1,025 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana makna perkawinan menurut hukum agama dan bagaimana akibat hukum perceraian bagi PNS berdasarkan PP No 10 Tahun 1983 jo PP No 45 Tahun 1990. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Pada umumnya menurut hukum agama perkawinan adalah perbuatan yang suci (sakramen, samskara), yaitu suatu perikatan antara dua pihak dalam memenuhi perintah dan anjuran Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, agar kehidupan berkeluarga dan berkerabat tetangga berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan anjuran agama masing-masing. Jadi perkawinan dilihat dari segi keagamaan adalah suatu 'perikatan jasmani dan rohani' yang membawa akibat hukum terhadap agama yang dianut kedua mempelai beserta keluarga kerabatnya. Hukum agama telah menetapkan kedudukan manusia dengan ia man dan taqwa, apa yang seharusnya dilakukan dan apa yang tidak seharusnya dilakukan. Oleh karenanya pada dasarnya setiap agama tidak dapat membenarkan perkawinan yang berlangsung tidak seagama. 2.  Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang bercerai berdasarkan ketentuan PP Nomor 10 Tahun 1980 jo PP Nomor 45 Tahun 1990, harus memperoleh izin secara tertulis dari atasan dan Pejabat dan Pejabat dapat memberi izin atau menolak izin sesuai hirarki dan aturan/ketentuan yang berlaku. Bila terjadi perceraian, Pegawai Negeri Sipil wajib membagikan gajinya kepada bekas isteri dan anak-anaknya. Pemberian sanksi berat berupa hukuman disiplin berat sesuai PP Nomor 30 Tahun 1980, bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang tidak melaporkan perceraiannya setelah 1 bulan terjadinya perceraian dan selambat-lambatnya 1 tahun.Kata kunci:  Akibat Hukum, perceraian,  PN

    Pemberdayaan UMKM Emping Ngijon, Sendangarum, Minggir, Sleman Berbasis Digital Marketing

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    Pandemi Covid-19 menghantarkan permasalahan tidak hanya pada sektor kesehatan berdampak pula pada Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Pelaku UMKM memiliki keterbatasan ruang penjualan tatap muka sehingga perlu menggunakan pemasaran secara digital. Hal ini berlaku pula pada UMKM Emping Ngijon yang memproduksi emping namun belum memanfaatkan digital marketing dalam pemasarannya. Selama ini UMKM Emping Ngijon hanya melakukan pemasaran worth of mouth. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk menyelesaikan masalah pada UMKM Ngijon yakni memperbaiki system pemasaran berbasis digital, meningkatkan motivasi UMKM, dan memberikan pelatihan packaging yang lebih menarik untuk meningkatkan penjualan. Metode pelaksanaan pemberdayaan diawali dengan persiapan dan pembekalan termasuk didalamnya melakukan observasi, kemudian pelaksanaan program, menentukan keberlanjutan program, mengurai partisipasi mitra dalam pelaksanaan program, dan melakukan evaluasi. Hasil pelaksanaan pelatihan pemberdayaan UMKM Emping Ngijon menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan yakni 85% peningkatan pengetahuan UMKM Emping Ngijon tekait digital marketing. Peningkatan  85%, merasa puas dengan perubahan packaging, serta presentasi 80% terkait peningkatan motivasi dalam berwirausaha. Melalui Program Pengabdian ini memiliki novelty dan memberikan tambahan value kepada mitra Pengabdian serta pegiat UMKM untuk menyadari pentingnya penggunaan digital dalam pemasaran, pentingnya motivasi untuk menjaga stabilitas produksi dan packaging yang menarik untuk meningkatkan penjualan pada persaingan dagang di era pandemi COVID-19


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    The lack of public awareness and knowledge of the importance of managing household waste independently through a waste bank; The unavailability of an online information system that functions as communication, information and education related to the management of waste banks; Do not have promotional media for krajinan products originating from household waste; The lack of support from the village government in managing waste independently through this waste bank is a problem that occurs in garbage banks located in RW 17 Kradenan, Banyuraden Village, Gamping District, Sleman Regency, DIY. Based on these problems, this community service aims to empower the Kradenan Berseri waste bank through an online-based information system (SIOn). The use of online-based information systems (SIOn) will have an impact, waste banks are able to adapt quickly to stakeholder needs. In addition, this online-based information system (SIOn) can be used as a media for promotion and education as well as literacy related to the importance of managing household waste through waste banks to the public

    Evaluation of the Disaster Preparedness School Program at Sekolah Dasar Negeri Baluwarti and Sekolah Dasar Negeri Bangunrejo 1 in Yogyakarta

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    This study aims to determine the results of the evaluation of the implementation of the Disaster Preparedness School Program (SSB) as a Disaster Mitigation Step in Yogyakarta City with case studies of SD Negeri Bangunrejo 1 and SD Negeri Baluwarti. This study analyzed four stages, namely context (context), input (input), process (process), and product (results). The results showed that at the stage of context it could be categorized well where SD Baluwarti had fulfilled while SD Negeri Bangunrejo 1 only did not have a program organizational structure. At the input stage, it can be categorized sufficiently where SD Baluwarti only has no specific regulations related to the program and SD Negeri Bangunrejo 1 does not yet have specific regulations and curriculum related to the program. In the process stage, that has been going well where the SSB program is still running, it's just that SD Negeri Bangunrejo 1 is more focused on learning in the classroom while SD Negeri Baluwarti continues to simulate at least one use. At the product stage the SSB program was in line with the objectives of increasing school residents' preparedness for disasters

    A Stochastic Mean-Field Approach For Nuclear Dynamics

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    We propose a microscopic stochastic approach to improve description of nuclear dynamics beyond the mean-field approximation at low energies. It is shown that, for small amplitude fluctuations, the proposed model gives a result for the dispersion of a one-body observable that is identical to the result obtained previously through a variational approach. Furthermore, by projecting the proposed stochastic mean-field evolution on a collective path, a generalized Langevin equation is derived for collective variable, which incorporate one-body dissipation and one-body fluctuation mechanism in accordance with quantal fluctuation-dissipation relation.Comment: Paper is accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    The Urgency of the Bantul Regional Disaster Management Agency in Increasing Disaster Awareness among Women’s Community

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    Women are included in the list of vulnerable victims of disaster due to their lack of skills and lower physical strength than men. The role of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) as a communicator or messenger is required in the efforts to increase disaster awareness and information among women's community. This urgency is supported by the condition of the area which has a high risk of disaster as well as the fact that the total female population outnumbers the males. This research aims to find out how the BPBD of Bantul Regency uses social media to promote disaster awareness and information to the women's community. In the digital era, social media is considered capable of channeling messages more widely to reach underserved communities. This research used a qualitative method with a case study approach. The research results show that the BPBD of Bantul Regency have made some efforts to increase disaster awareness and information among women's community by involving direct participation. In carrying out the role, the communicator has a structured information delivery and processing chain by involving Pusdalops (the Operational Control Center) and teams from each field. This results in messages wrapped in the form of social media content, even though the disaster narrative does not yet represent efforts to increase disaster awareness and information for women's community. The target of this social media communication is the general public, both men and women. The existence of a structured information delivery and processing chain as well as mastered materials can make the messages reach the women's community. The researchers propose an alternative model for disaster communication through social media as an effort to increase disaster awareness and information among women's community without changing existing disaster information communication patterns. The researchers propose this model to fill the gap in the role of teams in each field who should have knowledge capacity related to the disaster awareness and information among women's communit

    Accountability Model for Utilization of Privilege Funds Special Region of Yogyakarta 2013-2017

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    This study describes the process of accountability of DIY special funds in realizing the prosperity of DIY society 2013-2017. Special Region of Yogyakarta is one of the regions that get the special policy in the form of asymmetric decentralization. This policy is effective since the enactment of Law Number 13 the Year 2012 on the Specialties of DIY. In particular, this regulation regulates 5 privileged affairs: the procedures for filling the positions, positions, duties and authorities of the Governor and Vice Governor, the regional government of DIY, the affairs of culture, the land affairs and spatial affairs. The hope that decentralization policy in Indonesia can improve the people's welfare significantly has not been fulfilled. This is like what happened in Yogyakarta Special Region which has special authority to manage its government affairs. However, these expectations still cannot be met well. This study aims to analyze the accountability model for the utilization of DIY privileged funds so as to provide policy recommendations to be taken. This research uses the qualitative method with data collection method with in-depth interview technique, elite interview, and documentation. The results showed that the poverty rate in DIY until March 2017 about 488.53 thousand people or about 13.02% and Ratio Gini DIY by 0.425%. This is not worth the number of privileged funds that increase each year. It is, therefore, necessary in the determination of success indicators of achievement and output in accordance with the output and outcome to be achieved. In addition, the accountability process also includes not only technical in report submission but also ensuring that process and involving the community in the planning process until accountability

    Quality of Healthcare Services in the Tengger Tribe Community of Ranu Pane Village

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    One of the primary functions of the state is to provide public services. Through their authority, the state is required to provide excellent service, in order to respond to public demands which gets increasingly complex. Ideally,  high-quality public services should not only be given to people in the urban areas, but also towards marginalized people, including isolated indigenous communities. This study intends to determine the extent of the quality of the public services provided to the Tengger Tribe community in Probolinggo Regency, East Java. The research is conducted in Ranupane Village, Probolinggo Regency. And the research method used is qualitative method, with the techniques for collecting data are interviews, observation and documentation. Results showed that the quality of healthcare services for the people of Tengger Tribe was not optimal. The influential factors are local culture, geographical location, infrastructure and the quality of government official resources. As for the recommendations offered are for the regional government to give an optimal healthcare service, through the placement of health workers (doctors, nurses, midwives) with adequate experience, repair infrastructures and build health facilities on Maternity Cottage (Polindes) and Assisting Health Center (Pustu) level, and creating innovation in healthcare specifically for marginalized communities like the Tengger Tribe and other tribes in Indonesia, in order to create a synchronization between medical and non-medical treatments

    Kebijakan Anggaran Dana Keistimewaan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    As a country where the economic system still depend on financing of the public sector, the expectation that decentralizationpolicy in Indonesia can improve significantly society welfare has not been fulfilled yet. Happened in Yogyakartawhich has special authority in control government affairs. Constitution no 13 years 2012 about DIY privileges consistof 5 things like filling the positions, seat, job and authorities governor and vice governor, institutional affairs, cultureaffairs, land affairs, and spatial affairs. With the constitution expected DIY government can guarantee right of societyto live in prosperity. However, the expectation still can not fulfilled either. This study aims to identify and explain thepolicy configuration of DIY Privileged Funds and determine the contribution of the DIY privileged funds in publicwelfare acceleration. The research type used is a qualitative approach. Data collection methods technique is deptinterview and elite interviews, and documentation
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