34 research outputs found

    From quantum to continuum mechanics in the delamination of atomically-thin layers from substrates

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    Anomalous proximity effects have been observed in adhesive systems ranging from proteins, bacteria, and gecko feet suspended over semiconductor surfaces to interfaces between graphene and different substrate materials. In the latter case, long-range forces are evidenced by measurements of non-vanishing stress that extends up to micrometer separations between graphene and the substrate. State-of-the-art models to describe adhesive properties are unable to explain these experimental observations, instead underestimating the measured stress distance range by 2–3 orders of magnitude. Here, we develop an analytical and numerical variational approach that combines continuum mechanics and elasticity with quantum many-body treatment of van der Waals dispersion interactions. A full relaxation of the coupled adsorbate/substrate geometry leads us to conclude that wavelike atomic deformation is largely responsible for the observed long-range proximity effect. The correct description of this seemingly general phenomenon for thin deformable membranes requires a direct coupling between quantum and continuum mechanics

    3D models of pelvic floor muscles developed by manual segmentation to FEM

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    The female pelvic floor is an understudied region of the body from the biomechanical perspective. MRI has been used in the diagnostic evaluation of the pelvic floor dysfunctions. Static images show their morphology while dynamic images show the functional changes that occur on straining and contraction of the pelvic floor. In the present work, MR images contribute to generate 3D solids of pelvic floor muscles through manual segmentation. To study the biomechanical behavior of pelvic floor muscles the Finite Element Method (FEM) would be applied to these 3D solids, contributing to analyze this complex musculature structure. The purpose of this study was to reconstruct tridimensional pelvic floor muscle by manual segmentation and apply FEM. The manual segmentation was made within commercial software. MR images were acquired from the subject supine position, using a 3.0 T system. Field view of the exam was 25×25 cm, 2 mm thick with no gap. The images were acquired in DICOM format, and later converted jpeg format. Twenty consecutive images obtained in the axial plane for each woman were used to construct a 3D model from each of the 8 women. From this 3D reconstruction made through splines in each image, changes in the pubovisceral muscle (a part from the pelvic floor muscles) from the pubis to coccyx were edited. All the pubovisceral muscles edited were exported in step format to the FE analyses software ABAQUS. Finite element meshes were generated for each woman pubovisceral muscle. According to literature soft tissues properties, FE analyses were established to better understand pelvic floor muscles biomechanics. Manual segmentation of the pelvic floor muscles tissues generated very realistic completely different volumetric solids for each woman. It is a very sluggish technique and the nonlinear shape of the pelvic floor makes difficult the utilization of other automatic segmentation

    Proyecto de desarrollo inteligente, Departamento Burruyacu - Tucumán : Propuesta integrada con distintos actores institucionales a partir de mesa de gestión territorial

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    El presente proyecto “Desarrollo Inteligente del Departamento Burruyacu – Tucumán” elaborado en base a un diagnostico participativo que dio como resultado, ”ex ante”, el poder identificar una realidad con una problemática de territorio, basada en las siguientes dimensiones: a) Ambientales y de infraestructura b) Organizacionales y económicos c) De competitividad, en las economías locales d) Educativos y de articulación institucional. Las posibilidades de avanzar en proyectos que contemplen solo las inherentes a inversiones productivas no tenían un origen genuino en el espíritu emprendedor de los habitantes y productores de la zona Este del Departamento (Gobernador Piedrabuena, Gobernador Garmendia y 7 de Abril) pero si se pudo identificar un importante sector de potenciales productores porcinos, bovinos de carne y avícolas, - cadenas no relevantes en la zona -, más un gran número de productores agrícolas –pequeños y medianos - en plena actividad, pero con nulas experiencias en producción pecuaria. Con esto, la provincia a través de sus herramientas de políticas publicas, puso la mirada en la concepción de estos nuevos enfoques de desarrollo territorial, con proyectos que posibilitarán desarrollar con equidad y sustentabilidad dicha zona profundizando los 4 ejes estratégicos.This project "Smart Development of Burruyacu Department- Tucumán" was developed based on a participative diagnose that gave as "ex ante" result, the possibility of identifying a reality related with a territorial problem, based on the following dimensions: a) Environmental and infrastructure, b) Organizational and economic, c) Competitiveness, local economies, d) Educational and institutional coordination. The chances of advancing with projects that include only productive investments had no genuine origin in the entrepreneurial spirit of general people and growers from the east of the Department (Gobernador Piedrabuena, Gobernador Garmendia and 7 de Abril). However, an important sector of potential producers of pig, goat meat and poultry - not relevant chains in the area- could be identified, plus a large number of small and medium farmers dealing with agriculture but with zero experience in livestock production. Under this frame, the provincial government through public policy tools, looked at the design of these new approaches to territorial development, with projects that will enable sustainable development with equity and deepening the four strategic axes in the area. The concept of territorial development, including rural areas, has traditionally been associated with the search for viability of the most remote areas, inaccessible and that suffered various forms of marginality. However, the rurality has changed significantly. Among the changes identified by different authors are: a) the increase in the importance of non-farm activities in generating employment and income for the rural population; b ) increasing integration of urban and rural areas; c) the importance of integrating concerns for sustainable management of the environment and natural resources; d) the changes in rural institutions, e) the recognition of the importance of new social players f) new and higher expectations of consumers and markets; g) the role of new information and communication technologies, h) the persistence of rural poverty and inequality, i) the persistence of regional and sectorial gaps.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Geometric analysis of female pelvic floor muscles by using manual segmentation

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has been used in the diagnostic evaluation of the pelvic floor dysfunctions. MRI can contribute to generate 3D solids of pelvic floor muscles through manual segmentation. The aim of this study is to calculate the area and its moment of inertia of 8 female pelvic floor muscles by using manual segmentation technique. Based on CAD software manual segmentation was used. To build 3D reconstruction models, through of twenty consecutive images. The models were made through splines in each sketch, documenting changes in the pubovisceral muscle (a part from the pelvic floor muscles) from the pubis to coccyx. Two sketches were chosen and biomechanics properties like area and stiffness (moment of inertia) were acquired for each sketch used to generate the pubovisceral muscles. The moment of inertia of the pubovisceral muscle decreases following the order: anterior sketch and posterior sketch. Higher values for the moment of inertia can be encountered in anterior sketcher. This conclusion can lead to more stability in the anterior compartment of pelvic floor visceral


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    Neste capítulo, foi adotada uma definição ampla da biodiversidade, incorporando não apenas a complexidade do conceito, mas uma percepção de seu mecanismo, na geração de serviços ecossistêmicos. Essa visão holística da biodiversidade tem implicações importantes para políticas públicas, englobando a conservação de regiões biologicamente relevantes e seus processos ecológicos associados, além da pura proteção das espécies. O Brasil, reconhecido pela sua megabiodiversidade, possui a maior cobertura de florestas tropicais e a flora mais rica do mundo, além de abrigar uma fauna igualmente importante. Abriga diversos biomas terrestres e aquáticos onde se expressa frequentemente, de forma endêmica, o mais vasto e diversificado conjunto de espécies do planeta. Apesar dos avanços nas pesquisas para conhecimento da biodiversidade brasileira, ainda há muitas lacunas sobre a estrutura e composição dos ecossistemas e a maneira adequada de manejá-los, visando sua preservação. Um País megadiverso como o Brasil, com taxas tão altas de biodiversidade e endemismo, também tem grande responsabilidade de preservar sua rica biota e seus ecossistemas. De fato, o patrimônio natural do País inclui dois hotspots de biodiversidade (Mata Atlântica e Cerrado), seis Reservas da Biosfera, reconhecidas pela Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (Unesco), 12 ecorregiões prioritárias, definidas pelo Global 200 (WWF, 2001), 11 sítios Ramsar2, para a proteção de zonas úmidas, e quase 1.500 unidades de conservação. Este capítulo traz um panorama das forças motrizes, pressões, estados, impactos e respostas sobre a biodiversidade brasileira. SUMÁRIO: CAPÍTULO 4 – BIODIVERSIDADE; INTRODUÇÃO; ESPÉCIES E ECOSSISTEMAS: Alterações de comunidades e populações; Tráfico de animais silvestres; Espécies exóticas invasoras; Biodiversidade em números; Plantas, algas e fungos; Fauna aquática e terrestre; Avaliação do estado de conservação da biodiversidade brasileira; Espécies ameaçadas; Espécies da flora ameaçadas; Espécies da fauna ameaçadas; Plano de ação para a conservação e regulação do uso de espécies; Flora nativa; Fauna nativa; Espécies exóticas e invasoras; Perda de habitat, fragmentação e deterioração dos ecossistemas; Áreas e ações prioritárias para conservação, utilização sustentável e repartição dos benefícios da biodiversidade brasileira; RECURSOS GENÉTICOS: Biopirataria; Legislação nacional de proteção do patrimônio genético nacional e do conhecimento tradicional associado; Efeitos da política pública de proteção do patrimônio genético nacional, e do conhecimento tradicional associado, na conservação dos recursos genéticos; Proteção, gestão e uso sustentável dos recursos genéticos; Ratificação do Protocolo de Nagoia pelo Brasil; Conservação dos recursos genéticos vegetais e microbianos; GOVERNANÇA: Estratégia e Plano de Ação Nacionais para a Biodiversidade (Epanb); Avaliação das metas nacionais da biodiversidade; BIODIVERSIDADE E SAÚDE: Usos da biodiversidade: dos saberes tradicionais à biotecnologia; Biodiversidade e segurança alimentar; Emergência de zoonoses e biodiversidade; CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS; REFERÊNCIAS.ODS 2, ODS 3, ODS 9, ODS 12, ODS 14, ODS 15, ODS 17

    Osteonecrosis del maxilar inferior por bifosfonatos. Presentación de caso

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    La osteonecrosis del maxilar inferior secundaria a la administración de bifosfonatos es una patología infrecuente. Se produce en los pacientes medicados con esta droga, ya sea por vía oral o endovenosa, que luego de realizarse un procedimiento odontológico presentan necrosis ósea en la mandíbula. Desde el primer reporte en el año 2003, se evidenció un crecimiento exponencial de esta patología. Presentamos dos casos clínicos de osteonecrosis del maxilar inferior por la administración de bifosfonatos, con el objetivo de difundir y crear conciencia entre los profesionales de la salud, considerando que no existe un tratamiento efectivo para esta entidad

    Proyecto de Desarrollo Inteligente Departamento Burruyacu - Tucumán Propuesta integrada con distintos actores institucionales a partir de mesa de gestión territorial

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    El presente proyecto 'Desarrollo Inteligente del Departamento Burruyacu - Tucumán' elaborado en base a un diagnostico participativo que dio como resultado, 'ex ante', el poder identificar una realidad con una problemática de territorio, basada en las siguientes dimensiones: a) Ambientales y de infraestructura, b) Organizacionales y económicos, c) De competitividad, en las economías locales, d) Educativos y de articulación institucional. Las posibilidades de avanzar en proyectos que contemplen solo las inherentes a inversiones productivas no tenían un origen genuino en el espíritu emprendedor de los habitantes y productores de la zona Este del Departamento (Gobernador Piedrabuena, Gobernador Garmendia y 7 de Abril) pero si se pudo identificar un importante sector de potenciales productores porcinos, bovinos de carne y avícolas, - cadenas no relevantes en la zona -, más un gran número de productores agrícolas -pequeños y medianos- en plena actividad, pero con nulas experiencias en producción pecuaria. Con esto, la provincia a través de sus herramientas de políticas publicas, puso la mirada en la concepción de estos nuevos enfoques de desarrollo territorial, con proyectos que posibilitarán desarrollar con equidad y sustentabilidad dicha zona profundizando los 4 ejes estratégicos. El concepto de desarrollo de los territorios, incluidos en el ámbito rural, se ha asociado tradicionalmente a la búsqueda de viabilidad de las zonas más alejadas, poco accesibles y que sufren distintas formas de marginalidad. Sin embargo, la ruralidad ha cambiado de manera significativa. Entre los cambios identificados por diferentes autores (Sarraceno, 1994; Pérez, 2001; Echeverri y Ribeiro, 2002), se destacan: a) el incremento en la importancia de las actividades no agrícolas como generadoras de empleo e ingresos para la población rural; b) la creciente integración de los espacios urbanos y rurales; c) la importancia de integrar las preocupaciones por la gestión sostenible del ambiente y de los recursos naturales; d) las transformaciones en la institucionalidad rural; e) el reconocimiento de la importancia de nuevos actores sociales; f) las nuevas y mayores expectativas de los consumidores y de los mercados; g) el papel de las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación, h)la persistencia de la pobreza rural y la desigualdad, i) la persistencia de brechas regionales y sectorialesThis project 'Smart Development of Burruyacu Department-Tucumán' was developed based on a participative diagnose that gave as 'ex ante' result, the possibility of identifying a reality related with a territorial problem, based on the following dimensions: a) Environmental and infrastructure, b) Organizational and economic, c) Competitiveness, local economies, d) Educational and institutional coordination. The chances of advancing with projects that include only productive investments had no genuine origin in the entrepreneurial spirit of general people and growers from the east of the Department (Gobernador Piedrabuena, Gobernador Garmendia and 7 de Abril). However, an important sector of potential producers of pig, goat meat and poultry - not relevant chains in the area- could be identified, plus a large number of small and medium farmers dealing with agriculture but with zero experience in livestock production. Under this frame, the provincial government through public policy tools, looked at the design of these new approaches to territorial development, with projects that will enable sustainable development with equity and deepening the four strategic axes in the area. The concept of territorial development, including rural areas, has traditionally been associated with the search for viability of the most remote areas, inaccessible and that suffered various forms of marginality. However, the rurality has changed significantly. Among the changes identified by different authors are: a) the increase in the importance of non-farm activities in generating employment and income for the rural population; b) increasing integration of urban and rural areas; c) the importance of integrating concerns for sustainable management of the environment and natural resources; d) the changes in rural institutions, e) the recognition of the importance of new social players f) new and higher expectations of consumers and markets; g) the role of new information and communication technologies, h) the persistence of rural poverty and inequality, i) the persistence of regional and sectorial gap

    From quantum to continuum mechanics in the delamination of atomically-thin layers from substrates

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    Anomalous proximity effects have been observed in adhesive systems ranging from proteins, bacteria, and gecko feet suspended over semiconductor surfaces to interfaces between graphene and different substrate materials. In the latter case, long-range forces are evidenced by measurements of non-vanishing stress that extends up to micrometer separations between graphene and the substrate. State-of-the-art models to describe adhesive properties are unable to explain these experimental observations, instead underestimating the measured stress distance range by 2–3 orders of magnitude. Here, we develop an analytical and numerical variational approach that combines continuum mechanics and elasticity with quantum many-body treatment of van der Waals dispersion interactions. A full relaxation of the coupled adsorbate/substrate geometry leads us to conclude that wavelike atomic deformation is largely responsible for the observed long-range proximity effect. The correct description of this seemingly general phenomenon for thin deformable membranes requires a direct coupling between quantum and continuum mechanics

    Interpretable deep learning for the prognosis of long-term functional outcome post-stroke using acute diffusion weighted imaging

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    International audienceAdvances in deep learning can be applied to acute stroke imaging to build powerful and explainable prediction models that could supersede traditionally used biomarkers. We aimed to evaluate the performance and interpretability of a deep learning model based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) in predicting long-term functional outcome with diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) acquired at day 1 post-stroke. Ischemic stroke patients (n = 322) were included from the ASTER and INSULINFARCT trials as well as the Pitié-Salpêtrière registry. We trained a CNN to predict long-term functional outcome assessed at 3 months with the modified Rankin Scale (dichotomized as good [mRS ≤ 2] vs. poor [mRS ≥ 3]) and compared its performance to two logistic regression models using lesion volume and ASPECTS. The CNN contained an attention mechanism, which allowed to visualize the areas of the brain that drove prediction. The deep learning model yielded a significantly higher area under the curve (0.83 95%CI [0.78–0.87]) than lesion volume (0.78 [0.73–0.83]) and ASPECTS (0.77 [0.71–0.83]) (p < 0.05). Setting all classifiers to the specificity as the deep learning model (i.e., 0.87 [0.82–0.92]), the CNN yielded a significantly higher sensitivity (0.67 [0.59–0.73]) than lesion volume (0.48 [0.40–0.56]) and ASPECTS (0.50 [0.41–0.58]) (p = 0.002). The attention mechanism revealed that the network learned to naturally attend to the lesion to predict outcome