468 research outputs found

    La violència a les escoles: un fenomen sotmès a estudi

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    Obra ressenyada: Arón COHEN y Mohamed BERRIANE (dir.), De Marruecos a Andalucía : migración y espacio social. Granada : Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2011

    L'art de Guinea Equatorial

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    Mondialisation et enseignement supérieur : identités culturelles plurielles ou nivellement ?

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    Càlcul del pes ideal d'un patró de la classe Europa

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    Aquest treball consisteix en calcular el pes adequat d’un patró d’una embarcació de la classe europa, per un perfil d’una vela determinat. La raó de fer aquest treball és que he navegat molts anys amb aquest tipus de vaixell i m’agradaria aprendre’n la vessant més teòrica del món de la vela. És lògic que quan algú adquireix una vela, n’elegeixi una adequada a les seves característiques, tant físiques com en la manera de navegar es refereix. El meu estudi anirà a la inversa, en comptes de escollir una vela a partir d’un pes determinat, buscaré el pes ideal necessari per a un perfil de vela determinat. Per a poder realitzar el treball precisaré de diferents programes informàtics com un programa per modelar en 3D, un CFD, un programa d’hidrostàtica i estabilitat, i un programa per a realitzar el càlculs de pesos de la embarcació. Duré a terme tres estudis, l’aerodinàmic, l’hidrodinàmic, i el de la influència del pes del patró en el conjunt de forces

    La Formación Profesional en Europa

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    Vocational Training in European countries lies within the variety of Educational systems in office on this continent, which intends their convergence inside the European Union. In the 1980s, the most influential model for all our neighbouring countries was the dual German system, based on apprenticeship at working places and a minimum general training. In accordance with this conception we could basically order all the Vocational Training systems into two categories: "Academic" and "Professional". The first category is in favour of a comprehensive training which tries to match general and specific education with occupational training. The second category supports a type of Vocational Training in which most of the teaching time lies on the occupational training, with its technological and practical contents.La Formación Profesional en Europa tampoco escapa a la diversidad de los sistemas educativos que imperan en este continente que intenta confluir en la Unión europea. El gran modelo que, en los años ochenta, ha influido en la mayoría de los países de nuestro entorno ha sido el sistema dual alemán basado en la formación en centros de trabajo y en una formación general mínima. Con este planteamiento, podemos, de manera aproximada, agrupar en dos categorías los sistemas de formación profesional: una "academicista" y otra "profesional". La primera es una apuesta por una formación más integral que intenta combinar la cultura general y específica con la preparación profesional. La otra la mayor carga lectiva es la preparación profesional con sus contenidos tecnológicos y prácticos

    Carta para nuestro amigo Benno Sander

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    Ethanol fermentation- and ethylene physiology-related gene expression profiles in Red Delicious apples stored under variable hypoxic conditions and protocols

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    Dynamic Controlled Atmosphere (DCA) is beneficial in maintaining specific quality parameters but, due to the extreme oxygen levels applied, can cause adverse effects on the fruit by inducing excessive anaerobic metabolism and the production of off­flavors. The metabolic adaptation and responses of apples (Malus domestica Borkh.) cv. Red Delicious to static or dynamic oxygen concentrations (0.3 and 0.8%, with sequential shifts) during cold storage for 7 months were studied by monitoring quality parameters and the expression of genes involved in sugar, fermentative metabolism, and ethylene physiology. Ethanol content reached the highest levels (around 400 mg/kg FW) under 0.3% oxygen concentration and fruit firmness appeared to be reduced in samples accumulating the highest levels of ethanol. The oxygen switch was effective in reducing the ethanol concentrations with timing­dependent variable effects. The expression of fermentative (alcohol dehydrogenase, lactate dehydroge‐nase, pyruvate decarboxylase) and sugar metabolism (β‐amylase; phosphofruc‐tokinase; sucrose synthase) genes resulted to be differently affected by the hypoxic conditions imposed, in particular during the early stages of storage. Sucrose synthase expression appeared to be highly sensitive to changes in low oxygen concentration. Ethylene biosynthesis (ACC synthase and oxidase) genes showed marked differences in their expression in relation to the static and dynamic protocols and the hypoxic conditions, as well as six Ethylene Responsive Factors (ERF) genes, some of them possibly involved in the oxygen sensing mechanism operating in fruit tissues

    Multiple filamentation of non-uniformly focused ultrashort laser pulses

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    We propose the impingement of non-uniform wavefront curvature as a simple way to improve the longitudinal homogeneity of the plasma density along filaments generated by ultrashort laser pulses. We characterize multiple filamentation of a multiterawatt beam with different wavefront curvatures applied to specific regions in the transverse beam profile. In adequate conditions, the filamenting region is more homogeneously ionized, in the longitudinal direction, than in the case of uniform focusing. Moreover, the ionization maximum is located between the middle and the two thirds of the filaments in all investigated chirps and focus configuration