315 research outputs found

    Ocular Biometry, Optic Nerve Head Parameters And Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness In Severe Preterm Malay Children

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    Introduction: Severe preterm delivery is defined as babies born at 32 weeks or less of gestation. The earlier the baby is born, the less likely he or she is to survive. Those who do survive are at a higher risk of lifelong health problems, of which the ophthalmic complications include retinopathy of prematurity, myopia, amblyobia, strabismus and optic nerve abnormalities. Objective : This study is to compare the ocular biometric parameters, optic nerve head parameters, and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness parameters between severe preterm and term Malay children aged 8-16 years old. Methodology: This comparison cross sectional study evaluated 64 patients, 32 patients were born less than 32 weeks of gestation and 32 patients were full term. All patients underwent thorough eye examination. Ocular biometry was performed using A- Scan ultrasound biometry, whilst optic nerve head parameters and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness were performed using Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph III

    On Generalized Recurrent Finsler Spaces of Higher Order with Berwald’s Curvature Tensor

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    In this present paper, we introduced a Finsler space Fn which projective curvature tensor K^i_ijkh satisfies the generalized five recurrence property with respect to Berwald’s connection parameters G^i_kh, we have derived some theorems and some identities along with few more related results in a recurrent and generalized 5-recurrent Finsler space with Berwald’s curvature tensor field

    Bioremediation Potential of Chlorella vulgaris and Nostoc paludosum on azo Dyes with Analysis of Metabolite Changes

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                   استخدمت الطحالب المجهرية على نطاق واسع في عملية المعالجة البيولوجية لتحلل أو تكثيف الأصباغ السامة. شملت الدراسه الحاليه تقييم كفاءة كلا من  طحلب  C. vulgaris و N. paluodosum فى إزالة اللون الخاص باثنين من الأصباغ السامة ; هما صبغه الكريستال البنفسجي (CV) و الملكيت الأخضر (MG) علاوة على ذلك  فقد تم تحديد ملامح التمثيل الغذائي للنوعين. أيضا متابعة تأثيرالأصباغ على النمط الأيضي للطحالب التي تمت دراستها. أظهرت البيانات أن طحلب C. vulgaris كان أكثر فاعلية في إزالة تلوين MG و CV ، وكانت أعلى نسبة إزالة للون هى 93.55 ٪ في حالة MG ، بينما سجلت نسبة 62.98 ٪ لإزالة لونCV . اما فى حالة طحلب N. paluodosum كانت النسبة المئوية لإزالة لون MG هى 77.6 ٪ ، ونسبة إزالة اللون من CV كانت 35.1 ٪. تم عمل النمط الأيضي للطحلبين باستخدام التحليل الطيفي للرنين المغناطيسي النووي (NMR) استنادًا إلى بيانات 1 D و 2D   وتم تحديد 43 مركبًا في مستخلص طحلب C. vulgaris ، بينما تم تحديد 34 مركبا فى حالة طحلب N. paluodosum وشملت المركبات التي تم تحديدها الكربوهيدرات والأحماض الأمينية والأحماض العضوية و البيبتيدات الثنائية والفينولات. تم إجراء تحليلات إحصائية للتعرف على نمط تباين الأيض  بين عينات مجموعه السيطره والطحالب المعالجة بالأصباغ. وقد أوضح تحليل المكون الرئيسى والتحليل العنقودي الهرمي أن العينات التي تمت معاملتها باستخدام  MG منفصلة بوضوح عن عينة السيطره في كلا النوعين من الطحالب. بناءً على بيانات خريطة الحرارة يتأثر مستوى تركيز الكربوهيدرات والأحماض الأمينية بشدة بالمعالجة الحيوية لصبغ MG مقارنة بصبغة CV..               Microalgae have been used widely in bioremediation processes to degrade or adsorb toxic dyes. Here, we evaluated the decolorization efficiency of Chlorella vulgaris and Nostoc paludosum against two toxic dyes, crystal violet (CV) and malachite green (MG). Furthermore, the effect of CV and MG dyes on the metabolic profiling of the studied algae has been investigated. The data showed that C. vulgaris was most efficient in decolorization of CV and MG: the highest percentage of decolorization was 93.55% in case of MG, while CV decolorization percentage was 62.98%. N. paludosum decolorized MG dye by 77.6%, and the decolorization percentage of CV was 35.1%. Metabolic profiling of C. vulgaris and N. paludosum were performed using NMR spectroscopy. Based on 1D and 2D NMR data, 43 compounds were identified in the polar extract of C. vulgaris, while 34 polar metabolites were successfully determined in N. paludosum. The identified compounds included carbohydrates, amino acids, organic acids, dipeptides, steroids and phenols. Statistical analysis was carried out to recognize the pattern of metabolite variation between control and dye treated samples. Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis showed that samples treated with MG are clearly separated from the control in both types of algae. Based on heat map data, the level of carbohydrates and amino acids concentrations are strongly affected by bioremediation of MG dye compared with CV dye. In conclusion, the present study proved that CV and MG dyes are considered as stress factors and the studied algae species exert their bioremediation activity without the dyes being absorbed into the cells

    Variation in enamel mechanical properties throughout the crown in catarrhine primates.

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    Enamel mechanical properties vary across molar crowns, but the relationship among mechanical properties, tooth function, and phylogeny are not well understood. Fifteen primate lower molars representing fourteen taxa (catarrhine, n = 13; platyrrhine, n = 1) were sectioned in the lingual-buccal plane through the mesial cusps. Gradients of enamel mechanical properties, specifically hardness and elastic modulus, were quantified using nanoindentation from inner (near the enamel-dentine junction), through middle, to outer enamel (near the outer enamel surface) at five positions (buccal lateral, buccal cuspal, occlusal middle, lingual cuspal, lingual lateral). Cuspal positions had higher mechanical property values than lateral positions. Middle enamel had higher mean hardness and elastic modulus values than inner and outer locations in all five crown positions. Functionally, the thicker-enameled buccal cusps of lower molars did not show evidence of increased resistance to failure; instead, lingual cusps-which show higher rates of fracture-had higher average mechanical property values, with no significant differences observed between sides. Preliminary phylogenetic results suggest there is relatively little phylogenetic signal in gradients of mechanical properties through the enamel or across the crown. There appears to be common mechanical property patterns across molar crowns in Catarrhini and potentially among primates more broadly. These results may allow more precise interpretations of dental biomechanics and processes resulting in mechanical failure of enamel in primates, such as wear and fracture. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

    A Review of Hybrid Humidification and Dehumidification Desalination Systems

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    The escalating threat of water scarcity, coupled with the inclusion of numerous countries in the list of water-scarce nations, has elevated the issue of water availability to a paramount concern in today\u27s global landscape. Freshwater sources are becoming increasingly scarce, with their proportional decline steadily progressing. Consequently, a growing number of nations have resorted to the desalination of seawater as a viable solution. In response to this critical need, a surge of studies and research endeavors has been dedicated to the development and refinement of desalination processes. One of the most promising innovations in this field is Humidification-Dehumidification (HDH) desalination technology. This paper aims to delve into the potential of HDH desalination technology and its integration with another advanced desalination method known as a hybrid system. By combining these two distinct approaches, it becomes possible to not only enhance productivity but also address certain limitations inherent in each technology. In this paper, we provide an overview of various desalination processes, shedding light on their classifications and characteristics. Our primary focus, however, lies in exploring how HDH desalination technology can be effectively harmonized within a hybrid system to maximize efficiency and mitigate shortcomings observed in individual technologies. The integration of HDH with existing desalination methods has demonstrated notable success, as evidenced by numerous research studies in the field. This research underscores the significance of hybridization in advancing HDH sustainability practices within the desalination sector, ultimately contributing to the global effort to combat water scarcity

    A Review of Hybrid Humidification and Dehumidification Desalination Systems

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    The escalating threat of water scarcity, coupled with the inclusion of numerous countries in the list of water-scarce nations, has elevated the issue of water availability to a paramount concern in today\u27s global landscape. Freshwater sources are becoming increasingly scarce, with their proportional decline steadily progressing. Consequently, a growing number of nations have resorted to the desalination of seawater as a viable solution. In response to this critical need, a surge of studies and research endeavors has been dedicated to the development and refinement of desalination processes. One of the most promising innovations in this field is Humidification-Dehumidification (HDH) desalination technology. This paper aims to delve into the potential of HDH desalination technology and its integration with another advanced desalination method known as a hybrid system. By combining these two distinct approaches, it becomes possible to not only enhance productivity but also address certain limitations inherent in each technology. In this paper, we provide an overview of various desalination processes, shedding light on their classifications and characteristics. Our primary focus, however, lies in exploring how HDH desalination technology can be effectively harmonized within a hybrid system to maximize efficiency and mitigate shortcomings observed in individual technologies. The integration of HDH with existing desalination methods has demonstrated notable success, as evidenced by numerous research studies in the field. This research underscores the significance of hybridization in advancing HDH sustainability practices within the desalination sector, ultimately contributing to the global effort to combat water scarcity

    مطمٙؿ مٟزع امعمٚمٙمٞم٦ الخم٤صم٦ مذ امًم٘م٤مٟقن امًمٚمٞ لٌ مذ مُمٜمٔقرامعذبم٥ احم٤مًمٙل رسالة مقدمة إلى برنامج ماجستير الشريعة بجامعة سوراكارتا المحمدية للحصول على درجة الماجستير في الفقه وأصوله Hukum Naza' Al-mikiyah Al-khosah Fi Al Qanun Al-lia FI Mandzur Al-Madzatb Al-malil

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    The rule of expropriate private property in Libyan law. From the perspective of the Maliki school .Master Thesis provided to get Master of law degree at the University of Muhammadiyah, Surakarta . Written by: Maryam Adel Salem Kabir. Student’s numper: O200130006. The supervisors: Dr. muhammed abdul alkhaleq hassan and Dr. Muhammed ehsan. 2014/1435H. This master’s thesis is a library research Its idea based on the need of Libyan street to know and clarify The provisions of the property expropriation Based on the opinions of the Maliki school Research problems statement focused on the study of the opinions of Malki school about the law No (4) for the year 1978 (the Expropriation of property in Libyan law). And after going deep in research and study In the words and opinions of scholars , scientists and the Contemporary of Maliki school and also study and analyzing the law No (4) and its Executive Regulations. The researcher concluded that: Expropriation law in Libya which known as law no (4) And its implementing regulations does not apply with any base or Jurisprudential opinion. And its became unjustly by the Libyan state in the right of its citizens, The occurrence of the sinfulness of people who have benefited from this law and Libyan government should redress who are affected by this law

    The effect of earthworm (Eisenia foetida) meal with vermi-humus on growth performance, hematology, immunity, intestinal microbiota, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of broiler chickens

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    The present investigation was aimed to evaluate the effect of varied amount of earthworm meal (EW) and vermihumus (VH) on the growth performance of broiler chickens. Three hundred 1-d-old broiler chickens were assigned to 5 starter treatments with 5 pens per treatment, and 12 broiler chickens per pen in a completely randomized design from d 0–14 of the study. Dietary treatments were [per kilogram dry matter (DM)]: control (0 g EW and 0 g VH/kg of DM), and the diets containing 10 g VH/kg of DM supplemented with 0, 10, 20, or 30 g EW/kg of DM. At the end of the study (d 42), one representative broiler chicken per pen, close to the average body weight, was selected for blood sampling using a sterile needle and heparinized vacuum tube. The outcomes of the study depicted the greater overall feed intake value in broiler chicken fed the control diet than those fed the diets containing VH or EW or both, and it decreased linearly and quadratically (P<0.05) as the amount of EW supplementation increased. The average weight gain for the chickens was numerically increased as supplementation of EW was increased (linear, =0.3; quadratic P=0.4). On the other hand, overall feed conversation ratio was slightly greater (P=0.02) in broiler chickens fed the control diet, and it decreased linearly (P=0.03) as dietary EW supplementation increased. Additionally, the serum total protein, albumin, Ca, and P concentrations were lower in broiler chickens fed the control diet, and those variables increased linearly (P<0.05) as dietary EW increased. In like manner, humoral immune response (except heterophil/lymphocyte ratio) and relative weights of immune organs were lower in broiler chickens fed the control diet. Remarkable differences were observed between carcass and ileum characteristics of broiler chickens under treatments. Varied concentrations of EW showed increased total counts of lactic acid bacteria (linear, P<0.05; quadratic, P=0.3) and reduced population of pathogenic intestinal microbiota (linear, P0.05). Similarly, the meat quality of broiler chicken was markedly affected linearly (P<0.05) by the supplementation of increased dietary EW. Briefly, diets containing 30 g EW/kg of DM can positively affect the growth performance of broiler chickens and produce meat with better characteristics