353 research outputs found

    Oils and fats on food: is it possible to have a healthy diet?

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    Oils and fats are an important part of our diet as components of many food formulations. Thus, they are retailed for domestic or hostelry uses and broadly used by food industry for the elaboration of margarines, ice cream, canned food, pre-cooked dishes, bakery, confectionary, chocolates, etc. Chemically, the main component of oils and fats are triacylglycerols (TAGs), which account for up to 95% of their total weight. They consisted of a molecule of glycerol esterified with three fatty acids, usually the saturated, palmitic and stearic, the monounsatu�rated oleic, and the polyunsaturated, linoleic or linolenic, all with 18 carbons excepting the palmitic which has 16 carbons. Out of those most common fatty acids, we can found other fatty acids present only in certain oils such as saturated medium chained fatty acids like lauric and myristic, which contain 12 and 14 carbons respectively

    Oils and fats on food: is it possible to have a healthy diet?

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    Oils and fats are an important part of our diet as components of many food formulations. Thus, they are retailed for domestic or hostelry uses and broadly used by food industry for the elaboration of margarines, ice cream, canned food, pre-cooked dishes, bakery, confectionary, chocolates, etc. Chemically, the main component of oils and fats are triacylglycerols (TAGs), which account for up to 95% of their total weight. They consisted of a molecule of glycerol esterified with three fatty acids, usually the saturated, palmitic and stearic, the monounsatu�rated oleic, and the polyunsaturated, linoleic or linolenic, all with 18 carbons excepting the palmitic which has 16 carbons. Out of those most common fatty acids, we can found other fatty acids present only in certain oils such as saturated medium chained fatty acids like lauric and myristic, which contain 12 and 14 carbons respectively

    Síntesis de los estudios sobre moluscos continentales neógenos del sector septentrional de la Depresión de Teruel : período 1775-1998

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    Se recopila y analiza la información que se considera más relevante y se encuentra contenida en los estudios realizados sobre el registro fósil de los moluscos neógenos del sector septentrional de la Depresión de Teruel en el período comprendido entre los años 1775 y 1998. Se contabilizan, por una parte, el número total de taxones diferentes mencionados en cada trabajo y, por otra, sólo el número de citas efectuadas a nivel de especie en cada uno de ellos. Estas últimas se organizan en tres categorías que reciben el nombre de citas nuevas, especies nuevas y citas repetidas. Se propone, a partir de la información contenida en cada trabajo, el número de taxones contemplados, y la tipología de sus citas específicas, una clasificación de los estudios sobre moluscos neógenos de esta área en seis etapas: primera (1775-1849), segunda (1849-1910), tercera (1910-1936), cuarta (1936-1962), quinta (1962- 1991) y sexta (1991-1998).The relevant information on the fossil record of the Neogene molluscs of the north of the Teruel Basin in the period between the years 1775-1998 is compiled and analyzed. First, the total number of different taxa mentioned in every paper is counted, second only the number of specific references is counted. The last references are divided into three categories called: new references, new species and repeated references. Apart from the information contained in every paper, the number of taxa contemplated, and the typology of the specific references, it is proposed a classification of the studies on neogene molluscs of this area in six stages: first (1775-1849), second (1849-1910), third (1910-1936), fourth (1936-1962), fifth (1962-1991) and sixth (1991-1998)[email protected] [email protected]

    Diagnóstico ambiental del municipio de Caldes d'Estrac

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    En el present projecte s'ha realitzat un diagnòstic municipal de la localitat de Caldes d'Estrac, pertanyent a la comarca del Maresme a la província de Barcelona. La finalitat del projecte es troba dirigida cap al desenvolupament sostenible, enfocant-se a facilitar la realització d'agendes locals en el municipi. S'ha començat per la contextualització dels elements històrics i culturals. Aquests elements són presentats amb l'objectiu de conèixer els successos entorn dels quals gira el diagnòstic, per a poder entendre les seves bases i principis. Després de la contextualització del projecte es va procedir amb el desenvolupament del diagnòstic. Primerament, amb els aspectes generals del territori, per a així continuar amb els projectes urbanístics i la seva estructura socioeconòmica. Una vegada teníem coneixement d'aquests aspectes completem amb la biodiversitat que l'envolta, els consums de recursos naturals i la contaminació produïda. Ja amb el diagnòstic acabat, es va començar la identificació dels punts forts que s'han d'explotar i els punts febles que cal reforçar. Aquesta identificació va facilitar l'anàlisi conclusiva del diagnòstic. Per a acabar es van analitzar els indicadors de sostenibilitat més importants de les Agendes 21 i 2030. El propòsit d'això és monitorar els aspectes fonamentals del municipi, permetent així desenvolupar polítiques sostenibles amb major facilitat. Gràcies a això es va poder elaborar una proposta de millora, la qual serveix a Caldes d'Estrac per a avançar en el desenvolupament sostenible municipal.En el presente proyecto se ha realizado un diagnóstico municipal de la localidad de Caldes d'Estrac, perteneciente a la comarca del Maresme en la provincia de Barcelona. La finalidad del proyecto se encuentra dirigida hacia el desarrollo sostenible, enfocándose en facilitar la realización de agendas locales en el municipio. Se ha comenzado por la contextualización de los elementos históricos y culturales. Estos elementos son presentados con el objetivo de conocer los sucesos en torno a los que gira el diagnóstico, para poder entender sus bases y principios. Tras la contextualización del proyecto se procedió con el desarrollo del diagnóstico. Primeramente, con los aspectos generales del territorio, para así continuar con los proyectos urbanísticos y su estructura socioeconómica. Una vez teníamos conocimiento de esos aspectos completamos con la biodiversidad que le rodea, los consumos de recursos naturales y la contaminación producida. Ya con el diagnóstico terminado, se comenzó la identificación de los puntos fuertes que se deben explotar y los puntos débiles que hay que reforzar. Esta identificación facilitó el análisis conclusivo del diagnóstico. Para acabar se analizaron los indicadores de sostenibilidad más importantes de las Agendas 21 y 2030. El propósito de ello es monitorizar los aspectos fundamentales del municipio, permitiendo así desarrollar políticas sostenibles con mayor facilidad. Gracias a ello se pudo elaborar una propuesta de mejora, la cual sirve a Caldes d’Estrac para avanzar en el desarrollo sostenible municipal.This project has carried out a municipality diagnosis of the town of Caldes d'Estrac, which belongs to the Maresme region in the province of Barcelona. The aim of the project is directed towards sustainable development, focusing on facilitating the implementation of local agendas in the municipality. It has started with the contextualisation of the historical and cultural elements. These elements are presented with the aim of getting to know the events around which the diagnosis revolves, in order to understand its bases and principles. After the contextualisation of the project, we proceeded with the development of the diagnosis. Firstly, with the general aspects of the territory, in order to continue with the urban development projects and their socio-economic structure. Once we were aware of these aspects, we completed with the biodiversity that surrounds it, the consumption of natural resources and the pollution produced. Once the diagnosis had been completed, we began to identify the strong points to be exploited and the weak points to be strengthened. This identification facilitated the conclusive analysis of the diagnosis. Finally, the most important sustainability indicators of the Agendas 21 and 2030 were analysed. The purpose of this is to monitor the key aspects of the municipality, thus enabling sustainable policies to be developed more easily. Thanks to this, a proposal for improvement could be drawn up, which serves Caldes d'Estrac to advance in municipal sustainable development.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::11 - Ciutats i Comunitats SosteniblesObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::13 - Acció per al Clim

    Sobre la fricción no lineal

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    En este trabajo se analiza en detalle el efecto de la fricción de Stokes (lineal) y de la fricción seca (no lineal) en el oscilador armónico simple. Todos los sistemas estudiados se resuelven tanto analítica, como numéricamente en los capítulos 2 y 3. Se estudian las soluciones mediante el diagrama de fase y su relación con la ley de conservación de la energía. En el capítulo 4 se muestra cómo puede utilizarse el SolidWorks en el diseño de las piezas, en el estudio de la evolución de los sistemas disipativos estudiados, y en el desarrollo de animaciones. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones del trabajo, sus posibles extensiones y los programas numéricos realizados en Matlab y en Mathematica.The effects of Stokes friction (linear) and dry friction (non-linear) on the simple harmonic oscillator are analyzed in detail in this bachelor thesis. All the studied systems are solved analytically and numerically in chapters 2 and 3. The solutions are studied by means of the phase diagram and its relation to the law of energy conservation. Chapter 4 shows how SolidWorks can be used in part design for building a simulation model, in studying the evolution of the studied dissipative systems, and in developing animations. Finally the conclusions of the work, its possible extensions, and the numerical programs made in Matlab and Mathematica are presented.Universidad de Sevilla. Doble Grado en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo del Producto e Ingeniería Mecánic

    NTMC2T5: lipid transfer proteins at ER-chloroplast contact sites involved in plant stress.

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    Chloroplasts are the site of fatty acid synthesis in plants; however, these fatty acids are assembled into glycerolipids at the ER. Later on, some of these ER-assembled glycerolipids will be transferred back to the chloroplasts to be further modified and to form part of the chloroplastic membranes. Previous reports have shown that under some abiotic stresses, these plastid membranes suffer a large lipid remodelling and new precursors massively need to be transported from the ER to the chloroplast or vice versa. It has been suggested that the newly synthetized ER lipids are delivered to chloroplast via a non-vesicular pathway, likely through lipid transport proteins (LTP). These LTP would be localized in membrane contact sites (MCS). Some LTP at MCS contain particular domains, as the synaptotagmin-like mitochondrial lipid-binding (SMP) domain. We have studied the occurrence of SMP proteins in A. thaliana and S. lycopersicum. By using transient expression in N. benthamiana leaves and confocal microscopy, we have identified the NTMC2T5 family with two homologs in A. thaliana and only one in S. lycopersicum. They are anchored to the chloroplast outer membrane, and they interact in trans with the ER (ER-chloroplast MCS). We have observed that clustering of chloroplasts around the nucleus occurred when we overexpressed these proteins and Arabidopsis double knock-out mutant for these proteins showed less chloroplasts attached to nuclei at control conditions. And, we have investigated the NTMC2T5 protein domains involved in this clustering. Moreover, our analysis has demonstrated that Arabidopsis simple mutants show lower germination rates in media supplemented with NaCl and lower rates of expanded cotyledons in media supplemented with ABA. We have also performed biotinylation-based proximity labelling proteomics experiments in order to identify interactors of these proteins. Finally, we have performed lipidomic analysis to understand the role of these proteins.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Motion detection on fixed cameras subject to vibration

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    This article presents a new method for detecting moving objects in fixed cameras that undergo unexpected motion due to vibration. In our approach, the vibration is automatically compensated for using a dynamically-selected set of trackable features, computing frame-to-frame homographies while preventing numerical degeneracy. One of the most noteworthy characteristics of our method is its ability to withstand occlusions. The robustness of the method is demonstrated in situations where a monitoring camera is subject to vibrations due to inclement weather conditions, such as rain or wind, or other outdoor operating conditions, including vehicles passing nearby