102 research outputs found

    Síndrome de hiperinfección mortal por Strongyloides stercoralis en un paciente diabético y alcohólico de México

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    Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection syndrome is a medical emergency that requires a high level of suspicion. Immunocompromised patients are at high risk of hyperinfection syndrome; however, malnutrition, alcoholism, and diabetes mellitus also need to be considered as predisposing factors. The diagnosis and treatment of Strongyloides hyperinfection are challenging and patients often have severe complications. Consequently, mortality is overwhelmingly high, with proportions above 60%.Herein, we report a case of Strongyloides hyperinfection in a 40-year-old alcoholic diabetic patient living in México. Unfortunately, the late diagnosis resulted in his death despite the treatment and supportive measures. Increased awareness is needed to prevent the dire consequences of strongyloidiasis.El síndrome de hiperinfección por Strongyloides stercoralis es una emergencia médica que requiere una aguda sospecha clínica. Los pacientes inmunocomprometidos tienen alto riesgo de sufrir el síndrome de hiperinfección; sin embargo, la desnutrición, el alcoholismo y la diabetes mellitus también deben considerarse factores predisponentes. El diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la hiperinfección por S. stercoralis constituyen un desafío y los pacientes a menudo tienen complicaciones graves. Como consecuencia, la mortalidad es abrumadoramente alta, con proporciones superiores al 60 %.Se presenta un caso de hiperinfección por S. stercoralis en un paciente diabético y alcohólico de 40 años que vivía en México. Infortunadamente, el diagnóstico tardío causó su muerte a pesar del tratamiento y las medidas de soporte. Se necesita un mayor conocimiento para prevenir las terribles consecuencias de la estrongiloidiasis

    Comparative study on the valorization of Sargassum from the Mexican Caribbean coast and Gulf of California as an ingredient on healthy diets for shrimp farming

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    Funding: This work received the financial support of the project GCRFNGR4/1388 "Algae bloom: waste resource for aquaculture and bioenergy industry in Mexico".Sargassum biomass is a potential ingredient for aquaculture formulations due to its high nutritional value and availability, as it contains a variety of essential nutrients including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and minerals, which are essential for aquatic growing, development and health parameters including digestibility and immune response against diseases. Therefore, in this work, five experimental diets were formulated considering 2.5 % and 5 % levels of inclusion of Sargassum spp. from the Mexican Caribbean coasts (SC), and from the Gulf of California (SG), and one reference diet as a control. The characterization of the raw material and the proximal analysis of the five diets were evaluated according to standard reference methods. A 35-day feeding trial was conducted using juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei showed a shrimp survival rate of 97 ± 6 % (p > 0.05) on SC. Excellent weight gain (WG) performance of SC and SG diets at 2.5 % of inclusion resulted in >10 % WG compared to the control. The specific activity of amylase, lipase, trypsin, and chymotrypsin showed a significant increase by including Sargassum in diets, compared with the reference diet. Incorporating Sargassum at 2.5 % in feed formulations for shrimps showed a great opportunity to use it as an ingredient and improved production yields. The digestion and absorption parameters were represented by the enzymatic activity in which the diets based on Sargassum spp. from the Mexican Caribbean coast (SC) have resulted in the best performance.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Expanding the Scope of Nanobiocatalysis and Nanosensing: Applications of Nanomaterial Constructs

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    The synergistic interaction between advanced biotechnology and nanotechnology has allowed the development of innovative nanomaterials. Those nanomaterials can conveniently act as supports for enzymes to be employed as nanobiocatalysts and nanosensing constructs. These systems generate a great capacity to improve the biocatalytic potential of enzymes by improving their stability, efficiency, and product yield, as well as facilitating their purification and reuse for various bioprocessing operating cycles. The different specific physicochemical characteristics and the supramolecular nature of the nanocarriers obtained from different economical and abundant sources have allowed the continuous development of functional nanostructures for different industries such as food and agriculture. The remarkable biotechnological potential of nanobiocatalysts and nanosensors has generated applied research and use in different areas such as biofuels, medical diagnosis, medical therapies, environmental bioremediation, and the food industry. The objective of this work is to present the different manufacturing strategies of nanomaterials with various advantages in biocatalysis and nanosensing of various compounds in the industry, providing great benefits to society and the environment.This work was supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT) and Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico under Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) program awarded to Rafael Gomes Araújo (CVU: 714118), Manuel Martínez Ruiz (CVU: 418151), Juan Eduardo Sosa Hernández (CVU: 375202), Roberto Parra Saldívar (CVU: 35753), and Hafiz M.N. Iqbal (CVU: 735340).Peer reviewe

    Immobilized Enzyme-based Novel Biosensing System for Recognition of Toxic Elements in the Aqueous Environment

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    Access to secure water sources has become one of the biggest challenges for human sustainability. Climate change and associated droughts make it difficult to guarantee the usual water source and move to groundwater use or to the re-use of treated wastewater remains unviable due the lack on the capacity of monitoring water quality. Moreover, reusing treated wastewater from repositories near anthropogenic sources represents a risk of high concentrations of emerging contaminants. The strategies involve a higher risk of encountering toxic elements with a heavy burden on human and environmental health. New accessible and reliable tools are required to detect any hazard from the waterbodies in real time to ensure safe management and also to decrease mismanagement or ilegal water discharges. One of the available options is to look into enzyme-based biosensors that can detect toxic elements in the water. The proposed biosensors require sensible elements to be accessible and durable for their proper function. The present revision shows in first place, the actual need of real time monitoring due the different sources and effects of emergent pollutants. Secondly, describes how enzymes can be immobilized for its application in biosensors and the rol enzymes play as bioreceptor element in biosensing. Thirdly, describes the transduction methods that can be observed, and finally the actual application of enzyme biosensors for the detection of different toxic elements. According to the presented literature enzyme-based biosensors have been successfully applied for the detection of a wide number of pollutants reaching detection limits comparable to traditional methods such as up to 0.018 nM of mercury. Furthermore, laccase seems to be the more applied enzyme in literature, but positive results are not limited to this enzyme and other candidates have been explored showing good detection rate. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.].This research was funded by Fundación FEMSA project entitled “Unidad de respuesta rápida al monitoreo de COVID19 por agua residual” (Grant Number NA).Peer reviewe

    Revalorization of Microalgae Biomass for Synergistic Interaction and Sustainable Applications: Bioplastic Generation

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    Microalgae and cyanobacteria are photosynthetic microorganisms' sources of renewable biomass that can be used for bioplastic production. These microorganisms have high growth rates, and contrary to other feedstocks, such as land crops, they do not require arable land. In addition, they can be used as feedstock for bioplastic production while not competing with food sources (e.g., corn, wheat, and soy protein). In this study, we review the macromolecules from microalgae and cyanobacteria that can serve for the production of bioplastics, including starch and glycogen, polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), cellulose, polylactic acid (PLA), and triacylglycerols (TAGs). In addition, we focus on the cultivation of microalgae and cyanobacteria for wastewater treatment. This approach would allow reducing nutrient supply for biomass production while treating wastewater. Thus, the combination of wastewater treatment and the production of biomass that can serve as feedstock for bioplastic production is discussed. The comprehensive information provided in this communication would expand the scope of interdisciplinary and translational research.The authors would like to acknowledge the funding provided by Tecnologico de Monterrey through the Bioprocess Research Chair (0020209I13). This work was partially supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT), Mexico, under the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) program awarded to Hafiz M. N. Iqbal (CVU: 735340) and Roberto Parra-Saldivar (CVU: 35753). The Technology Scholarship to Itzel Y. López-Pacheco (CVU: 859227), Laura Isabel Rodas-Zuluaga (CVU: 943350), and Enrique Hidalgo-Vázquez (CVU: 1095127) by CONACyT is also thankfully acknowledged. Additionally, the authors would like to acknowledge Juan Eduardo Sosa-Hernández for his support. The listed author(s) also want to thank and dedicate this work to “Abraham Molina-Vazquez” who was the great support from conceptualization to compilation of this work. However, much sadly, he is not among us anymore, may his soul rest in peace.Peer reviewe

    Exploiting Phenylpropanoid Derivatives to Enhance the Nutraceutical Values of Cereals and Legumes

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    Phenylpropanoids are a diverse chemical class with immense health benefits that are biosynthesized from the aromatic amino acid L-phenylalanine. This article reviews the progress for accessing variation in phenylpropanoids in germplasm collections, the genetic and molecular basis of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, and the development of cultivars dense in seed-phenylpropanoids. Progress is also reviewed on high-throughput assays, factors that influence phenylpropanoids, the site of phenylpropanoids accumulation in seed, Genotype × Environment interactions, and on consumer attitudes for the acceptance of staple foods rich in phenylpropanoids. A paradigm shift was noted in barley, maize, rice, sorghum, soybean, and wheat, wherein cultivars rich in phenylpropanoids are grown in Europe and North and Central America. Studies have highlighted some biological constraints that need to be addressed for development of high-yielding cultivars that are rich in phenylpropanoids. Genomics-assisted breeding is expected to facilitate rapid introgression into improved genetic backgrounds by minimizing linkage drag. More research is needed to systematically characterize germplasm pools for assessing variation to support crop genetic enhancement, and assess consumer attitudes to foods rich in phenylpropanoids

    Agricultural waste as a sustainable source for nanoparticle synthesis and their antimicrobial properties for food preservation

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    Traditional agriculture from cropping to harvesting is contributing to climate change by increasing global greenhouse emissions. Circular economy approaches and biorefinery technologies based on the reuse, recycling, and remanufacturing might result in the valorization of wastes that consequently would avoid environmental pollution. Nanoparticles synthesis using bio-waste such as stems, leaves, seeds, pulp, stubble, and bagasse is considered a green approach with low energy consumption, and low-cost production. Characteristics of raw materials influence the final application of nanoparticles in edible coatings, and films. Therefore, the preparation of nanoparticles based on cellulose, pectin, metal (titanium oxide, silver, zinc oxide), or silica are considered organic, inorganic, or hybrid nanocomposites, are resulted in several benefits including shelf-life extension and broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties by its capacity to encapsulate active compounds that greatly improve food preservation. For considering agro-waste-based nanoparticles in food, challenges in homogenization and synthesis, yield, and toxicity are mainly described. Therefore, this review examines the employment of agro-industrial waste for the development of sustainable nanoparticles and their synthesis methods (top-down and bottom-up). Moreover, it discusses their incorporation and role in active edible coatings and films by highlighting their bioactive properties, mechanisms of action, and applications in food group preservation

    Rational positioning of 3D printed micro-bricks to realize high-fidelity, multi-functional soft-hard interfaces

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    peer reviewedLiving organisms have developed design principles, such as functional gradients (FGs), to interface hard materials with soft ones (e.g., bone and tendon). Mimicking such design principles can address the challenges faced when developing engineered constructs with soft-hard interfaces. To date, implementing these FG design principles has been primarily performed by varying the ratio of the hard phase to that of the soft phase. Such design approaches, however, lead to inaccurate mechanical properties within the transition zone. That is due to the highly nonlinear relationship between the material distribution at the microscale and the macroscale mechanical properties. Here, we 3D print micro-bricks from either a soft or a hard phase and study the nonlinear relationship between their arrangements within the transition zone and the resulting macroscale properties. We carry out experiments at the micro- and macroscales as well as finite element simulations at both scales. Based on the obtained results, we develop a co-continuous power-law model relating the arrangement of the micro-bricks to the local mechanical properties of the micro-brick composites. We then use this model to rationally design FGs at the individual micro-brick level and create two types of biomimetic soft-hard constructs, including a specimen modeling bone-ligament junctions in the knee and another modeling the nucleus pulposus-annulus fibrosus interface in intervertebral discs. We show that the implemented FGs drastically enhance the stiffness, strength, and toughness of both types of specimens as compared to non-graded designs. Furthermore, we hypothesize that our soft-hard FGs regulate the behavior of murine preosteoblasts and primary human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (hBMSCc). We culture those cells to confirm the effects of soft-hard interfaces on cell morphology as well as on regulating the expression of focal adhesion kinase, subcellular localization, and YAP nuclear translocation of hBMSCs. Taken together, our results pave the way for the rational design of soft-hard interfaces at the micro-brick level and (biomedical) applications of such designs

    Detection and Tertiary Treatment Technologies of Poly-and Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Wastewater Treatment Plants

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    PFAS are a very diverse group of anthropogenic chemicals used in various consumer and industrial products. The properties that characterize are their low degradability as well as their resistance to water, oil and heat. This results in their high persistence in the environment and bioaccumulation in different organisms, causing many adverse effects on the environment as well as in human health. Some of their effects remain unknown to this day. As there are thousands of registered PFAS, it is difficult to apply traditional technologies for an efficient removal and detection for all. This has made it difficult for wastewater treatment plants to remove or degrade PFAS before discharging the effluents into the environment. Also, monitoring these contaminants depends mostly on chromatography-based methods, which require expensive equipment and consumables, making it difficult to detect PFAS in the environment. The detection of PFAS in the environment, and the development of technologies to be implemented in tertiary treatment of wastewater treatment plants are topics of high concern. This study focuses on analyzing and discussing the mechanisms of occurrence, migration, transformation, and fate of PFAS in the environment, as well the main adverse effects in the environment and human health. The following work reviews the recent advances in the development of PFAS detection technologies (biosensors, electrochemical sensors, microfluidic devices), and removal/degradation methods (electrochemical degradation, enzymatic transformation, advanced oxidation, photocatalytic degradation). Understanding the risks to public health and identifying the routes of production, transportation, exposure to PFAS is extremely important to implement regulations for the detection and removal of PFAS in wastewater and the environment.This work is part of the project entitled “Contaminantes emergentes y prioritarios en las aguas reutilizadas en agricultura: riesgos y efectos en suelos, producción agrícola y entorno ambiental” funded by CSIC-Tecnológico de Monterrey under i-Link + program (LINKB20030).Peer reviewe