1,297 research outputs found

    Impacts of Meals on Wings (MOW) Program on Volunteers\u27 Perceptions and Motives

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    INTRODUCTION: Food insecurity is a problem in the subpopulation of older adults and the elderly. The following study aimed to explore the perceptions and motives such as career benefits, impacts experienced through volunteering, skills in dietetics, comfort level with seniors, social responsibility, peer modeling, and empathy of student volunteers participating in a food recovery-meal delivery program known as Meals on Wings (MOW) on a college campus in the Southeast. METHODOLOGY: The study was conducted during July 2021. Semi-structured interviews were administered over the video conference program Zoom to 10 (n=10) student volunteers who volunteered with MOW for at least one semester. Once saturation was reached, answers and self-reflections of volunteers were analyzed following the thematic analysis qualitative study design. RESULTS: Four major themes were revealed: 1) realization of food insecurity, 2) importance of group work, 3) skills relating to future dietetic practice, and 4) interaction/connection with older clients. Volunteers of MOW realized profound impacts regarding helping the needs of seniors and self-growth in future career settings. Feelings and actions including empathy, self-gratification, social responsibility, and peer modeling were recognized. CONCLUSIONS: Altruistic and career-building motivations for volunteering were realized from the results of this study. Finding out the reasons and perceptions for why students volunteer may help to acquire more students to join the world of volunteering, provide help to the community, and show that volunteering can be immersed as a part of the educational experience. The inclusion of a school-driven, food recovery-meal delivery program to help meet the needs of seniors may help to get more students to volunteer in the community

    Estadísticas e ideología

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    Una contribución al análisis del contenido ideológico de las publicaciones estadísticas en España

    La Comunidad Económica Europea en las Naciones Unidas (algunas reflexiones)

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    Temporary copies and private digital copy as limits of the copyright – Transposition of directive 2001/29/CE to Spain law–

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    2001/29/CE Directive of the European Union put the regime applicable to temporary copies and private copies as exceptions to the copyright at the juridical leading edge. Since Spain, as a member state of the European Union, should harmonise such directive with the national law, it is necessary to define the scope of its incorporation to identify criteria applicable to the specific case in order to determine legality of private copies and temporary copies of protected works, the effects of such copies on the copyrights holder or related rights, and possible damages for the user for the anti-copy measures. With this purpose in mind, the community regulatory statement will be compared to the one adopted in the internal law, in conjunction with jurisprudence decisions and recent doctrinal developments.La Directiva 2001/29/CE de la Unión Europea puso a la vanguardia jurídica el régimen aplicable a las reproducciones provisionales y la copia privada como excepciones al derecho de reproducción. Dado que España, como Estado miembrode la Unión Europea, debía transponer al derecho nacional la directiva en mención, es necesario definir el alcance de su incorporación, para identificar los criteriosaplicables al caso concreto, para determinar la licitud de las copias privadas y de las reproducciones provisionales de las obras protegidas, los efectos de estasfrente al titular de los derechos de autor o conexos y las posibles afectaciones al usuario por las medidas anticopia. Con este propósito, se contrastará el enunciado normativo comunitario frente al adoptado en el derecho interno, coadyuvados de algunas decisiones jurisprudenciales y desarrollos doctrinales recientes

    La prohibición del recurso a la fuerza en Derecho internacional contemporáneo

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    Discurso de agradecimiento leído por Juan Antonio Carrillo Salcedo con motivo de su nombramiento como Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Córdoba

    Absolute risk estimation for time to event data

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    The objective of the thesis is to use time to event models in order to estimate the absolute risk for a certain event. In particular, we will use the data from the Estonian Biobank cohort together with different approaches to estimate the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). We will use the methodology that accounts for right-censoring in the data. Specifically, we will use three approaches for duration models: - Non-Parametric methods: the Kaplan-Meier estimator; - Semiparametric model: Cox Proportional Hazard models; and - Parametric models: models assuming Weibull and Gompertz distribution. The analysis will be done in R software exclusively. After we have identified the optimal models, we will predict the risks, giving us an approximate estimate which will be potentially useful to personalize risk predictions for the Estonian population and insurance

    European Community Law on Advertising and Its Transposition to the Spanish Law

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    La publicidad comercial es la principal herramienta de marketing debienes y servicios con que cuentan los empresarios en el mercado,por el fácil acceso al destinatario y su capacidad para influenciarsu decisión de compra. Las normas sobre publicidad colindandirectamente con las disposiciones sobre competencia desleal.Por tal razón, la Unión Europea, consciente de su importanciapara el desarrollo del mercado interior, ha estructurado unconjunto de normas que regulan la publicidad comercial, y quebuscan erradicar los anuncios que conlleven actos desleales quealteren irregularmente el mercado, afectando indistintamente acompetidores y consumidores. España debía transponer al derechonacional las disposiciones normativas comunitarias, exigencia que,para ser cumplida, implicó modificaciones sustanciales y complejasal régimen publicitario preexistente.Commercial advertising is the main tool for marketing goodsand services offered by businessmen in the market due to theeasy access to final customers and its capacity to influence theirpurchase decisions. Norms on advertising are directly related tothose on unfair competition. For this reason, the European Union,aware of its importance for the development of internal market,has created a number of norms to regulate commercial advertisingand to eradicate all ads that may imply unfair actions that canirregularly alter the market and indiscriminately affect competitorsand consumers. Spain was required to transpose communityregulatory provisions to its national law; compliance with thisrequirement involved significant and complex modifications of theexisting advertising system

    Rights, language regimes, and language policy: An international perspective

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    En esta introducción al número especial «Derechos, regímenes lingüísticos y política lingüística: Una perspectiva internacional», Jiménez-Salcedo y Mowbray analizan cómo interactúan los derechos lingüísticos, los regímenes lingüísticos y la política lingüística. Tomando nota del creciente interés que han suscitado los derechos lingüísticos en las últimas décadas, comienzan explorando las diferentes manifestaciones de los derechos lingüísticos a escala internacional, regional y nacional, para tratar después las interacciones más complejas entre derechos lingüísticos, regímenes lingüísticos y políticas lingüísticas dentro de los Estados. A continuación, Jiménez-Salcedo y Mowbray comentan cómo exploran los artículos de este número especial estas complejas interacciones en contextos concretos nacionales (y, en un caso, internacionales). Muestran que estos artículos arrojan luz sobre el potencial —y las limitaciones— de determinados derechos, regímenes y políticas en materia lingüística para gestionar la diversidad lingüística y el multilingüismo, y revelan el difícil equilibrio que debe alcanzarse para gestionar la diversidad lingüística de forma justa y eficaz.; En aquesta introducció al número especial «Drets, règims lingüístics i política lingüística: Una perspectiva internacional», Jiménez-Salcedo i Mowbray analitzen com interactuen els drets lingüístics, els règims lingüístics i la política lingüística. Prenent nota de l’interés creixent que han suscitat els drets lingüístics en les darreres dècades, comencen explorant les diferents manifestacions dels drets lingüístics a escala internacional, regional i nacional, per tractar després les interaccions més complexes entre drets lingüístics, règims lingüístics i polítiques lingüístiques dins dels Estats. A continuació, Jiménez-Salcedo i Mowbray comenten com exploren els articles d'aquest nombre especial aquestes interaccions complexes en contextos concrets nacionals i, en un cas, internacionals. Mostren que aquests articles donen llum sobre el potencial —i les limitacions— de determinats drets, règims i polítiques en matèria lingüística per gestionar la diversitat lingüística i el multilingüisme, i revelen el difícil equilibri que cal assolir per gestionar la diversitat lingüística de manera justa i eficaç.; In this introduction to the special issue on Rights, Language Regimes, and Language Policy: An International Perspective, the guest editors explore how language rights, language regimes, and language policy interact. Noting the increased interest in language rights in recent decades, they start by exploring the different manifestations of language rights at the international, regional, and national levels, before considering the more complex interactions between language rights, language regimes, and language policies within States. The guest editors then discuss how the articles in this special issue explore these complex interactions within particular national (and, in one case, international) contexts. They demonstrate how these articles shed light on the potential—and the limitations—of particular language rights, regimes and policies for managing linguistic diversity and multilingualism, and reveal the difficult balance that must be struck in order to manage linguistic diversity fairly and effectively