75 research outputs found

    Aproximación a las narrativas y apuestas ciudadanas de paz desde los derechos humanos en la localidad de Engativá.

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    Esta investigación da cuenta de las acciones que realizan los colectivos u organizaciones sociales presentes en la localidad de Engativá, quienes trabajan con un enfoque de derechos humanos y como estas acciones contribuyen a la construcción de paz en su territorio. Así mismo comprender como conciben los derechos humanos, la paz, el territorio, las narrativas, los colectivos u organizaciones sociales, esto según el contexto en el que se desenvuelven en su cotidianidad, además de analizar e identificar si en su accionar hay o no elementos de la Gestión Asociada o si podrían darse escenarios para la implementación de la misma.This research gives an account of the actions carried out the collectives or social organizations in the locality of Engativá, who work with a focus on human rights and as these actions contribute to the building of peace in its territory. Also understand how they conceive of this according to the context in which they operate in their daily lives, as well as analyze and identify whether in their actions or not there is human rights, peace, the territory, the narratives, collective or social organizations, elements of the associated management or if they could be scenarios for the implementation of the same

    Aproximación a las narrativas y apuestas ciudadanas de paz desde los derechos humanos en la localidad de Engativá.

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    Esta investigación da cuenta de las acciones que realizan los colectivos u organizaciones sociales presentes en la localidad de Engativá, quienes trabajan con un enfoque de derechos humanos y como estas acciones contribuyen a la construcción de paz en su territorio. Así mismo comprender como conciben los derechos humanos, la paz, el territorio, las narrativas, los colectivos u organizaciones sociales, esto según el contexto en el que se desenvuelven en su cotidianidad, además de analizar e identificar si en su accionar hay o no elementos de la Gestión Asociada o si podrían darse escenarios para la implementación de la misma.This research gives an account of the actions carried out the collectives or social organizations in the locality of Engativá, who work with a focus on human rights and as these actions contribute to the building of peace in its territory. Also understand how they conceive of this according to the context in which they operate in their daily lives, as well as analyze and identify whether in their actions or not there is human rights, peace, the territory, the narratives, collective or social organizations, elements of the associated management or if they could be scenarios for the implementation of the same

    Clinical-functional evaluation and test-retest reliability of the G-WALK sensor in subjects with bimalleolar ankle fractures 6 months after surgery

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    Ankle fractures can cause significant functional impairment in the short and long term. In recent years, gait analysis using inertial sensors has gained special relevance as a reliable measurement system. This study aimed to evaluate the differences in spatiotemporal gait parameters and clinical- functional measurements in patients with bimalleolar ankle fracture and healthy subjects, to study the correlation between the different variables, and to analyze the test-retest reliability of a single inertial sensor in our study population. Twenty-two subjects with bimalleolar ankle fracture six months after surgery and eleven healthy subjects were included in the study. Spatiotemporal parameters were analyzed with the G-WALK sensor. Functional scales and clinical measures were collected beforehand. In the ankle fracture group, the main differences were obtained in bilateral parameters (effect size: 0.61 d 0.80). Between-group differences were found in cadence, speed, stride length, and stride time (effect size: 1.61 d 1.82). Correlation was moderate (0.436 < r < 0.554) between spatiotemporal parameters and clinical-functional measures, explaining up to 46% of gait performance. Test-retest reliability scores were high to excellent (0.84 ICC 0.98), with the worst results in the gait phases. Our study population presents evident clinicalfunctional impairments 6 months after surgery. The G-WALK can be considered a reliable tool for clinical use in this population

    Imágenes de la violencia: Experiencias de formación audiovisual de víctimas del conflicto

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    La experiencia de formación audiovisual con víctimas del conflicto forma parte del proyecto de investigación-creación “Imágenes de la violencia: procesos de creación colectiva y autorrepresentación audiovisual de víctimas del conflicto” realizado en alianza entre el Centro de creación colectiva Tinkuy del Politécnico Grancolombiano y la Fundación Nacional Defensora de Derechos Humanos de Mujeres Víctimas de Violencia Sexual (DHEFENSORAS). Con esta experiencia la unidad de investigación De Contacto busca establecer un espacio seguro compuesto por laboratorios de creación y talleres donde se exploran y amplían las formas de autorrepresentación y la creación colectiva utilizando elementos del lenguaje audiovisual

    Relationships between Physical Activity Level and Pain in the Spanish Population: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    One third of the world’s population suffers from some form of pain. Physical inactivity is one of the causes that reduces physical fitness and may lead to an increase in the prevalence of pain in the population. Aims. To analyse the relationships between the level of physical activity (PAL) and the prevalence and degree of pain, the limitations and impact of pain on daily activities and the use of pain medication in the Spanish population. Hypothesis. PAL is related to pain among Spaniards. Methodology. A cross-sectional study design was used, based on data obtained from the Spanish National Health Survey 2017 with 17,777 participants. A descriptive analysis was performed. Nonparametric statistical tests were used: chi-square statistic to analyse intergroup differences in ordinal variables; Mann−Whitney U test to analyse intergroup differences in continuous variables. A correlation study was also performed between the variables of interest, using Spearman’s rho. Results. Relationships were found between PAL and: prevalence of pain, degree of pain, limitations due to pain in usual activities, level of impact in daily activities and use of pain medication in the Spanish population (p < 0.001). Performing moderate and intense PA was related to lower prevalence and degree of pain in the population that performed it, compared to those who only walked or were inactive. Weak correlations were found between the level of PA and the study variables (p < 0.001). Conclusions. High PALs in the population are related to better indicators of pain among Spaniards, appearing to reduce the prevalence and degree of pain, as well as the limitations and impact caused by pain in the daily activities of citizens, and could reduce the use of pain medication in the adult Spanish population.This research was funded by “Ayudas para la Realización de Actividades de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico, de Divulgación y de Transferencia de Conocimiento por los Grupos de Investigación de Extremadura 2021”; Financed by the Junta de Extremadura and the European Social Fund. Grant number 2021/00461/001

    Propuesta Estratégica de Mejora en la Implementación de los Estándares Mínimos del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST) en la empresa IPS PROINSALUD S.A. para el año 2020

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    Por medio de este trabajo se busca dar a conocer la importancia del SG SST ya que el principal afectado es el trabajador y mediante este sistema el siempre estará protegido, y la mejor forma de gestionar e implementar con éxito dentro de una empresa es involucrar a todo el personal que en ella se encuentra y para que hagan parte del cumplimento de los diferentes estándares que esta necesita y con mucho compromiso.Through this work, the aim is to publicize the importance of the SG SST since the affected director is the worker and through this system he will always be protected, and the best way to manage and implement successfully within a company is to involve everything the staff that is in it and to make them part of the fulfillment of the different problems that it needs and with a lot of commitment

    The Obesity Paradox: Associations between the Body Mass Index and Self-Perceived Health, Depression Status, and Pain Level in Older People

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    Population growth and physical inactivity have led to health and social consequences derived from chronic diseases and decreased quality of life in the elderly. Some research suggests that overweight in older people may not be associated with the negative effects on some health indicators. This study analysed the associations between Self-Perceived Health (SPH), Depression status, Pain Level, and Body Mass Index (BMI) in people over 70 years who are residents in Spain, with a final sample composed of 13,895 participants. A cross-sectional study using data from the European Health Surveys in Spain (EHIS2014 and 2020) and the National Health Survey (ENSE2017) was conducted. Dependency associations were observed between SPH, Depression Status, and Pain Level with BMI in the outcomes from the three surveys analysed (p < 0.001). Negative SPH, Depression Status, and Severe/Extreme Pain Degree prevalence were higher in the Underweight groups, being the lowest in Normal-weight and Overweight groups (p < 0.05). High levels of negative SPH, Depression, and Severe/Extreme Pain risks were found in the Underweight compared to the Normal-weight group, but not in Overweight ones. Overweight was not linked with an increased risk of the conditions analysed compared to the Normal-weight groups in older residents in Spain. The Underweight group presented the highest negative SPH prevalence, Depression, and Severe/Extreme Pain. Moreover, Obesity increased the negative SPH, Depression, and Pain Degree risks compared to the Normal-weight and Overweight groups in this population.The author Á.D.-Z. (FPU20/04201) was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Grant FPU20/04201 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and, as appropriate, by “European Social Fund Investing in your future” or by “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos de Cundinamarca y Meta.

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    El trabajo que se puede llegar a realizar con la población víctima del conflicto armado, ocupa un renglón muy importante de actividad profesional. Dentro de la formación disciplinar y como opción de grado, el Diplomado en Acompañamiento Psicosocial en Escenarios de violencia, ofrece herramientas de trabajo invaluables para ejecutar acciones encaminadas a mitigar en las comunidades, los efectos adversos que los hechos violentos han dejado. Inicialmente se realizó una aproximación al enfoque narrativo desde la mirada de las víctimas y sus relatos particulares, el análisis de la situación problema encausa de manera efectiva el trabajo de una posible intervención respondiendo a los interrogantes planteados que abarcan los impactos psicosociales, el posicionamiento subjetivo, las imágenes dominantes y la emancipación discursiva que se desprenden del relato seleccionado. Posteriormente se analizó la situación del Caso Pandurí, reflexionando sobre los emergentes psicosociales, los impactos generados en la población a causa de la estigmatización y se proponen acciones de apoyo y estrategias de afrontamiento a la situación. Por último el trabajo muestra el análisis y conclusiones del paso 3, con respecto a las reflexiones a partir de los ejercicios de foto voz en cada comunidad particular de las integrantes del grupo, así como el link de Wix diseñado para compartir la experiencia.The work that can be done with the population victim of the armed conflict occupies a very important line of professional activity. Within the disciplinary training and as a degree option, the Diploma in Psychosocial Accompaniment in Violence Scenarios, offers valuable work tools to carry out actions aimed at mitigating in the communities, the adverse effects that the violent events have left. Initially, an approach to the narrative approach was made from the perspective of the victims and their particular accounts, the analysis of the problem situation effectively causes the work of a possible intervention to respond to the questions posed that cover the psychosocial impacts, the subjective positioning, the dominant images and the discursive emancipation that emerges from the selected story. Subsequently, the situation of the Pandurí Case is analyzed, reflecting on the psychosocial emergencies, the impacts generated in the population due to stigmatization and then proposing actions to support the crisis situation and coping strategies to the situation. Finally, the work shows the analysis and conclusions of step 3, with respect to the reflections from the photo voice exercises in each particular community of the members of the group, as well as the Wix link designed to share the experience

    Pelvic MRI findings in relapsed prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy

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    Little is known about the clinical impact of using multiparametric MRI to plan early salvage radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy. We aimed to evaluate the incidence and location of recurrence based on pelvic multiparametric MRI findings and to identify clinical variables predictive of positive imaging results. We defined radiological criteria of local and lymph node malignancy and reviewed records and MRI studies of 70 patients with PSA recurrence after radical prostatectomy. We performed univariate and multivariate analysis to identify any association between clinical, pathological and treatment-related variables and imaging results. Multiparametric MRI was positive in 33/70 patients. We found local and lymph node recurrence in 27 patients and 7 patients, respectively, with a median PSA value of 0.38 ng/ml. We found no statistically significant differences between patients with positive and negative multiparametric MRI for any variable. Shorter PSADT was associated with positive lymph nodes (median PSADT: 5.12 vs 12.70 months; p: 0.017). Nearly half the patients had visible disease in multiparametric MRI despite low PSA. Positive lymph nodes incidence should be considered when planning salvage radiotherapy, particularly in patients with a short PSADT