113 research outputs found

    Theology-Science: Monitoring the Dichotomy of Science and Religion in the Era 5.0 Mehdi Gholshani's Perspective

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    This paper aims to see the extent of the problems faced by humans, especially educators in overseeing the Religion-Science dichotomy. Here the researcher uses Mehdi Golshani's thinking. This is because Gholsani is one of the modern physicists who offers "ingredients" for theology-science in facing the 5.0 era. This is the reason for the researcher to reflect on his thoughts in observing the religion-science dichotomy for the present and future eras. The approach used in this paper is qualitative by describing articles related to the research title. However, the author also added the results of a questionnaire given to 203 students regarding science and religion. This is done to support more convincing data regarding religion-science. The results of the study provide an answer that Mehdi Golshani considers that modern science only relies on sensory reality, science has limitations in being able to talk about all aspects. The Golshani offer refers to the basis of the Quran, Sunnah and Muslim scholars. Golshani refers to the Quran so as not to mention that science is true, he also explains that the Koran does not regard it as the only source of knowledge about nature, because there are other sources such as reason. Meanwhile, for Golshani's reasoning and understanding, he uses 2 sciences, namely Aqaly and Sama'i Sciences. The meaning of aqaly knowledge is knowledge obtained through research, for example biology, chemistry and so on and sama'i knowledge is knowledge obtained through hearing such as linguistics and literature. Then the field of understanding the objects of science in Islam can be used in three ways, namely through the senses, mind and heart

    Seyyed Hossein Nasr's Concept of The Relationship Between Man, Nature, and God

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    The most complex problem in the world nowadays is subjugating human’s egocentrism as a superior human being toward the nature, and exploiting the nature on the strength of human needs and interests created the new problem for the human itself. The nature starts to turn against us using its own way, and this problem slowly threatens the continuity of life chain for all beings in this earth. Owing to this problem, a contemporary philosopher, Sayyed Hosen Nasr expressed his thought to criticize the modern civilization with the globalization that continuously devastates the nature without considering how life goes well and how to make this not harm each other. One of the thoughts created by Nasr is his idea about ‘nature’, how to revive the nature, and the idea of eco-theology in this paper is the introduction of a piece of his thoughts that truly criticizes the modernity conception that revives the nature slowly. The result proposed by Nasr shows that he wants to reconcile the modernity without ‘God’ soul and turns it into the religious modernity that shows the nature is not supposed to be treated as the human wants, but the nature must be treated like the equal beings, to be maintained and to be preserved, because the human life is determined by how the nature goes.Copyright (c) 2017 by KARSA. All right reserved DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v25i1.1203

    Tawhid in Arabic Persfective: Semantic Studies

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    This research was conducted to examine the meaning of the word Tawhid in the Arabic language perspective and understand in depth the nature of the word Tawhid in various semantic linguistic perspectives of the Arabic language. This research is a qualitative research with the method used, namely the descriptive method of analysis. The method is used in analyzing the word Tawhid in various perspectives, especially in the Arabic perspective. The meaning of Tawhid contained in several Arabic dictionaries is very varied. Researchers use semantic analysis derived from several dictionaries, sharaf books, and the perspectives of experts who can be analyzed that the word "توحيد" is isim masdar, and is called the word "توحيد" because the true meaning of the word tawhid is to discuss God. In Arabic, the word Allah is isim so it can be said, the word tawhid is given to Allah. Therefore, the science of tawhid is a science that includes a discussion of the dzat-dzat of Allah, the asthma of Allah and af'al Allah and also the science that believes in the existence of Allah.  The researchers concluded that the basic meaning of the word Tawhid is to worship God with the total belief that there is "There is no God but Allah".   &nbsp


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    This study aims to determine: (1) The relationship between students' perceptionsof pedagogical competence and student fiqh learning outcomes, (2) Therelationship between teacher performance and student fiqh learning outcomes,(3) The relationship between students' perceptions of pedagogical competenceand teacher performance with student learning outcomes. learn fiqh students.This type of quantitative research with correlation research methods. Thepopulation is 107 students with a sample of 36 students taken by randomsampling technique. The data collection technique used is a non-test technique.The non-test technique, namely a questionnaire, was used to collect data onstudent perceptions of pedagogical competence and teacher performancevariables. While the variable of student fiqh learning outcomes through theresults of learning evaluation. The data analysis technique used is correlationand regression. The research results show: (1) there is a positive and significantcontribution between competencies pedagogy with student learning outcomesMTs. Al-Washliyah Percut Sei Tuan, (2) there is a positive and significantcontribution between teacher performance with student learning outcomes MTs.Al-Washliyah Percut Sei Tuan, and (3) there is a positive and significantcontribution together between pedagogical competence and teacher performance with learning outcomes students of MTs. Al-Washliyah Percut SeiT uan

    تـحليل معاني الـمجاز في سورة الرحمن

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    Al-qur'an adalah kalam Allah SWT, yang diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW. sebagai mukjizat. Disampaikan dengan jalan mutawatir dari Allah SWT. sendiri dengan perantara malaikat Jibril. Membaca Al-Qur'an dinilai ibadah kepada Allah. Al-Qur'an merupakan petunjuk bagi orang yang beriman dan bertaqwa. Di dalam Al-Qur'an terdapat rahmat yang besar dan pelajaran bagi orang yang beriman. Al-Qur'an merupakan petunjuk yang dapat mengeluarkan manusia dari kegelapan menuju jalan yang terang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui makna majaz dalam surah Ar-Rahman. Penelitian ini penelitian analisi conten. Sumber data diambil dari salah satu surah Al-Qur'an yaitu Ar-Rahman. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan cara langsung dan tidak langsung. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui dokumentasi dan metode analisis data menggunakan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian bahwa makna majaz dalam surah Ar-Rahman yaitu: majaz isti'arah tasrihiyah ada 2, majaz isti'arah ada 1, majaz mursal i'tibar ma kana ada 1, majaz mursal i'tibar ma sayakunu ada

    Teologi Rasional Pada Pesantren Tradisional: Telaah Konsep Teologi Pada Buku Daras Teologi Di Pesantren Musthafawiyah

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    : Rational Theology in Traditional Pesantren: An Analysis of Theological Concept of Theology Textbook in Pesantren Musthafawiyah. This essay tries to study whether the theological concepts that are written on thelogy text books at the Islamic boarding school of Musthafawiyah are rational or traditional. The methode used in this essay is an in-dept study on the theological concepts found in such textbooks while analyzing them through logic. This study reveals that theological concepts in those textbooks are is rational in character. The rationality of this theological concept is believed to be factor that lead to well reception by the community, graduates and especially active sudents of this boarding school and thus it can survive challenges till today. This rationality of the text is evident in such discussion as the existence of God, His attributes and justice, as well as on human actions and the articles of faith, all of which are based on logic rather than dogma like those of the Mu'tazilites'

    The Challenges and Obstacles to Exclusive Breastfeeding to Muslim Families in an Islamic and Health Perspective

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    Breastfeeding is very important for babies between 0-6 months. Islamic teachings recommend that a mother must breastfeed her children with the aim that the child will be healthy for the survival and development of the child in the future. The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that cause challenges and obstacles to exclusive breastfeeding in Muslim families in an Islamic and health perspective. This research is a further analysis of Indonesian Social Demographic and Health secondary data in 2017. This research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional research design. This research was conducted in Indonesia, where secondary data analysis was carried out from January to March 2023. The population in this study were married women aged 15-49 years who had children aged 0-6 months. The sample of this study were 3,319 mothers aged 15-49 years. Data analysis was performed using bivariate analysis with the chi-square statistical test. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between residence status and exclusive breastfeeding (p-value=0.009), there was a significant relationship between husband/partner's education level and exclusive breastfeeding (p-value=0.010), there was significant relationship between mother's work and exclusive breastfeeding (p-value=<0.001), and there is a significant relationship between wealth index combined and exclusive breastfeeding (p-value=<0.001). It is suggested to health workers and ustadz to increase education about the importance of giving 0-6 months breast milk in the perspective of health and Islamic religious teachings and it is suggested to health workers and ustadz to increase husbands' understanding about exclusive breast milk to increase the coverage of exclusive breast milk for mothers breastfeeding and does not hinder breastfeeding mothers in giving exclusive breast milk. Keywords: Health, Islamic Perspective, Mother's Mil

    Program Dinas Sosial Dan Tenaga Kerja Kota Subulussam Dalam Mengatasi Pengemis

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana program Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja Kota Subulussalam dalam mengatasi pengemis, bagaimana realisasi program yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja Kota Subulussalam dalam mengatasi pengemis, serta hasil yang telah dicapai oleh Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja Kota Subulussalam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan instrument pengumpul data observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian, adapun program Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga kerja Kota Subulussalam dalam mengatasi pengemis yaitu pemberdayaan sosial, rehabilitas sosial, jaminan sosial, dan perlindungan sosial. Sedangkan hambatan yang dihadapi oleh Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja Kota Subulussalam dalam mengatasi pengemis diantaranya tidak adanya penampungam/tempat panti rehabilitas, hal ini menjadi hambatan. Selain hambatan dalam mengatasi pengemis karena belum adanya wadah, atau penampungan/tempat untuk pengemis. Maka dari itu program Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja dalam mengatasi pengemis sangat pentin

    Using Audio Visual Media to Improve Muhadatsah Learning for Class VII Students at Mts Negeri 1 Tapanuli Tengah

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    This study aims to analyze: 1) teacher planning in the use of audio-visual media in the seventh grade Muhadatsah learning at MTs Negeri 1 Tapanuli Tengah, 2) the use of audio-visual media to improve Muhadatsah learning in seventh grade students at MTs Negeri 1 Tapanuli Tengah, 3) student learning outcomes by using audio-visual media in learning Muhadatsah class VII MTs Negeri 1 Tapanuli Tengah.This research was carried out with a qualitative approach, because the focus of the research is how to use audio-visual media in Muhadatsah learning, the reason the researcher uses this type of qualitative research is because the problem is not clear, holistic, complex, dynamic, and full of meaning so it is impossible for data on social situations to be captured. with instruments such as tests, questionnaires, interview guidelines. The results showed that: 1) In planning the use of audio-visual media, the teacher paid attention to the competency standards contained in the 2013 Curriculum. By paying attention to the existing competency standards, the material used did not deviate from the existing signs. Teachers also pay attention to the availability of supporting facilities and infrastructure so that the learning process can run smoothly and in accordance with the objectives. 2) Implementation of the use of audio-visual media in learning has a positive impact on students. Students get a new learning atmosphere, the classroom atmosphere becomes more interactive, learning becomes interesting, students become more enthusiastic and more motivated to take part in learning. 3) Learning outcomes have increased after the teacher uses audio-visual media. The increase in learning outcomes is also followed by an increase in the absorption of students in receiving lessons. As well as increasing the percentage of Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM)