11 research outputs found

    Las combinaciones fijas en hipertensión: análisis de impacto presupuestario para el Sistema Nacional de Salud Español de la comercialización de la combinación fija de olmesartan/amlodipino

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    ResumenObjetivoRealizar un análisis de impacto presupuestario (AIP) de la introducción en el Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) de la combinación fija (CF) de olmesartan/amlodipino (20/5, 40/5 y 40/10mg) en la indicación aprobada.DiseñoModelo de árbol de decisión que refleja el algoritmo de tratamiento más habitual en la práctica clínica de la hipertensión junto con sus probabilidades de ocurrencia.EmplazamientoPerspectiva del SNS para un período de 3 años (2010-2012).ParticipantesPoblación española hipertensa mayor de 35 años.IntervencionesIntroducción de la CF olmesartan/amlodipino en el mercado español.Mediciones principalesCostes financiados por el SNS (a PVP-IVA) para la población de pacientes susceptibles de ser tratados con la CF frente a los asumidos con la combinación libre (CL) olmesartan y amlodipino.ResultadosLa estimación del gasto farmacéutico con olmesartan y amlodipino en CL era de 25,2 M€ (primer año), 26,4 M€ el segundo año y 27,6 M€ el tercero, totalizando 79,2 M€. Según el modelo, la población susceptible de ser tratada con la CF es de 71.283 pacientes (primer año), con una tasa de crecimiento cercana al 4,8% en los sucesivos años, lo que supone un coste anual de 21,2 M€ (2010), 21,8 M€ (2011) y 22,4 M€ (2012), totalizando 65,4 M€. El AIP muestra un ahorro de 13,8 M€, siendo unos resultados robustos confirmados por los análisis de sensibilidad univariantes de tipo umbral.ConclusiónEl AIP de la CF de olmesartan/amlodipino podría generar unos ahorros netos para el SNS en 3 años de 13,8 M€.AbstractObjectiveTo carry out a budget impact analysis (BIA) of olmesartan/amlodipine (20/5, 40/5 and 40/10mg) marketed as a fixed combination (FC) in its approved indication for the National Health System (NHS).DesigWe developed a decision tree model in order to estimate usual hypertension treatment algorithm in Spanish clinical practice.SettingsThe BIA has been developed from the perspective of the NHS for a period of 3 years (years 2010-2012).ParticipantsSpanish hypertensive population ≥ 35 years old.InterventionsIntroduction into the market of a fixed combination (FC) olmesartan/amlodipine in Spain.Primary measuresExpected costs to be assumed by the Spanish NHS (RRP-VAT) for hypertensive population able to be treated with the FC versus currently assumed costs by the NHS with free combination olmesartan and amlodipine.ResultsEstimated pharmaceutical costs in hypertensive population treated with olmesartan and amlodipine (2 pills) would be €25.2M (1st year), €26.4M (2011), €27.6M (2012), with a total 3-year period of €79.2M. According to patient tree model, the population able to be treated with FC would be 71,283 patients (2010), with a growth rate of 4.8% in the successive years, which supposes an annual cost of €21.2M (2010), €21.8M (2011) and €22.4M (2012), with a total 3-year period of €65.4M. The BIA shows savings of €13.8M in a total 3-year period.ConclusionThe BIA of FC olmesartan/amlodipine could generate net savings of €13.8M for the NHS in the period ranging from years 2010 to 2012

    Budgetary impact for the National Health System of Apixaban Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in patients undergoing yotal knee or hip replacement

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    Fundamentos: Debido al elevado coste sanitario del tromboembolismo venoso (TEV) es necesario realizar análisis económicos que determinen la eficiencia de sus diferentes tratamientos farmacológicos. El objetivo del trabajo es estimar el impacto presupuestario para el Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) de la prevención del tromboembolismo venoso (TEV) con apixaban en artroplastia total de cadera (ATC) o rodilla (ATR). Métodos: Se consideraron los costes de los diferentes fármacos para la prevención del TEV (apixaban, dabigatrán, enoxaparina, fondaparinux, otras heparinas, rivaroxaban y warfarina) y los de las complicaciones del TEV a corto plazo (90 días) y a 5 años (trombosis venosa profunda, embolismo pulmonar, sangrados y síndrome postrombótico). La eficacia de la prevención se estimó mediante un metaanálisis. Las tasas de TEV y muerte con apixaban fueron inferiores en ATC y ATR a las observadas con enoxaparina (-3,5% y -10,0%, respectivamente) y tuvo menos acontecimientos hemorrágicos (-0,7% y -1,6%, respectivamente). Los datos poblacionales y los costes se obtuvieron de fuentes españolas. Horizonte temporal: 5 años. Todos los costes se descontaron anualmente un 3,5%. Se estimó que a los cinco años de su comercialización el consumo de apixaban supondría el 23% de la prevención del TEV y el de enoxaparina descendería del 60% hasta el 33%. Resultados: La introducción de apixaban para la prevención del TEV produciría un ahorro para el SNS de 547.422 € en un periodo de 5 años. En el caso de considerar sin coste la administración ambulatoria de las heparinas, el ahorro quinquenal para el SNS ascendería a 270.068 €. Conclusiones: La introducción de apixaban podría reducir la tasa de TEV y sangrados en comparación con enoxaparina, reduciéndose el gasto del SNS en la prevención del TEVDue to high health care costs of venous thromboembolism (VTE), economic analyses are needed to determine the efficiency of different drug treatments. Consequently, a study was conducted to estimate the budgetary impact for the National Health System (NHS) with apixaban for prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in total hip (THR) or knee (TKR) replacement. Methods: Cost considered: the drugs for the prevention of VTE (apixaban, dabigatran, enoxaparin, fondaparinux, other heparins, rivaroxaban and warfarin) and the complications of VTE in the short term and in 5 years (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, bleedings and the post-thrombotic syndrome). The effectiveness of prophylaxis was estimated using a meta-analysis. The VTE rates and death with apixaban are lower in THR and TKR than enoxaparin (-3.5% and -10.0%, respectively) with less bleeding events (-0.7% and -1.6%, respectively). Population data and unit costs were obtained from Spanish sources. Time horizon: 5 years. All costs were discounted by 3.5% annually. Five years after commercialization, the use of apixaban was estimated to account for 23% of the prophylaxis of VTE and the use of enoxaparin decrease from the 60% to 33%. Results: Apixaban´s introduction for the prophylaxis of VTE would have a significant impact for the NHS, resulting in a saving of 547,422 over a period of 5 years. In the case of outpatient administration of heparin did not have a cost, the savings for the NHS five years amount to Due to high health care costs of venous thromboembolism (VTE), economic analyses are needed to determine the efficiency of different drug treatments. Consequently, a study was conducted to estimate the budgetary impact for the National Health System (NHS) with apixaban for prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in total hip (THR) or knee (TKR) replacement. Methods: Cost considered: the drugs for the prevention of VTE (apixaban, dabigatran, enoxaparin, fondaparinux, other heparins, rivaroxaban and warfarin) and the complications of VTE in the short term and in 5 years (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, bleedings and the post-thrombotic syndrome). The effectiveness of prophylaxis was estimated using a meta-analysis. The VTE rates and death with apixaban are lower in THR and TKR than enoxaparin (-3.5% and -10.0%, respectively) with less bleeding events (-0.7% and -1.6%, respectively). Population data and unit costs were obtained from Spanish sources. Time horizon: 5 years. All costs were discounted by 3.5% annually. Five years after commercialization, the use of apixaban was estimated to account for 23% of the prophylaxis of VTE and the use of enoxaparin decrease from the 60% to 33%. Results: Apixaban´s introduction for the prophylaxis of VTE would have a significant impact for the NHS, resulting in a saving of 547,422 over a period of 5 years. In the case of outpatient administration of heparin did not have a cost, the savings for the NHS five years amount to 270,068. Conclusions: According to this study, the introduction of apixaban may reduce the rate of VTE and bleeding compared with enoxaparin, decreasing the expenditure of NHS in VTE prophylaxis Due to high health care costs of venous thromboembolism (VTE), economic analyses are needed to determine the efficiency of different drug treatments. Consequently, a study was conducted to estimate the budgetary impact for the National Health System (NHS) with apixaban for prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in total hip (THR) or knee (TKR) replacement. Methods: Cost considered: the drugs for the prevention of VTE (apixaban, dabigatran, enoxaparin, fondaparinux, other heparins, rivaroxaban and warfarin) and the complications of VTE in the short term and in 5 years (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, bleedings and the post-thrombotic syndrome). The effectiveness of prophylaxis was estimated using a meta-analysis. The VTE rates and death with apixaban are lower in THR and TKR than enoxaparin (-3.5% and -10.0%, respectively) with less bleeding events (-0.7% and -1.6%, respectively). Population data and unit costs were obtained from Spanish sources. Time horizon: 5 years. All costs were discounted by 3.5% annually. Five years after commercialization, the use of apixaban was estimated to account for 23% of the prophylaxis of VTE and the use of enoxaparin decrease from the 60% to 33%. Results: Apixaban´s introduction for the prophylaxis of VTE would have a significant impact for the NHS, resulting in a saving of € 547,422 over a period of 5 years. In the case of outpatient administration of heparin did not have a cost, the savings for the NHS five years amount to 270,068. Conclusions: According to this study, the introduction of apixaban may reduce the rate of VTE and bleeding compared with enoxaparin, decreasing the expenditure of NHS in VTE prophylaxis € 270,068. Conclusions: According to this study, the introduction of apixaban may reduce the rate of VTE and bleeding compared with enoxaparin, decreasing the expenditure of NHS in VTE prophylaxisEstudio financiado, sin restricciones, por Bristol-Myers Squibb y Pfize

    Cost analysis of voriconazole versus liposomal amphotericin B for primary therapy of invasive aspergillosis among patients with haematological disorders in Germany and Spain

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    Background: The current healthcare climate demands pharmacoeconomic evaluations for different treatment strategies incorporating drug acquisition costs, costs incurred for hospitalisation, drug administration and preparation, diagnostic and laboratory testing and drug-related adverse events (AEs). Here we evaluate the pharmacoeconomics of voriconazole versus liposomal amphotericin B as first-line therapies for invasive aspergillosis (IA) in patients with haematological malignancy and prolonged neutropenia or who were undergoing haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation in Germany or Spain. Methods: A decision analytic model based on a decision tree was constructed to estimate the potential treatment costs of voriconazole versus liposomal amphotericin B. Each model pathway was defined by the probability of an event occurring and the costs of clinical outcomes. Outcome probabilities and cost inputs were derived from the published literature, clinical trials, expert panels and local database costs. In the base case, patients who failed to respond to first-line therapy were assumed to experience a single switch between comparator drugs or the other drug was added as second-line treatment. Base-case evaluation included only drug-management costs and additional hospitalisation costs due to severe AEs associated with first-and second-line therapies. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess the robustness of the results. Cost estimates were inflated to 2011 euros ((sic)). Results: Based on clinical trial success rates of 52.8% (voriconazole) and 50.0% (liposomal amphotericin B), voriconazole had lower total treatment costs compared with liposomal amphotericin B in both Germany ((sic)12,256 versus (sic)18,133; length of therapy [LOT] = 10-day intravenous [IV] + 5-day oral voriconazole and 15-day IV liposomal amphotericin B) and Spain ((sic)8,032 versus (sic)10,516; LOT = 7-day IV + 8-day oral voriconazole and 15-day IV liposomal amphotericin B). Assuming the same efficacy (50.0%) in first-line therapy, voriconazole maintained a lower total treatment cost compared with liposomal amphotericin B. Cost savings were primarily due to the lower drug acquisition costs and shorter IV LOT associated with voriconazole. Sensitivity analyses showed that the results were sensitive to drug price, particularly the cost of liposomal amphotericin B. Conclusions: Voriconazole is likely to be cost-saving compared with liposomal amphotericin B when used as a first-line treatment for IA in Germany and Spain

    Impacto presupuestario para el Sistema Nacional de Salud de la Prevención del Trombolismo Venoso con apixaban en pacientes sometidos a artroplastia total de rodilla o cadera

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    BacKground: Due to high health care costs of venous thromboembolism (VTE), economic analyses are needed to determine the efficiency of different drug treatments. Consequently, a study was conducted to estimate the budgetary impact for the National Health System (NHS) with apixaban for prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in total hip (THR) or knee (TKR) replacement. Methods: Cost considered: the drugs for the prevention of VTE (apixaban, dabigatran, enoxaparin, fondaparinux, other heparins, rivaroxaban and warfarin) and the complications of VTE in the short term and in 5 years (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, bleedings and the post-thrombotic syndrome). The effectiveness of prophylaxis was estimated using a meta-analysis. The VTE rates and death with apixaban are lower in THR and TKR than enoxaparin (-3.5% and -10.0%, respectively) with less bleeding events (-0.7% and -1.6%, respectively). Population data and unit costs were obtained from Spanish sources. Time horizon: 5 years. All costs were discounted by 3.5% annually. Five years after commercialization, the use of apixaban was estimated to account for 23% of the prophylaxis of VTE and the use of enoxaparin decrease from the 60% to 33%. Results: Apixaban´s introduction for the prophylaxis of VTE would have a significant impact for the NHS, resulting in a saving of € 547,422 over a period of 5 years. In the case of outpatient administration of heparin did not have a cost, the savings for the NHS five years amount to € 270,068. Conclusions: According to this study, the introduction of apixaban may reduce the rate of VTE and bleeding compared with enoxaparin, decreasing the expenditure of NHS in VTE prophylaxis.Fundamentos: Debido al elevado coste sanitario del tromboembolismo venoso (TEV) es necesario realizar análisis económicos que determinen la eficiencia de sus diferentes tratamientos farmacológicos. El objetivo del trabajo es estimar el impacto presupuestario para el Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) de la prevención del tromboembolismo venoso (TEV) con apixaban en artroplastia total de cadera (ATC) o rodilla (ATR). Métodos: Se consideraron los costes de los diferentes fármacos para la prevención del TEV (apixaban, dabigatrán, enoxaparina, fondaparinux, otras heparinas, rivaroxaban y warfarina) y los de las complicaciones del TEV a corto plazo (90 días) y a 5 años (trombosis venosa profunda, embolismo pulmonar, sangrados y síndrome postrombótico). La eficacia de la prevención se estimó mediante un metaanálisis. Las tasas de TEV y muerte con apixaban fueron inferiores en ATC y ATR a las observadas con enoxaparina (-3,5% y -10,0%, respectivamente) y tuvo menos acontecimientos hemorrágicos (-0,7% y -1,6%, respectivamente). Los datos poblacionales y los costes se obtuvieron de fuentes españolas. Horizonte temporal: 5 años. Todos los costes se descontaron anualmente un 3,5%. Se estimó que a los cinco años de su comercialización el consumo de apixaban supondría el 23% de la prevención del TEV y el de enoxaparina descendería del 60% hasta el 33%. Resultados: La introducción de apixaban para la prevención del TEV produciría un ahorro para el SNS de 547.422 € en un periodo de 5 años. En el caso de considerar sin coste la administración ambulatoria de las heparinas, el ahorro quinquenal para el SNS ascendería a 270.068 €. Conclusiones: La introducción de apixaban podría reducir la tasa de TEV y sangrados en comparación con enoxaparina, reduciéndose el gasto del SNS en la prevención del TEV

    Análisis coste-utilidad de apixabán frente al ácido acetilsalicílico en la prevención del ictus en pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular en España

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    Objetivo: Evaluar el coste-utilidad de apixabán frente al ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS) en la prevención del ictus en pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular (FANV) con contraindicación de antagonistas de la vitamina K en España. Métodos: Se adaptó un modelo de Markov, simulando toda la vida del paciente. Los datos de eficacia y seguridad provienen del ensayo clínico AVERROES. Perspectivas del análisis: Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) y sociedad. El coste de los medicamentos se calculó según las dosis recomendadas. Los costes de las complicaciones y el manejo de la FANV proceden de fuentes españolas. Resultados: Si una cohorte de 1.000 pacientes con FANV fuese tratada durante toda su vida con apixabán en lugar de AAS, se evitarían 48 ictus isquémicos, 10 embolismos sistémicos y 53 muertes relacionadas. Cada paciente tratado con apixabán obtendría más años de vida ganados (0,303 AVG) y más años de vida ajustados por calidad (0,277 AVAC ganados). Los costes para el SNS serían superiores con apixabán (1.742 € más por paciente), pero la inclusión de los costes informales generaría 2.887 € de ahorro por paciente. El resultado sería un coste por AVG y AVAC ganado de 5.749 € y 6.289 € respectivamente para el SNS, siendo apixabán dominante (más eficaz con menos costes que AAS) desde la perspectiva de la sociedad. Los análisis de sensibilidad confirmaron la estabilidad del caso base. Conclusiones: Según el presente modelo, apixabán sería un tratamiento coste-efectivo en comparación con AAS en la prevención del ictus en pacientes con FANV en España

    Cost analysis of voriconazole versus liposomal amphotericin B for primary therapy of invasive aspergillosis among patients with haematological disorders in Germany and Spain

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    Background: The current healthcare climate demands pharmacoeconomic evaluations for different treatment strategies incorporating drug acquisition costs, costs incurred for hospitalisation, drug administration and preparation, diagnostic and laboratory testing and drug-related adverse events (AEs). Here we evaluate the pharmacoeconomics of voriconazole versus liposomal amphotericin B as first-line therapies for invasive aspergillosis (IA) in patients with haematological malignancy and prolonged neutropenia or who were undergoing haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation in Germany or Spain. Methods: A decision analytic model based on a decision tree was constructed to estimate the potential treatment costs of voriconazole versus liposomal amphotericin B. Each model pathway was defined by the probability of an event occurring and the costs of clinical outcomes. Outcome probabilities and cost inputs were derived from the published literature, clinical trials, expert panels and local database costs. In the base case, patients who failed to respond to first-line therapy were assumed to experience a single switch between comparator drugs or the other drug was added as second-line treatment. Base-case evaluation included only drug-management costs and additional hospitalisation costs due to severe AEs associated with first-and second-line therapies. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess the robustness of the results. Cost estimates were inflated to 2011 euros ((sic)). Results: Based on clinical trial success rates of 52.8% (voriconazole) and 50.0% (liposomal amphotericin B), voriconazole had lower total treatment costs compared with liposomal amphotericin B in both Germany ((sic)12,256 versus (sic)18,133; length of therapy [LOT] = 10-day intravenous [IV] + 5-day oral voriconazole and 15-day IV liposomal amphotericin B) and Spain ((sic)8,032 versus (sic)10,516; LOT = 7-day IV + 8-day oral voriconazole and 15-day IV liposomal amphotericin B). Assuming the same efficacy (50.0%) in first-line therapy, voriconazole maintained a lower total treatment cost compared with liposomal amphotericin B. Cost savings were primarily due to the lower drug acquisition costs and shorter IV LOT associated with voriconazole. Sensitivity analyses showed that the results were sensitive to drug price, particularly the cost of liposomal amphotericin B. Conclusions: Voriconazole is likely to be cost-saving compared with liposomal amphotericin B when used as a first-line treatment for IA in Germany and Spain

    Cost analysis of voriconazole versus liposomal amphotericin B for primary therapy of invasive aspergillosis among patients with haematological disorders in Germany and Spain

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    Background: The current healthcare climate demands pharmacoeconomic evaluations for different treatment strategies incorporating drug acquisition costs, costs incurred for hospitalisation, drug administration and preparation, diagnostic and laboratory testing and drug-related adverse events (AEs). Here we evaluate the pharmacoeconomics of voriconazole versus liposomal amphotericin B as first-line therapies for invasive aspergillosis (IA) in patients with haematological malignancy and prolonged neutropenia or who were undergoing haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation in Germany or Spain. Methods: A decision analytic model based on a decision tree was constructed to estimate the potential treatment costs of voriconazole versus liposomal amphotericin B. Each model pathway was defined by the probability of an event occurring and the costs of clinical outcomes. Outcome probabilities and cost inputs were derived from the published literature, clinical trials, expert panels and local database costs. In the base case, patients who failed to respond to first-line therapy were assumed to experience a single switch between comparator drugs or the other drug was added as second-line treatment. Base-case evaluation included only drug-management costs and additional hospitalisation costs due to severe AEs associated with first-and second-line therapies. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess the robustness of the results. Cost estimates were inflated to 2011 euros ((sic)). Results: Based on clinical trial success rates of 52.8% (voriconazole) and 50.0% (liposomal amphotericin B), voriconazole had lower total treatment costs compared with liposomal amphotericin B in both Germany ((sic)12,256 versus (sic)18,133; length of therapy [LOT] = 10-day intravenous [IV] + 5-day oral voriconazole and 15-day IV liposomal amphotericin B) and Spain ((sic)8,032 versus (sic)10,516; LOT = 7-day IV + 8-day oral voriconazole and 15-day IV liposomal amphotericin B). Assuming the same efficacy (50.0%) in first-line therapy, voriconazole maintained a lower total treatment cost compared with liposomal amphotericin B. Cost savings were primarily due to the lower drug acquisition costs and shorter IV LOT associated with voriconazole. Sensitivity analyses showed that the results were sensitive to drug price, particularly the cost of liposomal amphotericin B. Conclusions: Voriconazole is likely to be cost-saving compared with liposomal amphotericin B when used as a first-line treatment for IA in Germany and Spain

    Economic evaluation of azoles as primary prophylaxis for the prevention of invasive fungal infections in Spanish patients undergoing allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant

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    Patients undergoing allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT) are at risk of developing invasive fungal infections (IFIs). Even with introduction of oral triazole antifungal agents (fluconazole, itraconazole, posaconazole and voriconazole) IFI-associated morbidity and mortality rates and economic burden remain high. Despite their proven efficacy, it is currently unknown which is the most cost--effective antifungal prophylaxis (AFP) agent. To determine the costs and outcomes associated with AFP, a decision-analytic model was used to simulate treatment in a hypothetical cohort of 1000 patients undergoing alloHSCT from the perspective of the Spanish National Health System. Generic itraconazole was the least costly AFP ((SIC) 162) relative to fluconazole ((SIC) 500), posaconazole oral suspension ((SIC) 8628) or voriconazole ((SIC) 6850). Compared with posaconazole, voriconazole was associated with the lowest number of breakthrough IFIs (36 vs 60); thus, the model predicted fewer deaths from breakthrough IFI for voriconazole (24) than posaconazole (33), and the lowest predicted costs associated with other licensed antifungal treatment and IFI treatment in a cohort of 1000. Voriconazole-resulted in cost savings of (SIC) 4707 per patient compared with posaconazole. Itraconazole demonstrated a high probability of being cost-effective. As primary AFP in alloHSCT patients 180 days posttransplant, voriconazole was more likely to be cost-effective than posaconazole regarding cost per additional IFI and additional death avoided