716 research outputs found

    Dynamic Task Selection in Aviation Training

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    Salden, R. (2005). Dynamic Task Selection in Aviation Training. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands

    Dynamic Task Selection in Aviation Training

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    Pedestrian dynamics in single-file movement of crowd with different age compositions

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    An aging population is bringing new challenges to the management of escape routes and facility design in many countries. This paper investigates pedestrian movement properties of crowd with different age compositions. Three pedestrian groups are considered: young student group, old people group and mixed group. It is found that traffic jams occur more frequently in mixed group due to the great differences of mobilities and self-adaptive abilities among pedestrians. The jams propagate backward with a velocity 0.4 m/s for global density around 1.75 m-1 and 0.3 m/s for higher than 2.3 m-1. The fundamental diagrams of the three groups are obviously different from each other and cannot be unified into one diagram by direct non-dimensionalization. Unlike previous studies, three linear regimes in mixed group but only two regimes in young student group are observed in the headway-velocity relation, which is also verified in the fundamental diagram. Different ages and mobilities of pedestrians in a crowd cause the heterogeneity of system and influence the properties of pedestrian dynamics significantly. It indicates that the density is not the only factor leading to jams in pedestrian traffic. The composition of crowd has to be considered in understanding pedestrian dynamics and facility design.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, 3 table

    Rare Sighting of a North Pacific Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis) in Hawai'i

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    On 2 April 1996, a North Pacific right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) was sighted in the company of three humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) off the western coast of Maui, Hawai'i (200 56' N, 1560 46' W). The right whale appeared to initiate social interactions with the humpback whales. The right whale was estimated to be 13 m in length. Its sex was undetermined. This represents the first confirmed sighting of a right whale in Hawaiian waters since 1979. The 1996 sighting was similar to those in 1979 in that a solitary right whale was observed interacting with humpback whales during a l7-day period in late March and early April. In all but one instance, there were three or more humpbacks present

    UNIC handbook on physical and virtual mobility. Teaching and learning in intercultural settings

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    This handbook reaches out to university teachers irrespective of their discipline and research fields. It shows the diversity of practice of intercultural teaching which is currently applied in different universities. International Mobility is supposed to increase the quality of teaching and research through the exchange of knowledge, international networking and common research projects. Regarding the involved individuals and organisations, mobility is expected to contribute to an attitude of respect towards the respective cultural values and to develop academic solidarity. Not at least the intercultural learning of mobile and home students and teachers shall be activated. The authors of this Handbook hope to give a taste of international exchange and collaboration in university teaching. The handbook consists of two parts. The first part deals with the shaping of teaching and learning situations in an international and diverse environment, and focuses on didactical reflections. It shall be used to enable teachers in their respective fields to design intercultural learning processes, which contribute to the learning of all – home as well as international exchange students. The first part also gives an impression of different options how universities can advance the internationalisation of higher education. Readers will find basic information, practical hints and examples from the partner universities. Reflective questions and practical hints take the form of bullet points from chapter 2 onwards. The sub-chapters on “Stories from the field” offer concise practical advice on designing internationally oriented teaching to support any such setting. Readers can rummage through stories from the different universities, where practical examples are elaborated. The second part lists information about funding and support programmes by the UNIC partner universities with a focus on teaching staff, with concrete links and contacts at the respective institution. (DIPF/Orig.

    Personalised adaptive task selection in air traffic control: Effects on training efficiency and transfer.

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    Salden, R.J.C.M., Paas, F., & Van Merriënboer, J.J.G. (2006). Personalised adaptive task selection in air traffic control: Effects on training efficiency and transfer. Learning and Instruction, 16, 350-362The differential effects of four task selection methods on training efficiency and transfer in a computer-based training for Air Traffic Control were investigated. Two personalised conditions were compared with two corresponding yoked control conditions. The hypothesis that personalised adaptive task selection leads to more efficient training than non-adaptive task selection was partially confirmed. However, the hypothesis that adaptive task selection based on personalised efficiency leads to more efficient training than adaptive task selection based on personalised preference was not supported. The results are discussed and suggestions are given for future research

    Naar een ecologische landschapsindex : een verkenning naar de methode om variatie en kenmerkendheid van landschappen te bepalen

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    Er is gezocht naar meetbare graadmeters om het landschapsbeleid te evalueren. Uiteindelijk zijn wiskundige en statistische indexmethoden gebruikt en ontwikkeld voor twee kwaliteitscriteria voor de ecologische kwaliteit van landschappen (ecosecties): variatie en kenmerkendheid. Hiermee is een deel van de ecosecties van Nederland geondexeerd. De resultaten tonen weinig verschillen tussen de ecosecties, wat voornamelijk komt door de geringe ecologische resolutie van de beschikbare gegevens. In de discussie is aandacht besteed aan de beleidsrelevantie, meetbaarheid, stuurbaarheid, herhaalbaarheid en aansprekendheid van resultaten en methode voor het landschapsbeleid

    Ґендерні особливості вживання алкоголю зі шкідливими наслідками при психічній та соматичній патології в практиці сімейної медицини

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    This is a conference abstract from the Scientific-practical сonference "Psychosomatic medicine: science and practice". It is dedicated to gender features of alcohol use with harmful consequences in mental and physical pathology in family practice.Даний текст є тезами Науково-практичної конференції «Психосоматична медицина: наука і практика». Описане нижче присвячено ґендерним особливостям вживання алкоголю зі шкідливими наслідками при психічній та соматичній патології в практиці сімейної медицини