measuring methods for determining the touch voltage depending on the GS size and soil characteristics.Метою роботи є визначення області застосування експериментально-розрахункового методу вимірювання напруги дотику в залежності від значення струму короткого замикання для заданих розмірів заземлювального пристрою (ЗП) та типу ґрунту. В дослідженні було проаналізовано нелінійний вплив величини струму КЗ на напругу дотику з урахуванням таких факторів як розмір ЗП та тип ґрунту. Для розрахунку була використана математична модель нееквіпотенційного ЗП, розташованого у тришаровому напівпровідному просторі з плоско-паралельними границями поділу, що була розроблена за допомогою методу інтегро-диференційних рівнянь. Для визначення області застосування методу в роботі запропоновано використовувати критерій лінійності, який визначається через відношення сталої приведеної напруги дотику до поточного значення. Сформовано таблицю значень порогових струмів та розроблено рекомендації щодо можливості використання експериментально-вимірювальних методів визначення напруги дотику в залежності від розміру ЗП та характеристик ґрунту

    Method of integro-differential equations for interpreting the results of vertical electrical sounding of the soil

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    The paper is devoted to the problem of determining the geoelectric structure of the soil within the procedure of testing the grounding arrangements of existing power plants and substations to the required depth in conditions of dense development. To solve the problem, it was proposed to use the Schlumbergers method , which has a greater sounding depth compared to the Wenner electrode array. The purpose of the work is to develop a mathematical model for interpreting the results of soil sounding by the Schlumberger method in the form of a four-layer geoelectric structure. Methodology. To construct a mathematical model, it is proposed to use the solution of a particular problem about the field of a point current source, which, like the observation point, is located in the first layer of a four-layer soil. Based on this expressions, a system of linear algebraic equations of the 7-th order with respect to the unknown coefficients ai and bi was compiled. On the basis of its analytical solution, an expression for the potential of the electric field was obtained for conducting VES (the point current source and the observation point are located only on the soil surface). Results. Comparison of the results of soil sounding by the Schlumberger installation and the interpretation of its results for the same points shows a sufficient degree of approximation: the maximum relative error does not exceed 9.7 % (for the second point), and the average relative error is 3.6 %. Originality. Based on the obtained expression, a test version of the program was implemented in Visual Basic for Applications to interpret the results of VES by the Schlumberger method. To check the obtained expressions, the interpretation of the VES results was carried out on the territory of a 150 kV substation of one of the mining and processing plants in the city of Kriviy Rih. Practical significance. The developed mathematical model will make it possible to increase the sounding depth, and, consequently, the accuracy of determining the standardized parameters of the grounding arrangements of power stations and substations.Робота присвячена проблематиці визначення геоелектричної структури ґрунту в межах випробування заземлювальних пристроїв діючих електричних станцій та підстанцій на необхідну глибину в умовах щільної забудови. Для вирішення проблеми запропоновано використати установку Шлюмберже, яка має більшу глибину зондування у порівнянні з установкою Веннера. За допомогою методів інтегро-диференційних рівнянь було отримано аналітичні вирази для інтерпретації результатів зондування ґрунту установкою Шлюмберже у випадку чотиришарового ґрунту. Для перевірки отриманих виразів була проведена інтерпретація результатів вертикального електричного зондування на території підстанції 150 кВ одного з гірничо-збагачувальних комбінатів: максимальна відносна похибка не перевищує 9,7 %, а середня – 3,6 %

    Simulation of electromagnetic processes in the grounding system with a short circuit in the operating high-voltage substation

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    The aim of the work is a test of the developed mathematical model of electromagnetic processes of short circuit and approbation of the created software complex «LiGro» on its basis for the existing grounding system located in three-layer soil. Methodology. To improve the accuracy of calculating the normalized parameters of operating power stations and substations, the authors developed the «LiGro» software package based on the expressions obtained in for calculating the potential of the electric field of a non-equipotential grounding system (GS). To monitor the state and assess the efficiency of the GS of operating power facilities, the electromagnetic diagnostics is used. The topology of the GS was determined with the induction method by complex KNTR-1, the geoelectric structure of the soil was determined by the method of vertical electrical sounding using the Wenner installation, the interpretation of the sounding results was made by the «VEZ-4A» program. The calculation results show that for the selected substation, the model developed in the «LiGro» complex has a deviation δ2 from the experimental values Ut by an average of 8,2 %, and the model implemented in Grounding 1.0 (IEEE model) δ1 is 17,2 %. Originality. The results of the study confirm the adequacy of the developed GS model in the «LiGro» complex based on a three-layer soil model, with the experimental values of the touch voltage obtained by simulating a single-phase ground fault on a real GS in operation. The first time was made approbation of the «LiGro» software package when performing the EMD of the GS of an operating substation with a voltage class of 150 kV. Practical significance. The program software can be used by special measuring’s laboratory to determining electrical safety parameters: touch voltage, GS voltage, and GS resistance. Метою роботи є перевірка розробленої математичної моделі електромагнітних процесів короткого замикання та апробація створеного програмного комплексу «LiGro на її основі для існуючого заземлювального пристрою (ЗП), який розташовано в тришаровому ґрунті. Перевірка практичного застосування була виконана на діючий підстанції класом напруги 150 кВ з використанням вдосконаленої методики електромагнітної діагностики. Топологія ЗП була визначена індукційним методом за допомогою приладу KNTR-1, параметри ґрунту визначені чотириелектродною симетричною установкою за схемою Веннера методом вертикального електричного зондування, інтерпретація результатів зондування виконана спеціалізованою програмою VEZ-4A. Результати порівняння розрахунку показують, що для обраної підстанції модель розроблена в комплексі LiGro має відхилення від експериментальних значень в середньому на 8,2 %, а модель реалізована в Grounding 1.0 (IEEE model) – 17,2 %. Виконано розрахунок нормованих параметрів ЗП в режимі короткого замикання: напругу дотику, опір ЗП та напругу на ЗП. Встановлено, що вони не перевищують допустимого значення. Проаналізовано переваги розрахункового комплексу у порівнянні з аналогами. Отримані результати дозволяють виконати повномасштабне впровадження програмного комплексу в діагностику стану ЗП.&nbsp

    SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission in educational settings : cross-sectional analysis of clusters and outbreaks in England

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and transmission in educational settings is crucial for ensuring the safety of staff and children during the COVID-19 pandemic. We estimated the rate of SARS-CoV-2 infection and outbreaks among staff and students in educational settings during the summer half-term (June-July, 2020) in England. METHODS: In this prospective, cross-sectional analysis, Public Health England initiated enhanced national surveillance in educational settings in England that had reopened after the first national lockdown, from June 1 to July 17, 2020. Educational settings were categorised as early years settings (<5-year-olds), primary schools (5-11-year-olds; only years 1 and 6 allowed to return), secondary schools (11-18-year-olds; only years 10 and 12), or mixed-age settings (spanning a combination of the above). Further education colleges were excluded. Data were recorded in HPZone, an online national database for events that require public health management. RT-PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 event rates and case rates were calculated for staff and students, and direction of transmission was inferred on the basis of symptom onset and testing dates. Events were classified as single cases, coprimary cases (at least two confirmed cases within 48 h, typically within the same household), and outbreaks (at least two epidemiologically linked cases, with sequential cases diagnosed within 14 days in the same educational setting). All events were followed up for 28 days after educational settings closed for the summer holidays. Negative binomial regression was used to correlate educational setting events with regional population, population density, and community incidence. FINDINGS: A median of 38 000 early years settings (IQR 35 500-41 500), 15 600 primary schools (13 450-17 300), and 4000 secondary schools (3700-4200) were open each day, with a median daily attendance of 928 000 students (630 000-1 230 000) overall. There were 113 single cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection, nine coprimary cases, and 55 outbreaks. The risk of an outbreak increased by 72% (95% CI 28-130) for every five cases per 100 000 population increase in community incidence (p<0·0001). Staff had higher incidence than students (27 cases [95% CI 23-32] per 100 000 per day among staff compared with 18 cases [14-24] in early years students, 6·0 cases [4·3-8·2] in primary schools students, and 6·8 cases [2·7-14] in secondary school students]), and most cases linked to outbreaks were in staff members (154 [73%] staff vs 56 [27%] children of 210 total cases). Probable direction of transmission was staff to staff in 26 outbreaks, staff to student in eight outbreaks, student to staff in 16 outbreaks, and student to student in five outbreaks. The median number of secondary cases in outbreaks was one (IQR 1-2) for student index cases and one (1-5) for staff index cases. INTERPRETATION: SARS-CoV-2 infections and outbreaks were uncommon in educational settings during the summer half-term in England. The strong association with regional COVID-19 incidence emphasises the importance of controlling community transmission to protect educational settings. Interventions should focus on reducing transmission in and among staff. FUNDING: Public Health England

    Determination of the scope of the experimental-calculation method for measuring the touch voltage

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    The work is devoted to the improvement of methods for determining the normalized parameters of the grounding system (GS) of operating power stations and substations. The aim of the work is determination of the scope of the experimental-calculated method for measuring the touch voltage, depending on short-circuit (SC) current value for the given dimensions of the GS and the type of soil. Methodology. The study analyzed the non-linear effect of the SC current value on the touch voltage, taking into account such factors as the GS size and the soil type. The calculation used statistical data on the GS size and the characteristics of the soil obtained by monitoring the GS state of 585 operating electrical substations with a voltage class of 110-750 kV using the induction method and the method of vertical soil sounding, respectively. For the calculation, a mathematical model of a non-equipotential GS located in a three-layer semiconductor space with plane-parallel boundaries was used, this model was developed using the method of integro-differential equations. Results. To determine the scope of the method, in this work it is proposed to use the linearity criterion, which is determined due to the ratio of the constant of reduced touch voltage to the current value. The example shows the method for determining the threshold minimum and maximum values of the measuring current of the soil, in the range between which the measurements by experimental-calculated methods are impossible. A table of threshold current values has been formed and recommendations have been developed on the possibility of using experimental-measuring methods for determining the touch voltage depending on the GS size and soil characteristics

    Efeito das proporções de colmo e panículas sobre as porcentagens de fibra em detergente neutro de três híbridos de sorgo em cinco diferentes estádios de maturação.

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    Foram avaliados tres hibridos de sorgo de duplo proposito (BR 700, BR 701 e MASSA 03) para producao de silagem. Os hibridos foram cortados em cinco estadios de maturacao diferentes. Para avaliacao das proporcoes de colmos e paniculas utilizou-se delineamento estatistico em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 5x3x3, com tres repeticoes para cada tratamento. Nao foram observadas diferencas nas variaveis avaliadas entre os diferentes estadios de maturacao estudados, nem entre os hibridos avaliados. As porcentagens de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) foram avaliadas nos materiais originais e respectivas silagens, nao sendo observado variacoes com o avanco do estadio de maturacao. para esta variavel utilizou-se delineamento estatistico inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 5x3x3x2. As medias foram comparadas pelo teste "SNK", com nivel de significancia de 5%

    Teores de carboidratos solúveis e ácidos orgânicos de silagens de três genótipos de sorgo colhidos em cinco diferentes momentos de colheita.

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    Foram avaliados tres hibridos de sorgo de duplo proposito (BR 700, BR 701 e MASSA 03) para producao de silagem. Os hibridos foram cortados em cinco estadios de maturacao diferentes. O delineamento estatistico utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 5x3x3x2 para a analise de CHO's e de 5x3x3 para as analises realizadas apenas nas silagens (acidos organicos). As medias foram comparadas pelo teste "SNK", com nivel de significancia de 5%. No hibrido BR 700 observou-se reducao dos niveis de carboidratos soluveis entre as epocas dois e tres, no MASSA 03 a reducao ocorreu entre as epocas dois e tres, e quatro e cinco. Houve reducao significativa entre os teores de carboidratos soluveis doa materiais originais e das suas respectivas silagens. Os teores de acido acetico e butirico nao variaram com o avanco do estadio de maturacao. As porcentagens de acido latico reduziram entre a primeira e segunda epoca, no hibrido BR 700, e entre a segunda e terceira epoca nos outros dois, estabilizando a partir de entao