10 research outputs found

    Many Labs 5:Testing pre-data collection peer review as an intervention to increase replicability

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    Replication studies in psychological science sometimes fail to reproduce prior findings. If these studies use methods that are unfaithful to the original study or ineffective in eliciting the phenomenon of interest, then a failure to replicate may be a failure of the protocol rather than a challenge to the original finding. Formal pre-data-collection peer review by experts may address shortcomings and increase replicability rates. We selected 10 replication studies from the Reproducibility Project: Psychology (RP:P; Open Science Collaboration, 2015) for which the original authors had expressed concerns about the replication designs before data collection; only one of these studies had yielded a statistically significant effect (p < .05). Commenters suggested that lack of adherence to expert review and low-powered tests were the reasons that most of these RP:P studies failed to replicate the original effects. We revised the replication protocols and received formal peer review prior to conducting new replication studies. We administered the RP:P and revised protocols in multiple laboratories (median number of laboratories per original study = 6.5, range = 3?9; median total sample = 1,279.5, range = 276?3,512) for high-powered tests of each original finding with both protocols. Overall, following the preregistered analysis plan, we found that the revised protocols produced effect sizes similar to those of the RP:P protocols (?r = .002 or .014, depending on analytic approach). The median effect size for the revised protocols (r = .05) was similar to that of the RP:P protocols (r = .04) and the original RP:P replications (r = .11), and smaller than that of the original studies (r = .37). Analysis of the cumulative evidence across the original studies and the corresponding three replication attempts provided very precise estimates of the 10 tested effects and indicated that their effect sizes (median r = .07, range = .00?.15) were 78% smaller, on average, than the original effect sizes (median r = .37, range = .19?.50)

    Cell factories converting lactate and acetate to butyrate: Clostridium butyricum and microbial communities from dark fermentation bioreactors

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    Abstract Background Interactions between microorganisms during specific steps of anaerobic digestion determine metabolic pathways in bioreactors and consequently the efficiency of fermentation processes. This study focuses on conversion of lactate and acetate to butyrate by bacteria of dark fermentation. The recently recognized flavin-based electron bifurcation as a mode of energy coupling by anaerobes increases our knowledge of anaerobic lactate oxidation and butyrate formation. Results Microbial communities from dark fermentation bioreactors or pure culture of Clostridium butyricum are able to convert lactate and acetate to butyrate in batch experiments. The ability of C. butyricum to transform lactate and acetate to butyrate was shown for the first time, with ethanol identified as an additional end product of this process. A search for genes encoding EtfAB complexes and their gene neighbourhood in C. butyricum and other bacteria capable of lactate and acetate conversion to butyrate as well as butyrate-producers only and the lactate oxidiser Acetobacterium woodii, revealed that the Etf complexes involved in (i) lactate oxidation and (ii) butyrate synthesis, form separate clusters. There is a more extent similarity between Etf subunits that are involved in lactate oxidation in various species (e.g. A. woodii and C. butyricum) than between the different etf gene products within the same species of butyrate producers. A scheme for the metabolic pathway of lactate and acetate transformation to butyrate in C. butyricum was constructed. Conclusions Studies on the conversion of lactate and acetate to butyrate by microbial communities from dark fermentation bioreactors or Clostridium butyricum suggest that a phenomenon analogous to cross-feeding of lactate in gastrointestinal tract also occurs in hydrogen-yielding reactors. A scheme of lactate and acetate transformation pathway is proposed, based on the example of C. butyricum, which employs flavin-based electron bifurcation. This process utilizes electron-transferring flavoprotein (Etf) complexes specific for (i) lactate oxidation and (ii) butyrate formation. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that such complexes are encoded in the genomes of other bacteria capable of lactate and acetate conversion to butyrate. These findings contribute significantly to our understanding of the metabolic pathways and symbiotic interactions between bacteria during the acidogenic step of anaerobic digestion

    Low-frequency electromagnetic fi elds in chosen school rooms of Katowice area

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    INTRODUCTION There are various magnetic field sources of unknown induction levels installed in schools. The aim of this research, is to evaluate level of magnetic induction in classrooms and workrooms of chosen schools in Katowice area. MATERIAL AND METHODS Magnetic induction measurements were taken in 10 primary schools, 12 middle schools and 4 secondary schools in Katowice area. Magnetic induction was measured in at least two classrooms i.e. in a computer science classroom and in a humanities subject classroom. Induction level was inspected by means of spot measurement. RESULTS In most schools, which were evaluated, magnetic induction level did not exceed 50 nT. Measurements taken in middle schools and secondary schools showed higher magnetic induction values in computer science classrooms in comparison to humanities subject classrooms. Mainly of year production and technical condition of installed computer equipment infl uenced magnetic induction level measured in computer science classrooms. Older computers generated higher levels of magnetic induction, in comparison to new equipment. In a part of one primary school, which was 120 years old, in humanities subject classrooms, measured magnetic induction was higher then 150 nT. In another primary school localized in highly industrialized area near coal mine, magnetic induction inspected in computer science classrooms was higher, then 400 nT, whereas induction level in humanities subject classrooms of this school oscillated around 100 nT. The highest levels of magnetic induction were measured in two schools, in which transformers were installed. The measured level of magnetic induction in one of the above mentioned schools was 200 nT. CONCLUSIONS Because diff erent magnetic induction levels are strictly related to the computer equipment type, the level of exposure of children and youth to magnetic induction should be evaluated, after installing the equipment.WSTĘP W budynkach szkolnych instalowane są różnego rodzaju źródła pól magnetycznych o nieznanych poziomach indukcji. Celem podjętych badań jest ocena poziomu indukcji magnetycznej w klasach i pracowniach szkolnych wybranych placówek oświatowych z terenu Katowic. MATERIAŁ I METODY Pomiary indukcji magnetycznej wykonano w 10 szkołach podstawowych, 12 gimnazjach i 4 liceach z terenu Katowic. Indukcja magnetyczna mierzona była w każdej szkole w co najmniej dwóch salach, tj. w pracowni informatycznej i pracowni do przedmiotów humanistycznych. WYNIKI W większości szkół poziom indukcji magnetycznej nie przekraczał 50 nT. Ujawniono wyższe wartości indukcji magnetycznej w pracowniach informatycznych w porównaniu do sal, w których odbywały się zajęcia z przedmiotów humanistycznych. Na poziom indukcji magnetycznej zmierzonej w pracowniach informatycznych miał wpływ stan techniczny zainstalowanego w nich sprzętu komputerowego, a także ich rok produkcji. Starsze komputery generowały wyższe poziomy indukcji magnetycznej w porównaniu do sprzętu nowego. W jednej ze szkół podstawowych w części budynku, którego wiek wynosił około 120 lat, w salach humanistycznych, zmierzona indukcja magnetyczna przekraczała 150 nT. W innej szkole podstawowej zlokalizowanej w silnie zindustrializowanym terenie przykopalnianym zmierzona w pracowniach informatycznych indukcja magnetyczna przekraczała 400 nT, a w salach humanistycznych tej szkoły, osiągała poziom 100 nT. Najwyższe poziomy indukcji magnetycznej zmierzono w dwóch szkołach, w których zainstalowane były transformatory, indukcja w salach lekcyjnych jednej z tych szkół osiągała wartość 200 nT. WNIOSKI Zróżnicowane poziomy indukcji magnetycznej wiążą się z rodzajem sprzętu komputerowego znajdującego się na wyposażeniu w pracowniach informatycznych, dlatego po ich zainstalowaniu należy ocenić poziom ekspozycji dzieci i młodzieży na pole magnetyczne

    Respective roles of non-pharmaceutical interventions in bronchiolitis outbreaks: an interrupted time-series analysis based on a multinational surveillance system

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    Background Bronchiolitis is a major source of morbimortality among young children worldwide. Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) implemented to reduce the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 may have had an important impact on bronchiolitis outbreaks, as well as major societal consequences. Discriminating between their respective impacts would help define optimal public health strategies against bronchiolitis. We aimed to assess the respective impact of each NPI on bronchiolitis outbreaks in 14 European countries. Methods We conducted a quasi-experimental interrupted time-series analysis based on a multicentre international study. All children diagnosed with bronchiolitis presenting to the paediatric emergency department of one of 27 centres from January 2018 to March 2021 were included. We assessed the association between each NPI and change in the bronchiolitis trend over time by seasonally adjusted multivariable quasi-Poisson regression modelling. Results In total, 42 916 children were included. We observed an overall cumulative 78% (95% CI −100–−54%; p<0.0001) reduction in bronchiolitis cases following NPI implementation. The decrease varied between countries from −97% (95% CI −100– −47%; p=0.0005) to −36% (95% CI −79–7%; p=0.105). Full lockdown (incidence rate ratio (IRR) 0.21 (95% CI 0.14–0.30); p<0.001), secondary school closure (IRR 0.33 (95% CI 0.20–0.52); p<0.0001), wearing a mask indoors (IRR 0.49 (95% CI 0.25–0.94); p=0.034) and teleworking (IRR 0.55 (95% CI 0.31–0.97); p=0.038) were independently associated with reducing bronchiolitis. Conclusions Several NPIs were associated with a reduction of bronchiolitis outbreaks, including full lockdown, school closure, teleworking and facial masking. Some of these public health interventions may be considered to further reduce the global burden of bronchiolitis

    Respective role of non-pharmaceutical interventions on bronchiolitis outbreaks, an interrupted time series analysis based on a multinational surveillance system

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    International audienceBackground Bronchiolitis is a major source of morbimortality among young children worldwide. Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) implemented to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 may have had an important impact on bronchiolitis outbreaks, as well as major societal consequences. Discriminating between their respective impacts would help define optimal public health strategies against bronchiolitis. We aimed to assess the respective impact of each NPI on bronchiolitis outbreaks in 14 European countries. Methods We conducted a quasi-experimental interrupted time-series analysis based on a multicentre international study. All children diagnosed with bronchiolitis presenting to the paediatric emergency department of one of the 27 centres from January 2018 to March 2021 were included. We assessed the association between each NPI and change in the bronchiolitis trend over time by seasonally adjusted multivariable quasi-Poisson regression modelling. Results In total, 42 916 children were included. We observed an overall cumulative 78% reduction (95%CI [−100;−54], p<0.0001) in bronchiolitis cases following NPI implementation. The decrease varied between countries from −97% (95%CI [−100;−47], p=0.0005) to −36% (95%CI [−79;+07], p=0.105). Full lockdown (IRR 0.21, 95%CI [0.14;0.30], p<0.001), secondary-school closure (IRR 0.33, 95%CI [0.20;0.52], p<0.0001), wearing a mask indoors (IRR 0.49, 95%CI [0.25;0.94], p=0.034), and teleworking (IRR 0.55, 95%CI [0.31;0.97], p=0.038) were independently associated with reducing bronchiolitis. Conclusion Several NPIs were associated with a reduction of bronchiolitis outbreaks, including full lockdown, school closure, teleworking and facial masking. Some of these public health interventions may be considered to further reduce the global burden of bronchiolitis

    Respective role of non-pharmaceutical interventions on bronchiolitis outbreaks, an interrupted time series analysis based on a multinational surveillance system.

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    Background Bronchiolitis is a major source of morbimortality among young children worldwide. Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) implemented to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 may have had an important impact on bronchiolitis outbreaks, as well as major societal consequences. Discriminating between their respective impacts would help define optimal public health strategies against bronchiolitis. We aimed to assess the respective impact of each NPI on bronchiolitis outbreaks in 14 European countries. Methods We conducted a quasi-experimental interrupted time-series analysis based on a multicentre international study. All children diagnosed with bronchiolitis presenting to the paediatric emergency department of one of the 27 centres from January 2018 to March 2021 were included. We assessed the association between each NPI and change in the bronchiolitis trend over time by seasonally adjusted multivariable quasi-Poisson regression modelling. Results In total, 42 916 children were included. We observed an overall cumulative 78% reduction (95%CI [−100;−54], p Conclusion Several NPIs were associated with a reduction of bronchiolitis outbreaks, including full lockdown, school closure, teleworking and facial masking. Some of these public health interventions may be considered to further reduce the global burden of bronchiolitis.</p