290 research outputs found

    A game theory framework for clustering

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    The Game Theory-based Multi-Agent System (GTMAS) of Toreyen and Salhi, [10] and [12], implements a loosely coupled hybrid algorithm that may involve any number of algorithms suitable, a priori, for the solution of a given optimisation problem. The system allows the available algorithms to co-operate toward the solution of the problem in hand as well as compete for the computing facilities they require to run. This co-operative/competitive aspect is captured through the implementation of the Prisoners? Dilemma paradigm of game theory. Here, we apply GTMAS to the problem of clustering European Union (EU) economies, including Turkey, to find out whether the latter, based on a number of criteria, can fit in the EU and find out which countries, if any, it has strong similaries with. This clustering problem is first converted into an optimisation problem, namely the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) before being solved with GTMAS involving two players (agents) each implementing a standard combinatorial optimisation algorithm. Computational results are included

    A comparative study of two key algorithms in multiple objective linear programming

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    Multiple objective linear programming problems are solved with a variety of algorithms. While these algorithms vary in philosophy and outlook, most of them fall into two broad categories: those that are decision space-based and those that are objective space-based. This paper reports the outcome of a computational investigation of two key representative algorithms, one of each category, namely the parametric simplex algorithm which is a prominent representative of the former and the primal variant of Bensons Outer-approximation algorithm which is a prominent representative of the latter. The paper includes a procedure to compute the most preferred nondominated point which is an important feature in the implementation of these algorithms and their comparison. Computational and comparative results on problem instances ranging from small to medium and large are provided

    Surface-related properties of perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 thin films by aerosol-assisted chemical vapour deposition

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    A modified three-step aerosol-assisted chemical vapour deposition process was used to grow dense and uniform CH3NH3PbI3 thin films directly on borosilicate glass. The resulting photoluminescence spectrum was blue shifted with respect to its bandgap. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies confirmed non-stoichiometric lead : iodine ratios within the films, due to decomposition of the CH3NH3PbI3 layers over time into lead iodide and the release of ammonia and hydrogen iodide. The complex refractive index and dielectric function of the deposited thin films were determined by variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry

    Characterization of an ytterbium-doped double-clad fiber laser passively mode-locked by nonlinear polarization rotation

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    The properties of an ytterbium-doped double-clad fiber laser, passively mode-locked by nonlinear polarization rotation are investigated in this work. Cartographies of mode-locking regime versus halfwave plates orientations are presented for several values of the total cavity dispersion and for different pump powers. Bistability between the continuous and the mode-locking regimes is pointed out. The effect of the total group velocity dispersion is described with a master mode-locking equatio

    Understanding nanomechanical and surface ellipsometry of optical F-doped SnO2 thin films by in-line APCVD

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    In this paper, a production-type chemical vapour deposition (CVD) is utilized to deposit fluorine doped tin oxide thin films of different thicknesses and dopant levels. Deposited films showed a preferred orientation along the (200) plane of a tetragonal structure due to the formation of halogen rich polar molecules during the process. A holistic approach studying elastic modulus and hardness of resulting films by a high-throughput atmospheric-pressure CVD process is described. The hardness values determined lie between 8 - 20 GPa. For a given load, the modulus generally increased slightly with the thickness. The average elastic recovery for the coatings was found to be between 45 – 50 %. Refractive index and thickness values derived from the fitted ellipsometry data were in excellent agreement with independent calculations from transmission and reflection data

    Application of six detection methods for analysis of paralytic shellfish toxins in shellfish from four regions within Latin America

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    With the move away from use of mouse bioassay (MBA) to test bivalve mollusc shellfish for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins, countries around the world are having to adopt non-animal-based alternatives that fulfil ethical and legal requirements. Various assays have been developed which have been subjected to single-laboratory and multi-laboratory validation studies, gaining acceptance as official methods of analysis and approval for use in some countries as official control testing methods. The majority of validation studies conducted to date do not, however, incorporate shellfish species sourced from Latin America. Consequently, this study sought to investigate the performance of five alternative PSP testing methods together with the MBA, comparing the PSP toxin data generated both qualitatively and quantitatively. The methods included a receptor binding assay (RBA), two liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (LC-FLD) methods including both pre-column and post-column oxidation, liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and a commercial lateral flow assay (LFA) from Scotia. A total of three hundred and forty-nine shellfish samples from Argentina, Mexico, Chile and Uruguay were assessed. For the majority of samples, qualitative results compared well between methods. Good statistical correlations were demonstrated between the majority of quantitative results, with a notably excellent correlation between the current EU reference method using pre-column oxidation LC-FLD and LC-MS/MS. The LFA showed great potential for qualitative determination of PSP toxins, although the findings of high numbers of false-positive results and two false negatives highlighted that some caution is still needed when interpreting results. This study demonstrated that effective replacement methods are available for countries that no longer wish to use the MBA, but highlighted the importance of comparing toxin data from the replacement method using local shellfish species of concern before implementing new methods in official control testing programs

    Challenges in working towards an internal Threshold of Toxicological Concern (iTTC) for use in the safety assessment of cosmetics: Discussions from the Cosmetics Europe iTTC Working Group workshop

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    The Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) is an important risk assessment tool which establishes acceptable low-level exposure values to be applied to chemicals with limited toxicological data. One of the logical next steps in the continued evolution of TTC is to develop this concept further so that it is representative of internal exposures (TTC based on plasma concentration). An internal TTC (iTTC) would provide threshold values that could be utilized in exposure-based safety assessments. As part of a Cosmetics Europe (CosEu) research program, CosEu has initiated a project that is working towards the development of iTTCs that can be used for the human safety assessment. Knowing that the development of an iTTC is an ambitious and broad-spanning topic, CosEu organized a Working Group comprised a balance of multiple stakeholders (cosmetics and chemical industries, the EPA and JRC and academia) with relevant experience and expertise and workshop to critically evaluate the requirements to establish an iTTC. Outcomes from the workshop included an evaluation on the current state of the science for iTTC, the overall iTTC strategy, selection of chemical databases, capture and curation of chemical information, ADME and repeat dose data, expected challenges, as well as next steps and ongoing work

    Myofilament Calcium Sensitivity: Consequences of the Effective Concentration of Troponin I

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    Control of calcium binding to and dissociation from cardiac troponin C (TnC) is essential to healthy cardiac muscle contraction/relaxation. There are numerous aberrant post-translational modifications and mutations within a plethora of contractile, and even non-contractile, proteins that appear to imbalance this delicate relationship. The direction and extent of the resulting change in calcium sensitivity is thought to drive the heart toward one type of disease or another. There are a number of molecular mechanisms that may be responsible for the altered calcium binding properties of TnC, potentially the most significant being the ability of the regulatory domain of TnC to bind the switch peptide region of TnI. Considering TnI is essentially tethered to TnC and cannot diffuse away in the absence of calcium, we suggest that the apparent calcium binding properties of TnC are highly dependent upon an “effective concentration” of TnI available to bind TnC. Based on our previous work, TnI peptide binding studies and the calcium binding properties of chimeric TnC-TnI fusion constructs, and building upon the concept of effective concentration, we have developed a mathematical model that can simulate the steady-state and kinetic calcium binding properties of a wide assortment of disease-related and post-translational protein modifications in the isolated troponin complex and reconstituted thin filament. We predict that several TnI and TnT modifications do not alter any of the intrinsic calcium or TnI binding constants of TnC, but rather alter the ability of TnC to “find” TnI in the presence of calcium. These studies demonstrate the apparent consequences of the effective TnI concentration in modulating the calcium binding properties of TnC

    Genetic structure and differentiation in cultivated fig (Ficus carica L.)

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    One hundred ninety-four germplasm accessions of fig representing the four fig types, Common, Smyrna, San Pedro, and Caprifig were analyzed for genetic diversity, structure, and differentiation using genetic polymorphism at 15 microsatellite loci. The collection showed considerable polymorphism with observed number of alleles per locus ranging from four for five different loci, MFC4, LMFC14, LMFC22, LMFC31 and LMFC35 to nine for LMFC30 with an average of 4.9 alleles per locus. Seven of the 15 loci included in the genetic structure analyses exhibited significant deviation from panmixia, of which two showed excess and five showed deficiency of heterozygote. The cluster analysis (CA) revealed ten groups with 32 instances of synonymy among cultivars and groups differed significantly for frequency and composition of alleles for different loci. The principal components analysis (PCA) confirmed the results of CA with some groups more differentiated than the others. Further, the model based Bayesian approach clustering suggested a subtle population structure with mixed ancestry for most figs. The gene diversity analysis indicated that much of the total variation is found within groups (HG/HT = 0.853; 85.3%) and the among groups within total component (GGT = 0.147) accounted for the remaining 14.7%, of which ~64% accounted for among groups within clusters (GGC = 0.094) and ~36% among clusters (GCT = 0.053). The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed approximately similar results with nearly 87% of variation within groups and ~10% among groups within clusters, and ~3% among clusters. Overall, the gene pool of cultivated fig analyzed possesses substantial genetic polymorphism but exhibits narrow differentiation. It is evident that fig accessions from Turkmenistan are somewhat genetically different from the rest of the Mediterranean and the Caucasus figs. The long history of domestication and cultivation with widespread dispersal of cultivars with many synonyms has resulted in a great deal of confusion in the identification and classification of cultivars in fig