789 research outputs found

    P-selectin in preterm infants suffering necrotizing enterocolitis

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    Background: Platelet selectin (P-selectin), an adhesion molecule expressed by activated endothelial cells, mediates the early phases of leukocyte adherence to the endothelium. Expression of P-selectin has been shown to be crucial to neutrophil recruitment in many human inflammatory processes as well as in animal models of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion, intestinal transplantation, and sepsis, but its role in NEC is unknown. Objective: To study P-selectin, a possible cause of NEC, in the blood of preterm infants. Study design: Twenty-four consecutive preterms, clinically suspected or proven to have NEC, were enrolled in this pilot study. Their weight ranged from 1 to 2.3 Kg (mean ±SD: 1.7±0.5 Kg), age ranged from 2 to 21 days (mean ±SD: 12±3.5 days) and their gestational age (GA) ranged from 29 to 33 weeks (mean ±SD: 31±3 weeks). In addition, 12 age- and weight-matched apparently healthy preterm infants served as a control group. Written consents were obtained from the parents of infants included in the study. All neonates were subjected to perinatal history, clinical examination, routine investigations (CBC, plain X-ray and abdominal ultrasonography (US), arterial blood gases and serum bicarbonate, serum sodium, CRP and blood culture), and measurement of blood P-selectin by direct immunofluorescent staining. Results: Infants with NEC clinically presented with significant PROM, gastric residual, abdominal distensions, hypoperfusion, hematochezia and evidence of NEC in abdominal X-ray and/or US, compared to control infants. Significant abnormal laboratory investigations in NEC cases included high CRP, hyponatremia, bandemia, thrombocytopenia, metabolic acidosis, and blood culture-proven neonatal sepsis. Abnormal blood P-selectin (>20 units) was detected in 21 (87.5%) infants with NEC, with a mean level of 51±12.4 units that was significantly higher than that of control infants, P < 0.001. A strong significant negative correlation was observed between blood P-selectin and each of GA, body weight, platelet count, arterial blood pH and bicarbonate, while it was a significant positive correlation with each of CRP and band cell count. Conclusion: P-selectin may have a role in the pathogenesis of NEC in preterm infants and may be used as a diagnostic tool. Keywords: Prematurity -abdominal distension-hematocheziaEgypt J Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2010;8(2):61-6

    Prenatal genotyping of Gaucher disease in Egypt

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    Objective: To use chorionic villi sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis to determine the genotyping of Gaucher Disease (GD) of fetuses of pregnant mothers who had a previous child affected by GD.Methods: The study was conducted between January 2009 and December 2012. It included 42 pregnant women that gave informed written consent. Thirty mothers presented early so they underwent CVS at 10–12 weeks of pregnancy while 12 mothers presented later and underwent amniocentesis at 14–16 weeks. Strip assay for the identification of Glucocerebrosidase (GBA) gene mutations in the samples of chrorionic villi and amniotic fluid was based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse hybridization.Results: The age of the studied pregnant women ranged from 19 to 26 years. Consanguinity was present in 38 cases. Eighteen women were pregnant in affected fetuses. The results of genotyping revealed 15 cases were homozygous L444P/L444P and one case homozygous (N370s/N370s) while two cases were heterogeneous (L444P/D409H). Twenty-four pregnant women had carrier fetuses which were all heterozygous L444P.Conclusion: This study highlights the findings of an extended gene mutation examination for prenatal diagnosis of Guacher Disease. The study found out that the most common mutation was L444P/L444P.Keywords: Gaucher diseases; Prenatal diagnosis; Egypt; Gene; Mutatio

    Assessment of plasma and urinary transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1) in children with lupus nephritis

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    Background: Kidney disease is one of the most serious manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Despite the improvement in the medical care of SLE in the past two decades, the prognosis of lupus nephritis remains unsatisfactory. Transforming growth factor- β1 (TGF-β1) is an immunosuppressive cytokine, as it inhibits T and B cell proliferation and NK cell cytotoxic activity . Objective: The aim of this study was to assess serum and urinary TGF- β1 levels in children with SLE and their possible role in the renal involvement and activity of the disease. Study design: This cross sectional study was conducted in Nephrology Unit of Pediatric Department, plus Outpatient Clinic of Rheumatology Department, Zagazig University Hospital during the year of 2010. Methods: Twenty-five pediatric patients with SLE were randomly selected and classified according to into 2 groups: Group (Ι): included 13 patients presented with urinary abnormalities and/or disturbed renal function(active nephritis): 5 males, 8 females. Their mean age was 9.7±2.53 years and the mean disease duration was 2.46±1.4 years. Group (ΙΙ): included 12 patients presented by lupus without nephritis : 5 males,7 females. Their mean age was 9.9±2.1 years and the mean disease duration was 2.41±0.9 years. Control group(group ΙΙΙ): Twenty healthy children of matched age and sex served as a control group included 8 males ,12 females. Their mean age was 10.0±2.3 years. Results: There was no significant difference among studied patients groups regarding age, sex , disease duration and lupus therapy (p>0.05). There was a significant difference between both groups regarding urinary albumin and serum creatinine (2.76±0.97 and 1.96±0.84 mg/dl respectively), while there was a high significant difference between them regarding C3 (47.3±12.5 and 76.6±6.6 mg/ml respectively) and anti double stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) (80.7±32.8 and 26.8±4.5 IU/ml respectively). Plasma TGF- β1 showed significantly lower levels in patients with active nephritis relative to other groups, while urinary TGF- β1 levels were significantly high in SLE patients either with active or silent nephritis when compared with the control group. Plasma TGF- β1 showed a highly significant positive correlation with C3 and a highly significant negative correlation with serum creatinine, urinary albumin, anti dsDNA and SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) score. While, urinary TGF- β1 had a significant negative correlation with C3 and a high significant positive correlation with anti-dsDNA and SLEDAI score. Conclusion: Low plasma TGF β1 level and increased urinary TGF β1 excretion denotes active renal affection in children with SLE.Keywords: SLE , nephritis , TGF- β1Egypt J Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2011;9(1):21-2

    On the Localization of Ultrasound Image Slices within Point Distribution Models

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    Thyroid disorders are most commonly diagnosed using high-resolution Ultrasound (US). Longitudinal nodule tracking is a pivotal diagnostic protocol for monitoring changes in pathological thyroid morphology. This task, however, imposes a substantial cognitive load on clinicians due to the inherent challenge of maintaining a mental 3D reconstruction of the organ. We thus present a framework for automated US image slice localization within a 3D shape representation to ease how such sonographic diagnoses are carried out. Our proposed method learns a common latent embedding space between US image patches and the 3D surface of an individual's thyroid shape, or a statistical aggregation in the form of a statistical shape model (SSM), via contrastive metric learning. Using cross-modality registration and Procrustes analysis, we leverage features from our model to register US slices to a 3D mesh representation of the thyroid shape. We demonstrate that our multi-modal registration framework can localize images on the 3D surface topology of a patient-specific organ and the mean shape of an SSM. Experimental results indicate slice positions can be predicted within an average of 1.2 mm of the ground-truth slice location on the patient-specific 3D anatomy and 4.6 mm on the SSM, exemplifying its usefulness for slice localization during sonographic acquisitions. Code is publically available: \href{https://github.com/vuenc/slice-to-shape}{https://github.com/vuenc/slice-to-shape}Comment: ShapeMI Workshop @ MICCAI 2023; 12 pages 2 figure

    S3M: Scalable Statistical Shape Modeling through Unsupervised Correspondences

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    Statistical shape models (SSMs) are an established way to represent the anatomy of a population with various clinically relevant applications. However, they typically require domain expertise, and labor-intensive landmark annotations to construct. We address these shortcomings by proposing an unsupervised method that leverages deep geometric features and functional correspondences to simultaneously learn local and global shape structures across population anatomies. Our pipeline significantly improves unsupervised correspondence estimation for SSMs compared to baseline methods, even on highly irregular surface topologies. We demonstrate this for two different anatomical structures: the thyroid and a multi-chamber heart dataset. Furthermore, our method is robust enough to learn from noisy neural network predictions, potentially enabling scaling SSMs to larger patient populations without manual segmentation annotation.Comment: Accepted at MICCAI 2023. 13 pages, 6 figure


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    يهدف هذا البحث إلى بيان مفهوم الدلالة والسياق، وذكر المراد بالترجمة، وتوضيح آثار ترجمة المفردات أو التعبيرات في فهم الأحاديث النبوية واختلافها، وتتجلى أهمية هذا البحث تقديم وجوه التعبير والسياق، ومعرفة اختلاف المفردات المستخدمة أو تعبير السياق بين الكتب المترجمة، وإدراك أمثلة طرائق الترجمة، ويركز هذا البحث على تأثير اختلاف المفردات المستخدمة أو التعبيرات السياقية في الدلالة بين ثلاثة كتب في ترجمة أحاديث الأربعين النووية، واتبعت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، وتوصلت الدراسة إلى نتائج مهمة، ومنها: تعد دراسة المفردات سياقياً مهمة في الترجمة لفهم مفردات الحديث النبوي الشريف، وأن هناك ترجمات مختلفة لمفردة معينة تختلف من كتاب إلى آخر، مع اختلاف وجيز في المعنى، وأن مفهوم المفردة في المصدر واللغة المترجمة؛ من حيث المصطلحات أو التركيب وغير ذلك أهمية في فهم الحديث النبوي ومقصوده. This research aims to clarify the concept of significance and context, mention what is meant by translation, and clarify the effects of translating vocabulary or expressions in understanding the Prophetic hadiths and their differences. This research focuses on the impact of the difference in used vocabulary or contextual expressions on the significance between three books in translating the forty hadiths of al-Nawawi. And that there are different translations of a specific vocabulary that differ from one book to another, with a brief difference in meaning, and that the concept of the word in the source and the translated language in terms of terms or structure and other things is important in understanding the prophetic hadith and its purpose

    Exploring the Intersection of Depression, Anxiety, and Sexual Health in Perimenopausal Women

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    Shahenda A Saleh,1 Noura Almadani,2 Rasha Mahfouz,2 Hanaa A Nofal,3 Dina S El-Rafey,3 Dina A Seleem4 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt; 2Community and Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Department, College of Nursing, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, 11671, Saudi Arabia; 3Community, Environmental, and Occupational Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt; 4Psychiatry Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, EgyptCorrespondence: Rasha Mahfouz, Community and Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Department, College of Nursing, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, 11671, Saudi Arabia, Email [email protected]: The perimenopausal period is marked by hormonal fluctuations that trigger a complex interplay between estrogen levels and neurotransmitters’ function, contributing to increased susceptibility to depression and anxiety in women. Concurrently, hormonal changes, coupled with alterations in vaginal tissue, lead to sexual dysfunction during this transitional phase. This study aimed at evaluating the association between menopausal symptoms and sexual dysfunction among perimenopausal women and identifying the mediating effects of depression and anxiety on this association.Patients and Methods: Data for the present cross-sectional study were collected from participants via Arabic versions of three questionnaires; the modified Menopausal Rating Scale (MRS), the Female Sexual Functioning Index (FSFI) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HADS).Results: Our study was conducted on 149 females with age ranged from 45 to 55 years. On studying the relation between modified MRS and HADS, the menopausal symptoms were significantly high among female with high anxiety scores. Regarding the relationship between MRS and FSFI, women with anxiety and physical and mental exhaustion had significantly lower FSFI scores than women without such symptoms (19.2 [2– 31.4] vs 21.7 [3.8– 30.9], p = 0.04, respectively). Furthermore, there were statistically significant negative correlations between depression scores and sexual desire (r = − 0.32, p < 0.001), arousal (r = − 0.25, p = 0.003), and total FSFI scores (r = − 0.27, p = 0.04).Conclusion: Perimenopausal women experience a confluence of challenges related to depression, anxiety, and sexual dysfunction. Understanding the interconnectedness of hormonal and psychosocial factors is essential for tailored interventions aimed at improving mental health and sexual well-being during this transitional phase.Keywords: anxiety, depression, perimenopausal, sexual dysfunctio

    Various heat-treated nickel–titanium rotary instruments evaluated in S-shaped simulated resin canals

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    AbstractBackground/purposeHeat treatment of nickel–titanium (NiTi) alloy produces a better arrangement of the crystal structure, thereby leading to increased flexibility and improved fatigue resistance or plastic behavior. This study aimed to assess the performance of various heat-treated NiTi rotary instruments in S-shaped resin canals.Materials and methodsForty S-shaped resin canals were instrumented (10/group) with either Twisted Files (R-phase), WaveOne (M-wire), Hyflex CM, or V Taper 2H (CM-wire) with the same apical size and taper (25/0.08). Each S-shaped resin canal was scanned both before and after instrumentation with microcomputed tomography. Changes in canal volume and transportation were evaluated at regular intervals (0.5 mm). Differences between instruments at the apical curve, coronal curve, and straight portion of the canals were analyzed statistically.ResultsAll tested instruments caused more transportation at the coronal rather than apical curvatures, with the exception of Twisted Files for which apical transportation was the highest for any instrument or location (P<0.05). The transportation was mostly influenced by the alloy type rather than their cross-sectional characteristics (P<0.05). The volumetric increase after instrumentation was similar for all tested instruments at the apical curve (P>0.05), whereas Hyflex CM created the most conservative preparations at the coronal curve (P<0.05). At the straight portion, volumetric changes were largest for Twisted Files and smallest for V Taper 2H (P<0.05).ConclusionAmongst heat-treated NiTi instruments, the CM-wire based instruments created the most favorable preparations in S-shaped resin canals

    DNA mechanics as a tool to probe helicase and translocase activity

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    Helicases and translocases are proteins that use the energy derived from ATP hydrolysis to move along or pump nucleic acid substrates. Single molecule manipulation has proved to be a powerful tool to investigate the mechanochemistry of these motors. Here we first describe the basic mechanical properties of DNA unraveled by single molecule manipulation techniques. Then we demonstrate how the knowledge of these properties has been used to design single molecule assays to address the enzymatic mechanisms of different translocases. We report on four single molecule manipulation systems addressing the mechanism of different helicases using specifically designed DNA substrates: UvrD enzyme activity detection on a stretched nicked DNA molecule, HCV NS3 helicase unwinding of a RNA hairpin under tension, the observation of RecBCD helicase/nuclease forward and backward motion, and T7 gp4 helicase mediated opening of a synthetic DNA replication fork. We then discuss experiments on two dsDNA translocases: the RuvAB motor studied on its natural substrate, the Holliday junction, and the chromosome-segregation motor FtsK, showing its unusual coupling to DNA supercoiling