1,051 research outputs found

    Turbulence Intensity at Inlet of 80- by 120-Foot Wind Tunnel Caused by Upwind Blockage

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    In order to estimate the magnitude of turbulence in the National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex (NFAC) 80- by 120-Foot Wind Tunnel (80 x 120) caused by buildings located upwind from the 80 x 120 inlet, a 150th-scale study was performed that utilized a nominal two-dimensional blockage placed ahead of the inlet. The distance of the blockage ahead of the inlet was varied. This report describes velocity measurements made in the plane of the 80 x 120 model inlet for the case of zero ambient (atmospheric) wind

    Boeing Smart Rotor Full-scale Wind Tunnel Test Data Report

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    A full-scale helicopter smart material actuated rotor technology (SMART) rotor test was conducted in the USAF National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel at NASA Ames. The SMART rotor system is a five-bladed MD 902 bearingless rotor with active trailing-edge flaps. The flaps are actuated using piezoelectric actuators. Rotor performance, structural loads, and acoustic data were obtained over a wide range of rotor shaft angles of attack, thrust, and airspeeds. The primary test objective was to acquire unique validation data for the high-performance computing analyses developed under the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) Helicopter Quieting Program (HQP). Other research objectives included quantifying the ability of the on-blade flaps to achieve vibration reduction, rotor smoothing, and performance improvements. This data set of rotor performance and structural loads can be used for analytical and experimental comparison studies with other full-scale rotor systems and for analytical validation of computer simulation models. The purpose of this final data report is to document a comprehensive, highquality data set that includes only data points where the flap was actively controlled and each of the five flaps behaved in a similar manner

    Venus High Temperature Atmospheric Dropsonde and Extreme-Environment Seismometer (HADES)

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    The atmospheric composition and geologic structure of Venus have been identified by the US National Research Council's Decadal Survey for Planetary Science as priority targets for scientific exploration, however the high temperature and pressure at the surface, along with the highly corrosive chemistry of the Venus atmosphere, present significant obstacles to spacecraft design that have severely limited past and proposed landed missions. Following the methodology of the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) proposal regime and the Collaborative Modeling and Parametric Assessment of Space Systems (COMPASS) design protocol, this paper presents a conceptual study and initial feasibility analysis for a Discovery-class Venus lander capable of an extended-duration mission at ambient temperature and pressure, incorporating emerging technologies within the field of high temperature electronics in combination with novel configurations of proven, high Technology Readiness Level (TRL) systems. Radioisotope Thermal Power (RTG) systems and silicon carbide (SiC) communications and data handling are examined in detail, and various high-temperature instruments are proposed, including a seismometer and an advanced photodiode imager. The study combines this technological analysis with proposals for a descent instrument package and a relay orbiter to demonstrate the viability of an integrated atmospheric and in-situ geologic exploratory mission that differs from previous proposals by greatly reducing the mass, power requirements, and cost, while achieving important scientific goals

    Factores sociodemográficos y de la enfermedad relacionados al estilo de vida de personas hemodializadas, Hospital Regional de Loreto - 2018

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    The objective was to determine the relationship between sociodemographic factors (age, sex, origin, level of education) and disease (time of illness and time on hemodialysis) with the lifestyle of people on hemodialysis. The method was quantitative and the descriptive, correlational design, the sample was 70 people on hemodialysis. The instruments were a sociodemographic and disease data sheet and a questionnaire on the lifestyle of the person on hemodialysis. The results were: 35.4% (28 people), were aged 61 years or older, 50.6% (40 people) were male, 57.0% (45 people) came from the marginal urban area, the 58.2% (46 people) had a secondary education degree, 79.7% (63 people), had less than 5 years with the disease and 44.3% (35 people) had less than one year of hemodialysis, 53.2% (42 people) presented an unhealthy lifestyle. In conclusion, a significant statistical relationship was found between age p = 0.014, sex p = 0.018, origin p = 0.004, degree of education p = 0.003, time of illness p = 0.006, time on hemodialysis p = 0.017, and lifestyle.El objetivo fue, determinar la relación entre los factores sociodemográficos (edad, sexo, procedencia, grado de instrucción) y de la enfermedad (tiempo de enfermedad y tiempo en hemodiálisis) con el estilo de vida de personas hemodializadas. El método fue el cuantitativo y el diseño descriptivo, correlacional, la muestra fueron 70 personas en hemodiálisis. Los instrumentos fueron una ficha de datos sociodemográficos y de la enfermedad y un cuestionario sobre estilo de vida de la persona hemodializadas. Los resultados fueron: El 35.4% (28 personas), tuvieron edades de 61 años a más, el 50,6% (40 personas) fueron de sexo masculino, el 57,0% (45personas) procedían de la zona Urbano marginal, el 58,2% (46 personas) tenían grado de instrucción secundaria, el 79,7% (63 personas), tenían menos de 5 años con la enfermedad y el 44,3% (35 personas) presentaban menos de un año de hemodiálisis, el 53,2% (42 personas) presentaron estilo de vida no saludable. En conclusión, se encontró relación estadística significativa entre edad p = 0,014, sexo p = 0,018, procedencia p = 0,004, grado de instrucción p = 0,003, tiempo de enfermedad p = 0,006, tiempo en hemodiálisis p = 0,017, con el estilo de vida

    Enfoque estratégico, orientación emprendedora y experiencia: factores que impulsan el desarrollo de capacidades tecnológicas en el sector automotriz

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    El nivel de capacidades tecnológicas que logra desarrollar una organización es de gran relevancia para generar ventajas competitivas. El estudio de las capacidades tecnológicas se ha centrado en analizar su relación con el desempeño empresarial, el aprendizaje, la internacionalización, las estrategias de cooperación, entre otros. Este estudio se enfoca en el análisis de la orientación emprendedora, el enfoque estratégico de la organización y la experiencia, y su impacto en el desarrollo de capacidades tecnológicas de las empresas del sector automotriz de la región centro de México. Los resultados muestran que las empresas que quieran mejorar su nivel de capacidades tecnológicas deben establecer una filosofía empresarial enfocada en la innovación, lo que conlleva a tomar decisiones de manera proactiva, escaneando continuamente el entorno y gestionar el conocimiento organizacional para aprender de las experiencias

    Peripherally inserted central catheter: the use in vale do paraíba paulista

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    Objective: to check the use of the PICC catheter in health institutions in the Vale do Paraíba Paulista, how it is done, when it started and the professionals involved in the process. Method: observational, descriptive with a quantitative approach. A questionnaire was designed to collect the data, and a pre-test was run with three volunteers. The sample was formed by ten health institutions. Results: the PICC Catheter is used by 70% of the sample which presented: use of protocols throughout the process, investment in team training, control of complications, use of professional nurses for the device insertion and removal and the extensive use in their ICUs. The minority uses the image guided puncture for the device insertion. Conclusion: the PICC has been widely used since 2005. The competence of the qualified nurse is recognized, being that professional responsible for performing with such device

    Syndrome of hiperinfection by Strongyloides stercoralis

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    Se presenta el caso de una estrongiloidiasis diseminada en una paciente con tratamiento crónico de corticoides y una tumoración en región bulbar, que cursa con síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo y lesiones dérmicas, aislándose la larva en el aspirado de secresión bronquial y biopsia de piel.It is showed a disseminated strongyloidiasis in a patient under chronic treatment with corticosteroids and a bulbar tumor, with acute respiratory distress syndrome and skin lesions, and isolation of the larva in bronchial secretion aspirate and skin biopsy


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    O estudo analisa a frequência de aplicação dos termos cuidado e assistência nos títulos das dissertações produzidas no Programa de Pós Graduação em Enfermagem – Mestrado, da UNIRIO. Método: quantitativo; abordagem da história serial; temporalidade 1984 a 2011; fonte preferencial 407 dissertações (N=n); na análise foi aplicado o teste qui-quadrado, com nível de significância igual a 5%. Resultados: evidenciou-se três fases, o termo assistência predominou sobre o cuidado na primeira (1984 a 1994), o termo cuidado supera o termo assistência na segunda (1995 a 2001) e na terceira (2002 a 2011). Conclusão: Nos primeiros anos, a proporção dos dois termos, indicou o efeito do entendimento das ideias de Wanda Horta, posteriormente, outros fatores contextuais e conceituais, associados às reestruturações do Programa contribuíram para ascensão da aplicação do termo cuidado, situando a produção no debate contemporâneo sobre as concepções de cuidados de enfermagem e sua relação com o termo assistência de enfermagem