20 research outputs found

    Analisis Keterampilan Perwira Jaga Terhadap Penggunaan Radar untuk Menghindari Terjadinya Kecelakaan di MT. Narpatisuta

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    In carrying out a voyage, a ship has several navigational obstacles in terms of various conditions such as bad weather, narrow shipping lanes, black-outs, inadequate navigation equipment and lack of knowledge in operating navigation equipment. This study is aimed to know the skills of officers of the watch in using radar to avoid collisions in bad weather, narrow shipping lanes and black-outs. This study used a qualitative approach in which the data will be analyzed descriptively. Besides, the results of the analysis are also arranged to reveal about the development of teaching materials. In line with this opinion, this research can be developed in order to discuss the problems aboard the MT. Narpatisuta. The study show that: (1) The use of radar during bad weather are by using the gain, sea, rain tuner settings to adjust the strength of the radar signal and reduce the visibility disturbance from sea and rain conditions; (2) The use of radar when sailing in narrow shipping lanes can use EBL, VRM and Parallel Index to draw lines from ships to other objects, find out the distance between ships and the objects in vicinity and made several parallel lines to make it easier to sail in narrow shipping lane by keeping a distance from objects in vicinity; (3) In case of black-out, the radar screen must be monitored if there are dangers or other objects approaching, use all the features on the radar to avoid accidents and maximize radar operations such as sea, gain, rain, VRM, EBL and so forth

    Membran Poliuretan Dari Minyak Biji Karet (Rubber Seed Oil) Dengan Heksametilen-1,6-diisosianat: Sintesis

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    Polyurethane membrane made from Rubber Seed Oil has been produced within this research. Rubber seed oil has the hydroxyl number of 40,33 mg/g and the iodine number of 154,05 g/g which can be used as resource clusters; -OH, in order to make polyurethane. Rubber seed oil can react with hexamethylene-1.6-diisocyanate (HDMI) as another resource cluster, which is -NCO. The production of polyurethane membrane is done by variating the composition of rubber seed oil and HDMI, with the variations of 5:1; 5:3; 5:4; 5:5 dan 5:7 (v/w) and the polymrization temperature of 90-100°C and the curring temperature of 165-170°C. The optimal polyurethane membrane is produced on the composition of 5:4 v/w which is homogenous, dry, quite elastic and is yellowish brown in colour. The IR results showed that there were urethan bonds formed (N-H on ν = 3300-3400 cm-1) and the TGA results from polyurethane membrane showed that there were two decompositions on 394,5oC dan 458,6oC


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    Buah pepaya termasuk salah satu komoditas pertanian yang digemari oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Buah pepaya banyak mengandung vitamin A, B, dan C yang baik bagi kesehatan. Buah pepaya merupakan buah yang memiliki kandungan air yang tinggi, sehingga buah pepaya memiliki masa simpan yang rendah. Untuk meningkatkan masa simpan buah pepaya dapat dilakukan dengan inovasi pengolahan produk seperti selai pepaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis mutu selai pepaya terhadap pengaruh penambahan tepung maizena dan gula pasir. Model rancangan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan dua faktor yaitu penambahan tepung maizena (P) yang terdiri dari 3 taraf (5, 7,5 dan 10%) dan konsentrasi gula pasir (G) yang terdiri dari 3 taraf (40, 50 dan 60 gram). Analisa dilakukan terhadap uji organoleptik, kadar air, total padatan terlarut, dan uji daya oles. Mutu terbaik dari selai pepaya pada penelitian adalah kombinasi P1G1 yaitu penambahan tepung maizena 5% dan penambahan gula 40 g yang menghasilkan nilai uji organoleptik rasa 3,90 (suka), aroma 3,77 (suka), warna 4,04 (suka), kadar gula sebesar 49,27%, total padatan terlarut 6,250Brix, dan daya oles 2,46 (agak halus)


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    Pembuatan nugget dengan penambahan sayuran di Panti Asuhan Yayasan Islam Media Kasih Gampong Seutui Kecamatan Baiturrahman Kota Banda Aceh memberikan informasi terkait tentang cara pengelohan produk pangan yang dapat diimplementasikan atau dilakukan oleh anak-anak panti. Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada hari senin, 12 Februari 2018, Peserta kegiatan ini adalah anak-anak Panti Asuhan yang berjumlah ± 20 orang. Kegiatan ini bertujuan memberikan pemahaman terhadap produk pengolahan pangan yaitu pembuatan nugget dengan penambahan sayuran. Manfaat dari kegiatan ini yaitu anak-anak panti asuhan dapat mengolah produk pangan rumah tangga dan produk hasil pertanian lainnya secara mandiri. Kata Kunci: Pembuatan, Nugget, Panti Asuha

    Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Membran Poliuretan dari Minyak Biji Karet dan Heksametilen-1,6-diisosianat

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    Minyak biji karet dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pembuatan membran poliuretan. Minyak biji karet memiliki bilangan hidroksi 40,33 mgKOH/g dan bilangan iod 154,05 gI2/g. Sintesis membran poliuretan menggunakan metode ikatan silang. Ikatan silang terbentuk dengan mereaksikan minyak biji karet sebagai sumber gugus -OH dengan heksametilen-1,6-diisosianat sebagai sumber gugus -NCO.  Membran poliuretan yang optimum dihasilkan pada komposisi 4,55:5 (g/g) memiliki sifat homogen, kering, elastis, berwarna kuning kecoklatan, bergelombang, fluks 0,544 L/m2.h.bar dan faktor rejeksi 100%. Hasil karakterisasi membran menunjukkan terbentuknya ikatan uretan pada bilangan gelombang 3480 cm-1, struktur morfologi membran padat, memiliki dua tahap dekomposisi pada 210 oC dan 392 oC, titik transisi gelas 65 oC, kekuatan tarik 1,03 kgf/mm2 dan elongasi 497,14%. Dari hasil karakterisasi membran poliuretan, membran tersebut dapat digolongkan pada tipe membran reverse osmosis

    Predicting anti-hyperuricemic and anti-gouty activities of fatty acids from Limonia acidissima L. fruit: In silico–in vivo study

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    Context: As of today, the knowledge of the role of nutraceuticals in treating metabolic diseases such as hyperuricemia is still limited. Aims: To evaluate the mechanisms of anti-hyperuricemic and anti-gouty activity of Limonia acidissima in silico and in vivo. Methods: L. acidissima fruits fine powder was macerated simultaneously using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and methanol sequentially. The structures of the GC-MS-identified phytocompounds were evaluated for their pharmacokinetic properties (SwissADME), traced for receptor targets (SEA Target), and converted to 3D structures and molecular anchoring (MOE software). Networking relationship analyses were performed using Cytoscape version 3.8.2. Anti-hyperuricemia effect was assessed with hyperuricemia rats induced by potassium oxonate. The anti-inflammatory effect was evaluated on acute gouty arthritis induced by monosodium urate (MSU) crystal. Results: The predominant fatty acid contents (oleic acid, palmitoleic acid, and n-hexadecanoic acid) have satisfactory pharmacokinetic properties based on Lipinsky’s rules. PPAR-γ, FABP3, OAT1, and OAT3 were revealed as targets for the fatty acid receptors. The highest interaction was obtained from oleic acid interaction with PPAR-γ (-12.54 kcal/mol) and FABP3(-13.09 kcal/mol). The EEL 400 mg/kg effectively upregulated the protein levels of OAT1 (p=0.001) and OAT3 (p=0.048) in the kidneys of hyperuricemic rats. Moreover, EEL 400 mg/kg alleviated the swelling (p<0.001) and reduced inflammatory cell infiltration around the ankle joints in rats with acute gouty arthritis. Conclusions: The networking analysis suggests that PPAR-γ and FABP3 could form an interaction to modulate XO directly. L. acidissima exhibited anti-hyperuricemic by regulating renal organic ion transporter expression and anti-gout arthritis effects by suppressing inflammation response


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    Ekstrak Etanol Kopi Hijau Arabika (Coffea arabica L.) sebagai Antihiperglikemi pada Mencit (Mus musculus)

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    Diabetes mellitus is an excessive level of blood sugar concentration disease. One of the compounds that can moderate the blood sugar level is chlorogenic acid that mostly found in green coffee. This study aims to determine the extract activity of Arabica (Coffea arabica L.) green coffee in decreasing the blood sugar level of mice (Mus musculus) that induced by alloxan monohydrate. The method is True Experimental Laboratories with the analysis of chlorogenic acid levels using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The research design is Post Test Control Group Design, using 24 mices that divided into six treatment groups. The groups consist of negative control (distilled water), Dose I (100 mg/kg bw), Dose II (200 mg/kg bw), Dose III (300 mg/kg bw), Dose IV (400 mg/kg bw), and positive control (metformin). Blood sugar levels of the mice is measured at the intervals of 1st day, 7th day, 21st day. The data is analyzed using the SPSS program with normality tests (Kolmogorov-Smirnov), homogeneity tests (Levene Test), and parametric statistical tests (One-Way ANOVA). The data results was normally distributed and homogeneous (P> 0.05) with several pairs of data in the treatment group were significantly different (P> 0.05). The extract of Arabica (Coffea arabica L.) green coffee contained 4.235% chlorogenic acid, could reduced the hyperglycemia mice blood sugar levels by the dose of 10.72% (Dose I); 19.85% (Dose II); 27.20% (Dose III); and 31.60% (Dose IV) with dose IV as the effective dose