Proyecto de desarrollo inteligente, Departamento Burruyacu - Tucumán : Propuesta integrada con distintos actores institucionales a partir de mesa de gestión territorial


El presente proyecto “Desarrollo Inteligente del Departamento Burruyacu – Tucumán” elaborado en base a un diagnostico participativo que dio como resultado, ”ex ante”, el poder identificar una realidad con una problemática de territorio, basada en las siguientes dimensiones: a) Ambientales y de infraestructura b) Organizacionales y económicos c) De competitividad, en las economías locales d) Educativos y de articulación institucional. Las posibilidades de avanzar en proyectos que contemplen solo las inherentes a inversiones productivas no tenían un origen genuino en el espíritu emprendedor de los habitantes y productores de la zona Este del Departamento (Gobernador Piedrabuena, Gobernador Garmendia y 7 de Abril) pero si se pudo identificar un importante sector de potenciales productores porcinos, bovinos de carne y avícolas, - cadenas no relevantes en la zona -, más un gran número de productores agrícolas –pequeños y medianos - en plena actividad, pero con nulas experiencias en producción pecuaria. Con esto, la provincia a través de sus herramientas de políticas publicas, puso la mirada en la concepción de estos nuevos enfoques de desarrollo territorial, con proyectos que posibilitarán desarrollar con equidad y sustentabilidad dicha zona profundizando los 4 ejes estratégicos.This project "Smart Development of Burruyacu Department- Tucumán" was developed based on a participative diagnose that gave as "ex ante" result, the possibility of identifying a reality related with a territorial problem, based on the following dimensions: a) Environmental and infrastructure, b) Organizational and economic, c) Competitiveness, local economies, d) Educational and institutional coordination. The chances of advancing with projects that include only productive investments had no genuine origin in the entrepreneurial spirit of general people and growers from the east of the Department (Gobernador Piedrabuena, Gobernador Garmendia and 7 de Abril). However, an important sector of potential producers of pig, goat meat and poultry - not relevant chains in the area- could be identified, plus a large number of small and medium farmers dealing with agriculture but with zero experience in livestock production. Under this frame, the provincial government through public policy tools, looked at the design of these new approaches to territorial development, with projects that will enable sustainable development with equity and deepening the four strategic axes in the area. The concept of territorial development, including rural areas, has traditionally been associated with the search for viability of the most remote areas, inaccessible and that suffered various forms of marginality. However, the rurality has changed significantly. Among the changes identified by different authors are: a) the increase in the importance of non-farm activities in generating employment and income for the rural population; b ) increasing integration of urban and rural areas; c) the importance of integrating concerns for sustainable management of the environment and natural resources; d) the changes in rural institutions, e) the recognition of the importance of new social players f) new and higher expectations of consumers and markets; g) the role of new information and communication technologies, h) the persistence of rural poverty and inequality, i) the persistence of regional and sectorial gaps.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

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