1,015 research outputs found

    The Right to Gender Identity in Argentina: Context, Originality, and the Need for Worldwide Promotion

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    Argentina has become a global leader with regards the right to gender identity (RGI).[1]Law #26,743 – which puts into place regulations relating to this right (heretofore referred to as the “Law”) was unanimously passed by the National Congress in May 2012. The combined efforts of the movement for the rights of sexual minorities (heretofore, the “movement”), efforts that had already obtained an important success when Law #26,618 on marriage equality was passed, allowing for the marriage of people of the same sex and removing barriers preventing same-sex couples from adopting children. [1] “The fact that there are no medical requirements at all—no surgery, no hormone treatment and no diagnosis—is a real game changer and completely unique in the world. It is light years ahead of the vast majority of countries, including the U.S., and significantly ahead of even the most advanced countries,” said Justus Eisfeld, co-director of Global Action for Trans Equality in New York, Argentina gender rights law: A new world standard, Published May 10, 2012, Associated Press. Disponible en http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/05/10/argentina-gender-rights-law-new-world-standard110394/. “This law is saying that we’re not going to require you to live as a man or a woman, or to change your anatomy in some way. They’re saying that what you say you are is what you are. And that’s extraordinary”, Katrina Karkazis, disponible en http://www.glbtq.com/blogs/new_argentina_law_advances_transgender_rights.htm

    El positivismo y las ciencias en el período finisecular del Chile decimonónico

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    Se analiza el aporte de la filosofía positivista a la ciencia nacional de fines del siglo xix en Chile, especialmente la contribución de sus principales exponentes: José Victorino Lastarria, los Hnos. Lagarrigue y Valentín Letelier entre otros; así como lWe analyze the contribution of the positivist philosophy to the national science at the end of the 19th Century in Chile, especially the work of its main exponents: José Victorino Lastarria, the Lagarrigue brothers, Valentín Letelier and others; as well

    Statewide and Regionalist Parties’ Perspectives in the Long-Term Dynamics of Decentralization

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    The doctoral dissertation with the title “Statewide and Regionalist Parties' Perspectives in the Long-Term Dynamics of Decentralization” engages with patterns of decentralization over time in comparative perspective. How the multi-level state is organized is fundamental for territorial politics, and therefore why decentralization occurs is an important factor to understand the democratic system and how policy-making difficulties arise. This dissertation embraces a post-functionalist, rational choice assumption about political parties: governing statewide parties decentralize in their own interest. Otherwise, why would they distribute power? Additionally, an innovative neo-institutionalist perspective argues that, over time, arising multi-level institutions influence statewide parties’ calculations endogenously to subsequently decentralize. The establishment of regional democracy through the major reform of political decentralization should empower regional actors, and influence statewide parties’ strategies of decentralization. The dissertation also includes two new methodological procedures. In chapter 2, an analysis of decentralization dynamics over time (1950-2018) and in 19 democracies unveils that regional democracy affects statewide parties’ asymmetric decentralization decisions. Before political decentralization, ideological proximity between the center and regions with decentralization demands seems to predict decentralizing reforms. This pattern disappears after political decentralization, possibly due to statewide governments giving up on ideological considerations vis-à-vis regional executives. Furthermore, party-based explanations of asymmetric decentralization cannot be found in symmetric decentralization, highlighting the latter’s idiosyncrasy. In chapter 3, based on co-authored work with Leonce Röth and Lea Kaftan, we develop a procedure to generate optimized dictionaries to measure attention dynamics to territorial politics based on newspaper texts in Spain (1976-2019) and the UK (1900-2020), two prominent and complex cases of decentralization. We show how to efficiently develop this important text-as-data resource to compare attention patterns across political arenas (mass media and parliament). By measuring salience of the territorial issue and its sub-issue over time, we find that media emphasizes violence-related territorial sub-issue more, whereas parliament focuses on administrative and technical issues such as a fiscal authority decentralization. In chapter 4, also based on a co-authored investigation with Lea Kaftan and Leonce Röth, we argue that party positions conveyed by the media are key to understand the voter-party convergence link in democratic representation. Mediated party positions can help us fill the gap in territorial politics concerning party positions on territorial sub-issues. We develop a procedure to obtain mediated party positions from news text with sentiment analysis and topic models in an automatized manner. Accounting for news outlet differences and comparing our measures with established expert judgments, manifesto positions, and estimates based on parliamentary debates, we find valid mediated positions for statewide and regionalist parties on four territorial sub-issues in Spain

    Neutron capture on ^{205}Tl: depicting the abundance pattern of lead isotopes in s-process nucleosynthesis

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    Proposal: Neutron capture on 205Tl: depicting the abundance pattern of lead isotopes in s-process nucleosynthesisWe propose to use the TOF technique to measure the neutron capture cross section of 205Tl(n,gamma) over the full energy range of stellar interest. An accurate measurement of this cross section is needed for a complete and consistent understanding of the s-process nucleosynthesis of the heaviest nuclei which are produced in low-mass and low metallicity AGB-stars. The only previous TOF measurement has yield only a partial information, insufficient for a reliable analysis of the complex branching pattern around 205Pb and 205Tl. Furthermore, there is also a discrepancy of 40% between the two previous activation measurements made at kT=24 keV. The cross section of 205Tl(n,gamma) is particularly relevant because it affects the equilibrium that is established in some stellar conditions between the 205Tl -> 205Pb bound-state Beta-decay and the 205Pb -> 205Tl E.C. decay. This effect induces a complex interplay which influences the final s-process abundance of both nuclei. We propose to measure accurately and with high resolution the 205Tl(n,gamma) cross section by using a set of four C6D6 detectors in combination with the pulsed neutron-source of CERN n_TOF.Preprin

    A comparison between traditional monocular refraction and the biocular Humphriss technique

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    The standard approach for determining refractive error is monocular subjective refraction. In this technique the optometrist or ophthalmologist uses a phoropter to determine the endpoint at which the patient achieves best visual acuity (VA). The eye being tested is exposed to the VA chart, while the other eye is occluded. However, we view the world with two eyes (i.e., binocularly), and therefore a refraction technique conducted under binocular viewing conditions conceivably may yield more accurate results. Whereas several binocular refractive techniques exist including the Turville Infinity Balance and Vectographic Slide, they are used infrequently in standard clinical practice, and while included in optometric curriculum, are not emphasized and therefore rarely utilized by optometric students and recent optometric graduates. One such binocular technique is the Humphriss method, in which both eyes view the VA chart during refraction, but one eye (the eye not being actively tested) is defocused by a moderate degree. This creates a situation in which viewing is binocular such that focusing and eye alignment are determined by binocular perception. The technique is very quick, accurate and generally well-tolerated by the patient The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic comparison of the binocular Humphriss technique to standard monocular refraction. The results will help determine the efficacy of the Humphriss technique, as well as providing clinical guidelines for application in optometric and ophthalmologic settings

    Conocimiento de docentes de establecimientos escolares respecto a accidentes dentoalveolares en colegios de la comuna de Santiago Centro

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    Tesis (Cirujano Dentista)Introducción: La incidencia de traumatismos dentoalveolares (TDA) ha aumentado en los últimos años debido al cambio en los estilos de vida de las personas. Aproximadamente un tercio de la población ha sufrido algún TDA durante su vida y su relevancia trasciende en que tienden a ocurrir a una edad temprana. Actualmente son casi tan frecuentes como las consultas por caries en niños, y se piensa que en un futuro puedan tener una incidencia mayor. El manejo luego de uno de estos eventos debe ser realizado de manera ágil y con los conocimientos necesarios, ya que de la actitud inicial depende mayormente el pronóstico de una pieza dentaria. Por lo tanto, es importante que personas que más estén en contacto con niños tengan algún grado instrucción en este tema. Objetivo: Determinar el grado de conocimiento de profesores de escuelas de la comuna de Santiago frente a traumatismos dentales. Materiales y métodos: Se aplicó una encuesta segmentada en dos partes que contienen preguntas de caracterización de los participantes y de conocimiento ante el manejo de distintas situaciones de traumatismo dentoalveolar. Resultados: Del total de profesores encuestados un 85.7% indicaron que no saben o no conocen la existencia de protocolos frente a urgencias dentales en sus colegios, un 89% afirmó no haber recibido ningún grado de instrucción pese a que un 39.3% ha presenciado algún accidente dental en uno de sus estudiantes. Con respecto al conocimiento no hubo diferencias significativas por género (p>0,05). Caso contrario ocurre por años de experiencia laboral (p<0,05) y por tipo de dependencias en que imparten clases (p<0,05), donde si hubo diferencias significativas. El puntaje total de profesores promedió 8.4 puntos de respuestas correctas sobre 14 posibles. Conclusión: La falta de información y el conocimiento insuficiente de los profesores encuestados, refleja la necesidad de implementar programas educativos en los colegios para el manejo de urgencias dentales

    The “Beta-Delayed Neutrons at RIKEN” project (BRIKEN): conquering the most exotic beta-delayed neutron-emitters

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    Among the main missions of modern radioactive isotope facilities is the exploration of properties of yet unknown isotopes on the neutron-rich side of the chart of nuclides. However, going more neutron-rich also means that the neutron separation energy decreases until it reaches the dripline at Sn = 0 MeV. If the neutron separation energy gets lower than the ß-decay energy window (Qß value), a new decay mechanism can occur: the emission of neutrons after ß-decay. These “ß-delayed neutron” (ßn) emitters play a crucial role in nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, and for nuclear reactor applications.Postprint (published version


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    El inter\ue9s de realizar dicha investigaci\uf3n parte de lograr un m\ue9todo efectivo para disminuir la reproducci\uf3n del T. cruzi, el cual fue descubierto por el Dr. Carlos Chagas en el a\uf1o 1909. La importancia del trabajo realizado radica en que los tratamientos utilizados anteriormente no han logrado una cura aceptable para la enfermedad. La muestra estuvo estructurada en 36 tubos de ensayo en el laboratorio de Toxicolog\ueda del Decanato de Veterinaria de la UCLA, divididos en dosis de veneno (1,5mg y 3mg) de la cascabel CDC y CD y espec\uedficos: 8 con cepa YBM (veneno CDC), 8 con cepa YBM (veneno CV), 8 con cepas G-79 (veneno CDC), 8 con cepas G-79 (veneno CD) y 4 sin veneno cepa control. Se observ\uf3 por microscopia antes de aplicar el veneno la cantidad de par\ue1sitos por mililitro que se encontraban en el cultivo, posteriormente se contabiliz\uf3 nuevamente para determinar la efectividad del veneno sobre ellos, evidenciando efecto Tripanocida del veneno CDC sobre el crecimiento en ambas cepas; al igual que el efecto Tripanocida del veneno CV, correspondiente. Los resultados sin embargo, indican que al aplicar mayores dosis con el veneno de CDC, el parasito se inmuniza y lograr multiplicarse. Se recomienda evaluar el efecto del veneno sobre perros o ratones infectados, adem\ue1s de tomar en cuenta el agregado de bajas dosis del veneno de CDC.PALABRAS CLAVES DEL AUTOR : Trypanosoma cruzi, medio LIT, veneno de cascabel, cepas (YBM, G79) ABSTRACT EVALUATION OF THE TRYPANOCIDAL ACTION OF THE VENOM OF RATTLESNAKES (CROTALUS DURISSUS CUMANENSIS AND C. VEGANDRIS) ON TRYPANOSOMA CRUZI IN VITRO (HALF LIT) The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the Tripanocida effect in the rattlesnake venom on Trypanosoma cruzi by LIT culture medium, which was discovered by Dr. Carlos Chagas in 1909. The importance of this investigation work lies on the fact that it hasn't achieved an acceptable cure to the elimination of the disease. The sample of this research was structured in 36 test tubes in the laboratory of toxicology veterinary deanery of the UCLA, divided into doses of venom (1,5mg y 3mg) of the rattlesnake Crotalus durissus cumanensis and Crotalus vegrandis, specifically: and 8 with strain YBM (poison CDC), 8 with YBM (poison CV), 8 strains G-79 (poison CDC), 8 with strains G-79 (poison CD) and 4 without poison that represent the control strain. By using the microscope was observed before applying poison the amount of parasites per milliliter in the culture, subsequently was recorded again to determine the effectiveness of the poison on them. It was evident from the venom CDC tripanocida effect on growth in both strains, as well the tripanocida effect of the venom CV accordingly. However, the results indicate that by applying higher doses venom CDC, the parasite is immunized and multiply. It is recommended to evaluate the effect of the venom on dogs or mice infected, as well as notice the addition of low doses of venom CDC. KEY WORDS: Trypanosoma cruzi, LIT culture medium, Rattlesnake venom, Strains (YBM, G79).<br

    Optimized Dictionaries: A Semi-Automated Workflow of Concept Identification in Text-Data

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    Identifying social science concepts and measuring their prevalence and framing in text data has been a key task of scientists ever since. Whereas debates about text classifications typically contrast different approaches with each other, we propose a workflow that generates optimized dictionaries that are based on the complementary use of expert dictionaries, machine learning, and topic modeling. We demonstrate our case by identifying the concept of "territorial politics" in leading newspapers vis-à-vis parliamentary speeches in Spain (1976-2018) and the UK (1900-2018). We show that our optimized dictionaries outperform singular text-identification techniques with F1-scores around 0.9 for unseen data, even if the unseen data comes from a different political domain (media vs. parliaments). Optimized dictionaries have increasing returns and should be developed as a common good for researchers overcoming costly particularism